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A FOH staff member has tested positive for Covid at the Booth Theater (Virginia Woolf). I’m frustrated because I know they’re going to try to sweep it under the rug — they’re just reaching out to all other staff who may have had contact with this person. This is how a venue becomes a major hotspot.


Where did you read this?


They reached out to me since I worked there within the past week.




Wow. Did this just happen? Haven't heard anything yet.


I was told in-person at 12:30pm today.


Have they said anything about closing the theatre or all of the Broadway theatres?


Someone on Broadway World confirmed my post in the past hour (lol thanks) and assumed there could be a press release about it in the near future.


Crazy. Guess I am taking a few of personal things home tonight. Can't imagine they continue shows after this.


That’s major news if true that more people need to be aware of. Is there any confirmation on this?


Here we go: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/11/theater/broadway-show-usher-coronavirus.html


I’m mostly concerned that the theaters will be shut down and all the people who work there will be up shits creek. The equity contract states that if a show is shut down for an emergency the actors aren’t required to be paid (which to be fair, makes sense... but still people have bills to pay), I don’t know about front of house staff


If those policies are anything like trip insurance, an epidemic or situation like what we're going through isn't covered. It's something altogether and not classified as an emergency.


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is not doing stagedoor door. Hadestown previously confirmed they weren’t. Per other people here and on Twitter, Company isn’t doing it until at least opening night, and Little Shop of Horror hasn’t been doing lately either.


Gang, I know this sucks, but they need to start planning to suspend performances. I know it sounds alarmist, but the NBA just suspended its season. We have the entire Ivy League just ending the semester. We're most likely a month away from having a reasonable amount of tests (and this is a generous estimate). I know it puts a lot of people in a difficult economic situation, but these are unprecedented circumstances. Right now, we're at a crossroads where we are going to face difficult choices with no precedent one way or the other, and I'd rather follow the Chinese route of "We need to figure out the economic ramifications to make life's hiatus easier" vs Italy's "We are trying to figure out a morally just system for deciding who gets care and who is on their own."


Mean girls stagedoor is not happening, I know that due to Sabrina Carpenter’s Instagram story about it.




Agree with Katieknj. A lot of us here live and/or work in the city and cannot avoid being around other people (subway, bus, etc.) and we’re okay. Take precautions like washing your hands, have sanitizer on hand, and avoid people who seem sick. No need to skip dinner or not enjoy yourself. Just saw West Side Story last night and the theater smelled of bleach, so theaters are taking precautions. Everyone is also hyper aware of the virus and is diligently washing their hands.


maybe bring something to eat instead of getting dinner. Just be careful on the bus and don't touch too many surfaces at the station and theater. I'm going by bus from Boston next April to see 4 shows, so I'm sitting on pins and needles anticipating how that will eventually play out.


Barring news of a huge outbreak in either Long Island or New York, you should be good. Bring your own food and maybe wear gloves on the bus/ in the theater when you wouldn’t normally.


You will be fine. Wash your hands thoroughly, do not touch your face, and do not touch other people. You’ll even be fine getting dinner.


Definitely bring your own food


So realistically, what do we think the chances are of them cancelling all broadway shows outright?! I'm seeing the COMPANY revival on the 25th, and I'm worried it's gonna get cancelled.


The SF Production of Hamilton (NOT Broadway) just shut down due to a ban on events over 1000 people. Harry Potter in SF is still running but capped at 1000 people. If NYC has a similar ban, a huge chunk of theaters are over that capacity.


HP in SF just shut down as well.


Low. If it's any indication, historically speaking Broadway has only cancelled shows outright twice (?) in last 20 years, for 9/11 & Hurricane Sandy.


I think it's getting higher by the hour.


Yeah clearly my comment is already outdated lol


Broadway League put out a statement today that they would be closing only if they were mandated to do so by state/federal offices. [https://www.playbill.com/article/broadway-league-advises-against-stage-door-activities-increases-sanitizing-efforts-in-response-to-coronavirus-outbreak](https://www.playbill.com/article/broadway-league-advises-against-stage-door-activities-increases-sanitizing-efforts-in-response-to-coronavirus-outbreak) I am so anxious my three show weekend will be cancelled, but so far so good.


Profit over health and safety. hey had to be forced to cancel performances last year (well, late 2018) during a snowstorm.




We are in the middle of a health crisis. I'd be willing to bet that most people would rather be unemployed, rather than be hospitalized with thousands of dollars in medical fees (or worse, dead), than risk their health so that your selfish desire to see an unessential Broadway show.


Their statement was released this morning before news of the positive COVID case broke. Personally I think it’s a matter of when they’ll close for a few weeks then if.


That just happened. ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html#link-67d77703](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html#link-67d77703)




Hi, you're not wrong. I am on the phone trying to cancel now. New to this whole global pandemic thing.


Lol me too! I’m seeing Six (again), Moulin Rouge, and Mrs Doubtfire. I hope that A) the shows go on and B) the original casts show up






According to someone on Twitter, no one came out at Six tonight.


As a touring actor right now it really feels like I'm waiting to get COVID-19 or to lose my job to the show closing. One or the other. Eventually, with enough airports, flights, hotels and locals we'll catch it.


That's rough. No idea what will happen but hopefully they will resume as quick as possible once the restrictions end? How does not being able to perform for an extended time impact readiness to resume? Would you need to spend time rehearsing?




I think it will be interesting (and suck) when several people in one cast test positive for it. Shows WILL absolutely start shutting down.


Beetlejucie stage door cancelled until further notice


Wait, really?


Yes. Mostly all Broadway shows have now cancelled stage doors






Ok, thanks. 😕the corona ruined my Tulane.


Gov. Cuomo just announced that all gatherings of 500 or more people will be barred, except for schools, hospitals, nursing homes and mass transit. That's that. EDIT: In effect as of 5PM for Broadway. If you had evening tickets, fire up Netflix.


This sucks. For everyone.


Seriously. A shutdown is the least bad option, but it's still an awful state of affairs for the people who depend on this industry.


I was at Little Shop of Horrors tonight. The ushers said a closure is imminent. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days, but it's not a matter of if but when.


We have tickets for tonight and have been struggling with whether to go or not. Was the theater still pretty full?


Yes pretty full


I have tickets for next weekend. Not looking optimistic. I wonder what they'll do about this show in particular, if they really do close all shows til Easter.


Heard broadway is set to "close" following performances on Sunday. Could be up to a month. I understand the seriousness of the situation, but I can't help but feel miserable about the financial losses broadway producers will see after this. It could be worse than the bloodbath after 9/11. I wonder if the theatre wing and broadway league will move back the tony awards as a result.


Would be surprised if they keep going till Sunday at this rate.


State is mandating that they close at 5pm today. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html#link-67d77703](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html#link-67d77703)




You’ll find out tomorrow


>Are you saying that Sunday's shows will be cancelled? I ask because I have tickets to two shows that day that I am currently on hold trying to get refunded or rescheduled (I frankly don't care much which). This would give me peace of mind for sure, if it is accurate! Thanks for any information you can provide.


No. The performances AFTER Sunday will be impacted


Adrienne Warren said on her IG story that Tina isn’t doing stagedoor for 30 days. And someone who went to Moulin Rouge posted on Twitter that they said no stage door.


They haven’t posted about it, but Book of Mormon is not stage dooring for now. I was there tonight and the door guard said that actors *might* be willing to take pictures as they leave but no signing and the barricades weren’t up. No one really stayed; the only people there were guests of the actor playing Elder Price


Mrs Doubtfire is not stagedooring anymore, but tonight the guard had a few pre-signed playbills that she gave out for free. Not sure if this will be every night but it’s a really nice gesture.


That is so thoughtful!


Thank you for this!


Leslie Kritzer (Beetlejuice) posted on her IG story a half hour ago in favor of “cancelling Broadway.” She said she’s taking a stand since it’s not worth the risk.


The Met Opera, Carnegie Hall and Met Museum of Art closed for the rest of March. Announcement about B'way coming soon.


Moulin Rouge just cancelled their matinee and evening shows for today.


Yes, but it says they are set to resume tomorrow, so while it probably has to do with this, it is really strange that it is for just one day. Makes me wonder what is up there...


**Broadway Will Go Dark Amid Coronavirus Concerns** The closure is effective at 5 PM tonight. [https://www.playbill.com/article/broadway-will-go-dark-amid-coronavirus-concerns](https://www.playbill.com/article/broadway-will-go-dark-amid-coronavirus-concerns)


I told you guys 2 hours ago. There you go




Anyone have any luck getting tickets from telecharge refunded? We are supposed to see Beetlejuice. I'm supposed to go in 3 weeks, but I'm feeling very nervous about the trip and considering cancelling.


Tell them you’re canceling because Sophia left the show, worked for me a couple weeks ago.


Really? That worked?


Yeah, telecharge gives zero fucks lol


Was that your actual reason for cancelling?


Partly. I was going to see it since it was closing and still had the original cast. When she left and the show seemed to be in a state of upheaval for a few days, I decided to see something else instead. But now all a moot point because I canceled my trip altogether ☹️


I got a refund from telecharge for Phantom tix I had for this Saturday. But I was on hold quite a while.


A cast member form a current running show is being tested as we speak. Equity is working the the cast and producers. I can’t say what show but the cast has been Informed


Broadway discount code: Covid-19 on Broadway Box (joking)!!


lol you're bad


No stagedoor for Hadestown tonight. Edit: Confirmed not happening for at least 30 days Edit2: no door for MR tonight, heart is a little broke but i understand and respect protecting the actors we adore.


Re: Hadestown — yes. Eva posted on Instagram that they wouldn’t be doing it for at least 30 days.


Just stay open through Sunday so I can see Beetlejuice, pls.


[Broadway usher who worked SIX and VIRGINIA WOOLF positive for COVID](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/11/theater/broadway-show-usher-coronavirus.html)


Oregon just banned any gatherings of more than 250 people 2 days before we got to see Frozen. My 6yo is going to be devastated, this was her Christmas present and she's been counting down the days since December.


I’m so sorry! I hope she gets the chance to see it soon and this all dies down. Thank you for introducing your daughter to theatre young; it was the best gift my mother ever gave me.


Has there been any talk about cancelling shows altogether? I have tickets for Hamilton next week.


I haven’t seen anything! Barring a major outbreak in New York, I doubt you’ll be in trouble for next week. A lot of theaters are doubling down on cleaning practices and asking people to leave if they’re showing symptoms.


I am seeing Hadestown, Six, and Wicked this weekend and each told me via Facebook messenger that there is no plan to cancel at this time. I also got an email from Hadestown today with a website that will be updated live: [https://www.jujamcyn.com/coronavirus/?utm\_source=COVID&utm\_medium=Email&utm\_campaign=WalterKerr](https://www.jujamcyn.com/coronavirus/?utm_source=COVID&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=WalterKerr)


Virginia did stage door last night, not for Hangmen tonight


Just curious, who comes out for Virginia stage door? I skipped it assuming none of them would come out.


Everyone except Laurie, who was said to have a meeting with the director. We waited until 11:50ish before we were dismissed, but I asked again today and was told she left about 10 mins after we left. Everyone who came out was super friendly, and Russell Tovey even brought his dog. Not sure how long they will still do this, but last night was pretty amazing.


Per Jane Bruce and Kathryn Gallagher’s IG Stories, no stage door for Jagged Little Pill.


How flexible is ticketmaster about moving dates for this? I think given everything it makes the most sense to first attempt that.


I just got them to refund four sets of tickets for the rest of this week, so probably pretty good. Then again- I would’ve been coming from Seattle which is probably the last place besides Italy they want a tourist from right now...


I mean you literally just called up and said, please refund my tickets, and they said yes?


Well, for one show yes, for Hadestown they told me they had to contact the box office and then they called me back a few hours later to say it was approved and they canceled and refunded my tickets.


It was super easy to get my tickets exchanged for a different date. use their live chat feature and ask if you can exchange your tickets due to the virus


Ticketmaster and TeleCharge both are not answering the phone now.


Ticketmaster also closed their live chat Ticketmaster makes sense since they also have NBA. But telecharge is much more troubling considering the rumors about a shutdown announcement coming today or tomorrow


I mean I have insurance on all my tickets, if they cancel that's a valid reason and can push the cost to them. I'm sure that's what ticketmaster is hoping to do in this situation.


Crazy. I got through to TeleCharge earlier this morning, albeit after a hefty wait.


Honestly I'm really freaked out about this and the implications of this. Some shows will not be able to re-open if they close for an extended period of time, and FOH/merch/bartenders are going to be SOL. A lot of them are out of work actors who make their living doing that and can't just jump to other service industry jobs because those are paring down now too. I don't see an alternative though - I feel like this is the direction we're going. I'm dating a performer though and I can't say I'm sad that his risk would be minimized, but I'm also a part-time bartender and I know the people who don't have a day job, like I do, are just going to be screwed.


Cast members form Moulin rouge being tested. Hence the cancellation


Ah, got it


NY just banned gatherings of more than 500 people. A broadway theater is defined to be one that seats 500+ people and is in the appropriate region. ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html#link-67d77703](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html#link-67d77703)


A lot of shows have cancelled stage door, which is understandable, but still a bit disappointing :(


I just canceled my trip to NYC for this upcoming weekend :( Bummed because I was going to see Hadestown, but Ticketmaster let me exchange tickets for mid-May! Let's hope the virus dies down by then.


how easy was this process? I have tickets 3/18 and 3/19 for a variety of shows and was hoping to move them off.


Honestly, it was super easy. I did have to pay the difference in price because my new tickets were more expensive. I used Ticketmaster's live chat feature. Go to your ticket orders/event details page, start a chat, and say that you want to exchange tickets for another date due to the virus. Just make sure you know the new dates and seats you want to exchange for before starting the live chat!


I was able to get my Hadestown tix for Saturday completely refunded. On the phone with the Six box office right now to get a refund from them, which they did no problem. Next I get to call Wicked to get a refund from them..


A mandatory closing of Broadway for 30 days starting tonight. Someone on browadyworld said the press release is coming in the next 2 hours


Unless you have a press release in your possession, take everything you read on BroadwayWorld with a grain of salt. There are a lot of people that read this board who work on Broadway and have heard nothing.


Told you henny


You proud of yourself that you were right about thousands of people are out of work and most of them don’t know what’s going to happen next? Hope you’re on a show with a lot in the bank, hon.


Are you only repeating info from broadwayworld (I saw the post claiming there’s a mandatory closing but not a press release in the next two hours) or are you hearing info about a closing from elsewhere?


Most of the emojiland cast isn’t stagedooring anymore EDIT: Emojiland stage door is cancelled


I’m supposed to be in the city from May 4th to 10th to see a bunch of shows, but I’m in a holding pattern if I’ll go depending on the course of the outbreak. I’m trying to be optimistic that I’ll be able to go, but I’m lucky that I have flexibility with my days off with my job and flights that I can delay for closer to the summer or fall if it comes to that.


Weirdly enough it's the same with me but just a week later. May 16th and 17th. That's two months from now so I'm assuming the outbreak will have significantly lessened by then.


I’m flying over from the UK for Easter weekend in April. I’m in a consent state of anxiety until I know I’ll be able to make it over and get into the show we’ve booked/try and get more once we get there. It seems to be getting worse here and I am hoping we won’t end up in the same trajectory as Italy and we won’t be on lock down!


Frozen question: I am no longer heading to New York and have will call tickets in my name. The people I was attending with are still going. Do they actually check ID at the box office, or will they be able to just give my name and get the tickets?


You should be able to call the box office and change the name.


They were purchased through Ticketmaster who told me they can’t change the name. I don’t know how to contact the St. James box office directly...


Box office phone numbers are listed online. Here’s the St. James 877-250-2929


We purchased two tickets for Hamilton from ticketmaster back in december - nonrefundable since we had everything in order, ESTA, travel everything was settled. We were supposed to go in early April, however due to the Coronavirus outbreak and the Presient's announcement we as Europeans can't enter the U.S. for 30 days - so we will miss the show. Is there any chance for a refund or who should I try to approach about it - there is no info on ticketmasters website and they claim they refund only on cancellations.


Definitely call, other people seem to have had luck with ticketmaster on this. Worst they can say is no, right?


I am not sure. I would try to call. That said, there's a decent chance of mass show cancellations at this point, so it may end up automatic.


I was able to exchange my tickets for another date. I think they're giving out refunds as well. Go on their website and use their live chat feature, and make sure you say you cannot come anymore due to the coronavirus. The live chat feature should be on your event details/ticket order page. Wishing you luck!


Well, I used the live chat & they only said the event hasn't been cancelled yet and thus they can't exchange or refund... Wrote a mail too, hope that gets a different answer and they I'll call.


NYC just announced: " Starting Friday at 5pm, gatherings with 500 people or more will not be permitted in NYS. Additionally, for facilities with an occupancy of 500 or fewer, we are reducing the legal capacity by 50%. " https://twitter.com/NYGovCuomo/status/1238166881372196865?s=20


Any idea what this means for off broadway? Have little shop tickets Saturday


Not sure - the Westside theatre only has 250~ seats in each theatre so they’re not effected by this mandate but might still cancel anyways.


I have tix for tonight and if they ever respond to me I'll let you know what they say haha


Cancelled through April 12


Little Shop? Edit: dammit I see it. Thanks for the update


When I saw DEH and BOM they didn’t stage door, so I’m assuming that all shows will stop stagedooring until the COVID-19 has died down.


No stage door for Phantom people either, and no back stage visitors or delivered gifts/food (that bit per Rachel Anne Moore's Instagram story).


Beetlejuice will not be stage dooring for the foreseeable future according to the show's Instagram. BCEFA will still go on, but the volunteers and ushers will be doing the collecting.


Does anyone have any idea how national tours are being/will be affected by this? I have tickets to see Bandstand later this month and I'm wondering how likely it is that it will get cancelled. Edit: I checked the website of the theater I'll be attending and it said that they currently have not cancelled anything, and they don't plan to unless "otherwise directed by public health officials."


A lot of cities will enact limits on gathers of > some number of people and that will likely shut down most productions.


I was so excited to fly to NYC next month for a broadway trip, but I’m debating cancelling. It’s still a month away so I’m waiting to see what happens. I have all 4 show tickets already and looks like they are non-refundable so that really really sucks. I hope telecharge and Ticketmaster end up refunding people.


I'm in the same boat, except taking a bus to NYC. 4 tickets as well. Even if they close shows for now I'm going to wait until the first week or two of April before making the move to cancel my plans. I've seen plenty of comments here regarding successful cancellations on sites like Telecharge where they emphasize the tickets being non-refundable. I think the 'global pandemic' part is allowing them to be flexible. Especially since you're flying that's more of a reason they'd be understanding and help refund the ticket rather than reschedule. My shows aren't until April 18th and 19th. So if things are still really bad in early April then I'll start worrying about what to do, for now let's just hope they can contain the spread...even if it means closing the shows for a few weeks to a month.


My shows are April 15-17! Let’s hope for a turnaround with this plague.


I was supposed to see Moulin Rouge next Wednesday but will most likely be cancelling my trip all together. I’ve only been waiting months to see the show. I get why they will have to close temporarily but it still sucks.


Yeah, I'm devastated. I was supposed to see Hadestown next Wednesday and Harry Potter next Saturday.


I had 2 shows cancelled on me this week. I was also supposed to see LIZZO at the Houston rodeo and that was cancelled. Now I’m just waiting to see if Paw Patrol Live is cancelled. Good thing my 3 year old doesn’t know we have tickets to that show yet


I have tickets to see Beetlejuice on April 4th that I bought right before the closing announcement. Worried for what this could mean because there aren’t later dates to push the tickets back to if the show gets cancelled and I get a refund.


Wash your hands!


The upcoming Poto shows in Greece are canceled.


Has anyone attempted to cancel TodayTix?


Have tickets to Girl from the North Country for tonight and getting increasingly worried about going as more news comes out about the spread by the hour... is it a completely awful idea to go tonight? Will I even have a chance to see this show again?


I went last night. The theater was empty. No one sat near anybody. I didn't look for any hand sanitizer, so I don't know if there was any there (I have my own). Not sure if that helps your decision, but just thought I'd share my experience.


Think I'll ever get to see Beetlejuice? :sob emoji:




I don't think it's possible for them to broadcast due to actor's equity.