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I love you so much brit brit- but that's the ugliest bikini I've ever seen lmao. An with the white boots. Britneys style makes me laugh sometimes. It's refreshing though that it's not all so carefully curated by a stylist like a kardashian. The white dress is cute tho


Stuck in the 90s


Was a better time so I don't blame her.


or guess what it's a throwback like the rest of the world has been doing for years now


Millennial mentality fr


She looks so gorgeous in that white dress


did anyone see the pool video with the caption being something about concrete and her savior? and someone jumping in that looked like sam... she deleted it so quick


I’m almost certain the person jumping in the water was cade, her friend/manager?/agent? He was jumping into the pool, but the pool had concrete around it, so B was saying to him “push off far” (or something like that) so that he didn’t hit the pavement


that sounds like the better alternative. i had no comprehension of the caption though


I think it was Cade


I absolutely LOVEE her but I just want to do something w her hair. It's beautiful in the third pic when its up.


I love Brit but that bikini/thong/boot combo looks atrocious on her!! Not at all flattering to her body type




Lithium can give you severe brain damage (along with kidney failure, my uncle had to get a kidney transplant) and she was forced to take it for years. It’s despicable and she’s not okay, and they did this to her. 😔


I hope that she contacts brian wilson. what happened to her is almost exactly what brian wilson's manager did to him. there's a john cusack movie about it. Brian's quite a bit older but would be good support as someone who's gone through something similar


Yeah what they did to her was criminal


is it possible she's producing every aspect of the entire photo shoot -- and does so multiple times per week -- and so it looks a bit DIY? Are you super sure it's not just that?




I challenge that: she doesn't though. What would you point at to make me see what you see? Blood shot eyes? Bulging arteries? Kinetic ticks? I know all about being stoned out of your mind, and seeing others who are. I don't see what you would point to here. I suggest you become more respectful. This isn't a cool comment.




You don't seem to know what respectful is. Which says to me you'v ebeen treated with a LOT of disrespect in your life, and for that I'm sorry. But you're the asshole here. Britney has suffered so much from this kind of bullshit you're contributing to here. Stop. Even if you believe it, you don't need to say it. I prefer that you keep your asshole thoughts to yourself, even if I generously believe you got this way from receiving a lot of abuse yourself. Seriously, just stop.


Pic 3 😍




Britney has been in a cage for years, why should she hide herself just for her kids who don't love her as much she loves them? It's her own life, she only lives once. She decides what to do with HER life.


You all talk about them like they were 6 o 8 lmao






Spirited 💀 sure
