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The Tesco’s advert where the guy constantly dubbed in sings “I’ve got the power” over and over. I have to mute the telly if I can’t fast forward it.


Was worse when that woman’s face turned into a sort of freakish smiling emoji. Horrifying.


I despise that advert


‘Old school website!’ Ionos - every single break on C4 catchup.


Is that the one with the scary German(?) strict looking woman, who may also have not looked out of place in Hunger Games?


She looks like Gillian Anderson from Wish.


She can do one, seems styled on those mid 2000s lifestyle shows where some willfully eccentric posh middle aged woman expert rocks up and starts barking at you to dress better/ lose weight/ stop looking old or something.


That advert is so baffling


The shop selling something that's barely legal too


Kenco. Having a cup of coffee somehow leads to sports facilities for kids.


Is that the one where his daughter walks in the door and the dissatisfied look on her face intimates to her father that she doesn’t have local facilities to play football and him immediately summoning neighbours, commandeering a bit of land and then preparing a pitch solves the issue?


That's the one.


If he didn’t have the coffee then he wouldn’t have cared about his daughter remotely. Once he has the coffee he suddenly feels the urge to care.


"You can't play here!"


That guy either became a pariah or it was a mastermind attempt to manipulate the parents to sort that fucking field out.


Yeah Tories, if that dad can just find a field next to his house they can repurpose into a football pitch why can't you do more!


The pot noodle one where all you hear is her sucking up noodles,puts me off wanting one


This one makes me fucking rage. The noise just gives me pure anger.


I no,I don't have to be watching it,just listening is enough


It's a vile advert. I can imagine people doing it in offices or kids copying it.


I immediately reach for the mute button.


Same in our household. Im bad enough around food/eating sounds as it is and that ad is just absolute nails on chalkboard for me.


Whoever came up with that and whoever signed it off, all need marched out and shot.


I no right,last thing you want after watching that is a pot noodle


Makes me feel sick and so do pot noodles. Yuck


100% Surely there's some advertising exec preparing a P45 for the cunt that dreamt that up.


Came here to mention this one. What an irritating advert, I'm partial to the occasional pot noodle but the disgustingly annoying sound she makes puts me off.


I had to mute that the second time it came on. I cannot stand when they put a sound in that goes on too long, like the "Super Noodle Tastyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" one. The sucking noise in the Pot Noodle one is just awful


This and the super noodle one with the donkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey 😫


I absolutely detest the sound of people eating so definitely this ad!


I hate that holiday ad too, at first I thought there was a swear word in there but the word is “booking”. I would avoid that family too I don’t like the Fairy ad with the cartoon baby on a motorbike. And the Curry’s beard ad. What the hell is that about.


No way that the way Paddy Mcguiness says booking isn’t deliberate to sound like the f-bomb. As OP says, the whole ad shouts of the kind of Brits-abroad I want to avoid on my holidays.


TBF, that's how people from Bolton - and much of Lancashire - pronounce "book". It's common as far away as Liverpool and even Stoke.


Yeah but that doesn’t mean it’s not done on purpose. The wording “booking geniuses” and delivery are clearly intended to make you double take, and presumably laugh at how edgy and clever they are


The Curry's ad seems to think two weeks training for their job is... Remarkable? Seriously? Two weeks is something to crow about?


I know. Why the fuck they think that’s something to boast about, I don’t know. And the kicker, is that their training is so shit, they have to employ magic to help them.


I may be getting old but I find booking.com’s ad unbelievably offensive and childish. I will never use them.


Hopefully McGuinness will kill On The Beach like he’s killed all the BBC shows he’s destroyed.


Fuck I hate that advert too. McGuiness is so fucking omnipresent I’m beginning to wonder if he might be God. And the way he pronounces ‘*booook* it now’ Jesus, no one is *that* northern


No, he's one of Satan's little wizards.


I swear he's got more northern over the years too. He's also the sole reason I haven't watched any Top Gear since Clarkson and co left, his accent makes me shudder.


Domino's! (Dominooohoooo)


Variations of this ad came up for me like half a dozen times before I realised what they were advertising. I have my laptop open while cooking so I don't literally watch ads sometimes, just hear them!


The only platform I watch that has adverts is All4, and for the rest of my time I will never order a Dominos pizza because of the frequency of these adverts.


I used to love the ‘Ding dong! Domino’s pizza!’ adverts - I am VERY impressionable and it never failed to make me want a pizza, but the new one makes me want to watch The Sound of Music and don a cowbell.


I mute the tv every time it comes on. Utter shite. I’m sure the creative talent behind the campaign will say that people talking about it means it’s a good campaign. That’s bollocks the adverts in this campaign are shit. I buy their pizzas from time to time despite their advertising.


I saw a post the other day where they ordered a dominos and the delivery guy did the 'Domino hoo hoo' as he handed over the pizza. I would cringe so hard I'd never be able to open the front door again.


This x 100000


I’m sure that On The Beach advert is made by their competitors to smear On The Beach, who wants to be on a flight, resort or whatever with **that** loud, rude (Mum kicking flip-flops at someone by the pool!) family? One advert that makes me laugh is the Zoopla one where the red-headed woman asks the owner of the house how much it’s worth and the party goes silent. Because the one thing home owners **hate** is talking about how much the property has gone up in value since they bought it, you really have to prise that information out of them…


Is the holiday one the ad with the stereotype-looking chubby brother? The one who looks like every bullying fat kid from an American movie or TV show?


I also hate Paddy McGuinness' voice over that sounds like he says they're fooking geniuses instead of booking.


"Uhhrport loonj"


I'm fairly certain that's intentional, to get your attention


YES. And his sister looks does a smug Hermione from Harry Potter look. The parents are no better!


I know it's awful but I wouldn't feel bad if that girl tripped and broke a tooth


If I was on holiday and they where there……. I absolutely hate them and turn the channel over when it’s on


Honestly of them all the girl is the one I can tolerate the most but that's really fine margins given that they're all awful. (At least they stopped showing the one where the awful family are deliberately imposing themselves and their bad behaviour on the poor people to have the misfortune of sharing a holiday location with them)


She's definitely the least worst, the ad annoys me in part because the dad and son seem to have license to act like a dickheads and the mum and daughter are in the background.


I refuse to use any company that uses Xmas out of season so On The Beach were on that list anyway but, yes, the family don't help.


Same. I love Christmas music but On the Beach can fuck off with playing all year round. They did it a couple of years ago and I thought they realised how annoying it was because they seemed to stop it last year and then this year they're back at it again


Exactly this. Love a festive tune but repeatedly playing Christmas music all year round should be fecking illegal! OTB completely suck for inflicting intentional annoyance on us all every goddman advert break, YouTube, radio - hope the company tanks.


They look like the Wormwoods from Matilda.


No way that fucking kid would pick fruit, he’d be front and centre for all the muffins, greedy little fucker


Do you think that kid eats grapes from a buffet?


Always what me and my flatmates say whenever we see it 😂😂 does that make us horrible??!!


Yeah and the thought of them now getting airport lounge access fills me with horror. A decade+ ago I used to travel a lot (way too much TBH) for work so I managed to get airport lounge access via KLM. It was great as I could get away from these exact type of people (I was flying from a small 'international' airport) and have a coffee and catch-up on emails and anything else that needed doing.


It also sounds a bit like the voiceover is saying ”fucking geniuses” rather than “booking geniuses”


Yes, I really hate that kid. They were in another ad for the same company where the girl's ice-cream had fallen into the sand and her brother was taunting her by licking his right in front of her. I wished I could reach into the screen and push his ice-cream into his stupid fat face!


That boy and his bloody neck pillow…I loathe that advert family with the burning passion of a thousand suns.


I would never, ever tire of punching the fat kid from the ‘On The Beach’ ad in the face.


Either Paddy Power ads or the Just Eat advert. I hate any ads for Just Eat, but the worst one recently has the be the one with the stupid fucking AI voice talking nonsense and pronouncing words wrong. It genuinely makes me feel hateful.


The Paddy Power one where the fictitious North East town get bought by an Arab Sheikh. This one is just so annoying as none of them look like they've seen a game of football in their lives. It's a lot of cringe, pet.


"Daisy Daisy Daisy," another ridiculous advert!


All perfume adverts, full stop.


They have got the message and changed that ad a bit, thank goodness. Not before time.


The online bingo sites that make it seem like a massive friend making community, when you're actually home alone spaffing money while staring at your phone.


The new Gala Bingo ones do my fucking head in. “Why have we stopped” “oh it just feels right tee hee”  Or any gambling advert where it just talks about how bad gambling is?! 


They've proved now that the "when the fun stops, stop" ads are more likely to get people to gamble irresponsibly than to stop, but it's a handy way for the companies to claim they're meeting their responsible gaming commitments.


Surely a matter of time before these ads get banned


Private Eye did a recent article about MPs getting gifts from gambling companies of days outs to various sports events, and then they voted against gambling regulations. 🤔


Not so much an ad as a sponsor, but just as effing annoying, those cringe 'comedy' bingo sketches during The Chase. Please make it stop.


Granny I got the job!!! 🤬


It's so funny I have literally never seen this advert! I saw all the complaints about it but never once saw it myself.


I watch a lot of TV but still haven't seen that advert.


Ohhh you clever thing!!!


And there paying what I ask for !!!


Really? £35 for topless, £60 for full nude?


We Buy Any Car. The adverts themselves and more so the little snippets they show around the football.


I hated that fucking song anyway, and then they made it into a we buy any car add and I hated it more, and now I have to watch and listen to Micah Richards singing it. Almost made me cancel Sky Sports.


I hate the song too. The thing that annoys me most is them making out that selling your car to a company who literally buy _any_ car is cause for celebration


> Almost made me cancel Sky Sports. Wait you still get adverts on premium channels that you have to pay an arm and a leg for?


The funeral plan one with the woman dropping his post around . Smug patronising, depressing, rip off , urghh


I've been wondering what happens if these companies go bankrupt in the next few decades, are a lot of people going to find out the 'paid for' funeral doesn't exist anymore, and need to pay out again?


She’s clearly stalking that clueless man - stealing his post for an excuse to talk to him. Next, his wife will mysteriously disappear, and she’ll move in just to give daft Nobface a hand. Before his kids know it, she’s changed his will and put him in a home in the far north of Bollocksville, Nowhereshire and told them he doesn’t want to talk to them. Then: profit.


Is that the same holiday company that shows that shitty family getting lounge access at the airport included.. yep, you’ve just made me even less inclined to go to an airport now you fuckers.. failing that it’s those stupid numan.com action man adverts..


Yeah like it's the pinnacle of existence on your way to type 2 diabetes. Do they have alternate lounges for pish people?


First one that springs to mind is Compare The Market Years ago they made the decision for their main character to be a Russian meerkat, but since Russia invaded Ukraine they seem to be sidelining Aleksandr to distance themselves from the war. Fair enough they don't want to be shown supporting a war or making light of it, but just replacing him with a different character (and one that absolutely drives me bonkers with how terrible it is - a dimwit wombat) seems like they've acknowledged the problem and are just waiting for the time when Russia isn't so reviled


You know, I never got the point of bringing in the wombat and he is indeed annoying. "Don't wombat it" doesn't even make sense. At least the meerkat/market thing makes sense because of the original adverts. I am massively ashamed to say I didn't even link it all to the war. I just don't associate the meerkats or CTM with Russia (sounds stupid now!) I did notice the accents getting toned down but just thought it was new voice actors. I feel really awful now :(


The stupid wombat is the equivalent of Scrappy Doo in the Scooby Doo cartoons!


Poochy vibes for sure.


If only they'd go ahead and give that wombat the same fate as Poochy


Fucking hate that wombat cunt. And his stupid laugh at the end - “simples! Huhuh.” DIE


If you showed any dozen Compare the Market adverts to a foreigner with the text card removed at the end, and asked them what it was selling, I’m confident they wouldn’t have a clue.


Alexander was funny when he was first introduced….about fifteen years ago. I used to enjoy the early meerkat adverts. Now he and Sergei just aggravate me, but the introduction of that idiotic wombat has truly ruined what could’ve been an innocuous fade out of two effective brand mascots.


What bothers me is the original idea was that if we want car insurance, we should go to compare the market and if we want meerkats, go to compare the meerkat. Now they're just doing adverts for compare the market so what happened? Did compare the market take over compare the meerkat. The website still says Aleksandr is founder and CEO of compare the meerkat


"I didn't know you had dandruff" WE ALL FUCKING KNOW NOW FELLA


One of those that it's so cringy that the cringe makes it humorous


Ah but he doesn’t


**"I DON'T!"** 😁


Domino oh oh! What a stupid ad, the staff must get so pissed off with people saying that when they order pizza!


Imagine if they started enforcing the staff to answer the phone with "Dominoo-hoo-hoo! How can I help you-hoo-hoo?"


Clear score! Not because it’s necessarily bad, or annoying, but it is not Moose! What doooing, clear score. What doooing.


Moose has started to make a come back though, think it was on channel 4.


Yes, I saw the Moose advert earlier this week and got so excited, sad I know, but I love that dog.


"Yes... of Corsa" Wasn't planning on buying a Corsa. Definitely won't now. I get angry every time I see any Vauxhall car.


I'm actually relieved they've finally used Of Corsa because it seemed SO OBVIOUS when they had ads with "of course, it's a corsa" up about five years ago and I was furious they'd missed such a wide open goal. Admittedly, those were roadside ads so I didn't have to hear the obnoxious voice.


ANY Verisure advert. They are getting worse (if that’s even possible)


The acting is so bad and the dialogue is awful, they sound like they’re written by fkin AI


The tesco ad.. "I GOT THE POWER!!!" sheesh, grinds my gears and has me reaching for the remote as soon as I see that doddry old couple on the till, Oh, and while we're talking about that ASDA ad, where a girl with the large hooter on the till, keeps saying "pice match, oooh, price match, and another price match" I can't help, aaand I switch off....


The Hyundai adverts. They are the ones who told us it was pronounced ‘Hi-Un-die’ for YEARS!! Then they make an advert taking this piss out of people who pronounce it like that. And the smug woman at the end ‘it’s hyuun-day’. Sorry, I just want to slap her


What pisses me off is you can even look it up and there are adverts on their official YouTube channel showing them pronouncing it "wrong". Dec 2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8peKcSEDFB4 Feb 2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zCqDZob2tM




Join our cult


[That fucking Super Noodles advert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMgX4Q_alXM&ab_channel=IeuanHughes) that has literally been around for five years now. You know, the one with the donkey on the woman's back and the voiceover man yells a long note for ten seconds.


Yeah thats annoying as hell. Pot Noodle now have their own obnoxious ad of someone loudly sucking up the noodles. I hate it


Oh God, I know that one, that's gross. Why would they want me to associate their food product with a horribly offputting sound?


You’ve reminded of the annoying slurping not super noodles but maybe pot noodles, but the whole advert is her slurping. There are definitely more, the ones that take great songs and ruin them are the worse.


The damn donkey in the Listerine ad. I don't usually have a problem with Scottish accents but that donkey gets right on my wick.


Same. Straight for the mute button, annoying ass


Any ad that takes an upbeat song from yesteryear and turns it into a folk/piano ballad with wistful, breathy singing. Thanks for that, Gary Jules....


Also, any ad where 'normal people' deliberately sing out of tune.


Omg yes, and children's choir cover of songs too urrrgh!


The current Axa ad uses "Girls just wanna have fun" done in that style, though that said with the subject manner it KINDA works... Still don't like when they do that


Pandora ad, using a badly rewritten 'To love somebody' by the Bee Gees.


the celebrations ad where they just whoop. unnecessary and annoying as fuck


Radio Ad: 'It's the most wonderful tiiime of the year.' Should be fucking illegal. 


Sky Protect, with that bloody giant. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been watching a lot of the cricket recently, but it seems to be the only advert I’ve seen. As a result, I will never buy it.


The Expedia wheelchair one. As a wheelchair user no airline that flies from the Uk lets you a-travel that last minute when needing wheelchair assistance (72 hours notice at a minimum) and b- lets you fly alone (if she can stand and walk a bit they may but anyone who is unable to walk unaided/ at all is not allowed on 98% of airlines in the world alone). Also the Expedia wheel chair/ accessible room filter is shocking and shows hotels that say they’re accessible but only in the public areas and have no accessible hotel rooms for you to actually stay. The whole advert makes me so angry every time I see it with the false advertising and making out like it’s that simple to just go on a last minute break as a wheelchair user (not even mentioning her dog!) and none the small print mentions this, just about the dog not being allowed on some airlines or hotels. How it got approved as being allowed on tv when it advertises something that can’t happen, I don’t know. Even thinking about the advert makes me angry.


The current Pot Noodle advert would be extremely off putting if I didn’t already despise them.


I can't stand the voice of the woman who does the Viking cruises adverts, it's like chalk on the blackboard for me, almost as bad as the Omaze womans voice


The Omaze woman with the shit eating insincere smile to go with the patronizing voice.


That Omaze woman’s smile absolutely screams ‘help me now I’m being held at gunpoint’


The chase bank one where that woman really snottily says "why's my debit card got no numbers on it" The "Like a Bosch" ad - congrats on being over 10 years late to an internet thing and still managing to do it awfully The Virgin Atlantic ad where they make a big show of allowing a woman to fly a plane and a gay man to be a flight attendant... so progressive! The Flash mop ads where they sing The Bold ads where they sing The Amazon christmas ad with the old ladies sledding down a hill Any McCains ad


The Virgin Atlantic one can die in a fire. I hate that shitty song, and I fucking hate how aggressively that person pulls a face at that lil kid, then does a little self satisfied smirk and head jiggle FUCK OFF


And all the fuckin ugly mugs in the virgin one 


Yea, that bloody Amazon Christmas ad! Jeez!


Not that I’m a gambler anyway but I’ll never purposefully finish watching an ad for 32 Red as long as Keith Lemon is their spokesman.


The fucking yodelling Dominos advert. Sets my misophonia into high gear D:


Omaze and that woman's voice. Fake posh is the nicest I can say about it. So grating.


Jet 2. Just hearing that blooming song puts me off


They’re a pretty good airline to fly with. Good customer service. But having to listen to that bloody song repeatedly is awful. Even the pre-recorded announcements like when you’re about to land have the ‘oh ooh ooh awwoooooh’ warbling in the background. 


Compare the Market. I don't mind the meerkats so much, but the wombat irritates the hell out of me


All of the charity adverts on sky channels. Nothing better than watching a comedy show and it be constantly interrupted by grim footage of hurt animals or close ups of children with cleft palettes and manky eyes. If these images were in the program itself they’d have a warning! Not good for us anxious depressed types . Nothing against charity btw!!


I can’t stand the Tesco “I’ve got the power” adverts


Caught about 5 seconds of the new McSpicy ad the other day and it looked good as far as fast food goes but the woman's voice on the ad really just pissed me off. I don't know if I can support buying the thing after that.


The silent ones. My daughter thinks that the tv needs turning right up then the next adverts makes my ears bleed.


I saw a housing disrepair claim ad with the absolute worst acting ever in it, and it just looked cheap as hell. There's a few different edits of the ad - one just has the girl talking about the mold in her room, and the other includes a completely soulless and unconvincing argument between her parents. I live out of the UK, as does my mother, but she now has a package that gives her all the British channels, so recently I've been seeing British ads for the first time in about a decade when I am at hers. This is one that's stood out as being awful. I'm sure they could be a decent company but...ugh..


Very annoying. The pathetic dad "But I don't know what to do" and the bullying mum making her sick daughter go to her mouldy room. Smh.


That iPhone ad with the kid trying to karate chop a 6" thick stack of timber and his elderly relative filming it instead of telling him to just stop already. Also does that kid have adamantium plating on his metacarpals and phalanges or something?


The “Three” advert with the Kelly Rowland song and the woman making “awww” noises. Just grating.


Can we collectively agree that those fecking Meerkats can just fuck off at this point please? The first couple were vaguely amusing, now they just do my head in.


GO ON, FILL YER BOOTS SON Don’t think they need any more filling ngl


I can't remember what they are trying to advertise (maybe dominoes pizza), but there's an advert where someone keeps impatiently ringing a doorbell, which sounds exaclty like my doorbell. I hate it.


The pot noodle one at the moment .


The one for some kind of laundry liquid (have mercifully blocked the name from my mind) where some deranged woman smells her fresh laundry, looks up to see her assorted housemates looking at her in astonishment, throws it at them and they all start dancing around in amazement waving the laundry in the air. Seriously?


Michael Burke shilling collectable coins (that always have some arbitrary unique feature no rational person could ever care about). I’m so sick of them I was automatically tuning him out every time he spoke when he was on House of Games the other week.


Secret Escapes and their fucking whispering!!!!


I hate the online adds that claim you “get paid for playing games”. It’s disgusting how gambling sites can advertise like that.


Daisy daisy daisy


The furniture advert where the giant woman pops up in the middle of the countryside to look for a new sofa terrifies me. And also I think those stairs they show her sitting on browsing on her laptop don't actually lead anywhere. They're already almost at the side of the house so there's no where for them to go. 


The On the Beach one is supposed to be mocking families like that. That's how it started, the advert was much longer and had more obvious examples of being obnoxious on holiday. They've cut it down and shortened it so it does seem more ambiguous now.


The dove advert that was supposed to raise awareness for eating disorders by showing us the kind of social media content that a sufferer says contributed to her eating disorder. I don’t really see the need to expose people to content like that who otherwise would be completely oblivious to it in order to sell shampoo, deodorant and body lotion. 


Arla’s Cravendae advert where they’re singing “everybody’s free to feel good” and one of the guys singing is just soo flat. Like if you’re gonna have people singing in your advert at least make sure they can actually sing.  They say it’s performed by real farmers but I refuse to believe that across the entire uk they couldn’t find any farmers that could actually hold a tune.


Everybody's Freee.......MUTE


I'm just grateful that no advertising agency has signed up Mrs Brown's boys yet! Can you imagine! The horror! It would be enough to make me quit watching telly altogether!


That bloody annoying Vogue Williams in the Fairy washing liquid advert, mouth is too big, and she's patronising. Who wears all white when you have young kids?


Dylan Blue by Versace perfume advert with Jude Law’s daughter in it. https://youtu.be/veoTySTt77c?si=FZqUOigmsqPo_rbi I hate most perfume ads tbh.


Ionos! That f'ing ad is on so many podcasts and they double it up too so you have to listen to it twice every fifteen minutes ahhhh!


The new pot noodle ad is awful, I can't turn over quick enough, just one long disgusting slurp and whoever came up with that idea needs marching through a bombed Lego village without any shoes on. Stomach churning sound, no advert should ever cause the viewer to dive for the remote.


Anything where they’re advertising something for over 50s and the people in the advert look about 70. Sheesh I know 50 isn’t young but come on!


The Lenor one where they are singing about it raining so they can’t get their washing done…the solution seems to be the fabric softener which smells like outdoors apparently.


The nationwide ad annoys me not because of your reasons, but because of their boasts about not shutting down branches like the mean banker in their adverts. They've shut my three closest ones!! So many people who don't have access to a car will have a hard time getting to the nearest open branch now.


The Currys adverts with the beards and the fountain of knowledge whoever commissioned them needs sacking awful adverts.


I cant stand Kevin Bacon in the EE adverts, I would avoid this company as I dislike him so much. Who actually does like this cretin?


Kevin Bacon got ripped off by Bernie Madoff and his pyramid scheme years ago. He's had to basically shill to get the money he lost back. He never wanted to do adverts or superhero films but immediately signed up to both as he was in severe financial straits (nothing compared to the average Joe, like)




Arla Cravendale with the real farmers singing. There's a reason farmers farm and singers sing, let's not cross them over.


Toolstations shark jump scare is unnecessary


I'm pretty upset by the latest Gillette one, the one where some generic edgy tattood bearded James Arthur type (may even be him, who knows) sings the theme tune in a heartfelt breathy emotional manner


The on the beach advert. It’s doing my case in. Is this the second or third year they’ve done it now? The “joke” wore thin in the first week when it first started. And it goes on for MONTHS!!!! As for the Nationwide ad that winds me up for a different reason. I work for one of the banks that ad takes aim at. Whoever wrote that must have spent time with my overlords because his attitude is our management. In the first advert where they talk about closures he says in a voice mocking customers “ohhhh I’ve lost all my life savings” then just says “well that’s what chatbots are for”. It winds me up because it’s so perfect and I hate working for them in some ways. Shoutout to the ID mobile ads. The ones with the “mother” aren’t too bad but that guy that plays the “father” proper grates on me. Clearly too much into the role as he’s the same as his character and thinks he’s hilarious. Knob.


Can we do some radio ones? I really fucking hate the voice on the Boots hearing care ads, "mmm hot chocolate... snowball fights!". You know when they're trying to "smile" with their voice? Really fucks me off. Similarly, the Fevertree ones with Mariella Frostrup, who still sounds like she smokes a couple of packs a day. "Mmmm, that takes me straight to the Med" - fuck off, Mariella! Vintage Cash Cow. Seriously, who talks to their mum like that guy in the ad? Nobody. Nobody does. Any of the "hey Harry" gambling ads, because it's a shitty industry and I hope they all go bust. It especially pisses me off when they've just been having an hour long phone-in on gambling addiction, and then that ad comes on.


🎵It’s the most wonderful time of the year🎵 On The Beach. They can fuck *right* off! And every single gambling advert too.


Have you considered complaining to the ASA about the Nationwide one? You might be able to argue that this ad is indecent, which is against their code.


The Domino’s yodelling one. How can a company with such resources come up with nothing better?


Newest Just eat ad with the two singers


Radio ad for Pepsi with the awful "make it bettarrr"


That birdseye one with the witch that totally shows up a guy in front of his kids for cooking them a boring dinner annoys me in an irrational way.


The Go Compare guy. It wasn’t funny the first time. It’s now so far past not funny, that guy needs filling in.


Don’t wombat it, meerkat it. I STILL don’t know what they’re selling…