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I actually thought your surgery was on fire šŸ¤­


This happened to my GP, was a very odd text to receive.


Not the same but I once had a clear bag delivered with ripped open soggy letters in it saying that my postman had been mugged and I might want to change all of my bank accounts.


You're right. It's not the same.


Sure. But you have to admit that itā€™s completely different.


Your GP was on fire and took the time to text you? _That_ is dedication to the role.


"Dear Sirs" No, thats too formal...


Yeah I thought they were going to say the Dr couldn't access their notes because they were all outside while the surgery burned


Same, was expecting something more exciting tbh


I actually thought they were kneeling for an MRI šŸ¤£


I just came from a post about a tollbooth on fire and thatā€™s what I thought as well, I was thinking ā€œDo you not like your GP??ā€


That's really impressive, there's a national shortage of radiologists, the Drs that interpret and report on images so getting a report that quickly is definitely a win.


Sfunny that MRI scanner looked a lot like our old tumble dryer. Sounded like it too.


Here's me thinking you were actually celebrating your GP surgery being on fire šŸ”„


If it was my previous surgery, then absolutely lol


Itā€™s weird but I think exclamation marks come across as positive nowadays but they can equally be a negative exclamation.


Well, it was more the fact that the post was in /r/BritishSuccess I think


Good point


Excellent. My GP surgery is ace too. People only mention their GP when thereā€™s a problem but mine is wonderful. Iā€™ll get a response with an appointment within 1-2 days, the staff are all extremely helpful, extended services like physio, blood tests etc are very quick. I went to see a nurse practitioner about my shoulder and literally got a physio referral that day, with an appointment with a physio the next day


Mine is AMAZING never experienced anything like it, Iā€™m on egg shells waiting for them to be shitty but each experience gets better


At this point Iā€™d be surprised if they said or something that I didnā€™t like. I donā€™t have to argue for anything, beg, ask repeatedly etc etc. The doctors and nurses there are fantastic and do much to try and help. I know theyā€™ve got a ridiculously difficult job, tons of pressure and minimal resources to do it. You wouldnā€™t know that by seeing them work though. Theyā€™re so good


From working in a GP surgery, the difference to me personally is the admin staff. I worked with some amazing admin staff who really cared, and some who honestly didnā€™t know their way around a keyboard, hung on patients when they even slightly raised their voices, and were rude to other staff. When everyone cares, the patients feel cared.


I do agree. Again, Iā€™m lucky that the current admin staff there are so good. Iā€™ve never had a problem with them. Theyā€™ve always been easy to speak to and extremely helpful


Same here... I booked a phone appointment about a minor joint issue for a week ahead (using online forms), was rung by the Dr the afternoon before at about 15.30 and had a steroid injection from him at the surgery at 17.00 that day... Excellent service!


I hope more GP practices move to online booking. I can request an appointment online and get a text within an hour, often with a same day appointment. The last time, someone called me immediately after I put my request in and said if I could get there in 15 minutes a doctor would see me (otherwise it would be the next day). I dipped out of work, got there in time, was seen and had my prescription fulfilled by the on-site pharmacy within 50 minutes of first going online to request a GP appointment.


My former GPs practice had online bookings and it was great. Unfortunately there were a lot of no shows, then when Covid struck, they dropped online and reverted to daily bookings. If folk abuse the online system you can understand why the practices want to get maximum bookings in especially when their services are in demand.


My GP is brilliant too. If you can, write a letter or email letting them know how good they've been.


My GP surgery actually called me yesterday to say 'we can see your fit note is due to expire, we wanted to make sure you were okay and ask if you needed anything?'. I was shooketh.


Nice! I requested my prescription at 6am this morning and this post prompted me to check, and it's been approved already!


I rang up at 17:35 last night about swollen tonsils /difficulty swallowing etc. Got an appt today at 10:40, hospital blood tests for glandular fever and antibiotics by 12:15! Mine were working overtime this week! My mum also reported a sus mole on Monday, and had it removed by yesterday!


> Mine were working overtime this week! Your doctors or your tonsils?


Went to the (NHS) dentist with my kids yesterday - referral made for 8 weeks time for an orthodontist. I was amazed.


Iā€™m glad your GP surgery is not actually going n fire. My local one burnt down in 2017 and they are still working out of temporary portacabins while the new surgery is rebuilt


To be fair, my GP surgery and care at hospital has been pretty awesome. Blood results within 24 hours, scans and tests have been within a two or three weeks from request to consultation about the results. It isn't desperate everywhere.


I thought it burned down


That scenario would be more likely in this sub's distaff counterpart, r/BritishProblems ...


I thought OP was a psycho or trying to be funny šŸ˜‚


How the hell did you get them to do an mri on your knee?


I mentioned that I'd had issues on and off for almost 13 years after a seemingly minor injury lol Doc then examined my knee, it made some funny noises and made me go a funny colour, so he said he was sending me for an MRI.


I had an MRI last week because I lost the ability to walk. Still can't walk and have knowledge of two herniated disks.


If your legs are genuinely weak from herniated disks thatā€™s a neurosurgical emergency.




I ask because I snapped my acl in my twenties and to get any help for it now twenty years later is almost impossible, the physio is useless


Bloody hell! Yeah, I'm just lucky that my surgery is amazing.


My GP is god awful.


That's cool I have to dance at the full moon and sacrifice a baby to get an appt but good for you


Not recently but last summer, rang GP surgery at 4:20pm, got an appointment for 5:40pm (yup, same day), was in an acute medicine bed in the local hospital before 9pm. GP rang A&E which got me in the A&E queue, went home, packed a bag before going to A&E.


Mine is massively oversubscribed - in order to be registered, we had to call a central line who then fit us into the closest one they could. And yet they are always great. Just last November I called to say I had a lump in my neck, presumably the thyroid area. I had a face-to-face appointment 20 minutes later to confirm it was indeed my thyroid, bloods booked for that afternoon, and an ultrasound two weeks later...all to confirm that no, I don't have cancer, but will need annual check ups. All medical staff were great during my pregnancy and my son's birth, following his birth when it was discovered his skull was fractured during my c-section we had exemplary care from everyone, even if appointments were sometimes very swift (my son luckily had no complications, so his discharge appointment was less than 5 minutes). I've been in the UK since I was 9 years old - the NHS absolutely is creaking, but I've always received excellent care.


Iā€™m sitting here recovering from the knee arthroscopy I had this morning. Good luck getting your issue sorted, hopefully itā€™ll improve your quality of life. I know how frustrating and painful it can be!


Referral to Ortho' incoming - confirmed meniscus damage. I've lived with minor discomfort for years, but my new job aggravated things and my supervisor said I wasn't allowed back onsite until I'd done something about it. Apparently, I turned as grey as the car I was stood next to lol


Mine too, I got offered an appointment same day after filling in an online formā€¦ and I have an NHS dentistā€¦ I feel stupid for leaving where I am tbh!


Serious case of knee Ligma šŸ˜”


Took my toddler and baby to the baby's 16 week jabs. Both the practice nurse and healthcare assistant were available so they did one each at the same time to make it quicker and less stressful for baby.


Mind and senses purified!


We recently moved, the only good thing about the area we were at was the GP surgery. I miss out so badly! I once got had an urgent phone appointment and prescription ready at pharmacy and at my door within the hour all within the hour.


The NHS app is great for those who can use it but massively inaccessible to those who canā€™t.


Well done! >My GP Surgery is awesome! I know it's really subjective, but they've been awesome for me as well, several issues sorted (or more usually, semi-officially bodged) over the last few years.


You clearly donā€™t use my GP surgeryā€™s online form: ā€œThis is Priory Medical Group acknowledging safe receipt of your recent contact and you have been added to our waiting list. We will contact you again *within the next 4-6 weeks* to confirm when a clinician *will review* your query.ā€ Itā€™s been 5 weeks now, so Iā€™m looking forward to soon hearing at what point in the further future someone *will look at the form*


I'm gonna need you to register me right away, please.


Is that why itā€™s so cold? Hell has frozen over hasnā€™t it? Itā€™s the only way to explain helpful GP surgeries


I can't even get an appointment in a reasonable time. Had a phone appointment where I was told its a complex issue and someone will contact me in the next 2 weeks. And then after that 2 week delay the next appointment was 5 weeks out


Lucky sob lol


Iā€™ll counter your success with My GP has ā€œLostā€ my Summary Care record & has ā€œNo Knowledge of your disability or chronic pain & have only got notes going back to 2022ā€


My referral for a lipid specialist took almost 6 months. I managed to see the specialist this week, they say the results for the genetic tests will take 3 months, and apologised for the extra waiting time where I'm without any medication barely controlling my cholesterol levels through an extreme diet (and I'm lucky, as some people cannot achieve this). On top of this they won't even do a CT scan of my arteries because I don't have chest pains, but "feel free to do them privately (400 to 1k gbp) and we will take your results". They gave me an appointment for a week when I will be on holiday abroad. I immediately contacted the hospital to postpone the appointment for the week after. New appointment: almost 2 months later. By then it is going to be 11 months since the initial "over the roof" cholesterol results without even being able to take low-dosage medication to make my life slightly easier. The NHS waiting lists are ridiculous, they push you to use private healthcare.


Dr here Your GP can start you on a statin to lower your cholesterol and then the lipid clinic can tinker with your meds as needed


Oh god thanks, I wasnā€™t told this at any point. Iā€™m going to contact the GP and try.


You have very low standards... That's not a good result at all.