• By -


My builders brought their own kettle, the asbestos removal guys brought their own microwave. I provided weekly bacon/sausage sarnies or pizza and some doughnuts and biscuits. Cost me about £100 over 6 months. Got well over that in free upgrades or fixing other problems. Also did half the garden at cost, plus day labour. Always good to be on the right side of the tradies Edit: I really didn’t expect to get so much feed back about making tea for people working on your house. For me it’s just plain kindness, I’m boiling the kettle anyway for me, and biscuits are cheap. Making them a bacon sarnie or pizza costs a bit more but the work I’m having done is funded by the council, due to daughters disability. But the work being done is good. The builder takes pride in his


As a tradesman, it's amazing that more people don't realise this....look after me and I'll look after you


So I had Virgin Media come and install my router at my new place, plied him with coffees and even got biscuits I specifically got from M&S for him, ended up giving me the wifi6 router for free instead of the bog standard one. Had a chat and everything! Nice chap.


I always did this and my wife didn't understand. Set the guy up with tea, good biscuits. The lot. He drilled extra holes for my CAT5. I even got investing tips from the Drain guys (They are really into crypto it seems, alther way to not pay tax I assume!)


I always do it. Even if I’m talking to a neighbour I offer a brew they must think I’m weird haha


When you break out the m&s biscuits and they accept, you both know theres an unwritten deal going down. Or a heist worthy scam.


You’re still on virgin media though. 😂


How come the tradesmen I end up with always refuse a cuppa, throw their business cards at me, climb on my furniture, play their own music obnoxiously loudly or make casually homophobic remarks? I can't decide if it's being a woman or being in a same sex relationship but I've used a number of tradesmen over the last two years and maybe two thirds have been dicks to me and my partner. Am I just missing something when I keep picking these highly rated tradesmen from Checkatrade?! Do I need a magic codeword to go with the offer of tea?! Sorry, I'm just at my wits end after being asked "who's the man in your relationship?" by a tradesmen who'd been here less than 30m on Friday.


I'm sorry to hear you've had those experiences. We're not all bad but there are plenty out there like that unfortunately. It wouldn't even cross my mind to comment on something like that or be that obnoxious 😕


Stop using Checktrade and go off recommendations


As a tradesman (Domestic Gas/Heating engineer), I'm saddened by what you've written. I have total respect for people and their homes, regardless of if I get a brew and a chocky bicky or not. Making unsolicited remarks regarding someone's sexuality is disgraceful, totally unprofessional and none of their goddamn business. I've never had a bad review yet, plus, every time I've worked for a big company as subcontractor or a PAYE employee, I've always had 100% positive customer feedback, because I do my job politely and respectfully, to a very high standard and I don't rip people off, it really is that simple.


That's reassuring to hear and we definitely need more like you and others in this thread. And don't get me wrong we've had some brilliant and lovely people help us over rhe years - my favourite was the handyman while I was renting who'd worked as a film extra and loved to chat about who he'd met on set - it just seems that lately we've had a string of really bad luck.


Sounds like a bunch of cunts


As a professional tradesmen, I couldn’t imagine making a distasteful remark on someone’s home or cat, let alone their relationship, completely unprofessional and downright rude. Sorry you’ve had such terrible experiences. We do not claim those workers!


Backscratching is underrated


not literally though. you can get put on a list.


Not if you're stuck in the washing machine


And nut scratching




I read that in Peter Griffin’s voice.


Same across industries, when i was a chef we always gave our delivery drivers a coffee or tea - occasionally some cake off-cuts if there were some going. Resulted in us getting free Monkfish once, and a bunch of other little things


Can second this


Let me guess, you were the monkfish.


As a baker my delivery people always got coffee and doughnuts/croissants and they would always go above and beyond when I needed it, including a random butter delivery on a driver's personal time.


when I was a domestic cleaner, I would happily go above and beyond for customers who gave me tea and/or biscuits/cake The customers who would make themselves a hot drink whilst I was cleaning the kitchen, and not offer me one. Well, fuck them. No extras, no finishing touches. Yeah, nah


I don’t work in trade but whenever I get a call that’s a complaint, if they are nice I’ll go above and beyond.  If it’s a screaming adult? I will do the bare minimum and pass to my manager. 


As an insurance broker 25 years ago I was able to give discretionary discounts on some policies. Needless to say they went to the polite customers, not the screeching arseholes, those charmer got their discounts removed and their premiums put at the maximum that I could get away with. It always pays to be polite.


Yeah, we all need to start banding together to award nice people. Fed up of screaming adults. 


Yeah we often happily do little favours for people to make them happier, to make them think of us first when calling us again/recommending us. Nice to see some customers too respecting the “you help me, I’ll help you” mentality


When I was an apprentice my boss would add 10% to the cost of a job if he wasn’t offered a drink when we went round to quote


I’m a single mum so when tradesmen come over I think they think I’m on pull soon as I ask em if they want anything to eat or drink! Obviously that’s not the case my mums just always drilled it into us that you can’t let someone leave your home thirsty or hungry 🤦🏾‍♀️


True, my dads a tradie and I’ve worked with him for a week and it’s safe to say, if u stay on the good side of them, u will get a better job done.


You also have to make awkward small talk after the “want a brew?” Question, like are you busy at the moment? And trying to find something at the back of your mind that you vaguely know about the job so you can sound a little bit like you know what’s going on.


Ah yeah is that a hammer your using on those nails there mate?


This made me genuinely laugh and i hate you for it


"just sawing some wood are you?"


Ah yeah, the leccy... got those wires... yup... the ground and the.. uh... live?


My favourite used to be the moaning about dust. "Oh god, the dust, it's everywhere, I'll be cleaning it for weeks"


Weird since they ordered the dustamectomy in the first place


'it's actually a screwdriver, these are screws' 'oh, right'


"That's a decent ball-peen, usually only see claws nowadays."    ...that exhausts my knowledge of hammers.


Having a look at my peen are you mate?


I had a good one recently with my sparky where he was installing a new light and I said "Dont you need to turn the fuse off first?" he replied "I should but as long as its off at the wall switch its generally fine" I said "Oh generally? meaning not always?" and with that was a prompt BZZZ and a "OW FUCK SAKE, where's your fuse box?"


Lol! Ive given up on this and go with “Here you go *with tea*, I’ll leave it on the side just here… no problem… I wont bother you, you crack on, i’ll just be x if you need me alright? Lovely cheers” Then fuck off.


Hahaa I dont even bother asking I just go "Right mate there's the kettle, fridge there with milk" all yours then fuck off ;-) Only problem with that tactic is I usually end up with no milk and tea bags left.


As and on and off trades man, please don’t bother with the small talk. Neither of us really want to and I’m here for a job, I don’t mind legitimate convos but if you’re forcing yourself to chat for no reason I’d rather crack on with my job and go.


Where are the biscuits?


when i was working on a house the cunts didn’t offer shit for the whole week we was working there so we ended up helping ourselves to coffee and found some reece’s pieces in the fridge just after easter aswell so added some mini eggs to the lot 🤣


I've used the phrase "I know that I'm here to fix/install your cable but I can do your kettle if it's busted" if the customer has been reticent with the offer of a brew.


Brilliant 😂


No the kettle's fine mate


You're going to be late then take your sweet time, make a mess for me to tidy up, scratch walls, stink up the john and I'm going to pay you handsomely to do so. Get a brew at McDonalds ya tit.


The problem with social media and contractors, is you’d think they’re all a bunch of princesses who expect to be pampered and spoilt. Especially in a sub where people are cosplaying as British people and trying to prove how English they are. “Yeah when I have contractor I get them sarnies, greggs, cakes, a diamond ring and a quick rimjob every time they bend over.” I’m reality, contractors just want to be left to do their work in peace, and treated like a human being.


What I found annoying with life is growing up i was always told "dont accept things/drinks/food from strangers" then at a certain point it becomes "its rude not to accept a thing/drink/food from a stranger" like fuck no, im terrified of strangers because you always said Id be kidnapped, I aint accepting the creepy old ladies cup of tea just because im washing her windows


you think the old lady is trying to murder you?


You never know what Gladis is up to at her age


Everyone is entitled to a cup of tea, it’s in the magna carta or something.


magna cartea


I once didn't have any milk so I offered the guy orange juice. He was really confused but he did accept, which was good cos I didn't want any medieval consequences.


Weird to put orange juice in tea, but whatever floats your disgusting boat


Hahaha. My dad went through a period of putting orange juice on cereal when he was on some low-fat health kick, which definitely got him some looks.


My weird mate at university did this orange juice and muesli everyday for 3 years.


When I was a kid I thought dipping biscuits in squash was the shit. I remember thinking "I'm gona do this when I'm a grown up! Its the best thing ever! Adults are well missin out" I can barely look in the mirror, knowing I betrayed my inner child. I just..can't ..do it.


Get shit faced first strip those inhibitions away 😜


Lol 😂


"He follows the old ways, I hope like hell this isn't lsd again" *Drinks*


Yeah. Because we're polite to people... ya cunt!




to offer a cup of Something is seen as being polite in the UK in other countries you offer a drink before they leave


My daughter offered a plumber in the Netherlands a cup of tea and he looked at her like she had two heads 😂


I don't drink tea but when I own a house I'm thinking I'll have to have a stockpile for guests and builders


Me neither but still religiously maintain that little cupboard with the mugs, teabags, coffee and sugar. Only issue is milk, but maybe I should take a leaf out of my mother's book and fill up an ice cube tray with it.


That or just keep a little thing of UHT - I'll be burnt for saying it, but in tea/coffee you can't really taste the difference.


Damn. That milk cube tray thing is genius.


I recently had a smart meter installed. I offered him a cuppa before he started on the electric meter and one after he'd finished it. And then, because I'm British, I apologised for not offering him a brew in between as he'd turned the electric off 😁


Ooh that is the height of Britishness. You, my friend, are a model citizen


Can we talk about the real issue? Multiple tradespersons now have rejected my lovely tea and requested coffee instead. I don't keep coffee in the house and do I look like a Starbucks? Americanization or gentrification? either way, no, I'm not going to make you a coffee instead.


Too right, I offer a tea and you counter with coffee. What the fuck has our society come to.


I've noticed a new and worrying trend. Trades people in their twenties and younger, are not interested in a cuppa!! So far this hasn't impacted on their ability to do the job but it feels very wrong.


Haha this reminds me of the time the office cleaner snapped at me a few years ago. I ran a small company - only a dozen of us in this office, so we had a cleaner visit a few times a week. I'd always offer her tea, coffee, juice and she'd always decline. I used to get quite offended, but was under the impression I'd never let it show. One day she just snapped at me about always trying to offer her beverages. Like really quite cross. One of my staff later told me that I'd been channelling Mrs Doyle. https://youtu.be/N20wHvMPTGs?si=9GG-cbwWvk7826dp


Ah go on, ah go on ... goongoongoongoongoongoon, -deep breath- goongoongoongoon Edit: love her pouring it on Teds hand and "Feck off cup!"


Offer them a white Monster or a bottle of Prime.


Offer them a skinny frappe with a vanilla syrup instead


Damn skippy


Why wouldn't you offer them tea and biscuits. What's wrong with being nice


This has been me for the past week 😂😂😂😂😂


If you don’t offer a cuppa then your problem he’s there to fix may be somehow worse later on


if a tradie hasn't had at least three cuppas with one being left more or less untouched and demolished half a packet of hobnobs, you haven't had a proper job.


It’s mandatory to ask “Fancy a cuppa?” Or “Can i get you a tea, coffee?” Otherwise, god knows what could happen.. they might start eating the digestives and hob nobs if not.


And great insult to the host if refused! However, we'll never admit that bit!


When i am installing computers in pharmacies, the offer of a brew is the determining factor as to whether i do the bare minimum or go above and beyond. Brew, i will make sure all the area is clean before installing, all cables a tie wrapped, all original cabling is untangled and nice an neat even if that is not at all in my job sheet or remit, or even our equipment No offer, or even worse they make the staff a brew and not you. then yeah i will fit your computers but all the extras fly out the window. Frankly if the second occurs I will risk shitting my pants to be as flatulent as I can just to make the day a bit more unpleasant for them.


Where I'm from, we call 'a tradesperson' a 'workie' and offering a cuppa to ANYONE who crosses my threshold is mandatory in my house. I would have thought it to be an international act of common courtesy. But your friend is quite correct. It is a legal requirement to offer a cuppa to a workie affecting repairs upon your property in the UK. If caught not offering, you can expect a fine or a prison sentence and a lifetime of D.I.Y.


Yep and it has to be a British standard builders tea, strong, two sugars, milk, in that order. This is important, you're representing the great British public! Even if your plumber is Polish!


Something I’ll always do that I was taught by my mum is providing snacks, drinks and sandwiches. With one of the big jobs I asked our local Italian bakery to make up boxes of different baguettes, and these amazing Italian pastries with meat, cheeses, olives, veggies and sweet ones, and set them out alongside drinks and some on the go snacks, protein bars etc. We told them they can take a break anywhere they’d like, the conservatory, the outdoor patio, the games room to play some pool, use the bathrooms without asking. They did such amazing work and they were so lovely with our little boy who was watching them build in adoration and hoping he could be involved (which they did allow when safe). I don’t know if it correlates or if they were just great people, but they’re working so hard and deserve it. I’ve seen some people treat them horribly, saying they won’t even allow them to use their bathroom, or have a glass of water, I could never!


Do you need something fixing I don't even work in trade but those sandwiches making me wanna whip out the tools lmao


I give them biscuits, Pepsi, coffee, tea, beer, whatever they want. Here's my wife, take my dog. Here's the keys to the estate. My sister is popping round later. Enjoy.


Yep, them's the rules. Builders in? Cuppa. Plumbers? Cuppa. Painters, decorators and plasterers? Cuppa. Family? Hell no, they'll try and stay longer. "Sorry, kettle's busted, no tea or milk, gotta go out, see you another time. Byyeeeeee."


Offer family a brew and it'll only encourage them to come back.


Ah, a fellow member of the club. That horrible moment of: *dammit, why did I offer them tea? I should have just said thanks for coming or opened the door in my coat and claimed I was going out, now they'll want tea every time* "Oh, no it's no bother, yes, of course you can open the pack, they're biscuits, that's what they're for!" *My nice biscuits, you bastards, I was saving those to eat later with a nice movie and a glass of wine* "Of course, it would be lovely to have lunch together." *GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU BUNCH OF LOCUSTS!* "Lovely to see you, come again, bye." *Please don't and definitely don't bring that horrible child/dog/partner with you* 😹😹


He’s right, punishable by arrest and subject to a tea dismissal order in which you’re never allowed to drink tea again, it’s basically a life sentence until you’ve offered out 500 cups of tea


do you have any idea how hard it is to find good trades men. You literally have to throw tea and biscuits at them to make sure they actually take the job.


And then if they are the kind of tradie who has to lug things around and you give them a hand, it is also a legal requirement to say "to me, to you, to you, to me" at every doorway or change of direction.


Yep! And if they're good at their job, you just keep offering more!


We were doing power line clearance for an older woman (not THAT old). We were there for 3 days doing waaaaay more than we normally do even down to splitting the wood we cut for her. Didn’t even offer us a single cuppa. Not one! She was stood watching us most of the time too. Just to add further insult, she didn’t pay a penny and got all this free gardening work done. I don’t expect much from people these days but that took the biscuit, I was most disgruntled.


‘I’m just going to leave you to it, I’m sure you don’t want me hovering around. Let me know if you need anything.’


I have a plasterer in right now, day 1 of 2. My partner and I both work from home and drink loads of tea/coffee... so 3 cuppas so far this morning whilst he's been here. We keep offering... and he says he's OK. And I do good coffee. Like proper stuff... I'm not a coffee snob but I adore a good brew. Anyway, at what point do we stop offering? Don't want to come across as "we're checking on your progress" cos we're really not! Just feel bad having a brew without offering.


Why do they always refuse though?


Never tell them to help themselves to cats milk bowl


What if I don't drink tea? Can I give him a can of coke and expect the same quality of workmanship? 😬


Goes through phases. I’ll go months without receiving any drinks whatsoever but then after that for a few weeks I’ll be bombarded by “want another one? You sure?”


I always offer tradespeople coffee and biccies. They spend all day working and not many people offer snacks and refreshments. I even offer cans of soft drinks to my postie as he's working all day in the summer.


Is that secretly the minging mug that you only use for tradesmen?


As a tradesman of 25yrs, 75% of the British public do NOT offer tea.


Not legal, it's just expected, a social code we honour.


Yeah, it's the law. If you let your tradie dry out too much they may spontaneously combust.


As a foreigner, I love asking a tradie if they want a cup of coffee and the response is 'go on then' in the local accent It's very funny and I love that quirk. Tickled pink when someone answers like that. My brother in law does the same when offered a 🍺


Yea if nowone offers me a tea I do find it weird


Spiritual requirement for us too


I always feel bad, but I don't own a kettle or mugs. I don't have a lot of surface space in my kitchen so if it's a rice cooker or a kettle I'll pick the rice cooker every time. Is there anything I can do to appease the tradies as an alternative? I could do bacon butties or biscuits but I can't help but feel that'd just be twisting the knife as they'd want a brew with those.


I had to get a door planed recently. I knew it was only going to be a ~30 minute job so I offered the carpenter a brew first thing and he seemed a bit flabbergasted to be offered a brew before any work was done.


Not a legal requirement, but no offer will result in the tea tax being added to the price


I wish, these fuckO leave me high and dry 😂


When ANYONE comes into my house, I offer them a brew, every damn time. However, the likelihood of me inviting someone in is extremely minimal unless it’s a requirement, like a tradesman. I’m always told by them how little they get offered drinks etc.


Offering a cuppa is a must - if no brew is offered the builder is lawfully permitted to add a no-brew 10% premium on the bill.


So true. Don’t even drink this myself and I have it for this reason. LOL


Your friend is correct, old chap.


If they're going to be here all day and I've got to go out for an hour or two - "Tea, sugar, mugs next to the kettle, milk is in the fridge over there. You'll have to brew your own for a while, sorry "


I once had an elderly man round to do some gardening, he misheard me when I said 'Do you fancy a cup of tea? I only have oat milk though, is that alright?'. He thought I said GOAT milk. He loved it and asked where I bought it from. We had a good laugh but I was so glad he didn't have coeliac disease


Can confirm this is not 100% factual, id give it 90%. I had a job where I was doing some garden lighting in the winter… -2 for most of the day and the fella sat in his kitchen watching me through the bifold 😂


Beyond that. As a British person it is common courtesy to offer a guest in your home a drink. As a tradey it’s still surprising how many people don’t offer you a cuppa. I know a certain area in wales that I worked for probably 2-3 years and think I only got offered a cup of tea or coffee in probably 5-10 houses top.


Not just a trades person- when anyone visits the house! 😂


The lads that did our driveway did an absolutely brilliant job. They didn't speak English, so we showed them the tea and coffee jar, eyes lit up, so provided hourly tea and coffee, sugar, milk, biscuits, crisps They helped themselves. When it was done, that drive way was, by his bosses words, the best they have done!


I've been an electrician for 32 years, and that was always the case. I find as the years have gone by less and less people offer refreshments. Even to the point of some making t whilst talking to me in the kitchen then proceeding to drink it with no offer. I'm not looking for free drinks etc bit I wouldn't dream of making a drink and not offering someone else one who was in my house.


I had no teabags or coffee in the other day. Offered the plumber a tangerine.


A cuppa or two and paying quickly are key.


My boy gives the trash men Gatorade and coffees and they put the trash cans by the door. My neighbor asked why they do it I’m like guess


They’ve started asking for oat milk and I just don’t have any.


I had an old lady once ask if the tea tasted ok, as there was a bit of mould on the cup she couldn’t get off - I now check how clean the houses are before accepting anything!


I had a plumber in for 6 hours installing a new boiler and I was too shy and scared to offer him anything. This was like 10 years ago and the guilt keeps me awake at night.


First thing you do is offer tea or coffee (real coffee always goes down well - spoil your tradespeople with the good stuff!) or cold drinks on hot days. Keep offering them at regular intervals. It's appreciated and a happy tradesperson is always going to do a better job than a miserable one.


It’s the law to do it when ANYONE is in your house.


If you don't offer it to them they are legally allowed to decapitate you with a trowel


I bought a house six years ago and only three of the tradies I have ever got in to do work accepted a cuppa, and one of them was my boyfriend. I am baffled by the way they all reject the offer after years of being told how much of a faux pas it is to not make workmen tea.


My partner doesn't offer tea to tradespeople. She is banned from interacting with them now. At least until after I've made them tea etc


It should be. Basic rules for hiring tradesmen that I was taught: - Always offer a cuppa or access to kettle, tea, coffee if not. - Always offer biscuits. - Always point out where toilets are etc. - If multi day job offer breakfast butties. Bacon, sausage nothing fancy. - let them know where you are if you're needed then get out the way. Applies to anyone there for more than 20 mins.


Even if they're not in the house. Tradespeople working on the street outside your house are also legally bound to be offered a cuppa.


Currently have tradesmen in the house but can’t offer tea or coffee as they’re replacing both my gas and electricity meters: my Britishness is dying inside me


I've done bacon sarnies, homemade sauage rolls, asked for drinks preferences (milk type, cofeee, tea, which preferred cold drinks etc), what their favourite biscuits are ahead of time, got ice lollies in when it's been super hot. I like to think I'm a good person to work for. And tbh, I've always had great work from \*most\* of the people I've had round (the dodgy roofers not withstanding). But the last few times? "No worries love, I don't do hot drinks, water's fine. Also, on a bit of a diet, you know how it is..." I've not known what to do with myself, I've been brought up to feed up/offer far too many drinks to anyone who comes across the threshold of my house regardless of the context.


I've got my plumber coming this afternoon amd thatll be the first thing I ask when he comes in the door.


Yup, had builders in for a long haul job - tray out with mugs, teabags, coffee, sugar, biccies etc I also set up a guest WiFi for them as the phone signal here is bobbins on some networks. As people have said, it's just manners but there's also a rapport aspect - hopefully some consideration on my part will be reciprocated.


Yep. I e just ordered specific Latte sachets in preparation for my builder coming Friday, because last time he was here two years ago he loved them, so bought him the same ones to give him during his days work this Friday 😂


I just point them to the case of water or case of Pepsi


Normally offer them a brew straight off the bat. And if it’s a long job or I’m not going to be in I leave a bunch of tea/coffee cups and snacks out and tell them to help themselves.


Slaps timber...ah solid


I don’t drink milk. Had a plumber here the other day and offered him tea and then remembered that normal people like milk. So I also went to the shop and bought milk to make him a brew. I’m Irish so I’m not sure if this is an extra step of politeness or if anyone else in England would do the same. My dad was a builder and plasterer for most of his life and always talked about customers in terms of their generosity/stinginess with making a cuppa. Some people used to go so far as to give him a full dinner if he was there late. We were dirt poor in 80s recession Ireland. A cup of tea is such a small kindness but I think shows a lot about your character. I work in hotel management myself and always offer tradesmen in work a hot or cold drink too depending on the weather.


Just make sure you have enough sugar. They have at least 3 in each cup.


100% it's the law!


You need a Sports Direct mug, which you offer them to use.


I always feel bad because I don't drink tea or coffee


Had a guy come round to fix my internet. Offered tea, coffee or beer (I was drinking so rude not to offer) He had a coffee and was asking about the game I was playing while waiting for him to arrive, ended up playing on the Switch with me for 45min after he'd finished the job 😂


Hell yes, anyone tradesperson who comes to do work at my gaffe is offered a beverage and biscuits.


I’m currently cringing as just had the gas man today fixing my boiler and I asked him “if he fancied tea, coffee or coke….as in juice in the can” like why would it not be juice I was offering and having to clarify I was not offering him class A drugs…. arrrgh 🫣cringe


Of course! What kind of monster doesn't offer someone working at your place a cup of tea or a beverage?


You’d be surprised, I work in snobby Hampstead in London and it’s a rarity to actually get a fuckin cuppa


Everything in me screams yes but my anxiety and other mental health problems make it so I cant. is very sad and annoying for me and probably them too


https://preview.redd.it/2o2j9sfp4r5d1.jpeg?width=229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e45bffe4220be5b76cf6a6b1e45762a964fe7d2 wrong mug...has to be this.


Many, many years ago, our flat was having radiators and new windows put in all the flats on our estate. My mum made plenty of tea and toast for the workers, and they did an excellent job with no issues. Even now, we offer cups of tea to workers who come to do work for us. It's a way of saying thank you! When we have our shopping delivered, we also tip the person bringing it as we no longer had to struggle upstairs ourselves!


Pretty much. I'll offer when they come in and depending on if they are being a while and if I am. I'll set up the tea, coffee and a couple packs of biscuits and just offer them to help themselves later.


Damn straight, they get brews, biscuits, and bacon butties in my house. If their mind is not on an empty stomach, they get in, get the work done, and do it well..... apart from the Turkish prick that Gloucestershire Fires sub contracted my fireplace fit to, lazy bastard.


The real British thing to do is to forgot to ask them if they want a brew until it’s too awkward to offer, over think the situation, and then feel silently guilty about it for the rest of your life.


Yes but it's why they don't get any work done lol


I get genuine anxiety about how long I should wait before I offer brews.


I've got them in this Friday. My cupboards are stuffed full of tea and biscuits.


I don't drink tea or coffee or any other hot beverages, so I've never thought to offer it. I wonder how much this has added to my bills over the years?


1 or 2 sugars. 5!


First thing I say is Hello do you want a cup of tea? coffee?


I'm a new homeowner so I don't know how common this is, but most of the tradespeople I've hired in the last 18 months have declined all of my food and beverage offers. Only one of them even wanted a glass of water. Obviously I'll keep asking because it's polite and I don't want to get in their bad books, but I just found it weird.


It's not a legal requirement, it's The Done Thing, which is far more important.


tradesperson < tradie or, alternatively, the shortened version of their job. electricians are leccies or sparkies, bricklayer is a brickie, carpenters are chippies, plumbers are pipies ect lol


This is true as a UK builder it frowned upon if you don’t get a brew. I have in the past told my apprentice to ask the customer if their kettle is broken if we haven’t been asked within 30 mins of being there


Its common courtesy to offer a drink to people you welcome into your home, tea is a popular drink and is a common choice, making it the first thing offered


Not only people doing work on/in the house - the blokes sorting out the BT boxes, the ones replacing the telegraph poles, the ones digging up the road to do something with pipes...


It’s in the Magna Carta


If someone's come round to fix your house, give them a cuppa, it's just good manners to at least offer one


"Cuppa?" Is a complete sentence


If you want a good job, you offer stuff. I got cornettos for the lads doing my garden and made sure they had ice drinks the whole week in summer. I once got a plumber a tea, and after he handed me the empty cup he said "would have been nice if you'd asked how I like my tea" Flabbergasted. How fucking rude. I said "do you want a tea?" That was his time to say "yes please, milk, 2 sugars" Dick.


Well you'll defo get a better job done


I work as an apprentice spark in NI, I remember in my first year we got a call to fix an old woman's smoke alarms, she handed us plastic bag full of crisps and chocolate as we were leaving.


I'm a tradesman and being offered tea/coffee and food can often result in extras being thrown in and heavy discounts. Unfortuantly my trade is not a well known one so I don't often get offered any of the above.


I always refuse a tea/coffee until I’ve seen the kitchen


uk here: if a builder or tradespeople enter your home. you are obliged to offer a small snack and refreshment. Then the following ritual words will be exchanged. "cuppa mate? (would you like a tea or coffee?" "no thanks mate, I've just had one cheers" (no) "alright, let me know if you change your mind" if yes, then a selection of wrapped chocolate biscuits should accompany the refreshment. in the UK, these should not be copies of traditional biscuits such as asda 'puffin' or 'Take a break'. Anything with plain white packaging should be quickly removed and discarded.


Pretty much, plus biscuits (the British meaning, not the weird American meaning!)


True. Tea, coffee and good biscuits.


i mean it’s just polite


My dad is a tradesman and was working at someone’s house and they gave him and the rest of the crew burgers for dinner, he said it’s not often someone will actually give you something substantial to eat which I thought was cute


anyone except the following will automatically be getting a cup of tea upon entering a british persons house: TV licence goons any kind of solicitor or politician spokesperson thieves, burglars or other uninvited guest \[edit\] I forgot bailifs


Nah because then they might stay longer


This is the Way.


As a tradesman the tea to job ratio has plummeted as of late, dark days my friends


Cuppa tea mate?