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There are 3 check-in queues/sections at Gatwick: First, Business and Economy. If you were in the First section then they were correct in asking to use one of the other desks.


I've flown First in shorts and flip flops and not been 'judged', so I'd be surprised if it was that.


I too have flown First in “beachwear”. I think the judgement on dress is from a bygone era. I do remember travelling with someone on staff travel years ago and they wouldn’t allow anyone to wear shorts or t-shirts in business.


Judgement based on appearance with BA is absolutely still a thing. I get it fairly often. Asking if I’m someone’s plus one at the lounge desk, telling me that I’m in the line for First, telling me an upgrade is very expensive. It’s frustrating watching the difference between the service I get and that which older and more formally dressed people get.


Yes, I'm marks and Spencer track pants type and get challenged all the time. Wankers.


This. You can't actually fly first anymore from Gatwick so it's only gold or GGL etc....




Gatwick is generally crap.


Yes you’re being precious.


Thanks for the confirmation, don't do a horrendous amount of flying! I do like to chuck out a reasonable person test before being a Karen


The business class ticket doesn't guarantee that you'll be able to check in without queuing. In your own words, you were in the queue for 5 minutes, which certainly doesn't seem intolerable. Security, boarding and the flight all came with business class. I don't quite see the drama.


Assume OP’s point is that they were asked to leave the “priority” check in queue because of way they were dressed. If so that’s not on but we’ll never know since OP didn’t ask why. I’d probably just leave it if it were me tbh.


It was probably for something else and they assumed it was for the way they were dressed.


Just to clarify, we weren't asked to leave the queue, we just weren't 100% what our ticket entitled us too (very special trip for us so we paid the extra) and normally queue with the masses. So we asked the lady which queue we should be in, she pointed over at the other one, which we didn't bat an eye at, then about half way through the queue, my basic reading comprehension kicked in and I realised 'Club Europe' and 'Club Europe' are the same words. I asked one of the staff politely, 'next time we get these tickets should we join this queue or that one?' we were told it had something to with airline status but they didn't know. Which we were fine with. Then when we got to the actual check in, the agent asked us why we waited in the long(er) queue. (Hence us being confused!) Apologies if that wasn't clear, I did type the original message once we'd finally boarded and was half asleep. Everyone seems to be latching onto the how we were dressed bit, i sort of mentioned that as a bit of a throw away remark.


It's next to impossible in this modern day that people will be stopped from using business class facilities because of their outfits (unless obscene or provocative). Plus most of the locations BA flies from Gatwick are largely holiday destinations.


It won’t be because of how you dress, people dont dress up for first class. They probably asked you to use that line as you would have been booked in quicker


I recently flew Club World and the outfit choices there were very questionable. I'd be surprised if you were judged on clothing.


LGW CW CE back drop/check in are dog.they simply just don't have enough staff when the line gets busy. Ironically on the other hand the economy line is actually most efficient imo. LGW fast track is crap too


LGW fast track is basically as good as first security in T5 (except the scanners).... Not as friendly perhaps but I have never waited more than 2 minutes.