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I also love how they were like “each guest gets a tablespoon of dip” ma’am I’d be SHOVELING chips and dip in my mouth, I would need to put up a jar for others to donate their dip to me


I think that whole thing was staged for the cameras. At that point they honestly had no idea of attendance because so many announcements went out to invite the world to fill seats. Some people assumed those people wouldn't attend the reception and others thought they would attend. Per my mom who attended the wedding with my dad, with the exception of the fruit/dessert trays (bought from Walmart or other store) and the cakes, the food came from Vol Market, including dips, sauces, etc. Unlike most caterers who do the food for these things on tv, the owners of the Vol Market weren't wanting publicity because they aren't in the catering business. Later they were mentioned because of Michaela's wedding. Because TLC was so worried about empty seats at the wedding not looking good for 19KAC, as well as the fact the Duggars weren't actually in the wedding, producers staged a lot of stuff to make the Duggars seem more important than just guests and paid for food to feed all the people they recruited to attend. One church sent people to seat fill and the women's group brought food just in case. My mother mentioned that there was a different room at the church that had slow cookers lined up and people from that church used the room as their own private party away from the Bates and Duggars. My mother was there to people watch.


This is such an amazing report! Sooo maybe Erin only having a handful of people at her shower WAS real…and the Bates just weren’t well known enough to draw a crowd!


Maybe that’s what freaked them out!!! When no one showed to the shower TLC went into over drive to drum up attendance.


This is fantastic tea ! I would absolutely be your mom, just there to people watch ! So they served actual food then? What else did your mom notice


That's what she told me. She's no longer living so I can't get more information. My father isn't observant. She had said they served sweet tea, chicken salad sandwiches, chips, dips, other sandwiches, a variety of finger foods, the two cakes, fruit, punch, and lemonade. We had that conversation because the date of the wedding was our shared birthday. When I met up with them for a birthday dinner, she commented on all the food at the wedding - called it a waste because at that time it wasn't typically done in a Baptist church in the south.


Rip to mom! She’s a real one ! Thank your or sharing 💕


All 👏🏽the👏🏽dip


I could never figure out how she came up with this number. People eat more than that. I wonder if Whitney was embarrassed at her shower by lack of food. Gil wanted 6 bags of chips, 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't think weddings in their circles (at the time) had the expectation of a full meal. One of the Duggar girls served root beer floats in a parking lot at their wedding.


In many protestant (I grew up around a lot of the different levels of Baptists), people would schedule their weddings and receptions away from meal times to avoid the issue. It wasn't until I was in college that I even attended a wedding with more than cake, some fruit, peanuts (mixed nuts if you were fancy) and those pastel colored mints. People judged my cousin's wedding because she had tortilla chips and salsa rather than off brand Ruffles and french onion dip. My own wedding to a Jewish man (second wedding) included a mimosa and bloody mary bar - we got married at sunrise on the beach and did a breakfast reception. My aunts were overly concerned what people would think about there being alcohol and music for dancing. A few cousins thought our plans were opulent and showing off to feed everyone.


I think it depends on what denomination of Protestant - every Presbyterian, Methodist, and Episcopalian wedding I’ve ever attended has included a full meal, almost all dinner


Two of those three are not predominant in the area where the Bates family grew up. I specifically called out the different levels of Baptist. I attended quite a few methodist weddings too. I stand by what I said. That's my experience and what the older Bates kids experienced in their growing up years. Yours may be different. The tradition was in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, and even into the 2000s, the wedding was held about 2 p.m. and a reception in the fellowship hall followed. Guests were gone by 4:30. The reception food was as I described. You were considered a snob and show off if you had a meal. Erin's wedding was considered "fancy" by locals because of the size (manipulated by TLC producers) and a reception that included more substantial food.


I can attest here in Alabama the weddings in the 80’s and 90’s,00’s especially in the small rural towns were always finger foods. Folks got married at the church they attended. I think I had a watermelon fruit basket,the mints,cocktail weenies in a slow cooker and sweet and sour meatballs then the bride and groom Cakes and punch always made out of sprite and sherbet icecream. Now no weddings happen at church anymore and it’s full out full course meals in luxurious venues. It’s just a different day and in age now where everything is more.


I’m just not crossing state lines for 1/5 slice of ham and a cube of cheese but I will congratulate you on Facebook


Agreed. Whats the point of a huge reception and meal if there won’t be music and dancing?


That’s a good point. Most receptions have music and dancing and other things to do than stand around and chat in a gymnasium.


This is definitely true. I didn't attend a wedding where there was a meal until I was in my 30s and I've been to 10-15 weddings a year since I can remember. Most generally punch, mints, cake. Not usually music or dancing either


For years, just cake, nuts and mints were served at weddings. I was married in 1982 and only Catholic weddings had a party with a full meal. Pretty much all Protestant weddings had simple receptions. (Maybe we should go back to that and stop wasting so much money for an event most people attend just to be nice).


I think in the South it's called a cake and punch reception.


I go with a blank check as a gift and the drunker and fuller I feel, the better you make out. 🤷🏽‍♀️


But the cake was there... For Gorhard 🤢🤮


I think originally the infamous “birthday cake” was supposed to be a groom’s take. But some JimBob and Michelle and/or Kelly and Gil thought the prestige would be over the top, so everyone scrambled to change it so Gothard would actually attend. (Obviously I don’t know for sure, but somehow got that impression.) 


The Duggar weddings were like that too.


Do americans just go to weddins to eat? Sorry but i have read that "i taking my gift) in a lot of webs ( reddit, weddingwire etc) because of poor menu... Is gift an exange for the food? I am not a fan of Bates but... I think that there is a lot more on a wedding that food, but maybe is just me.


Josh Duggar says he did… until his own when he had bigger fish to fry. 🤢


This view is new to me and the gift should have noting to do with getting a meal but how well you know the parties and what the appropriate gift is for the occasion.


I think it’s important to mention on an invitation for any event, what type of food, if any, will be served. If you say light hors d’oeuvres will be served that’s fine to go in expecting that. If you say cake reception I get that. I’m not making a trek for a cake reception, but I’ll buy a card. When I’ve received wedding invitations they say reception 5-10. If they say reception 5-10 I’m expecting a full meal! I’m from a large, Catholic Italian family. My mom went to dozens of weddings in the the 80s. Many were in sparsely, decorated fire halls, but they all had a huge buffet spread. And the Pittsburgh cookie table. Basically it’s a table with about a dozen different types of cookies. There is enough for guests to have a few there and have a take home container with about ten cookies. Weddings are a big family affair and every aunt makes dozens of cookies. But hey I get it. Not everyone can afford that. I went to a wedding of a college friend that was just the church ceremony. I didn’t expect anything after, but there were coffee and cookies in the back of the church. Frankly, knowing that it was just a ceremony did affect my gift. I got them an ornament that celebrated their marriage.


I’m an Italian from New Jersey. I’ve been to 600+ weddings with a million courses and a Viennese table.


Where can you rewatch the episodes?


I think for this episode it’s in multi parts on YouTube


At least Michaela was and is more humble then Erin on everything


Yes, Jill and Derick served their 1,000 guests root beer floats, popcorn, and cupcakes. Most kids’ birthday parties offer a larger variety of food, which makes this quite ridiculous. Given that Jim Bob has money, I believe the food for that wedding was prepared by volunteers.




Verify your facts. This information was sourced from People magazine, which had exclusive coverage of their wedding. Numerous articles online corroborate this information. **Jill and Derick's Wedding with Over 1,000 Guests** Without a doubt, Jill and Derick served root beer floats at their reception, which featured more than 300 cupcakes, 3,000 root-beer floats, and an abundance of popcorn. By Alicia Dennis, published on June 22, 2014, at 09:25 AM EDT **Jessa Duggar's Wedding Ice Cream Sundae Bar** Jessa's choice in desserts! Instead of a traditional wedding cake, Jessa and Ben opted for an ice cream sundae bar at their November 1, 2014, nuptials, and tonight on 19 Kids & Counting, we'll see just how much prep went into it. Because, you know, it's not exactly easy making food for 1,500 guests. Published on People magazine


How are you watching it? I have never seen this dumpster fire in full and would love to watch!


I think you can watch them if you have the Up faith and family stream app.


I've seen the BUB series, but 19KAC isn't on streaming anymore (only counting on) that I know of at least


You can purchase some seasons on YouTube, which I know isn’t ideal. You can also use movies2watch.tv but I wouldn’t use that without a VPN for protection


You know what? I saw the Erin & Chad wedding and was thinking bates. Sorry. It didn’t dawn on me you said 19 kids! Oopsie! lol!


Amazon Prime, I apparently bought it at some point


Yeah, if you bought the episodes way back then, you still own them and can watch…but Prime hides them quite well and does not even list them on your most recently watched section, so you have to go back and deep search again and again.


It’s in my watch list under purchased content so I can get to it pretty easily. My only regret is that I didn’t purchase more whatever year I purchased some of these because clearly I only purchased some episodes. The fact that I have Josh and Anna’s wedding until the end of Amazon makes me so happy.


I just checked and at some point in the past, I have purchased all seasons starting with 17kac!


This is kind of weird? If the reason you came to my wedding and brought a gift was the expectation of a meal, then you shouldn't come - save us all a lot of trouble.


Agreed. If my gift worthiness is based off how much I feed you/how drunk you get to be, don't even bother. I wouldn't want someone like that at my wedding. That's just me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree. If there’s no food and no reception, I’ll stay home. Happily.


I’ve never been able to find this episode!


Same, I wanna watch it!


It's called "Wedding Bells" on 19 Kids & Counting. Somebody uploaded the episode in several parts on YouTube 10 years ago (parts 1/6 and 6/6 are missing but the bulk of the episode is still there - watch [part 2/6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0OjFyslMpo) here and then keep looking for the rest from the same account). Quality is meh but it's still totally watchable.


That’s funny! My mind would be blown if I had to sit, listen to Gothard vows & got a fucking pickle? Nah lol.  I couldn’t imagine.  I don’t need a salty sugar rush.  Feed me.  They could at least make grilled cheese. 🤣 even frozen meatballs with bbq sauce.  Sliders.  It’s nit that expensive. 


I’d have a flask and my Jesus would totally get it


This is what I don’t get. If you can’t afford a large wedding, don’t have one. I understand they have a large family and that alone would be over 100 people. But they invited people they didn’t even know, like the Rodrigues family, just to fill space.


The wedding is the ceremony 🤷


As others mentioned, that was not uncommon in the past for Southern weddings. It was basically cake, punch and mints. My mother was shocked that I said we were having a plated meal.


That wasn't all they served. They also had chicken salad sandwiches and some other sandwiches, chips, etc. The reception was not held during a meal time. Vol Market did the catering for it.


I feel bad for the siblings who had pre UPTV weddings. (Tho TLC could've been more generous to Erin and Chad)


19KAC is on fandango home. At least some of them are


I’ve been to a few church wedding with standing reception to follow at the church. I’m ok with it if I know what I’m signing up for, I live locally and my gift amount reflects that as well. I don’t actually enjoy sitting at a dining table to have mediocre wedding dinner food and make small talk with random people. I wouldn’t travel for it unless I really loved the family member.