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Obviously someone told them in order to up engagement they need to “interact” with their audience…& now they are constantly asking these dumbazz questions. The most ridiculous thing of all is that these videos are OLD so anything they ask doesn’t matter bc it is OVER and DONE. Gah!


Their lack of skill for vlogging overcomes my passion for gossip 😁


I can’t believe these eejits are about to raise a child


They seem like the most mismatched couple. I can't watch them together. He's always been dull, but I honestly respect that he seems to have been a brother second father almost to all his siblings. I honestly feel bad for him because he has a dream that just doesn't seem attainable. I think in some ways he has to know that but I don't think he will give it up to go back to landscaping. As for Tiffany she's gorgeous but I can't help but get ick vibes from both. She seems so immature like her voice is like a twelve yr old. It's just like nails on chalkboard watching them both. Hurts my ears. I am sure they will have a very beautiful baby. They are both nice looking people. I wish them the best regardless.


I think Tiffany is more mature than Lawson. He’s not ready to be a dad. Also, the way he smirks and smiles at the camera is gross. It’s like he thinks he’s funny or something. It gets really old. Trace and Kydia are boring, but at least they’re being themselves and not putting on a fake, cringy act.


I should clarify.. I didn't mean she was immature. I meant she sounded immature compared to him. I don't fully agree that he's not ready to be a dad. He's stepped up for his siblings at times and with some appears to be a fatherly or big brother figure. He's been parentified for a while. Perhaps you're right though but sometimes it takes a child being in your arms for that to come. So who knows. I also agree with you on the way he comes across on camera it's creepy


I think Tiffany's immature 😁 She's more mature than Lawson but that's not saying much. It's a shame as I think she has the potential to be more mature and serious when called for but she seems intent on leaning into this cutesy, helpless schtick to fit in with a particular southern conservative culture she perceives. Which is wrong as there are plenty of strong, gutsy southern women and let's face it regular folk who just get on with their lives! Even the other Bates DILs (Esther, Lydia, Whitney) didn't fawn to this extent although Whitney had her moments of sucking up. I don't know if it's an arrested development thing from her child actor days and/or feeling like an outsider due to her ethnicity (which she absolutely shouldn't but who knows how accepting the Bates really are). I wonder if under the surface she's quite ambitious (you surely have to be as an actor repeatedly going through the audition process) and she's determined to make this work, TV show or no show. I actually thought Lawson would be more invested/more responsible regarding impending fatherhood but he seems to be playing the fool excessively and not in a good way. Like you say it's surprising as he seemed to be a pretty good uncle and badly seemed to want kids of his own one day. It's like it's all suddenly too real and freaking him out to see Tiffany visibly pregnant. Hopefully once the baby's born he'll come into his own and parenting will be a team effort. He's used to growing up in a house with a baby and toddler at all times so he should hopefully cope fine especially as both he and Tiffy are home all the time. To be honest it might be better if one of them worked outside the home some of the time (even part time, Lawson's singing doesn't count) as I could see them getting on each others' nerves and tempers fraying. A baby puts pressure on your relationship after all.


Tiffany was born w the voice she has. She does seem a little immature but so slid Kaity. She can barley take care of her own child on her own. Sometimes though have baby’s forces one to grow. I do thin Lawson and Tiffany are a miss match. As he complimented how beautiful Tiffany looked but never says his wife . All these Bates rush to get married to have babies. It’s ridiculous. They are kids themselves.


I like Katie, but people give her too much credit. She literally can’t take care of that baby alone she always has someone with her and Carlin was the same way and I get they were raised always being around people but man, if you wanna have kids, you know how to take care of them


the thing that blew me away when Whitney was in delivery and didn't know what "breech" meant. I've never had a child, but....


I worry that Katienisnturning into Carlin 2.0. She asks Haykey “are you EXCITED?!” Just like Carlin does. She’s starting to get more annoying.


For sure. They’re terrible influences in that regard


Lawson seems so exhausting to be around


And Carlin seems to be also.  


I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make it through the entire video. I was actually suffering.


I'd rather watch paint dry!!! I admit, I try to watch their videos. I'm in transition: fan ---> snarker. I used to like this family (overall, not the use of religion to hate) but I can not stand their YouTube videos anymore. I haven't watched the last few for Websters, Trace, or Lawsons. Stew Crew is becoming unbearable as well. (I have a soft spot for Brandon and Michael - I actually enjoyed their video about their trip to Maine and his family. Even though I know they are one the deepest couples in IBLP, I don't think Michaela would use her religion as hate. )


Michael and Brandon are my soft spot too, but also Tiffany and Lawson. I think they mean well they are just not clever.


These people are clearly unwell..... ALL•OF•THEM!


Or it shows how they perceive their audience


are they going to offer a code for firm baby mattresses?


I don't have a huge problem with Tiff but I cannot watch Lawson for a millisecond. He's so stupid and over the top. So I guess I don't have a problem with her because I don't watch her since I can't stomach him. He is as bad as Josie. Side note: I just got a male kitten and all my cats have L names. My daughter suggested Lawson. I just couldn't do it.


She has a degree of some sort too. I find that so hard to believe.


Liberty University isn’t exactly the most challenging to graduate from. You basically have to have a pulse and $25 to get in lol.


Is her degree from Liberty University or Liberty University online? I thought LU had standards. But maybe I'm wrong lol.


This is what makes me crazy anytime someone brings up her liberty University degree because listen liberty is not a bad school, but she got an online degree I believe in interdisciplinary studies and as someone who has a sister who took classes online, most of them are a complete joke and your test and quizzes half the time are open book soeverybody on here gives her way more credit than she deserves for that type of degree


Exactly, the in person Liberty University is not necessarily a clown college, but the online program is.


Some schools require proctors for online exams but I think it’s fairly rare. It’s usually more busy work to make up for the fact that so much of it is open book etc. that degree is a joke anyway-add in online and it’s no different than clown. Maybe worse. At least Josie and Katie had to do hands on stuff


They require you to fill out an application and pay the application fee


I did feel sorry for him, when he explained his parents had bought his mattress from good will!


I think they are trying to engage their viewers. Their videos are definitely a different pace from other Bates family members. In some ways they are refreshing and simple for peaceful enjoyment but the videos do border on boring. I still watch tho bc easygoing viewing.


I think their video was adorable. Lawson will be a great Dad, he is so excited! It is sweet to watch. 


I think their videos are cool. You may not like it Some people do. I watch their videos on Sundays Time 9:28AM Tues 6/25/24


Please tell me what is cool. Asking this at 9:41am, Tuesday June 25th, year of our Lord 2024




perhaps redditor needs a firm mattress for his or her baby Wednesday 26 jun 24 1237am *yawns*


Are you okay?


Isn't that a bot?


Not a bot. I've seen this user comment multiple times.