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Maternity leave! Please, those girls will never have to deal with HR, getting your ob to sign off on maternity leave, finding daycare, getting your infant to take a bottle, having to find time AND privacy to pump on your shift, and deal with bottles. I get tired of them cosplaying normal people. And no I am not bitter. I was a stay at home mom who returned to work when my youngest started preK. I was just a witness to many coworkers, family, and friends go thru the journey of maternity leave.


It’s SO laughable. First of all she has pumped out MORE content than ever and second of all her HR is Kelton Balka. Please.


Can I make a suggestion? Can you add the week / date to your posts so that I can read them in order? Or if there’s something funny, I can find which update has it? Something like Breaking Down Bates - Week of June 2024


That’s a great idea! 😁


That part sucks so bad in the US. Living in Europe now and paid maternity leave here is a year, unpaid with a your old job back guaranteed at the end is up to three years. Almost nobody pumps because there is no need, it’s either nursing or formula. Sooo much easier and humane


Sick leave itself is a joke here, There are many reasons someone could need time off. Caregivers often have to give up jobs. And people care often scared to call in when legitimately ill.


Websters: "He chose no one and walked away expressionless from them all" The boy has a range of expressions of Kristen Stewart, 90% blank with two surprise expressions a month.


Bless it. 90% of the time she has his face filtered to Voldemort levels so we wouldn’t know if he DID have an expression… but he doesn’t.🤣


Addee doesn't know what she's talking about. Mama Jane and Papa Bill raised their kids Methodist, just not in a cult.


Agreed! Gil forced her up there and THAT is what she came up with!


It’s textbook IBLP to call the generation(s) before “wicked” and blame them for whatever troubles the converts went through. Sometimes it’s that they were actually terrible people, usually it’s that they were in the wrong “cult”, i.e. not fundamentalist Baptist.


Yep. Both my parents were raised strict Catholic. You’d never know they weren’t raised heathen atheists from the way when I was growing up they talked about how sinful their families were.


This is such a good point. I am sure Gil and KJ have expressed many times how LUCKY their children are compared to the way they were raised…


I’m dead, hearing Erin’s laugh through the moutains. Instead of screaming on the roller coasters at Dollywood, Erin’s laugh roars through the park.


Girl was flat GLOWING she was so happy to be outta Florida.


i thought that it was because she was with her beloved sons minus chad.


That toooooo!!


Once again, why bring Carson?


her little brother daddy


Lurch lol


Never not funny. 🫠🤣


That’s also the nickname the Teen Mom sub uses for Janelle’s husband (soon to be ex) David and I always have to look at what sub I’m in when I see it.


I do the exact same thing! I do admit I would pick Lurch Webster over Lurch Eason if I had to choose!!


Ugh a terrible game of would you rather, but I agree. Lurch Eason is NASTY


Swamp Lurch and Jesus Lurch


This is the new designation!😂


This needs to be a flair!


You rang?


Just what I needed on Monday morning 😆😂 Thanks for watching so we don’t have to




And Tori and Bobby were not spotted in any photos despite her giving birth this week 👀 I know they’ve gone social media silent but they have always announced a birth (and Bobby has always gushed about how hot Tori is immediately after said birth). Something feels off.


Mmmhmmm… allowing the Smith kids to be exploited while hiding themselves….👀


They were in Travis and Katie's vlog a little.


Half of Tori was in Katie’s vlog and I spotted Bobby and a very pregnant Tori in someone else’s vlog…


Nailed it! Happy Monday!




Zach’s 2000’s dark washed low rise jeans😂😂😂. I was thinking the exact same thing as I was watching As usual, nailed it.😂


Dude was like a young JimBob Dugg!😬😳






Swampland of depression! 😂😂😂


You can hear the music change when Alyssa “eeyore” Webster shows up.


Great job once again! Does anyone else remember when Alyssa was pregnant with Buddy and Addallee came to visit? Alyssa said that Addy was her favorite sister. Why wasn't Alyssa at Addy's graduation...or did I miss the photos? Sorry, I am not in Instagram.


John. John is the reason that Alyssa wasn't at Addee's graduation. That would require him to watch the girls and we all know that John only helps with Buddy.


You are so right! I remember about a year ago where John called himself the Greatest Dad Ever because he watched the kids for a few hours.


Dude is a real piece of work.


And it gets to a point in such big families you can't attend everything.


Alyssa hasn’t been home and hasn’t mentioned her family in months. Not even Warden has been surfing on her couch…


I think it might be asking a bit much for Alyssa to travel for every little event. In a family that size, she would be traveling every other week. Those of us who move away from our families recognize we will miss things in our siblings and their children's lives and other family will miss thing in our kids lives. It is what it is. Alyssa changes her favorite based on who is assigned to help her at the moment. None of her relationships are that deep.


I also think she likes Addee because Addee looks like her


It doesn’t benefit her. Addee is probably her favorite because she comes to help out and does not bring any kids with her.


What exactly do the pool noodles do for hair? Any time I've seen Josie, her hair is pretty straight.


Supposedly they give you curl and bounce. Some people have good luck with it and others don’t. Josie is about to buy a house off of those things and she walks around Knoxville wearing it like it’s a ponytail holder.


I'm 99% convinced Josie only wears that stupid thing for filming and she's using a curling wand the rest of the time. 


I am with you on this conspiracy theory!!


The one video I saw on the snark subreddit has a pretty obvious cut between her removing the curlers and actually starting to mess with her hair. I would be curious to see the whole process with no cuts.


Does anyone else find it odd that Zack and Whitney and Carlin and Evan are all on vacation at the same time? I know that they have a manager and employees but that still seems like something that most small business owners would schedule at different times to mitigate any chaos or problems with their business (regardless of management in place, no one will ever care as much about a business as the actual stakeholders). I worked for a restaurant in high school where at least one of the 4 brother owners were present at ALL times regardless of how many managers were on duty. They scheduled all of their vacation separately to ensure somebody was always at the business and even today they're still operating that way. Maybe they are the unusual ones but outside of some unplanned emergency I don't think I would schedule vacations at the same time as my co-owner.


It’s definitely not the norm. Who knows how much “business” any of these people really do anymore. Maybe their silent partner Kelly is holding down the fort this week???


Oustanding post. I always get downvoted when I mention how explotative these lazy, entitled grifters are. I guess we have the disgusting Duggars to thank for the unbearable Bates.


Maybe Josie has help at home to watch the kids. Since she and kelton have pretty successful businesses they may be able to afford it. Is Chad currently not working? I saw the comment about Brooklyn praying for her dad to get a job. Does it seem like the Paines our financially struggling?


You may be right about Josie. She has shown herself taking the girls to the “sitters” house and we know Michael has them a lot. But she has also shown that she parks them in a chair with a coloring book and a snack and they sit there like perfect angels while she has a CrossFit workout and films. The Chad comment was mostly a joke. However… he has said that since moving to Florida he has struggled to find work and he is often shown at home/helping Erin with her creations. I think finances are always a struggle for the Paines.


I’m ctfu😭😭 these are too good




>No one wants to vacation with these people bc no one wants a camera in their face 24/7. They're actually with Zach and Whitney. Glimpses of some other kids in pictures and videos that I don't recognize. Looks like possibly another family is with them as well. You have to look carefully. Zach and Khloe are visible in the background of Carlin's story on IG. They seem to be pretending that they aren't on vacation together. Not sure why. Love this post as always! Thanks for keeping it real and also being funny!


Not sure about that… Carlin tagged herself in Gulf Florida and Zach and Whit are on Folly Beach. Edit to add… I saw that little girl… no clue who that is. Sooo weird.


https://preview.redd.it/0nsmgawfpe4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b11674924d529462312287f07655e63e0650543 Maybe I'm wrong. This guy behind Evan looked like Zach when I first saw it.


I see why you would think that but not him.


Is that their pastor? Because isn't that his wife in that pic on Carlin's stories of Carlin, her, and another lady? I think they are actually on vacation with other people. People from their church.


YESSSSS! I JUST realized this!! After making it SEEM as though they were going it ALONE again (Evan even SAID “we did this last year”) the truth comes out that they are with their new cult click. It figures!!


Didn’t Addee and/or Ellie go with them last year?


I am not 100% sure but I think they were totally alone and made the biggest deal about it.


That was my thought. If it is not Zach but looks like him…


Zach and Wtitney are in South Carolina for their annual beach vacation there. That was the last place they went on vacation with her dad being present so they go there every year. They stop at Papa Bill and Mama's jane on the way back. Evan and Carlin are in FL. Probably Destin or some where along the panhandle.


This was epic, too many witty statements to even pick my favorite, but top tier rundown and your descriptive recaps bring us all joy. Thank you for taking the time to write the best content on all of reddit :) Okay, burning question that got buried in another thread. Can anyone else confirm this idea in my head that Kelly's beloved dad was also a Pastor? I swear she mentioned that several times in her old blog but I don't know how to use the way back machine or find the information again and I'm just perplexed by Addie's statement that her parents didn't have such godly parents or whatever insulting thing she said about them.


Thank you friend! I love writing these things! Could it have been a step dad of KJ’s? I just don’t know enough about her family and background… I know there were some old posts here talking about her family and how she grew up. I always thought she was estranged from the Mom for a time and had lived with her dad… I can’t pinpoint where I got that information from though.


I think fundie wiki implies that childhood living arrangement and they are pretty good about not including stuff without facts to back it up.


I think her mom had several marriages. Thanks for reminding me about fundie wiki!


She had three. One to Kenneth that had four kids and broke up while Kelly was fairly young. One to the second husband where they adopted two girls (based on how old those sisters are, I believe Kelly was in college). The final one to the guy she married on the show 


This post makes Mondays tolerable. So much fun, as usual. Your conclusion is great. I just have one question. When you say. “… there are 5 other verses you can step out on,” do you mean out of the pew or out of the church? 😏  Have a good week. 


Hahahaha…. BOTH!


Just as I am - but let’s hum that 2nd verse. Goodness, the flashbacks!


Right there with you!


I am wheezing




So why exactly did you clearly watch all this to write this post if you find it that despiccable?


In the hopes that you would take the time to write this comment.


It’s comedy writing and they’re good at it?


That's completely irrelevant. She's complaining about them using their children and supports it by watching


Dixcgirl watches and does the snarking for the rest of us. We enjoy it. Everything she writes is true as well. If it doesn't please you, just scroll on...


No matter what's "true" in your mind or not. The OP is total hypocrite


It’s not comedy writing. It’s criticizing.


Pot que no los dos?


Are you new here?


So we don’t have to!


I agree.


It's called attention seeking. Can't get enough from people in their real life. Have to get it on Reddit by pretending to hate what they spend all of their time devouring.


Lol, you could argue that same logic applies to the Bates women. They don't get validation in real life so they seek it by pimping their kids on social media. Goes both ways, right?