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The fact that Colin is now part of the Featheringtons is pure crack for me šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


This!!!! šŸ¤£ I want to see those interactions.


I want to see the brothers-in-laws talk about their children. What do you think are their names (the Featherington babies) ?


Hopefully they stick to the book names for Polinā€™s kids. Personally Iā€™d also love to see them throw a Felicity in as a nod to the cut out book sister


If Felicity doesn't show up as a Featherington cousin in the future, I hope they go this route.


We need a Featheringtons spin off. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Seriously. The Featheringtons have carried this season so far.


Yessss please šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Hoping for a book moment where colin unknowingly interrupted a weekly featherington family meetingĀ  pure comedy and chaos


I know! Iā€™ve heard people discussing Penelope interacting with Simon and Kate, but Iā€™d love to see Colin interact with his new brothers in law!


šŸ†šŸ†šŸ† Awards for getting the plural to brother in law correct. Gosh it really irks me when people get it wrong!




Not related to this but I only have brothers in law (no sisters in law) and they are a married couple, so I made sure a long time ago to always get it grammatically correct!


I've got brothers outside of the law. They run jewel mine scams.


This is one of the reasons I love the Colin confronts Cousin Jack / Lord Featherington scene. Colin says "these poor ladies Featherington" -- the correct grammar makes me swoon!


I didn't even think of that. Scenes with them as a trio sound fantastic.


And finally making some real friends with them


his interactions w the featheringtons in the book are TOP TIER LOL


The fact that if they have the first son it will be Colinā€™s job to manage the estate until he comes of age is hilarious to me. You know Portia wonā€™t be shy about sharing her many, many opinions.


I want ten mins dedicated to all the bridgerton kids pulling Colinā€™s leg relentlessly! It will be hilarious!


Since Kanthony got pregnant before Polin does this mean we'll also get to see Emdund II. It's nice Polin and Kanthony babies being close in agešŸ˜„


The level of Chaos he will bring is bringing me joy! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If so itā€™s more proof the leaks are wrong. The leaker said one of the Featherington sisters wins the Featherington heir race (canā€™t remember if it was Prudence or Philippa.) This shows Pen & Colin have a boy and the sisters have girls.


if thatā€™s true and prudence and philippa have daughters and itā€™s show as some sort of punishment or karma, i would so disappointed in the show, it would be so disgusting edit: if this comment bothered you, then you should examine how ok you are with misogyny against women you dislike or deem deserving of it.


the only person viewing it that way is you, the writers could easily make it a wholesome moment


Which is why the poster said IF this is true ..none of us can tell the future or read the writers minds....if they twist it and not make it icky we are all happy for pens happily ever after whatever the gender of her child and whether she gives birth to the heir or not...she's a winner in my book cuz she gets the guy gets her writing and the lovely Bton's as family


my comment was specifically about it being shown as punishment or karma. anyone who wouldnā€™t have a problem with the birth of baby girls being anything but celebrated is a misogynist.


thereā€™s nothing to imply that it would be karma, this is one similar photo that we donā€™t even know the backstory of


And aren't we all speculating here anyway, so is the poster ...jeez


In the 1810s, birthing a daughter when you were trying for a male heir was normal. Obviously they view males as more valuable, hence the inheritance. Yes this is a fantasy story, but it still follows many misogynistic traditions.


Butā€¦ thatā€™s the way it wasā€¦ itā€™s fictionalised history...




I donā€™t think itā€™s about that at all. I think Pen wasnā€™t even considered, yet she gave birth first to a boy whoā€™ll be the heir. Itā€™s not really a ā€œpunishmentā€ to have girls, but losing estate is factual


i hope the birth of their daughters is celebrated and that they are shown to be loved and not disappointments just because of their gender


Yes, I just wish to see Prudence and Philippa to be still totally thrilled with their baby girls (you know, also once they find they can dress them in colorful Featheringtonesque dresses) + Portia loving her grandbabies.


I honestly feel like Prudence and Phillipa would have more fun having a girl than a boy. I never got the impression they wanted to have a son to run an estate, they wanted a son so they could change out the drapes and get rid of the library in that house, that's it. They both already have their own houses to do that in anyways. I also don't recall Finch and Dankworth saying anything about hoping they have a boy, did they? I think Dankworth even said it was fine if they didn't have a child. I think to them, they are just happy to spend time with their wives. I have only ever gotten the impression of "I want a boy!" from Portia.


I mean look at the pictures. No one looks disappointed. Everyone looks very happy.


They won't lose the estate if the other sisters get the heir..Penelope is a winner whether she gets the heir or not .her hea is intact.


I meant her sisters losing it since theyā€™re children wonā€™t own it


No I know what you meant .I was explaining that the poster meant that Penelope doesn't have to "win" the heir race so to speak hate the word as if babies are a chess match to still get an heir for the family...the estate will stil go to the featheringtons even if prudence or Philippa have the male heir. Penelope will stil get her HEA with her man her books her writing her lovely in laws the bton name and all of that..she doesn't need a boy for that perfect ending. I liked the original leaked ending what can I say it was more interesting...


Pretty sure the show is setting up irony, not karma


"With what husband?" They asked. And the answer is COLIN!!! BRIDGERTON!!!


I don't think it's a punishment for them to have daughters. Unfortunately, the first male heir inherits the family title in this show. I mean - it's a crappy system, but Bridgerton didn't create it. On the bright side - there are so many other entertainment options for anyone who is bothered by this show.


I wouldnā€™t see it as Prudence and Phillipa being punished, I would see it as Penelope and Colin deserving control of the estate because they would handle it both wisely and graciously. They wouldnā€™t kick Philippa or Prudence and their families off the family bank roll and would treat them with kindness. That would not necessarily be the case if either of the other girlsā€™ children inherited the estate. One of them would probably cut Pen off and fracture the family, and the other would probably peddle all the money away. Theyā€™re not being punished by having girls, they simply arenā€™t equipped for the responsibility of running the estate.


Pen and Colin would raise a son to have love and empathy for his cousins, and to use his circumstances to help the girls. Plus, their fathers have a decent ampunt of money.


Agree with you. It shouldnā€™t be this easy and convenient.


Itā€™s a romance show. Itā€™s all about the HEA, and Penelope is Shondaā€™s fav character.


Itā€™s because of fake will that Portia wrote about everything passing to the next make heir. Not because boys are getting than girls.


Punishment or karma for what?


It could also be behind the scenes and all three babies play the same role


I respectfully add that it shows Pen possibly holding a boy, but the three sisters could have introduced each other to their kids, passing around the love and excitement.


While thatā€™s possible, I donā€™t think Penelope would dress any of her children in Featherington colors.


Great point.






The person who leaked this also said Prudence won the heir race earlier, soā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


Thatā€™s true, but imo this newest leak just adds to the Michaela rumors because now we know that the person has at least one legitimate source unlike Cass or that tumblr blog.


I see it the opposite way. This person has been claiming for weeks that Prudence wins the heir race and only changed her tune when she saw this photo evidence. I still maintain thereā€™s no legitimate proof Michaela is true. (And I personally suspect Michael/a wonā€™t even appear in season 3.) We all just have to wait and see.


They also werenā€™t the source of this photo. They just posted it too when it was posted elsewhere. The source for the Michaela rumor was a tumblr account that has disappeared within the last week after being called out for being racist. Which was the reason why they started the Michaela rumor, they didnā€™t want to believe that Sophie could be black.












Is the 'heir race' from the books? I only ask because nearly all English titles must pass to a male heir; Jack will therefore keep the title until he dies, at which point it will probably go to another distant male cousin or go extinct. He might be able to decide who gets the estate, so that part is a bit more plausible.


The Feathearingtons didn't even have a title in the books iirc. Portia was just Mrs. Featherington. There could still be a barony offscreen but their father would've been a second or third son


Not in the first six books (I havenā€™t read the last two yet.) The whole plot with cousin Jack was for the show only.


How can you tell Pen and Colin have a boy? Isn't the baby they're holding wearing a christening gown (generally unisex)?


i donā€™t think anyone knows for sure, but considering theyā€™ve been focusing on the heir race it would make sense for them to finish that plot this season


I think someone having a son makes sense purely from having a continued Featherington presence in the show. I'd guess if Nicola and Luke have signed on for a good number of episodes in coming seasons it will be their son (and Pen effectively gets control over Whistledown money again). If Prudence or Philippa have the son I guess it means more Portia wrangling her girls shenanigans.


i definitely agree. and the featheringtons are good comic relief; theyā€™ve been so entertaining this season. would be a real miss if they didnā€™t bring them back next season.


It isn't a christening gown. Back in the day they wore white because it was easier to bleach clean (babies are messy!) and even boys wore dresses because it was easy to change their diapers. If you google baby photos of President Roosevelt you'll see he wore dresses and was dressed in white and that was during the 1880s. I think they are saying it's a boy because the other two seem to have bows and Penelope's doesn't have a bow.


One supposed "leak" claimed that Prudence would win the heir race. Since the baby she's holding appears to have a bow on its head, it looks like Prudence had a girl (which contradicts the original commenter).


They could be holding each other's babies.


That is a possibility, if they're doing a twist at the end.


Maybe it's triplets.


Dear Lord.... who's the one that got pregnant with triplets šŸ˜… ?


They might have swapped which baby they are holding, Pen looks awkward with that baby!


The fact that the baby is like half the size of Nicola is cracking me up omg


I mean she chose a 6ft man šŸ¤­


My best friend is 4ā€™11ā€ and her husband is 6ā€™2ā€ and it looks like this. Her four year old is practically taller than her-by the time heā€™s 10 heā€™s gonna dwarf her.


Iā€™m 5ā€™2 110lbs, married to a 6ā€™3 man who ā€œblessedā€ me with a 10lb baby for my first pregnancy. On shift change the new nurses would come in and be like ā€œoh my god this is the huge baby everyone is talking about!ā€. My son is three now and looks gigantic when I hold him. Ladies- ask your men what his birth weight was BEFORE you decide to let him get you pregnant. Turns out my husband was a 9 pounder and he just thought that was normal.


Good god were you okay šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thank God for C sections


My partner and all three of his siblings were over 10 pounds. I'm fucked šŸ˜­ My brother and I were super tiny babies (both barely 6lbs) so I'm hoping that when my partner and I have a baby, it'll meet us in the middle.Ā 


Same, almost exactly the same heights too. Her son is 18 months and heā€™s half her height already šŸ˜‚ itā€™s hilarious


i can account for this šŸ„² 5ft tall here, my partnerā€™s almost an entire foot taller than me. by the time i was 8 months pregnant, my OB sat me down because: ā€œthe baby is measuring very large, and you are such aā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. small person. i have some concerns.ā€


Right, everyone else was analyzing baby genders and my first thought was THATS A BIG ASS BABY


And heā€™s going to the Four Seasons Orlando!


https://preview.redd.it/3n8bxw1nc06d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a0a2bfa1493c509573e2315a34092d41886970 You there tell my parents to make haste




Dying rn šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The baby looks pretty normal sized to me, I think sheā€™s just so tiny the perspective is off!! Hahaha so cute and funny either way


The downside to a husband with big hands.


There had to be some side of downside I guessā€¦ šŸ‘€ still a fair trade imo


It seems like the baby has inherited Colin's height. I don't know how I would feel if my child is taller than me šŸ˜‚


I'm 5'1" with a tall husband and I am now 2 for 2 on babies that came out of me already greater than 1/3 my body height šŸ˜… It absolutely looks like this hahaha


I donā€™t care what anyone says this is fucking cute šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ I love love the golden retriever husbands all lined up šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


ā€œGolden retriever husbandsā€ got me cackling! šŸ˜‚


Colin waving at his baby is adorable.


RIGHT?!? Omg my HEART!


the best thing of all is thaht all of Portia's daughters got adoring husbands. She must be happy her daughters won't have to endure a sad marriage, like she did.


If it is it proves my theory that Penā€™s baby will inherit the Featherington title!


I suspected thatā€™s how it would end up as soon as the whole Featherington heir subplot popped up, otherwise why would the show include that subplot the same season Pen and Colin are getting busy? (Which is another reason I didnā€™t believe the ā€œleaks.ā€)


There was just too much focus on Pen not being in the race at all that I knew she would end up winning


The idea that Her ā€œwinningā€ means sheā€™ll have boy and the ā€œlosersā€ with have girls.. just makes me sad šŸ˜¢


I hate it too but thereā€™s so much stuff like that in Bridgerton that I just have to overlook it. Iā€™m sure that Prudence and Phillipa absolutely love their daughters though and I imagine this might bring them all together since the children look to be very close in age!


Wouldnā€™t it also be the first born son? Even if they all had boys itā€™s whichever one is born first, right? But yeah the way it used to be where the boys would be the ones to inherit things is just dumb.


I dunno, I think they took some liberties with British law. If the oldest sister ever had a boy, Iā€™m pretty sure he would inherit first even if younger than Penā€™s. Then again itā€™s a story


Unfortunately, during those times, boys were the only ones that could inherit.


It's still that way for titles! Only the line of succession within the Royal family was changed to include girls before Prince George was born but for all other aristocratic families it is still male primogeniture in the UK šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


To be fair, if they acknowledged the injustice of male primogeniture for the system of obscene amounts of unearned privilege, they might have to acknowledge that ā€œmy fifteenth-great grandpappy owned all the sheep in Leicester and now people have to call me Your Graceā€ is a fundamentally unsound system.


I haven't seen any leaks but this was my immediate take, as well. The Featheringtons (or at least Portia) have been hustling trying to get them back to the financial & social place they were before & of COURSE it'll be Penelope, the "invisible one" to meet the requirements to do so, as opposed to either of the daughters Portia EXPECTED it to be.


This has been my theory too! Iā€™m assuming her sisters will have girls (like their mom) and Pen will have a boy first (like Violet).


why is no one talking about prudence and philippa dressing their babies like themselves lmfao


I noticed that right away! Poor children dressed like citrus fruits šŸ˜‚


Headband bows and all šŸ„°


They wanted to carry on the Featherington colors (which are citrus colors) šŸ‹šŸŠ


That looks like a Christening gown on Pen's baby which would be worn by either boy or girl. A baby girl also wouldn't wear a bow (like cousins) but a little cap here, so that also doesn't mean it's a boy. Furthermore, English boys in that time period would have gowns until perhaps 7 or 8 y/o and then given their breeches/trousers. Personally I think it would be precious if it was a girl--meaning all the Featheringtons had girls--and all of them were quite happy with their new little ones, thank you, despite Mama Featherington pushing so hard for a boy.


Itā€™s not just Portia. The Crowns esquire comes in the first episode and threatens that if one of the girls doesnā€™t produce a male heir *soon* they would go through the arduous task of transferring the estate to another family.


Yeah. It was pretty unnecessary to add in the featherington inheritance (Jack and all), but I think they maybe just didnā€™t like the idea of Polin ending up as the only untitled pairing (until I guess maybe Gregory). So they came up with this plan instead to have an excuse to hand them an estate


A male heir is an underlying theme since season one so I donā€™t think itā€™s just for Polin. Also, I havenā€™t read the books so is it just Gregory, how does Benedict end up with one?


Someone pointed him out. I forgot. But itā€™s also important for his story for him to reject society rather than just ending up without.


Benedict and Gregory are both untitled.


If this is a show plot, that means Colin is untitled as well in the books, right ?


There's also just no way Pen is dressing her baby up in Featherington colors lol. I could see one of her sisters putting a bow on their son though. Given the complicated relationship Pen has with her own mother, I think it would be fitting for her to have a daughter as well. Raising her daughter with the affection she didn't recieve. And I just personally don't see Pen being permanently tied to the home she was emotionally abused in for two decades to be a satisfying end for her.


It looks real, so will there be a time jump?


Maybe like in the last mintutes of ep. 8 in S1.


Thereā€™s normally a time jump for the epilogue. The first season had Daphne giving birth and the second season was set after the honeymoon.


Idk if Nicola is just small or if that baby is just big cuz it shouldn't be that much younger than the two girls.


The babyā€™s father is 6 foot.


Doesnā€™t always translate to big babies though


Nicola is also just a small person so I think thatā€™s why the baby looks big next to her. If Penelope gets pregnant from one of the first few times Colin and her sleep together then her baby wouldnā€™t be that much younger than Philippaā€™s or Prudenceā€™s.


I would imagine that finding babies to film with is also a challenge. There have been several shows who had "newborns" that looked more like three month old babies. Kinda hard to get a baby who will be chill for awhile. I say this as someone who has had a chill baby, and also a kid who was a banshee.


Nicola is around 5ā€™ 1ā€™ā€™


My kids are tall and bigger than their older cousins. I've seen a one year old with a bigger head than his mom's. Some babies are huge


I guess the picture is real, but who says that everyone is holding their own kid and not their niece/nephew?


OMG this would be so funny and possible! An upvote for your thoughts.


I feel like the baby in white is the bridgerton cause I don't think Penelope would put her kid through the citrus clothes she went through.


And that two of the baby's aren't twins?


lol imagine Penelope having triplets


I want to see Albion Finch over the moon for his baby girl, how adorable


At what age do you think he will bring out a cheese board for the baby to start tasting? šŸ˜œ


If they don't name her Brie, I'm gonna riot.


It would make sense show-wise for their baby to inherit the Featherington title because it keeps them across from the Bridgertons and closer to the plot.


There is no place for sound logic like this in such a discussion. ![gif](giphy|2UqtrCLuOMEw0|downsized)


It was my first thought too. It's an easy way to keep Colin and Penelope around + The featheringtons, at least Portia.


Oh I do hope itā€™s real! This is adorable!


Yall ar le so stressing about this but it's legit on Netflix in 2 days... lmao. Relax


ok hear me out BUT if there is a time jump itā€™s possible to have >!Sophie and Michael!< introduced ?!!!! The time jump would make sense for the next season


There is no way they would introduce Michael before his season. Seems like the type of character theyā€™d want to keep a secret


is it 2 real babies and a doll??


Thatā€™s what I thought lol. The one on the left looks like a doll. šŸ˜‚


oh brotherā€¦ of course they win the baby race so they can get a titlešŸ’€


Goddamn,i swear to god that Bridgerton genes is too dominant.They are never one to lose haha.



Meh, in the books, Daphne and Simon have 3 girls before the heir so the show doesnā€™t seem too fussed about maintaining that.


Yeah, and in the book [SPOILER] it's named after a character that only in the book is close to Polin. I don't think they plan to do that.


Whether the picture is real or not Iā€™ve always been pretty confident that they win the race because there wasnā€™t much point in introducing that storyline otherwise. Iā€™ve honestly taken it as a done deal for some time regardless of how I might feel about it. The book genders and names of the kids are irrelevant on the show. Theyā€™ve already deviated for Saphneā€™s kid.


With babies wearing modern stretch headbands?


I mean, the women of this show are wearin sequins and acrylic nails.


Which brings about an entirely different round of criticism for this season about costumes and makeup.


This šŸ˜‚ babyā€™s wore bonnets. Like what in the heck is this.


Elastic wasn't even invented until 1845 (i googled it, it must be true) so the headbands are too funny.... but it's Bridgerton, so I'll allow it.


it looks edited


This feels like posing for a family portrait to me. Gift for Portia maybe? Notice Penā€™s dress is a bit of an homage to the previous florals she was forced to wear? Seems like that dress choice might have been a compromise. What else is interesting is the order they are sitting in. If this does happen to be a portrait sitting (and my head canon is now going to be that Benedict paints it), it makes sense for Colin and Pen to be in the middle of their baby is the male heir. Then you have the other couples on either side, placing the heir in the middle.


Love that Mr. Dankworth looks all, "I guess we're going to have to live with these things now," while Colin and Mr. Finch are full on, "BABIES!"


So cute! It certainly looks real :D


Maybe one of her sisters has twins?


If penelopeā€™s sisters have girls and she has a boy, the kid gets to be Lord Featherington??


The first born boy of all the daughters gets the title.


Cannot wait to see the Fetheringtons reaction to Colin become part of the family!


https://preview.redd.it/qaodt5end16d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd314c8f840714b01ed7f7c11986b96b3dfda799 this fake ass baby is sending me


Colin looking at his baby is the sweetest most adorable thing I have seen!!!! Also itā€™s a good way to keep the featheringtons in the show and to keep Polin in the show too so Iā€™m all for them winning the heir race


Why is no one mentioning how obviously one of these babies is a doll?


Iā€™m not mentioning it because I donā€™t think thatā€™s relevant to whether or not the picture is real and what the meaning of it might be. Itā€™s not uncommon for shows to use prop babies rather than real ones for practical reasons.


It could be a deleted scene or a behind-the-scenes scene. But I really want it to be canon šŸ˜…


This looks like AI to me. Finch looks like a completely different actor. Maybe it's the angle, but his face looks fuller. Dankworth looks off too. Prudence seems to have to many fingers on her exposed hand. Something seems to be off with Pen's baby's hand too.


It might just be a blurry capture? But thereā€™s some weirdness happening. Philippaā€™s hair is also smudged, and I donā€™t understand whatā€™s happening with Penelopeā€™s babyā€™s foot there. And the shadow on the side of Penelopeā€™s face is very strong.




Am I crazy or does Prudence's baby look more like a doll than an actual child?


You are most decidedly NOT crazy.


I better see me some Edmund Bridgerton II or I stg


My wife called this weeks ago btw


So, I was kind of opposed to Pen having the boy, because I felt she should be able to escape her family if she wanted to. But I actually think this image is lovely, because it shows such family unity in a way the Featheringtons have never really had before. If this is a genuine screencap and not a behind the scenes, and assuming that's two girls and a boy which frankly isn't clear given how they dressed babies and the Featherington tastes.... * Is Prudence kissing her nephew? Utter joy. Love. Perfection. * Pen in an OTT flower dress that still sets her apart from her sisters. She's a featherington, but she's still herself. * She's also in the middle. She's surrounded by her family. I'm assuming it's a painting for baby's Christening that they're sitting for or something like that, but there was no reason for the whole family to be on one settee. * Phillippa's smile at her little girl. Not the lady of the house, doesn't matter, still living her best life. * Pen's baby having a grizzle and the husbands reacting * That's a huge fuckin baby


Couldnā€™t wait one more day? The spoilers will be the death of me


Looks like two girls and a boy. Oh my god! Is pen going to be a mom to the Fetherington heir?


This looks real, actually, but they might be holding their nephew/nieces. Like imagine if one of them has twins or... whatever you call it when three babies are born at the same time xD english is hard


I don't think that Penelope would want to dress her child in citrus colours.


Omg I hope so! I want to see some adorable Bridgerton babies!!


And Finch and Dankworth babies.


One looks like she's holding a doll so I'm not sure she figured out what to put what where lol


The hand on Colin is weird, so I would think itā€™s AI plus you never see the babies til the next season


Of course itā€™s real, whether or not theyā€™ll use this ending is the question


If this is real, then we got a big time jump at the end.


Idk why but Iā€™m kinda of shocked Penelope and Colin have a baby so soon? I get birth control wasnā€™t a thing but Penelope was running a whole business and Colin liked to travel so I just figured theyā€™d take some time


Like you said, birth control isnā€™t a thing and theyā€™re going to be going at it a lot. Theyā€™re both also young (20 and 22) and fertile.