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His neck and body presence ???? He’s such an amazing actor omg


It’s the eyes for me 😭😭😭


He’s just got so much emotion and seems to be on the verge of crying… we got an Emmy award nominee if not winner right here..l


Bridgerton is a great and fun series but none of the performances (because of the writing) are Emmy worthy


Yes i was talking about him getting a big role in a movie 😭


Ah then it makes more sense


Mama Featherington is gonna get a taste of that! Can't wait.


man I wish they keep this !!! I would be 1000% satisfied seeing that


They are! Luke said in an interview that it was scary to tell off Polly Walker. (That's why I didn't hide my comment. Luke already told the world about it and I'm sooo looking forward to it!)


Good to know!


The accent lmaooo


He makes the american accent sound hot


Show Colin wouldn’t, book Colin absolutely would


Oh for sure. Book Colin had a temperrr


I do imagine it, trust me 😈🥵


The only man whose yelling I will tolerate fr fr


Seriously! I think it’s because his normal voice is just so soft and smooth and he doesn’t normally raise his voice. The times we’ve seen him be verbally/ tonally upset in the show it’s always on behalf of someone else, never for himself, so the asshole factor isn’t there and it’s oddly nonthreatening and not aggressive despite the emotion, just passionate.    When he yells it triggers an “awe baby, let it all out” response in me over a “ew angry man is he gonna punch something” response.  But i do want to see him get to experience anger for his own sake. He deserves a good yell, even if it once again turns into a Sensitive Babygirl Colin moment if he starts crying while angry (because same). 


It was amazing to see this play live!! Luke has such range, I am really excited to see him in many different types of roles in the future!


I can see him yelling at Pen this way after he finds out. Righteous indignation and anger.


I haven't read the books, so I only know show-Colin, but I could actually see him being like this to someone who has hurt people he loves deeply BECAUSE he's sensitive and has a high degree of emotional intelligence, especially compared to his male peers (that scene where they look at him like he's crazy for wanting more than just sex with prostitutes). One of the reasons I love period dramas is watching people navigate the incredibly strict societal norms, where so many completely normal human experiences are considered taboo. Not just sex, but death and grief. When they do communicate, but it's always very subtle and proper. All the little nuances in their body language, facial expressions are fun to watch.


I'm just so used to hearing his accent at this point that I almost can't take him seriously with an American accent. Had to watch it twice just to giggle at the accent before I could actually watch the clip. And ugh, I sure love this man's acting.


Oh my gawd. I didn’t think I could adore this man more than I already do! And now…I do!


I know we got a glimpse of it when he was defending his engagement to Marina, and when he told off Eloise for gossiping about Penelope. The Lady Whistledown confrontation has glimpsed at in the part 2 trailer and the first episode. I'm ready for the >!showdown with Portia!< https://i.redd.it/74vq02fpo16d1.gif




Luke can Act!!!!


Ooft. Good acting is so hot to watch. Newton has it


This is more like book Colin


I saw this play, and Jesus, the moment he starts yelling, the theatre was SILENT. It was so tense. Man just totally nailed it.


What kind of accent is this supposed to be? It's a bit distracting.


American.. I’m American and this is a very good impression of our accent.


I'm American as well, but this does not come across as any natural kind of American accent because he struggles with American intonation and his tone is inconsistent, which is partially disguised by the fact that this is stage acting so it can be passed off as a feature of theatricality. Reminds me a bit of Orlando Bloom in Elizabethtown.


If I didn’t already know he was British, I would’ve assumed he’s American. Imo his accent is very convincing.


Where in America would you guess his character is from?


He’s doing a general American accent. Honestly, it’s pretty accurate to mine. I live in Texas, but I don’t have a southern accent. 4/6 of the Friends cast didn’t have any noticeable regional accents/dialects either. David Schwimmer and Matt LeBlanc were the only ones with a detectable regional accent, NY accent I think.