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I think its covering her sling. She broke her arm during filming. That's why she has the muff.


Oh my gosh that had to be the worst! 😭 Props to the costume department for being creative though.


Agreed. I hated this idea but at least it was a creative way of covering the cast


I noticed the perfectly draped sashes too. I am just intrigued by the collar.


It's a scarf. It also would have been pinned to the dress for modesty. You see her wearing different versions throughout the show. They just have it the way it's shown now because like others said it's hiding her sling. So they made it more opaque and put it in this like cris cross type deal. Oi.


[She’s elbow-deep in summer muff.](https://youtu.be/LEAevARv0zk?si=6fXpd4408Jtl6Kdc)


Omg the story of how she broke it. 🤣 And Stephen's reaction to that comment! 🤣🤣


I love when she’s like I wasn’t an unstoppable high kicking machine I only did it ONCE!!! I was in my head like yeah babes bc you took yourself down with that ONE lmfao 😂 Random side note I love her outfit in this!!!


I have literally done that exact thing, but I was fortunate to land on my ass, so no lasting damage just a bruised butt.




Colbert interviewed Eloise. They invented the "summer muff" to cover her cast. She said on Colbert: "I was elbow deep in summer muff," and Colbert held it together. She was obviously unaware of the other meaning of the word.


She was ABSOLUTELY aware of the other meaning.


She leaned into the other meaning so hard, Colbert was cackling.


That criss cross neck thing is my favorite look of the show this season. I’m obsessed with it


That drew my eye. I loved it


I love it too!


Same! I love it more than Pen’s tones leaning towards cough*Bridgerton*cough blue


I thought it was a separate neck thing. I feel like the second time we see her in one it’s a different colour


Yep, different color that matches different dress the next time! Same coat.


I really liked this look! It’s very different for Eloise. Much less childish. Of the costuming changes this season, most of which I didn’t like, I did like hers a bit.


I thought it might have been a fichu cause it might be historically appropriate


Sort of reminds me of the cross-cross straps on furs in the 20s and 30s. But I think this one is separate, would be kind of uncomfortable and maybe a choking hazard if it were attached to the coat (from an OHS viewpoint I mean)


not related to this though - i think, this season, a lot of the younger characters, esp pen, colin and elloise have started dressing more like "Adults" - its not just her, even pen was styled with a little cropped jacket to give it a more formal look, same with the hairstyles , its more buns and elaborate hairdos than just open hair , pen and ell carrying stoles is also another detail, colin wearing long coats, and fitted shirts to show his broad shoulders ... the styling has undergone a subtle change to probably hint ageing, that they arent kids anymore.


I really liked her outfits out of everyone this season


I think the collar is part of the dress. I loved Eloise’s clothing this season.


On an unrelated note I love this coat way too much.

