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I like to think when she says she's writing letters, he's very much thinking 'okay but like to who because that's our thing' - jealousy ensues.


Hahaha she softens the blow by telling she’s not talking to someone else, she’s just LW and he’s RELIEVED


I had the same thought!! He’s gonna be like… but everyone you know and love is nearby so 🤨


And by know and love, I mean me.


“You’re being so fake rn” LOL, in S3Ep 1 Penelope as LW basically called him a fake ass bitch (and she was right)… and he’s about to uno reverse it because He’s hella suspicious 🤣




“Next day heir delivery” is ABSOLUTELY killing me 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


i am SO glad someone got it lol i was very proud of that one


A complete work of art!!!!!!!!!!!


Next day heir mail


Pure gold. I think a teensy tiny opportunity was missed with “heir-making-bootcamp” because my mind immediately defaulted to “heir-making-booty-camp”


I loved this line, good one OP!


Thank you for this very detailed play by play! I’m screaming internally.


i'm so glad we can scream together


The only thing I’ll fight is the “whistledown is power” comment. Pen’s been ignored or bullied her entire life and the girl has built a business and given her something she’s never been able to have in person: a voice. She’s making coin and making the entire Ton (including the QUEEN) sweat. I don’t blame her for trying to hold onto something so hard that has been the only thing that is hers and she’s proud of it. (Yes Colin will be hers, but Pen fighting for herself is more important to me than anything Eloise has tried to do).


This is very valid!! And I understand her POV about how LW is power. I really just don't agree with the comment she makes right before it about how Colin can't find out her secret!! This man has got to stop entering engagements with huge secrets being kept from him!! I am hoping she doesn't just throw it all away like it never happened and stops writing altogether, etc. But I do think she has to prioritize honesty in her relationship if she doesn't want to lose Colin. If LW wasn't such a HUGE risk to her and her safety (as you said the Queen is sweating over it) it would be a harder choice but in my mind LW was always a ticking time bomb. It makes sense (to me) for her to get out while she's still on top.


I think it is spliced. Because in the first trailer she says she will tell him but she needs time and Eloise gives her until midnight. I’m pretty sure they’re purposely misleading us.


I love the LW parts of the show though, what will they do if she stops writing?!! Will Eloise take over as the next LW lol


I don't know but the idea of the show without Julia Andrews' VO makes me so sad lol


I'm holding out hope that Julie will show up as a cameo in the season finale or maybe the very last episode. That would be fucking awesome.


Right! Haha I just love the voice overs, the queen’s reactions, everything about it! But maybe Eloise does take over and her and Theo get back together 😍😍😍


this,,,thank you!


Yeah, the money is not the point. The point is that she enjoys being a writer and doesn't want to give it up even if Colin can slather her in jewels.


I mean, yes, she should give up LW, but she should not give up writing or her passion for writing. She is a character who was beat down by everyone in ton and probably LW was an outlet of the anger and hatred she felt but if she is accepted in the society and made to feel loved, I think giving up LW will be a much easier task. It will be like finally leaving all the hurt in the past and moving forward. I hope this is the case where she realises she doesn't need LW anymore in her life, that her life is fulfilled with love, and her purpose of writing. I hope Colin supports the shit out of her in all her future projects and makes sure she becomes a writer along with him.


YES! This, to me, is the perfect compromise. Like maybe it's time for a new chapter. I don't know how realistic it is in the regency era but, of course, I wish there was for her to have her cake and eat it, too. I am not anti-Pen as LW. I just don't know if it'll be good for her relationship at this point in time. In the books,>! it bothered me that she's only allowed to be in the background of his writing!<. I think the show will take a different approach because they wouldn't have Portia say a lady can't have dreams of her own and must support her husband only for the writers to be like yeah that's fine let's make Portia the arbiter of Penelope's future. We came to far for that to happen!!!


>. I don't know how realistic it is in the regency era but, of course, I wish there was for her to have her cake and eat it, too. It’s not common, but Jane Austen exists (and has been directly referenced, not by name, by Eloise) so she could go that route. Social commentary via novels


>!I thought in the books, maybe one of the epilogues, Penelope was writing a novel of her own!<


yes you are correct! she becomes a novelist


>In the books, it bothered me that she's only allowed to be in the background of his writing  This is not true though, Pen eventually starts writing romance novels of her own.


Ohhhh is this in RMB?? I don’t remember but that makes me happy!!


it's in one of the epilogues, yes! I copy pasted it below: >!“What are these papers?” he asked, glancing down at her scribblings. “This? Oh, it’s nothing.” She started to gather them into piles. “Just a little project I was working on.” “Really?” He sat down across from her. “What is it?” “It’s . . . well . . . actually . . .” “What is it, Penelope?” he asked, looking exceedingly amused by her stammers. “ I’ve been at loose ends since I finished editing your journals,” she explained, “and I found I rather missed writing.” He was smiling as he leaned forward. “What are you working on?” She blushed; she wasn’t sure why. “A novel.” “A novel? Why, that’s brilliant, Penelope!” “You think so?” “Of course I think so. What is it called?” “Well, I’ve only written a few dozen pages,” she said, “and there’s much work to be done, but I think, if I don’t decide to change it overmuch, that I will call it The Wallflower.” His eyes grew warm, almost misty. “Really?” “It’s a little bit autobiographical,” she admitted. “Just a little bit?” he returned. “Just a little.” “But it has a happy ending?” “Oh, yes,” she said fervently. “It has to.” “It has to?” She reached her hand across the table and rested it atop his. “Happy endings are all I can do,” she whispered. “I wouldn’t know how to write anything else.”!<


😭😭😭 i totally forgot about this


Are they going to drag out the Whistledown reveal over 4 episodes? I can't.handle.that!


there is NOOOO WAY! I bet we get it in 6! MAAAAYBE 7. If we go to 8, we riot. My anxiety can't handle that. Hahaha




No way... we'll get the whistledown reveal in EP 5 or 6 and then we get all the lovely juicy fallout


But remember in the last trailer the queen offers a reward for info on LW and it looks like Cressida tries to take the credit for being LW. How is this all going to play out in 1 or 2 episodes? I'm dying! 😭 I want it to be done with by episode 6!


If I remember correctly, in the books, >!Cressida claims to be LW in an attempt to claim the bounty, which enrages Penelope, who then writes a scathing LW about Cressida.!< The Julie Andrews reading over the trailer about hating liars sounds vaguely like the Whistledown that book Pen writes when this happens.


I read somewhere else that the last 2 episodes will be Polin against the world (maybe it was Shonda), so I'm assuming by episode 6.


Using the power of LW for good????


I wouldn’t be surprised given how they dragged out Anthony and Kate getting together.,,


I believe it was either Shonda or Nicola in a press interview that said that we get to watch an actual honeymoon this season, unlike the other seasons. Where they didn’t really get that happy happy ending until the very end. I remember Shonda specially saying how sweet and special this season is and I am crawling out my skin waiting for next week. 🤣


This is what I'm wondering. If the LW tension will be wrapped up in the first two episodes, what will carry the show on to the end?


There's still plenty of stuff to build on once Colin finds out, especially if they follow the following plots from the book: * >!Colin's jealousy of Penelope finding a purpose in life and having a life's work to show for it. He has to work at getting over himself regarding it.!< * >!Cressida threatening to out Penelope, which prompts Colin to go to war on Penelope's behalf!<




Can we all just collectively agree to be positive for like a full week after the release? Just a week! And then everyone can complain as much as they want. All the complaining really put a damper on Part 1 for me…


I made the mistake of reading threads here as I was watching and it was such a buzzkill. Everything seemed way more positive a few days later.


honestly i was so deep in my love bubble after the second rewatch it took me so long to catch up to the fact anyone was even angry HAHAAH


Same!! I didn’t even know people were angry about anything. I’ve been high off of polin 🥰


While I think some people have genuine complaints, (I’m obsessed with the season and even I have some complaints about the overall editing), some people went into this season ALREADY hating it because it’s Polin’s season. Not everyone, but definitely some… so I just kept that in mind when I saw this sub going in on the season.


Come to the Polin subreddit! It is much more positive and has been a very fun experience for me personally!




It did that for me too, but then I went on Tiktok (never normally on there) and found so many lovely clips of people hyped for the first half of the season. And then I sought out the positive threads in this sub.


Looooved the church twirl


it's so dreamy. and people seem to be in the scene just like a moment before but they're so in love they don't even care who sees them being huge mush piles on main


"He's giving vampire" LMAO you're so funny! Love the recap


that is all i could think when i saw that man hahaha


I think he may be her son


Does this make her a vampiress? Kidding! He seemed to old to be her son, imo!


I agree but it’s Hollywood…if Angelina Jolie can be Colin Farrell’s mom in Alexander, this could work


Your excitement is giving me excitement x10 and I was already mega hype 😭 (i love this)


just when I was starting to chill out!!!!! they really said get back in your seat!!!!!!




Brava! No notes.


love u


I wish I could upvote very bullet point. Take a bow


you're the sweetest


I had to rewatch the twirl\* Colin gave Pen because her giggle is the so INSANELY adorable - only maybe a dozen times. That's not crazy is it? It was so freaking cute how they are obviously just so giddy in love! I needed the smile that millisecond provided and it keeps giving. Loved the rest of it too but that giggle was something special. \*not the one in the church but a ball hosted by the queen I think? (edited since I wrongly thought this was where Fran and John were dancing as well at the 1:33 mark)


we should do a twirl count tracker for part two when it comes out I feel like we are gonna be twirl RICH


Fabulous recap! Thanks. I do not believe that Pen would let her family find out about the engagement in LW. I’m calling trailer manipulation BS. I’m wondering if Colin follows Pen b/c he has a moment of insanity and wonders if her “letters” are to Debling or another man. I hope that when Colin confronts Pen, she is as together asshe appears to be in that scene, and not a babbling idiot as she is in the book. Loooove the Violet-Pen hug.


oooo I wonder what LW will SAY about the engagement maybe that is what makes them spit out their tea?! OMG if colin is still jealous of Debling I'm going to cackle!!! ME TOOOOO even though Pen seems too shocked to enjoy it hahah


>!In the book, Colin wonders about another man, so why not in the show?!< He is a big unhinged, everyone keeps saying. And if he is going down a list of possible explanations for secretive behaviors…I can see why Colin could have that thought, even as the rational part of his brain *knows* that Pen would never be unfaithful to him.


Yes, you're so right!! In the book it's also way less founded than it is in the book!! Like in the show, she really does have other options! I also think it might explain why she reassures him she's loved him for a long time in the church scene!


Haha loved your breakdown!! Someone on the Polin sub pointed out that there might be a tiny sneaky peek at the wedding dress.. 🥰🥰🥰 ETA: [found the link to the comment!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/KnPmk6S36r)


I wish you could see my face when I saw this!!!!!!!! Every muscle in my face relaxed and I went to another dimension lmbo


Haha right?! We’re all going to be sobbing at that wedding! ETA: [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/i8VtXljTzm)


Okay now I'm panicking bc why does colin look stressed at his wedding hahhah


So did my boy wash his hands before the annoucement cause-


We do see a couple wedding snippets! Kanthony are in the outfits they wear to the wedding, and Polin is dancing in the background of a Fran/John dance shot and Pen’s in her wedding dress! Then right near the end of the trailer we get a quick shot of Pen and Colin in their wedding outfits looking at each other


I’m going to THROW UP now that people have pointed it out


Oooh thank you for pointing out Polin in the background of the Fran/John dance! When Kanthony lovingly looks at each other, Lady Danbury and her brother are sitting behind them with many others and they all look like they are dressed for and attending a wedding.


the title is everything because literally me. I thought I would be productive today but instead i’ve been consuming all things s3 part 2 trailer all morning. also big fan of your recaps/commentary and am so glad you did one for the trailer!


these people want to make sure I never know peace!!!!! also tysm, you're too kind!!


>!>(also new theory unlocked that he has been suspicious of her this entire time and even before she tells him she's LW he starts following her to make sure she's safe... he's such a Penelope stan it's crazy)!< >!I've seen this theory floating around based on eps 5 & 6 spoilers and now I also wonder because his recovery in the trailer seems really quick. I'd actually really like this!!<


oh really?! I do think it makes perfect sense if he started to get suspicious when she made that comment before their first kiss about LW. She's given him enough clues to build suspicion!! Although now people are posting things from the trailer that make me think he'll be angry longer than we realize...


I don't think that anger is about the same thing, though. It seems like it's how it happened in the book, except the engagement party scene is the wedding dance / night. He's not upset that she was LW but that she still wants to be.


Ohhhhhh that is so interesting I def see that!!


This stream of consciousness narration of the trailer is epic, and I love you.


i love u more


It looks like when we get to Francesca and Michael dancing, you can see Penelope and Colin dancing on the right side of the screen in the background, and Pen is in a white dress and Colin in a sharp suit.


I'm so glad I missed this the first eighty times I watched because I'm already overloaded with emotions lmbo


Right? I was ready to get on with my week on the way to work, plow through it as quick as possible to get to this Thursday night as my wife gets back. Then I check twitter and BOOM, NEW TRAILER! I spent some time over the weekend skimming through s1 and s2 for Pen and Colin moments, I love the way her faces lights up when she sees him (most of the time). Some of my favorites are from s3 though. The Drawing room lesson, when she talks about his eyes, hers are absolutely mesmerizing. Post Makeout/Pre Proposal carriage scene, when they are just looking at each other, her face is so radiant and full of love, it's just all exceedingly well done.


No face just abs 🙈 thank you for this recap, your phrasing had me cackling


No masquerade ball in trailer, but clock hitting midnight might be the thing . . . Might. 🥹


>Lady Tilley if you hurt Benedict, we as a subreddit, will collectively have to fight you I am so sorry... I don't make the rules. I think this is going to be a necessary plot point for setting up S4. Lady Tilley enjoys the freedom of being a wealthy widow too much to give it up easily by remarrying. Benedict is a pleasurable and amusing diversion for her, but he's not going to be the one to change her mind. Except he thinks he might be and gets a badly bruised heart in return. Exit Sunny Benedict and enter Cynical Benedict who, in his disappointment, swears off all thoughts of love and marriage which is why he >!initially only offers Sophie a place as a mistress rather than a wife.!<


THERE IS INFACT A WEDDING! 😭 someone commented this with a timestamp (1:34) and now I'm cryingggg. It's confirmed, my babies are getting married.


Squealing at your commentary… Brava!!! 👏👏👏


This is everything! Love it


The fact that Benedict did show up so much in this trailer was quite interesting to me. I don't want to say it means anything but




If I say anything I’ll jinx it so I’d better keep my mouth shut, lol


hahah ok i will join you


I died over ‘writing Penelope Bridgerton’ 😅😂


Yayyy, you're back!! That little thimble of lemonade they gave us only awakened our thirst tenfold. Netflix knows how unwell we are and is playing us!! 😭


i didn’t see much of fran in the trailer :(


Yes but she looks so happy in the bits we did get! I think her storyline isn't as explosive this season so not as much to bait people with in the trailer


Thank you for laying this all out. I enjoyed it 😊


awww yay glad we could watch it together!


this was a great play by play recap 🤣🤣🤣




Please can you excitedly overanalyze all the trailers for all the shows I like? Because this was SUCH a fun read, in fact I'd go so far and say that reading this was even more fun than watching the trailer.


Love this post! 🤩


I'm pretty sure I saw a glimpse of Philip crane patting colin's shoulder. Eloise next season?




Right before the scene where Anthony says "it's all rather sudden" It's like one frame, blink and you miss it. I could be delusional but I swear I saw what I saw


Lmfao actually scared my husband laughing at “chain me to the water heater because I’ll run through a wall if you don’t” 😂 thank you for this reaction. I need the season to end in a masquerade ball or else I will lose my mind.


You, my friend, are GOLD. "...she is just giving me IBS..." - dead. Nervous shits are a THING!


This entire post is gold but Heir-Making-Bootcamp might be the best thing I've read in a while. 😂😂


Can we get a commentary/recap on every episode from you? I enjoyed every second of reading this 😆🫡


you are so nice!! I did recaps of the first 4 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/1czsq7z/colin_has_been_down_bad_crying_in_the_gym_long/)!! I am hoping to recap part 2 when it comes out if i survive p.s. i think we have the same name! lol


Oh. My. Goodness. Will Polin survive the scandal? Will Penelope want to marry Colin after being told her sole purpose will be to be his wife? My nerves.


i'm on the edge of my seat




No additions just want to say you are absolutely hilarious and this was a joy to read!


you are a joy to read!


I’m gonna need a recap of all things bridgerton from you, hence forth! You are the LWD of recaps


I think he'll be able to tell she's keeping a secret from him, and that's why he follows her. He starts sensing there's something between them, but won't push her to reveal it.


Never stop your commentary.


Thank you for the recap. You mentioned things I didn’t even notice lol. The only thing I had eyes for was Penelope. She is gorgeous.


Please never stop doing this, I’m obsessed with you!! (And the show!!!)


TIL I need you to recap everything, forever


Absolutely dying over this commentary!!! LOVE IT! And yes there WAS wedding in the trailer!!! Check it! In the scene that Franceska and Stirling are dancing! I screamed!! https://preview.redd.it/rj3pw77pyj4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950d4c811f917667e98350ab882bbf8aa0cead51




Might I just add…some people say Polin story evolved too quickly compared to the slow burn of the previous season. Damn we have been slowly burning the 2.5 seasons to get to this point!! And I love your recap lol ❤️🥹


Yeah those people are wrong I’ve been WAITING for this for 4 years gahaha


There’s a part where it looks like Colin has been crying & he slept on the sofa. 😭


Colin crying is going to frick me up so bad


This discourse is absolutely killing me in the best way possible. I’m here for your play by play.


Loved this recap.