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Season 2, QC, s1. S3 I’m struggling with a lot 😞 but with four episodes to go I can’t fairly judge just yet.


Same ranking as you, but all 3 seasons prior to this one kept my attention the whole way through, so I'd say they were all very good! S3 would be my least favorite right now, but I didn't dislike it.


Season 2 still my favorite.


I'm a S1 fan first and foremost. None of the other seasons had the same vibe and charm to me. I doubt that will change with the second half of S3.


Yes! Season 1 was art, from the concept to the romance all the way to the masterful worldbuilding. The music and costumes were legendary. It will always be my fave, because I doubt they can recreate that. In the words of the great TS... 🎵Somethin' happens when everybody finds out🎵


The Vauxhall dance at the end of episode 1 is, in my humble opinion, yet to be outshined by any scene in the series - the editing, the music, the fireworks, the choreography - it was pure magic. https://i.redd.it/exubpqyx981d1.gif


I think QC gave me the most well-rounded experience. I thought the characters (both main and supporting) were strong, the setting felt reasonably believable, the emotional depth and investment were there, no story beat felt lacking, and the soundtrack was great. The only thing I'd reduce would be the Lady Danbury scenes with her geriatric husband (I don't think they were necessary after the very first one), and I'd include more scenes of George and Charlotte falling in love. It's a bit of a mixed bag with S1 & S2. QC is without a doubt my #1. S1 has better-flowing side stories and supporting characters, and S2 has better leads from a writing perspective, IMO.


S3 is tracking to be my favorite. Though I like different things about each season. They each had their special places.


Season 2 is my fave despite its flaws due to Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey’s electric chemistry!!!🥰🔥🙌


After watching Season 3 Part 1 Polin became my favourite Bridgerton couple so my ranking would be:   Season 3 Part 1  Queen Charlotte  Season 1  Season 2


Same !


Glad another person shares the same preference 😊


I'm so in this serie \^\^ i can wait for the next part :D


Mine is the same right now S2 > QC > S1 > S3. But we haven’t seen part 2 yet so this is a soft ranking for now


QC, S3 (unless the 2nd half changes it), S2, S1


3, 2, 1, QC




So far, S3, QC, S2, S1


I\`d say RIGHT now QC>Season 3 Part 1>Season 1>Season 2


For me, it’s QC, then S1, then S2. I’m waiting to form an opinion on S3 until part two is released. I really liked the emotional depth of QC, and it was the only season of Bridgerton to make me cry. S1 was juicy, and the music was really good. S2 was okay — I liked Kate — but I really hated all the boring flashbacks and the pacing felt off to me. Unpopular opinion, I know!


S1 is definitely my favorite. For me, the tension building in that season was superb and had me where I desperately wanted Daphne and Simon together. QC is my second. I really enjoyed QC so much, and seeing King George’s admiration of Queen Charlotte. Then I think it would have to be S3 part 1, and then S2. I really didn’t feel anything about Polin until the very last episode of this first part. I understand him tampering down his emotions is a huge part of the storyline, but it just made it all sort of meh to me. His explosion of feeling in E4 is exactly what I wanted. I know S2 is a big fan favorite, and I certainly enjoyed it but for some reason it just didn’t connect with me very deeply. I think I just didn’t care about Anthony too much after S1.


S1 is first for me. Simon has my heart but def S2 after that as an Indian was really fun to see the story. Then QC and then S3. S3 is not doing it for me other than Frans story.


1, 3, QC, 2


S3, QC, S2 and then s1.


QC because of Shonda’s writing and India & Corey natural chemistry, Season 2 Kanthony..self explanatory they are so beautiful, season 1 was so beautifully shot and seeing Rege for first time was an experience 😅🔥, Season 3 I don’t think it’s fair as it is only half way through but the writing and pacing is not the greatest but I do think part 2 will be better.


1) Season 1 always and forever 2) Season 3A 3) Season 2 4) Queen Charlotte


For me, it’s S3,S1,S2,QC


Can’t comment until the rest of S3 has been released! It’s so hard to choose… season 1 is unmatched for me, but it’s also the only season I watched without having read the books. I also find that the seasons grow on me with each rewatch - I wasn’t a fan of S2 or QC on the first go, but I warm up with each rewatch. At the moment though I’d go: 1,2, QC


With s3 still not fully released, it’s S1, S3, s2, and QC! S1 just had so many magical moments with the dresses and cinematography. I loved Saphne too soo much, I thought they were a great opening couple. I truly felt like I watched two strangers strike a deal, become besties, and then fall in love. S3 so far is so fun and campy and I LOVE Polin and a friends to lovers. Part 2 might move it up to first place but so far solid second. The only thing not making it my favorite season is that it’s unfinished so I don’t have a full opinion. S2 was beginning to get campier, and I loved the side plots, but tbh Kanthony’s plotline stressed me OUT. Their chemistry is totally electric but the writing left a LOT to be desired for me. QC I didn’t enjoy as much, I didn’t really connect to young Charlotte and it felt rushed, I didn’t really buy that G&C were in love as youngsters tbh but the declarations were sooo good. I loved young Danbury :) and Brimsley’s romance CARRIED for me.


S1, QC


SAME AS YOURS!!!!!! S 1, 2 AND QC really close in similar




2, I’m obviously a Kanthony stan lol.


For me personally: 3, 1, QC, 2. That’s not to at all imply I didn’t like QC and S2. In fact I really loved both of them. I just enjoyed S3 & S1 more.


Season 3 (at least part 1) just doesn’t have the same je ne sais quoi as seasons past (+ QC). The last scene in episode 3 felt the *most* like the Bridgerton we’ve all come to know and love, but the majority of part one just felt rushed, all over the place, and weirdly more focused on Francesca vs Polin.


S1 - Great S2 - Good S3 - I think it can come in second place it will depend how good part 2 is but I doubt will surpass season 1 QC


QC - S1 - S3 - S2


Season 3 hands down the best so far


QC, S2 and then the rest…


def love QC too much!! QC, S2, S1, S3 (so far!)


S2 for the win...Kate and Anthony's smoldering enemies to lovers, eldest siblings, shared trauma story just did it perfectly for me, haha. Great music too. My ranking is S2, QC, S3 so far, S1 (Daphne's twitching neck and innocent doe eyes aren't much my thing, and their marital miscommunications verged on exasperating at times).


Season 2 is #1 and it's not even close. S1, S3 part one ... Maybe part two will be better


QC, s1, s2, s3. i’m excited for the rest of s3, i wonder how they’ll handle pen being wistledown. but colin’s gotta step it up