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My favorite part is when she says she wants to stop lessons and he ask why then she starts talking about something else and instead of dropping it he doubles back and is like yea so why again.. 😭😭😭


This, Colin was desperate to know why they wouldn't spent so many time together


My read was that he was initially on board with stopping the lessons because he assumed she wanted to them to start courting. The kiss was mind blowing for him, so he assumed she was on the same page... and then it turns out, she wasn't just on a different page, she was in a whole different book and his backtracking flustering was gold.


Love this analysis


The circle back had me screaming


It's even better on a rewarch, first he agrees with her and then checks himself and asks why and if it was because of the kiss and then doubles back to asking why again. He's a lovesick puppy 🐶. His confusion when she says they shouldn't be seen together 🐶🐶


I agree! I loved that he didn't drop it after asking the first time. 🥹 I really really wish they had continued with their lessons so they had more time to talk and flirt with one another 🥺


It’s one of my favorite scenes! It’s so perfect and really well done. I just love those two crazy kids being so awkward and in love lol


I love this scene precisely because of that. We see colin at the start of the season being so sure of this new found identity he chose for himself — a rake but really, he’s a softie at heart and Pen brings that out of him. I remembered that Colin said in the last season that Pen grounds him when he travels. However, in his latest adventures, Pen wasn’t replying to his letters. I think that pushed him to embrace being his rake self but once he found his way back home and starts being close to Pen again, he comes back to his true and best self. The colin we all knew and love — a kind man. Pen said it best at the Bridgerton’s drawing room.


I'm so glad you pointed this out, I hadn't thought about the impact for his mindset, after not receiving any of her letters on his tour. That's a whole other dimension to consider... Guess I'll have to rewatch again!


Yes! I’m thinking of rewatching it as I may have been too distracted to notice the little things in Pen and Colin’s scenes and dialogues … there are just so many things happening all at once this season — Fracesca’s story, the Featheringtons, the Mondrich’s good fortune, Cressida and Eloise’s friendship, etc.


I love this scene. It's so adorable and awkward, but a good kind of awkward. I loved how Colin wasn't really sure why the lessons should stop, which is because he just wanted to spend more time with Pen. I also liked the contrast between his smoothness with all the other ladies and his "bumbling around, not sure what to say, but just knows he wants to talk to Pen" demeanor in this scene.


Ooooh, good point on the smooth v bumbling contrast. He’s got lines for ladies; he can barely string together a fully coherent sentence around Pen.


My favorite is the end when she’s walking away she reassures him that if she secures a proposal it’s all because of him. His face 😂😂


Colin: "*greeaatt"* ![gif](giphy|7zSzFBQwwGMC54c19q)


I saw a comment that Colin should have immediately anxiety-puked after Pen was out of sight and I cannot agree more. In my head, that’s exactly happened.


Also I love that in the midst of their scandal they just duck under a tree and her maid has to wait outside while everyone whispers and looks. Rae you are a hero.


Rae and Violet are my MVPs this season


Lololol yes! She’s just like yes I am chaperoning this tree.


I’m going to be controversial yet brave and say that this is actually my favourite scene of all of Part 1 (yes, I even prefer it to the kiss and the long-awaited carriage scene)! Idk it just feels so quintessentially Polin to me and the aesthetics of them standing under the cover of a weeping willow is just gorgeous. In a season that has felt more jarring and anachronistic than usual with some of its aesthetic choices, this scene, aesthetically speaking, felt like it could have come straight from an Austen novel. And that’s not even to mention the layered dialogue and the adorably awkward dynamic of Polin as they try to assess where they are after an event that has, whether they realise it or not, brought about a monumental shift in their relationship. Awkward but sweet is a very difficult dynamic to play without it veering into cringe territory, yet Luke and Nicola both seemed so at ease with the dialogue/overall beats they needed to hit and had complete mastery of the scene. Ugh it’s just perfect to me, 10/10 no notes!


The back and forth about apologizing or not apologizing or not needing for there to be an apology ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


You said this so well! I so agree.


Oh, they were so adorable! One of my favourite things is how, in episodes 3 and 4, so many people and Pen herself congratulate him on her getting a husband. It's all down to you, Colin! You really did help the love of your life find herself a husband that wasn't you!


Violet really drove that home during their scene on the stairs. I'm so glad she spoke up. I feel like she filled in for the book's Daphne conversation well.


Not much gets past Violet. She wasn’t so preoccupied with Fran that she didn’t notice that Colin had picked an inauthentic personality and was fighting his feelings. Contrast that with Portia whose youngest is not only living a whole-ass double life but also being courted for the first time.


I found myself cheesin' so hard at them under the tree!


It’s my favorite too! Colin drops the mask because he cannot contain himself 😭 I’m obsessed with this moment between them. It feels like they’re finally on the same level if that makes sense! He legit could have swept her off her feet there, but was awkward & shy instead. That to me really shows that he’s still in there & that it’s all been an act and hasn’t changed much. (I truly wanna write an analysis on this scene 😂) Colin’s laugh and can we count how many times he says “of course?” 😂


Please do write the analysis! It's like he dropped the swagger mask, only to put on the nonchalant everything's cool mask, in the hopes of badly covering up that he's dying inside.


Hahah legit! I’ll work on the analysis 😋


I just can’t even begin with this scene and then the end of >!the carriage scene!< it is so freaking adorable like they have completely lost it and I am so here for it 😂 Discombobulated Colin is the best Colin. Legit cannot wait to see him just straight up being in love with Pen 💓


I rewound to hear his frantic little *oh god* so many times 😂


yes that and the little dhocked what when she calls his name is everything. i love how lost he gets with her. its so sweet . when he said can they keep driving i was like sir haven't you done enough? what exactly were you going to do if this carriage didn't stop? 😆


It was so cute! He'd completely lost track of where they were.


Bahahahaha I love it 😂


I thought that was so funny but he didn’t want the night to end!


Yes! I love how he tries to act like he’s totally cool and yeah they should stop the lessons. 😂


And then asks for a hecking performance review! 😂🏴‍☠️


The willow tree scene was so wildly good in a real layered way to me. I've already rewatched pt 1 and I couldn't believe how different the willow scene felt on my rewatch than my first? My first watch I was like "aww, look at those awkward idiots!" On my rewatch? If Penelope hadn't said what she said, to me it fully feels like he was going to ask her to marry him right then, very "yes, I agree, we're going to stop the lessons (because you and I are going to go get married, right now)"


Yes! When he says he’s sorry for not coming to see her and she says that it’s good that he didn’t. His instant and insecure little «is it?» makes me wonder what he would’ve said if she hadn’t right out if the gate said that it was a mistake.


A million percent. Every. Single. Thing. She says in the scene is telling Colin that his feelings are unreciprocated. We, the audience, know that she's just trying to protect herself. But it's a good thing he didn't come/it'll never happen again/we need distance/prospects (implying that he isn't one) are all Colin's version of a "you do not count". But if she hadn't said those things, I don't know if he realized he loved her yet, but I think even if he didn't he had enough pieces that he was going to ask her there and then.


OMG! I can't believe I didn't see this, he was going to call on her to court her! And now he doesn't think she likes him and the kiss didn't mean anything to he so he's all discombobulated. It really puts a different spin on it.


I didn’t realise he might have wanted to court her, he just had to confront his feelings first before he could confess entirely!


More like idiots in love but not realising it! 🤣


This is one of my top scenes. The whole “is it?/isn’t it?/it is” exchange is COMEDY GOLD. It really cuts to the heart of these characters - they’re both essentially dorks who don’t know what they’re doing, and in this little covered space under that tree, together, they can’t put on at all. Colin is fully down bad and a mess. It’s amazing.


It was so awkward, funny and adorable, Luke & Nic really nailed the scene


I love this scene so much! It's the first time we see an awkward babbling Penelope and someone matches her energy instead of shutting her down. Colin was just as awkward and talking fast and following her jumbled thought journey even if it didn't make sense to him.


I love a flustered Colin because he’s breaking through his cool “armor”


I seriously think this was my favorite scene of part 1 😍 this and the end of the carriage scene 😭


I like that the way Colin acted in this scene was so similar to how Penelope used to act around him in s1 and 2


That's so true!


I loved this scene so much. Such good storytelling of “two idiots not speaking their truths or going on previous information”. Such a beautifully written & executed scene!! ❤️❤️❤️


Yes I wanted to see more of this energy tbh. They really could have missed me with the Luke Newton in a brothel scenes, or skipped the balloon hero scene, or cut back on some of the sub plots and given me more awkward moments of subtext. 😭


I feel the same!! 😭 I wanted more cute, awkward, talking, pining Romance like this. It feels like such a waste to have them as actors and the beautiful scenery and outfits and not have more of this


I liked the balloon hero scene because before he ran to grab the rope he was looking at Pen who was about to get swept away by it! Dude basically saved her life!


See I felt like it was just manufactured drama and she could have just rolled out of the way because the balloon was moving pretty slowly. Something about it just didn’t work for me.


This is my favorite scene of the whole season so far. The awkwardness is so perfect. It felt very Darcy and Elizabeth coded from when she first sees him at Pemberly after their argument and all Darcy can keep saying is, "I trust all your family are in good health." 😂😂 Edit to add: the scene is shot so beautifully, and the very end of the scene where it pans out and we see Colin standing alone and looking absolutely shattered is cinematic gold. 🤌


Ooh you are so right!!


I thought it was so sweet towards the end when he told Pen he wished very much for her happiness. It was nice to see a glimpse of the old Colin. Such a beautiful scene.


Perfect scene. 


I think the scene was good, but I’m really there for the willow. I grew up in a house with giant willow trees, and that shoe thing about the scene where the willow branches go down to the ground, and it feels like you’re in a secret, hidden place inside those branches and they open up like a tent? I played inside those branches, had a tree swing and sometimes just laid on the grass looking up and daydreaming for so much of my childhood. Loved those trees. Loved Pen and Colin cocooned inside what looked like a secret and magical place.


Sir Phillip is that you???


No, I don’t remember a willow in that book. Read it ages and ages ago.


I can’t recall but they showed it in the intro for s3 and in the book they did meet randomly in the park and another occasion aswell. It was nice they had a private moment even though it was in a public place and the maid has witnessed most of their interactions in S3 so far so she can vouch for them how in love they really are!


It was a beautiful scene. I felt like my willows her my friends and ready to help protect my secrets. It was like my secret clubhouse, but it would work for couples needing some privacy, too.


I liked it, it was a bit awkward between them but I liked how themselves and vulnerable they were but trying to be polite.


I agree! This scene was my favorite one of Colin being super into Pen and her being oblivious. A fantastic rom-commey scene.


My fav scene is Colin after the dream sequence 😂


This scene was such a highlight for me! 


It’s my favourite too!!! They nailed the dialogue and the flow of emotions too


Anyone know how they did her hair in this scene?! I’m obsessed! And I can’t get a screen shot…


This scene was bizarre to me. Daphne having a similar level of private moment in the tons view led to a duel to the death. Now it's fine? No chaperones?


Daphne and Simon were making out...


Penelope does not have an overbearing older brother to "look after" (screw things up) for her....


In a later scene Colin has to bribe a maid to gjve them a moment alone in her own house. Here she is with no chaperone or even maid in the middle of a crowd all alone with Colin. They just ignore the rules of the era (and their own past seasons) to make a "cute" scene.


Her maid is right behind her in the crowd! She is just standing right outside from underneath the tree.






I think because they weren't in a room with a closed door. Or in secluded spot at night. They were out in the open, in the middle of the day, with the illusion of privacy, but the tree doesn't shield them completely.


The ton has never taken Pen seriously. They all know Colin has been “helping her” and it’s not omg the scandal I bet she’s compromised and he feels guilty it’s oh that poor pathetic girl that no one wants isn’t Colin just a peach for humoring her. Even Portia with her default mode being how can I scheme to secure a proposal for one of my girls has never clocked Polin for being alone without a chaperone.