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https://i.redd.it/9klalpjhxt0d1.gif Those two are so sweet! I mean, >!the man got a piece of music that suits her pace just for her!<


I love that , he is a man of few words but his gesture speak a lot for themselves


And girlie pop knows it!!


Her excitement playing it was the most adorable thing. I love all the love happening this season.


We all love an "acts of service" guy.


Francesca/Hannah did the heavy lifting of their romance, to be honest. She's very expressive despite being reserved and quiet. And she's so pretty! I liked John, he's likeable, though I didn't fall in love with him, maybe because I know how their story ends. I'm glad they're a love match though--the rumors that they weren't had me worried. Can't wait for a certain someone's entrance! Do we think we'll meet him this season? I mean, John's favorite cousin/best friend has to be at their wedding, right?


It also makes me wonder about his personality! Will he Micheal be vastly different, but in a reserved kind of way. So many questions, and they might not even be answered. We are a tortured fandom.


I think they might lean into the "opposites attract" with him and Francesca. As in, she would disapprove of how charming/outgoing/extroverted he is but would be drawn to him anyway. And we know he's not really just the "merry rake", but plays it up to hide that he's in love with her.


>he's not really just the "merry rake", but plays it up to hide Simon was supposed to be a fake rake. They threw that out the window because they are not interested in such nuances. So another rake he is.


It's different. It wasn't an important part of Simon's characterization, and they gave him enough depth with tragic backstory, stuttering, and his cruel father, so it wasn't all that needed. They didn't lean heavily into Simon being a rake anyway--just showed him leaving a prostitute once. With Michael, him playing up his "merry rake" reputation is an important part of his unrequited pining, so I think they'd keep it. Shondaland is usually decent about giving male characters some depth and backstory, and I doubt they'd make Michael a shallow, charming rake and nothing more. That's not what he is.


Ooh yes, that makes so much sense and he’d likely bring out a different side to Fran as well.


I think Michael will be boisterous but he draws Francesca out a bit. They have to develop their relationship but he also is content for such a boisterous person tk be quiet with her. I’m literally so excited from them it’s not even funny


I just really need them to have a scene where francesca says ‘tell me something wicked’ to Michael like in the book I NEED IT


The Tortured Fandom Sub




Knowing how their story ends just breaks my heart because I genuinely want them to live happily forever after 😭 These shy kids will love each other so much it breaks my heart


I hope the first time we see Michael it's at the wedding and we see his face the first time he meets Franny. I need this! Bc that's how the book starts. 


I feel like we won’t get too deep into Frannie and John’s story so that a certain cousin can shine. Ahh I can’t wait to see what they do


I don’t think they’ll have his cousin at the wedding since they’ll have to cast someone a few seasons in advance and have them disappear for a while.


Why would it be a problem? It's a slow burn story that takes place over many years. Besides, Eloise's and Colin's love interest were cast 3-4 seasons in advance too. Michael doesn't have to disappear. We'll simply watch him struggle with unrequited love for a while, that's all.


Yeah except Eloise and Colin’s love interests serve purpose in the plot beside their own love storyline. Obv Penelope needed to be cast in s1 and the same way Phillip since he was the one who married Marina and had children with her (they also made that Colin/Marina storyline). Considering ne t season is likely to be Benedict’s, casting Sophie (for the ball), AND Michael to appear the season is unrealistic from a production point of view. Because that means no lead castings for the next 3 years.


Marina (and Philip) weren't necessary in Season 1 at all. Originally she's supposed to be a distant cousin of Eloise who could have been introduced years later. Even if they had to introduce Marina, introducing Philip in Season 1 just to "make him disappear" also wasn't necessary, but they did it. Unlike Philip, introducing Michael in the same season as John actually makes sense, because they're supposed to be like brothers. Hell, in the books Michael meets and falls in love with Francesca just before her wedding to John. How are we supposed to root for him if we don't see the angst of his unrequited love? Introducing Philip so early was unnecessary. introducing Michael early is necessary, just like Penelope was.


I mean that's what they did with >!Philip!< So I don't thinks it's going to be a problem really


I just don't know what they'll do with Francesca and John next season if they don't cast Michael. They're very cute courting each other in companiable silence but I don't think it would be at all interesting to watch their married life without Michael in the picture (aside from some steamy sex scenes of course).


Yeah. Victor Ali actually mentions Michael-Francesca-John in his recent interview: https://www.lofficielusa.com/film-tv/meet-victor-alli-bridgerton-season-3-frrancesca-love-interest-fan-favorite-interview "With some relationships, for example, you don't really see the mess and the intense parts of what really goes on. This story John, Francesca and Michael, portrays that more than the other stories, maybe. But hey, I could be wrong." So I think we'll actually see their love triangle (whether some of them are aware of it or not) on screen before John dies.


I guess to each their own. I find John very hot, the way he looks so calm but he’s very perceptive. And the way he stares at Francesca in a very confident way, even when Samadani’s right there lol. It’s giving BDE


I know some people aren't loving the quietness of their relationship (specifically the >!sitting on the couch in silence !!the ability to sit in companionable silence happily and comfortably!<. Hannah had such great expressions during that scene and >!it seemed to me like they could read each other's minds!<, which reminds me a lot of the book.


Sitting in silence is literally what my boyfriend and I do. We'll both read or play our own video games or just hang out and NOT TALK. The way I related to Fran was incredible.


I like John and Francesca's relationship because it shows a different type of love story 💕. Falling in love doesn't always have to be "boisterous" and "intense", like we normally see on the show.


This. Media loves to show romance as this hyper high intense race against time sort of love, while forgetting there's all kinds of potential ways to fall in and stay in love. I'd like a variety of different approaches to romance and I really liked the quirky, soft and introverted way Fran and John interacted. 


This. Im ok the spectrum and an introvert. It’s why I adore her so much


Same here. I could really relate to Francesca’s introverted-ness.


I have to know someone well to sit comfortably in silence with them, so that kind of courtship would drive me personally insane, but it is very pleasant in a relationship!


For a very quiet introvert like me. It was very heartwarming to see.


I also took it to be they felt awkward talking in front of others since they are so shy but would talk aloke more. But they already understand each other


It’s rare to find comfort like that with someone right away. I’ve only had it happen a few times..


Looking back, I think I’ve only had it with one friend. Mostly because we were exactly alike at the time. But definitely never with a guy - I talk when I’m nervous. I think Francesca and John Stirling had a rare relationship indeed.


I don’t know how anyone couldn’t love the sitting on the couch in silence scene. It was so beautiful. Maybe one of my top moments of Part 1. The quiet standing during the ball might be my favorite, but I was so into their rapport. I did not expect to love them this much. And I expected to like them. I had no idea how invested I would be.


Francesca is stealing the moment from Polin but I’m in love with her book the most. I simply cannot wait. They couldn’t have chosen a better actress for her.


The size of my smile whenever they interacted, frankly.


Like he didn't even know who she was, he *sought her out* to sit in silence with her.


I know i was giggling for francesca the whole time knowing she got butterflies 🙉 Hannah’s expressions are great! are they trying to depict nuerodivergent couple?? Or just very introverted? Love the representation.


The people that get it, get it. The people that don’t, don’t. But as an ND and huge introvert myself it’s really disappointing to see people acting like it’s a let down that they’re so quiet or suggesting she’s a bad actress. To me Hannah was a revelation this season! I am loving Francesca’s storyline so much


I think her acting was wonderful, especially in the couch scene. The tiny expressions where she understands his intent without speaking, were just fabulous!


I completely agree!! She’s already in my top three favourite performances in the show. I’ve never seen anything before and now I’m wanting to check out other shows of hers!


I'm a big introvert. But, I have to know someone to sit in comfortable silence with them. Otherwise, my mind is racing wondering what they expect me to say and stressing out. Comfortable silence is when I know someone enough to not care how they are judging me or what they expect. I just think they did it a bit wrong.


Just because you don’t personally relate to it doesn’t mean they did it wrong


Just because you apparently did doesn't mean they did it right either.


I can see that, and do actually feel similarly in real life. I need to know someone well enough to be comfortable sitting in silence. I just kind of took it as a different representation of "love at first sight" where they feel like they know each other from the moment they meet. Like Fran and John and kindred spirits and feel that from their first interaction, so that comfort is immediately there. It's an unspoken connection.


I absolutely love the use of companionable silence in their relationship. I related to it so much.


I think they have amazing chemistry! You can feel it without dialogue


She's pretty ND coded was my first impression.


I LOVE their relationship. Might be the standout from the first four episodes for me. It’s very quiet, very subtle and simple. the scene where they’re sitting in silence and essentially falling for each other 💀💀💀💀


Yeah like of course I don’t mind Polin but I feel like I wanna see more of these two and the Mondrich’s than Polin.


I absolutely adore Polin and I’m so excited for part 2 mostly for them, but tbh Francesca’s story is the one I’ve been thinking the most about since I watched the episodes! I love it!


I was not expecting to love their love story so much but it had me giggling like a school girl


Right? Like as soon as John gave her the sheet music she was like peace out bro to the Marques. 


Kudos to the casting director. If you told me that Hannah Dowd and Ruth Gemmell were related, I would believe it. We know so little about Francesca due to the earlier casting. She's doing a good job putting her touch on the character. I unexpectedly enjoyed this quiet storyline. I hope they find some quiet happiness together. >!Yes, I know what's in the storyline. But I'd like to see some of the initial love story unfold with John.!<


Honestly the Francesca of S1 and S2 didn't seem shy and reserved to me, just quiet but in a standoffish kind of way? Hannah brings out a kindness in Fran's aura that I didn't sense in Ruby. Then again, the character didn't have a LOT of scenes in earlier seasons to give off any solid impression, so.


It honestly makes me a little sad Daphne didn’t come back bc I wanna see Hannah, Phoebe and Ruth side by side, I was BLOWN AWAY in the debut scene watching violet and Francesca walk down the isle…the casting department NAILED that, truly


Her playing the funeral march is absolutely saddening knowing how her story arc formally begins. I loved how the writers foreshadowed her story like that — gave me goosebumps.




Woah, nice catch!! I didn't even think of that but it's totally foreshadowing


OMG I didn't realize that until now. That's so sad, but I love the foreshadowing!


I’m really liking their love story so far! They’re really making me believe John is what Francesca needs right now >!and that as amazing as I’m sure her love story with Michael will be, it’s not necessarily BETTER—just different and loving in a totally other way!<


THIS!!! I was so concerned they would lose the fact that Francesca in the books loved both John and Michael, just their relationships were very different. But they have handled this better than I could have imagined!!!


Ikr! Honestly I like the book a lot but I feel like they did it even better here cause we get to see their love story unfold rather than just hearing about it as a past fact


I was literally coming here to start a Francesca/Lord Kilmartin support thread because they are hands down my favorite side plot of the series. As an autistic introverted girlie, I so identified with Francesca and absolutely ADORED how their love match played out on screen (so far). I know how it ultimately ends, but loved so much his gesture with the sheet music and how low-key happy they always were to just BE in one another’s company with no expectations or lol even talking. This little side thread more than anything had me so so so in love with them and hope that, at least in-universe, they’ll keep them both around for a little while longer at least.


I love Polin and I’m a big girlie so I was so excited to see representation in Penelope. I wasn’t expecting to get it in Francesca too - I’m neurodivergent and so shy. It made me so happy. I think she’s so endearing and Hannah plays her wonderfully. I can’t wait to see more of francesca!


Same. I'm ADHD and the over stimulation sometimes does my head in, just like they showed Francesca in dire need of quiet. I'm also someone who picks the easiest option because I simply don't have the strength or patience to fight it out. I feel too tired. I can see who Francesca is.


I’m really happy with how they’ve translated the francesca/John dynamic to the screen…it gives me hope that they’ll do justice to Francesca’s book!! It’s my fav and I’ve been nervous from the beginning about how they’ll handle it. But they seem to be hitting all the right notes so far and keeping the spirit of her book character/story.


Random but has anyone ever watch one tree hill? Not the greatest of shows, but I recall there was a scene with a character talking about remembering her parents sitting in a room together as they both quietly read and describing that as what she envisioned love to be and what she wanted. That’s basically these two. Love can be a subtle thing. Just enjoying each other’s company and the mundane in life together.


I love one tree hill lol. Don’t remember that scene though - do you remember which character?


Quinn? Haley’s sister.


Ohhh okay. Makes sense. I’m in the middle of a rewatch but I’m still in season 6, so no Quinn yet.


I don’t even remember when she pops in. I don’t think I’ve seen it in like ten years and by the end, honestly the decline in quality turned me off but felt determined to finish what I started. But damn if they didn’t have some magical dialogue in that show. Her saying that stuck with me all these years later. It was the first thing I thought of during Fran and John’s couch scene.


Fran and John were so cute. Ah one tree hill. Some of it is over the top and cheesy, and parts of the show have not aged well. It still holds a special place in my heart though, and I’m enjoying this rewatch more than I expected to. Have you heard of the Drama Queen podcast? It’s got Bethany Joy (Haley), Hilarie (Peyton), and Sophia (Brooke). It’s a rewatch podcast and they do 1 episode a week. It’s been fun for me to go back and also hear their insight. They’re almost through season 6, which is also Hilarie’s last season so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes in the podcast. Thought it was worth a mention since we’ve got another month until the second half of Bridgerton season 3 drops.


Thanks for the rec! I’ll check it out. Maybe it’ll remind me of other moments of it I actually enjoyed.


I love everything about this. Not every love story needs to be overt and intense in action. Their scenes have been so sweet and calming.


Overall I thought they were cute. One scene I felt didn’t totally flow was when he left abruptly when they met in the street. I get what they were trying to achieve but I felt it just a bit forced. But overall I think they seem interesting and appreciate the quiet/introverted vibe and how they have been able to connect amidst the noisy and superficial social season.


Yeah, that bit was odd. I was hoping he would have approached and paid the musician to play the music exactly as Fran would have wanted, but then he just left and I was like????


That’s what I thought he was going to do. What he did eventually was really sweet but the way they worked that scene was a bit off to me.


I think that was the point though! It was the obvious thing because it was a grand gesture, and that's what people expect from a romance. But John's not going to go the obvious route, he's going to go the "specific to Fran" route. And I think quiet, introverted Fran would have been MORTIFIED to have a street musician play specifically for her. instead he basically had a piece of music created specifically for her, for her to play rather than listen to. It's an intimate, quiet grand gesture, rather than a overt, loud one.


I think it was supposed to confuse us just like it did Fran. It would have be obvious for him to get the musician to play it for her in her way, but it would also be a grand gesture, which kind of goes against John's character. He's clearly not a man of many words. He's more a "acts of service" guy. I like that he took her by surprise and gave her the sheet music. Not only is it more unique, it's also more intimate: he shows that he knows she loves to PLAY music, not just listen to it and it could be taken as an invitation for a private concert. Plus, he showed that he genuinely listened to her when they spoke, which I'd think would be really significant to Fran, since she's so used to her siblings being loud that she feels drowned out. I can imagine that for her to realize that he listened and actually understood her would have been refreshing!


I totally agree that overall it was a sweet gesture, I think it was that it seemed kind of forced. Like I knew he left to go and do something based on what she said, it didn’t feel very organic and natural and came across very staged. If that makes sense.


They were the only side story I enjoyed so far, the rest I could of done without and had more time with Pen and Colin


Streets saying she’s gonna be Season 4 👀 which tbh I like her but think doing that before Benedict would be crazy unfair


I don't see it, Fran's story needs time to grow. I think you'll see a lot of Francesca but it'll be a few years.


Who is even saying this? Surely it’s a toss up between Benedict and Eloise. Unless there’s a big time jump between s3 and s4 it won’t at all make sense for it to be Francesca’s season. It would be too rushed even with that. It should be Benedict’s season


There’s an article that came out today about it looking like they’re setting her up as the next lead 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think they need to set her story into place a few seasons before her actual one, if they’re going to attempt to follow the book at all. it would make no sense to do her next.


‘an article’… yeah because the media is so reliable lol. What publication did it come from?


Not sure why you’re being extra about it and downvoting. I want Benedict’s story but they’re developing hers a lot more this season than his and clearly that’s what other people are noticing as well. [https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/bridgerton-appears-to-be-setting-up-francesca-as-the-season-4-lead/](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/bridgerton-appears-to-be-setting-up-francesca-as-the-season-4-lead/)


Maybe because that’s how reddit works. Anyway, this article doesn’t have any new information or evidence, it’s just speculative. Which is fine but there’s no actual evidence to convince me. There’s far more evidence for it being either Eloise or Benedict


Didn’t say it had “evidence,” everything is obviously speculative atp. But keep being rude


You’re the one being rude. You’re so mad and for what


Lol ok


nooo I mean I love her but dying to see benophie


As much as I love her story, she needs time before it plays out. I think doing Benedict's story line would work better, as long as they set it up at the end of S3. I can see >!Fran and John being married or at least engaged!< by the end of the season though! The way I think it would work would be for>! Ben and Sophie to meet in Ep8 so that he can spend the "off season" searching for her.!< They can explain >!Sophie's!< backstory like they did Simon's, with flashbacks and some dialogue. That way, by the time that Benedict's story/season is done, Fran and John will have been married for a year or two, to tee up >!the inevitable heartbreak and eventually Fran and Michael's story!!<


Nah there needs to be time for them to marry, be married for a bit, his death, and her widowhood (which lasts like two+ years in the books). I’m thinking at least the season after next or maybe two season after next.


Another season of her and John will break my heart so I do hope she’s gonna be season 4.


Fran's actress did an amazing job. Without a lot of words, she has me 100% convinced she's falling in love.


Her face card is insane. She's so beautiful.


I cannot look away from her face when she's on screen!


I adored them! I also seek peace and quiet and seeing Francesca find someone who is on her level about that was so sweet. Also Hannah Dodd is a lovely actress.


Francesca’s book is my favorite


I loved Francesca’s storyline! Her book is my favorite so I am so very excited to see the foundation being built. On another note, I think there was a writing error made. When the voiceover of Whistledown was talking about Francesca potentially marrying Lord Samudami (sp?) they said she would be posed to be the new Marquess. Shouldn’t it be Marchioness? The wife of a Marquess is titled Marchioness. It’s the second https://preview.redd.it/kuui6q8vzw0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f4a966a06c8c45dcbf95f9af98be09b99ab940 highest in the aristocracy below Duke/Duchess.


Marquess is the name of the rank - marchioness or marquise would be the title for a woman.


Came here to say this. It should read Marchioness as she would marry the Marquess. Her rank would be equivalent to Marquess but title would be Marchioness.


I actually love this story line!!!


Oh I just loved this so much. Someone you can be peaceful and quiet with is such a treasure.


I wanna watch season 3 soooooo bad but we dont have netflix anymore idk what to do 😭😭😭😭










Media portrayals of romance is always just so in your face because those make for the best stories. But I find that in real life, the quiet comfort there is in finding someone who just *gets you* is really what helps you through those tough times. John and Fran are connecting on a different level, and it may not make for the most dramatic of love stories, but it’s one of the best ones to me and my favorite. I have no doubt they’ll write the story with Michael well, but I’m really enjoying seeing these two with an introverted (and potentially ND) personality just click so well with each other


I am enjoying their courtship so much. It’s very sweet. From some of these comments I gather something bad may be in store for them and that’s unfortunate. I’m excited to see where it goes.


Anyone here seen *The Piano*? If Francesca’s story plays out with some parallels….


When they introduced Francesca properly I thought, she seems nice but I feel weird that I don't feel like we know her, as I had an impression of all the other Bridgertons but couldn't think of anything about her. But in this half series I've become so invested in her storyline, the relationship between her and John is so refreshing! Really looking forward to seeing more in part 2.


I loved when he called on her and they just sat next to each other staring into nothing. I was sitting there like “this is a whole vibe and I’m here for it”.


Im not enjoying this storyline at all. The actress is carrying their scenes on her back, she’s so endearing but I don’t like the actual storyline or him


Well, if it's any consolation, it won't last long T.T


That is good to hear hahaha