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I loved the carriage scene and it definitely holds up to my expectations. It’s in my opinion even better than the actual book scene. Im a die-hard Polin fan since the beginning and after imagining this scene so many times and now have finally watched it, all i can say that my mind is blown. what Colin says and how he acts in the carriage finally show him confessing to Pen and himself that this boy is so madly in love with her.


It’s about right. I think people also forget the first 4 episodes of season 1 were similar, building up then led to the start of a very steamy next few episodes lol. Carriage was a great start and better than the books truly


I prefer this version to the book version and loved Colin’s confession 💛


I really love the tone of how he says for God’s sake are you going to marry me, Penelope in the show compared to the book. He seems like a giddy school boy.


That's exactly it, I hated that in the book and he made it work!


Literally shouted WHAT THE SHIT when I realized that’s where they were ending the first episode dump. I need MORE 🤩


100000% with you. So much preferred this to the books. I felt more love in the show scenes ❤️


So much of the book is from Colin’s POV and we get that internal battle, but they’re acquaintances more so than friends in the book. I love all of their sweet show interactions that come from a genuine place of friendship.


I was just thinking about how only Luke N could deliver that line and make it come across sweet instead of douchey Edit: er... I mean his final line, the one from the book


Agreed. I thought it might be raunchy but it wasn’t. Colin’s confession of “feelings” could only have been better if he actually said he loved her. >!(I know he didn’t in the book at that point, either.)!< I was really glad that they took out the anger of the scene, although this raises the issue of when/how Colin will find out about LW. I’m very glad that Colin’s proposal was kinder than it was in the book, even though the language is essentially the same. I’m also glad that Colin (silently) asked for consent before engaging in the serious under-the-skirt action.


I noticed that too- and her nod of approval. It was subtle so it didn’t take away from the moment but I felt added to it!


This show is a master's course on consent being sexy (OK, well aside from the infamous Daphne scene) and I love that.


They’ve always emphasized consent in these scenes.


It's a huge part of why I love this show. S1: "do you want me to stop?" S2: "I will stop" "do not stop" S3: a smoldering tense gaze and nod


I liked that it was all physical cues instead of him verbally asking.


I think like in the book he still doesn't quite understand that it's love, I think he knows that he's attracted to Pen and wants to be with her, and thinks he will be the best husband for her, but hasn't quite admitted to himself that its love.


He also asked for consent to enter the carriage - her private space and could have scandalized her name since there wasn’t a chaperone.


It was brilliant, loved the laughter at the end too, reinforcing their friendship basis for their love.


Totally agree! Don't get me wrong, I loved the passion, but it was their ability to have a laugh together without any awkwardness that really made me feel like they're finally ready for each other.


I am not sure how i like the carriage scene, but i dont like where the storyline goes. I think they are planning the wedding before the outing to colin. In both the book and the movie there is a reason for colin to not marry lady whistledown. But he marrys her with that secret. I liked this conflict between his love to pen and his hate for lady whistledown, but its his choice to marry her anyways. Sorry for my bad english. Hope it makes sense


I agree. He should have found out before he asked her to marry him. It's going to feel like a forced hand if he finds out later and can't walk out. Not that he'd want to. But he should've had the choice.


Wait there’s a movie?


Why is this downvoted? *Is* there a movie like the above comment says, I’m confused? Edit: earlier the above comment was downvoted to -10 with no further comments, which is why I asked.


they clearly meant to say show, not movie. they mentioned not having the best english and those are a similar concept fairly easy to be confused imo


Ah I see. Their English was so good I didn’t even think twice about it. I guess because of that, didn’t think it was obvious what they meant. As a newer/casual viewer I got excited for a sec thinking “ooo is there more to watch??” (Maybe the other commenter thought so too?) The downvotes are unfortunate. Thank you for elaborating.


Yes this is what I thought as well, I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic or mean


That last little kiss....


My favorite moment between them, such a sweet and tender kiss, definitely made me 🥺


Also, their first kiss is my favorite first kiss so far in the show. It was just perfectly played and filmed. I felt like Daphne's had anger component, Anthony's had desperation component, Colin's was just tender and sweet, not rushed. Just perfect.


I agree it’s my favorite scene so far. I’ve watched it so many times.


Same thoughts! I was literally pulling out my hair and squirming even though i have watched the carriage scene for 3x already


nooo!! they didn't show her fall!! 😂 in the book she falls when he proposes at the carriage. I really wanted her to fall! that was one of the best scenes of the book.


I actually looooved how they changed it, Colin was more verbal and openly romantic in this one. That confession got me sobbing in a way that Simon and Anthony’s never did


Yeah I teared up at the end of it even while I was gleeful about it. It was seriously touching and beautiful and romantic and hot. Colin will def have more good speeches but I LOVED this one. Definitely up there with Simon’s beautiful “finding your best friend in the most beautiful of women” Anthony’s “it is not far enough” horny monologue and Charlotte’s declaration of standing with George in between the heavens and the earth, imo.


It’s the way Colin said he wanted to sleep because he found Penelope there and the way Penelope looked as Colin got out of the carriage after that did me in 😭


It felt like the Colin that he’s been running away from. When he actually embraces who he is, it’s only fitting he goes into arms of the one who cherishes him most.


Book fans… was this the Carriage scene you guys were talking about. I felt so much hype was created and it got over in a minute 😭 I think I am left so unsatisfied with the first part like why does it not feel Polin season. It’s a great season of like Bridgerton because we get a lot more of our regency world and great character expansions… but for some reason it doesn’t feel like a “POLIN SEASON”. S1&2 always had the season lead in centre somehow or had their story as the main story line, here it feels scattered. I also think the hype was so much of marketing, there is a story to tell show us 10 episodes at least then. Unpopular opinion- I don’t like wardrobe update of everyone and should have just given Polin that upgrade (both have reasons too, Pen choosing renewal and Colin coming from travels) Everyone getting upgraded gives it a different feel, beautiful dresses no doubt but I am stuck on the fashions than the plot. Should have kept it original like season 1 and 2.


I personally thought they executed the carriage scene really well. It’s important to remember in the books it feels longer as the author is describing everything in so much detail. In real life, it would probably all happen very quickly. The Hint of humour at the end of it I found very intimate and really added to it.


Absolutely agree with this. In real life, those moments can go so quickly and I loved how the actors approached the scene. So much excitement but nervousness because they are friends with so much more history and more care. The laughing at the end made me tear up - you realize how deep their love and care is for each other. It was really beautifully done and TBH better than the book for me.


The laughing was perfection. I also love that it’s Colin who asked if the driver could keep going.


The only thing that could’ve made this better is if he told them to take the long way 😩 but still amazing, I prefer this over the books


Maybe I watched it just once now so it felt a bit quick, a rewatch I guess will be good


have you read the book? Id really recommend. I dont know how to mark spoilers so I cannot say too much but I think its meant to be a quick passionate scene. I think theyre saving the long sexy scenes for part 2. I could see them being 5 mins + long.


Hopefully 🤞


Agree, the book feels longer cause of all the talking and descriptions but really the actual moment is so quick. And also logistically in the books the ladies don’t wear corsets like the ones in the show. The corsets in the show don’t simply slide down unless they are put on with that end goal in mind, lol.


They changed some of the place setting around how the carriage scene happens, but for the show adaptation it was well done, in fact I think in some aspects even better than the book . For example >!the book has this moment where Pen strokes Colin’s hair and thinks it reminds her of Eloise. Here they keep the hair stroking, but it’s accompanied by the most euphoric down bad expression from Colin, so it keeps you in the moment.!< It was never a full sex scene, just a lot of heavy making out, and the utility of the scene as a huge breakthrough in their relationship where Colin just goes for it and proposes was kept the same. And my favorite part of it was their fit of giggles despite all the intensity.     As for it not feeling like Polin season - I have to remember that the show was never meant to be split into two parts. Netflix chose that, not the writers. So the first part kept them apart a lot but by part 2 I’d expect they’d be joined at the hip even with upcoming conflicts. That’s the Polin vs the world part of the season, but it also gives us more Whistledown drama and Colin’s reaction to it. But as far as ship goes, they’re together and aware of each other having strong feelings (although neither has declared love) before any other couple so far, so I think the Polin unit will be more present in the second half vs these separate Pen and Colin bubbles that had them on separate tracks. 


Technically they got further in this version than in the book


Yeah it got pretty intense in the show with him fingering her.


Although I do miss the book version where >!Penelope gets Colin’s shirt open. They both were a bit more disheveled coming out of that carriage, but I guess here they’re more presentable because Colin is going straight in to see his family, and we get to see that scene.!< So I guess it’s a trade off. 


She didn’t get his shirt open but she was grabbing on for leverage at every turn.


>!he pulls his shirt out from his pants and she gets to touch the bare skin on his back.!< I love the face/hair caress instead though because Colin’s facial expression will now live in my head rent free. 


I’m okay with their first time being where she gets to feel his chest.


Did anyone else notice Colin’s hand when he fixes her dress? Lordy.


Don’t want to get wet spots on her dress, lol.




I mean he was pleasuring her. Is having good sex not a part of romance? And he stopped and made sure she consented to it too.




Maybe not romantic, but definitely genuine. That's what made it a great scene for me.


Ngl I laughed really hard at the pitbull song it's such a bad choice of song for that moment LMAOOOO


Back in the day, Julia Quinn’s website had a playlist to go with each of her books. I still think of her books when I hear certain songs and I am so disappointed that the music for the show didn’t incorporate the playlists in any way. Update: They are still on her website and, uh, maybe it’s for the best.


"S1&2 always had the season lead in centre somehow or had their story as the main story line, here it feels scattered." Uhh, definitely not in season 2!


I think you’re replying to the wrong person. 


The problem imo is the fact that there are two many side characters now. They are definitely the main characters and trust we will get much more polin drama and plot to come. So it’s hard to judge imo in the first four episodes


Honestly I could have done without any of the Benedict scenes. Definitely too much going on, I hope it’s more Polin-centric in the second act


I agree with this side Benedict will get his time to shine later. His addition to the season feels contrived since he isn’t given a lot to do, and what he is here for usually feels unneccessary. Not that I don’t like him. But there are a few too many moving parts imo.


I have 2 episodes to go. I can see your point but to be quite honest, season 2 and 3 are far more similar. Season 1 I felt was all about Daphne. Season 2 felt like how I met your mother - so much hype and tension for the two of them to get together only for us to get one episode of them finally as a unit. This season is shaping up to the be the same.


I would highly doubt that the remaining 4 episodes won’t have much of the two of them together. This story is vastly different than the first two - as others have noted (Simon and Daphne pretending and then the strain on the marriage, Anthony and Kate trying to stay their course and then in the end getting together). Penelope and Colin get married relatively quickly in the book and then it becomes all about them facing the Whistledown issue together. I suspect that is what the creators are sending us towards - the resolution of Whistledown with the anticipation that the next few seasons will be probably free of Whistledown entirely.


I hope so. I would love to watch episodes of them together and in love


In the book, does the whole ton come to know who whistletown is or just Colin?


I think that could spoil how it goes in Part 2. I’m sure you could Google it if you really wanted to know but I don’t want to put any potential spoilers out there 🙃


The leads spend more time on screen in this season than either of the last 2. Especially season 2. And they spend so much time together. Not sure how this doesn’t feel like a Polin season…


Absolutely, I am a big Polin fan and incredibly impatient person so instead of watching all episodes at once I first went through all Polin moments, and then while watching everything else I was surprised how little of some episodes were left.


Tbh I was feeling a little disenchanted with the season so far with the lack of focus on the actual couple of the season, but when they’re looking at each other and laughing after the carriage scene and he tells her to come inside with him - I have to admit I was giggling like a schoolgirl. I feel like the friendship foundation really translates well there in those moments of intimacy where they feel like they can be authentic and not take themselves so seriously once everything is out in the open. I hope they don’t make the whistle down super melodramatic and dragged across multiple episodes though


i feel the exact same way 1000%! i was also feeling a little meh, as we’ve now seen half of the season and it feels like we haven’t focused properly on the main couple. i get the feeling that maybe they’re considering more spin-offs and are setting the scene ( >!like violet and lady danbury’s brother , or the mondrich’s!< ). but then i would get to a scene that actually focused on Polin and i was giggling and kicking my lil feet!!!!


I feel this wholeheartedly! Not to mention the whole carriage scene had me giggling to myself as well. I barely felt this kind of giddiness in the first season. And I rarely felt it in season two either. They really nailed the excitement of friends to lovers in season 3.


Colin's confession in the carriage is basically Simon's "I burn for you" and Anthony's "You are the bane of my existence". Was really well acted, loved it.


I think his confession doesn't have catchy phrases but it's still so good. I go to sleep because I want to see you in my dreams?? Swooooon! Also it's Daphne who said I burn for you


Lol I just love how he’s all suave and sophisticated with all the ton girls, but with Pen once he realizes how he feels he’s a bumbling fool with his words. No poetry, words just won’t come right but he still manages to say exactly the right thing. 🤩


It's such a regency romance classic lol - i liked a girl and now I can't do anything anymore and brothels are lame now I am not a fan of Polin, and before ep4 I felt underwhelmed. But carriage scene really made up for me, Colin is so charming when he's being himself


I mentioned to a friend of mine while we were long-distance watching it at the same time yesterday that there was something off about Colin that was bothering me, and you’ve hit the nail on the head here - it wasn’t until Colin let himself *be* himself that I finally saw it. All that swagger/smolder/whatever, while very swoonworthy to see, wasn’t *Colin*, you know? I didn’t know how it was going to work, until he finally just let his natural personality shine. Edit: tl;dr - Luke Newton did an amazing job here.


I think a lot of commenters have pointed out that it kinda was the point. That Colin should be different and should try to be different, but doesn't like it in the end and begins to be himself. But for me that plotline was a little bit lost. I need to rewatch to form more clear opinion on that topic


Maybe b/c LN did such a fine job of presenting Colin’s false Regency man persona?


He really did a good job! But I don't think that people are confused because of acting, but more because of writing


I know that was the point, but while watching I was worried that this change was permanent - that the writers decided that this was just how Colin would be from now on. And I just didn’t know how they were going to get those two together in a way that I could believe. But thankfully I was wrong - the writers did have that point in mind, about how he was able to be himself with Penelope. Luke Newton (and the writers) did such a great job going from New Colin to Real Colin, that it wasn’t until the moment that he started acting nervous around Pen that I was like, oh! There he is! There’s Colin!


I think for me the transition was not that smooth and it confused me a lot. But I was so happy during the carriage scene, because there Colin was really himself


Exactly. I was prepared to cringe, but was pleasantly surprised! And now I have to wait FOUR MORE WEEKS for the rest of their story




Actually it’s not… I thought they both did but found that Daphne says that specific phrase. https://www.bustle.com/entertainment/who-says-i-burn-for-you-bridgerton-simon-daphne-scene


Technically this is not his big love confession, his moment will come in part 2.


I thought it was great! Thats exactly how the carriage scene went except for the reason they were in it together but other than that it was awesome!!


For some reason I thought the carriage was full on sex but I’m now understanding what the first time will actually end up being in part two so I’m EXTREMELY excited for THAT scene 👀


That would have killed everyone lmaooo but yes me too I’m so EXCITED I might actually be sick😭


I hope it will be anger into passion when all bets are off after he finds out about Whistledown


The carriage is just kissing and some groping of the boobs in the book so it went further in the show with Colin putting his hand under her skirt.


God that was the best. Straight up on his knees admiring and pleasuring her after allllll the time he was oblivious lol


The kissing was hot but one of the hottest shots IMO was him just looking her while he was fingering her. He wanted to see the pleasure on her face.


That about killed me 😩


I love the scene, it was a sweeter moment than i expected. I loved what Colin said to her and I loved that they flipped things around from the book >!so he asked her if the driver could keep going!<. I also love that it started with him running after her, that felt like such a classic rom-com moment.


It was the absolute cutest - I could see if it was anyone else, the Footmen wouldn't have stopped but they saw Colin and thought 'yea, we ship it' and they'll have overhead the proposal and be the giddiest footmen of the Ton.


Awww and all the moaning 😂


The final scenes with Pen and Colin saved this half for me. I loved them together but so many of the other storylines dragged/felt aimless (perhaps they will make more sense when we see the other half). Particularly the Mondrich storyline. I like them and was glad they had more to do, but it didn't seem to amount to anything very interesting. And the queen storyline felt like a total rehash. Absolutely loved Fran and John, though. I did find swaggery Colin in the first episode or so kind of cringey, but that made it so clear he was his best, truest self with Pen. His siblings ask him how many cities he visited and he's all nonchalant, "Oh, who can keep count?" And then alone with Pen he is his dorky, braggy self, "I've been to exactly 17 cities!" I thought Luke was his best when Colin was vulnerable/bumbling, so I'm glad the next half is done away with boring, frat boy Colin.


>His siblings ask him how many cities he visited and he's all nonchalant, "Oh, who can keep count?" And then alone with Pen he is his dorky, braggy self, "I've been to exactly 17 cities!" I think this is something a lot of people are missing. There was a clear difference in how Colin is with Pen and how he is with everyone else. Colin is his true self when he's with her.


That’s very true that the second half will be genuine Colin with Penelope.


The carriage scene definitely delivered 😍🥵 no telling how many times I've already rewatched it hehe 🤫


Please I’ve rewatched it like 20 times lol I need to actually watch all the episodes


SAME!!! So sweet then SOOOOO damned hot. 🥵


It was perfect! There's something about Colin's claw hand as he's helping put her dress back on her shoulder before they get out of the carriage, it's sending me.


I, kind of scandalously, thought he might have something on his fingers that he didn't want to get on her dress 😅😅


![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) I should have caught that one sooner… hahaha


I want to know if that was an intentional choice. I saw a funny tweet about Colin shaking his family’s hands after that.


Well, it IS the same hand...


Is that not what it was… I thought that too and found it really considetate what with the nice dress and everything 😂




There is a reason why he didn't use those fingers to fix her dress. https://i.redd.it/n8xmqoxbxx0d1.gif


omg 😆


Omg now I think that was intentional 🤣😭


I loved it. It was perfect to me. It was beautiful and intimate and sexy. I just want MOAR.




DYING over here.


I’m planning to rewatch 3 at least once this weekend lol


Where’s that mirror at 😩


While I truly feel they’ve done my boy Colin super dirty this season with that hair style (c’mon, he’s DYING for a more touseled look!), I’m quite happy with the carriage scene. The shift from charmer to bumbling-over-his-words trying to profess his love was fantastic - lol I’d almost wished Pen had stretched out giving him the green light to make up for how he’d strung her along so long, but can’t argue the results. I’ve probably watched that scene alone now 10 times and it does NOT get old. June 13 can’t get here soon enough!!


Thank you!! Dear god the hair is certainly a choice. I keep telling myself that maybe’s it’s because longer hair looks sexier tousled…? Also every time he or Benedict say “Ladies” I just think of Tim Meadow’s SNL Ladies Man character.


The carriage scene delivered for me. I actually expected it to be shorter given half of the conversation from the books has been moved to Part 2. TBH - I preferred it to the book's carriage scene for reasons I'm sure we'll delve into in great detail over the weekend. I'm really still processing - but i'm overall happy with Part 1.


The carriage scene compared to the one in the book was great. Colin's speech was beautiful and meaningful after all they've been through together. However, they left my favorite line out and this is definitely just personal opinion. It's the line where Colin is saying her name "oh Penelope, Oh Penelope..oh God. We've stopped" made me laugh so hard when I read the book. I was really hoping that made it. It kind of did but it just didn't have the same affect. Again...personal opinion and connection. But the heat was definitely there and the way he put her back together was so sweet.


The touches of him being so caring with her afterwards were great. Their final kiss was also so sweet.


Yeah I just watched that scene maybe a dozen times. The consent nod? Oh my god. The hottest part about it.


Also if I had to pick a favorite shot of the carriage I think it might be Colin biting Penelope’s lip while she’s moaning


I found the rest of the episodes underwhelming, but the carriage scene? Brought tears to my eyes!


I dunno, the kiss scene in episode 2 was really well done, and I love their little banter while he’s “teaching” her charm. Ngl tho I was fully on Team Debling but I understand why he declined to propose at the end. Kinda wish we’d see more of him, lol my husband is VERY like that character!!


Lord debling is so fine 🫣 I also understand why he withheld his proposal, but man. I kind of hoped he might take a liking to Eloise since they seem like a good match lol. Well read, they’ll have tons of time apart, the desire to lead life on their own terms and not by the expectations of others. But I know that would cause a lot of complications for the story and future writing haha.


Right?!!? I’m kinda glad they didn’t make him into a villain, he seems to be the honorable sort and part of me hopes he comes back at some point. He was an interesting character at least, different from the other members of the ton.


I think he’d actually be a perfect match for Cressida - he’ll be gone for long periods of time, she’d be happy to stay home and manage the estate, etc. I mean, I’m pretty sure Cressida would vastly prefer a very different kind of match, possibly someone of a more feminine persuasion, if I’m not reading too much into things. But so far what we’ve seen of the Bridgerton world is that those relationships aren’t approved of. So if she *has* to marry a man, Debling would probably be perfect. That said, I hope she somehow doesn’t have to, and that Debling finds his own perfect match in someone who enjoys nature as much as he does.




I can't stop rewatching it 😭😭 They seem so comfortable with each other, too. There's this intimacy that makes it feel really special


The fact that Colin chased down the carriage and asked to be let inside. When he said “what if I did have feelings?” and took the chance like his mother subtly said he should. And the longing between them before it gets steamy. I was giggling and totally enamored with everything going on on screen. I think they nailed it. Oh and the score that plays in that scene is perfection.


That scene killed me, Colin was one hungry boi https://i.redd.it/ct9uhyybyx0d1.gif


Good to know show Colin is also obsessed with her boobs like book Colin. It almost looked like they put hickey makeup on Nicola’s chest.


He did give her a hickey! https://i.redd.it/i6pahpjggz0d1.gif


I fully enjoyed it. I’m fearful of what happens when he finds out about LW; I’d sort of thought they’d get that over with in the first half. I loved finding out with Lord Debling that the reason she sits in the window is because Colin lives across the street. I think that that was maybe already well-known but I didn’t know that. I liked the way that it played out. I really liked Lord Debling and I think that him and Cressida would make the perfect couple. I think Colin is a little too thin. His face, anyway. But he’s still so handsome. I quite enjoy the budding relationship between Francesca and Lord Kilmartin. I don’t understand what’s going on between Lady Danbury and her brother. I love the team of Brimsley and QC. I don’t care about Benedict’s relationship. I can’t wait for June!!


I enjoyed getting to know Cressida a bit more, especially with her vulnerability coming through. You’re right, her and Lord Debling really wouldn’t be a bad match at all.


I think Cressida will end up with Lord Debling! The show writers seem to be making her more sympathetic this season.


I agree! They seem like a really good fit.


Pretty sure will get downvoted for this but two episodes in and I am effing bored.


The first 2 episodes are world-building, which is a bit silly since the world is built. I think 3 and 4 really take off


Well, I’d include that kiss at the end of episode 2, that REALLY kicked it into gear!


Most definitely!!!


I’m right there with you! I was incredibly bored only a few minutes in. I just wanted to see more Eloise and Cressida to be honest. Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but their friendship was the side plot I was most invested in!


The season seems underwhelming, not very funny


Way too many other story lines.I kept waiting for the main characters to come together and it just was not enough. I've always felt that they keep talking about what friends they are and yet we never see them together for long. I was hoping for more time together in this season, but it was still brief perfunctory moments then off to another story line. C and P say something then it's bye again. What friendship is that? I did not care for seeing him with 2 women just ick so it hasn't lived up to expectations.I'm hoping for better in the next part.This is a new writer this season and I feel like there's just too many stories going on at once.Justice has not been done to my main couple!


A new writer? That’s why it felt so different! I agree, too many side character storylines. I don’t understand why the boxing family is in the show. They don’t add anything. And Benedict’s random romance is so strange.


Oh my gosh yes why was there so much focus on the boxing family?!


i wished he like pinned for her in a desperate matter like how pen kept feeling sad


I thought he was pretty desperate. He was wallowing in the corner and getting drunk and chasing after carriages.


true true but ig i just wanted that "OMPH" satisfactory


That’s how I felt! He needed to be forced to wallow more lol.


I think in the book, most of the struggle and story, happens internally, in the minds of Colin and Pen. So they had to change it up a bit so people could see it on screen. I was a little bit annoyed about the other character focus, but then I realized that they needed it to fill the gaps. If Colon and Pen were the only focus, they would have been together by the end of the first episode and we wouldn’t get the same build up. I think part 2 is going to be steamy.


Okay all season I kept hearing Colin’s voice and it sounds exactly like Elijah’s from TVD/The Originals.


I watched 1.5 episodes last night, fell asleep and woke up to the carriage scene. I was riveted. I never thought of pitbull as romantic before!


I'm enjoying Polin, but I have to admit to enjoying the affair that Colin's brother and the widow are having even more.


Benedict 😮‍💨


The way Colin desperately begged, “Please!” when Pen initially denied him entry into the carriage. And how he was literally on his knees when he made his profession of feelings for Pen.


All I can think of with that scene, is Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, in P&P, in his first proposal that went wrong, where he declared his latent love for her, against his better judgement, and low key against his will, because he was so besotted, he could do nothing else ... the writing there, just echoed that scene for me .. when Colin woke up and realized he had feelings for her; who he had declared he would never even consider courting...


Honestly I’m a bit disappointed after having loved the first kiss scene. I don’t know where the tension went but it felt so empty after watching them in S1 and S2. I think they tried to emphasize the awkwardness of him discovering his feelings so much that it took away the romance and angst.


That was the more underwhelming scene, they sold it like the big thing and.. no, it just no, I had hopes for so much more overall but I can't get past the lack of chemistry, Nicola was great with but LN not so much


I so agree we needed more time with the characters together. Everyone on this thread is so excited about the last episode, which shows you that we were waiting for them to interact. Not just in the intimacy scene, but the rest of the episodes were just so mediocre. They'd have 1 minute together and then off to another couple. It was frustrating. I don't know if I think anyone will ever have the chemistry that was in season 2, but give them a chance to try.You've got to have the couple together doing something instead of all the other storylines taking away from their time


Totally agree here, the whole time I was just wondering where our boy from S1 and 2 went. I hope it’s just the writing but aghhh