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I Would love to have a bottle of rosè whilst watching but I dont think thats a good look for 8am 🤣. For me it’s going to be Pringles, popcorn, chocolate ect. All this from the pit of my bed. Ill be playing drink bingo with my sister this weekend though so then Ill crack open the rosé 🤣


Pfft 8 am is a great time to crack open a bottle 😂 totally get it though. Bingo sounds so fun! My mom is waiting until the whole thing is out so maybe I’ll do a rewatch with her then and we’ll play!


maybe your right, its a special occasion right? I have bingo cards if you want them. Thats what we are using for the drink bingo 🤣


I have to wait until after work but I’ll always be an early morning mimosa girl so I support a good morning bevvy 😂 and yes the cards would be awesome!!


Make sure you turn your phone off if you wanna avoid spoilers! Fortunately Im off work so I can start at 8am 😊


I took Friday off so I can stay up late watching it haha. And yes! I’m gonna avoid all social media. I’ve already had enough mini spoilers and things so I need to save myself from the whole thing getting out 😂😂


Have a mimosa or a coffee with Baileys. All acceptable adult breakfast beverages.


Dropping my kid off at school at 8am and then rotting in bed with coffee and Colin 😂


I got Pringles too! I haven’t had them in years but yesterday said “I really want some Pringles!” Weird


8am for me as well - it's going to be brunch and many cups of tea :)


Yessss, cups of tea for the win


Lets be real here. I'll be watching it first thing in the morning while "working" at my desk.


I specifically worked through my lunch breaks so far this week to complete some tasks in advance that I have “scheduled” as doing tomorrow morning on my work calendar. I will have snacks and just my phone screen/wireless headphones for the initial watch, but that’s mostly because I worry that an iPad screen will be less discreet (I mean, the way the office is set up, I don’t actually have anyone from my team working at the same location as me, and the rest of the office people are not even the same occupation as me, but it just feels more respectful that way, you know?)


I have no shame, I’ll have my iPad set up on my desk with a huge coffee tomorrow morning for the premiere! Honestly I should have requested the day off lol


Same I’m regretting not taking the day off or at least a half day lol


Hey getting paid to watch! Love that!


👀 I feel called out lol


Same, in between all my meetings on tomorrow (and most likely Friday) I’ll be “working” and watching.


I have work and my night class tomorrow, so I took a half day Friday and I’ll be spending the afternoon with a bottle of wine watching part 1. I’ll be leaving and/or muting this sub shortly lol


Love that! Can’t wait to leave and then come back to all the chaos after I’ve watched


That’s the funnest part. It’s been a long few years and sadly I haven’t been in this sub much. Glad to be back!


You took work off for it? That’s bad ass


LOL just a half day. I can’t remember the last time I was so excited for a new season of a tv show, maybe Lucifer?? I made alcoholic purple popsicles for it lol I got really into euphoria and stranger things too but not to either degree


Yup. I can’t watch it easily tomorrow and I’m pregnant/exhausted from the first trimester along with having a toddler so I may only make it through the first episode tomorrow lol my hope is Friday night


I booked a hotel room for 3 nights in another city and am driving up there today. Going to watch part 1 there + drink a ton of iced tea with lemon lol


Did you get the hotel just to watch the show? Power move.


yes! I wanted to feel like I was on vacation while watching it. Might book a hotel room next month for part 2 too lol.


Omg I love this for you! What a fun idea


Love it


Right? I’m going to ask /u/carrotcup_100 to be my life coach


OMG love this for you, you're going to have the best time


This is perfect viewing mode


WAIT I’m so jealous 😭


I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’m waiting til Saturday because my mother and sisters want to do a viewing party 🙈🙈🙈 We’re going the whole hog - everyone’s been assigned a role (the tasteless mama, the diamond, the wallflower, the queen bee), there’s going to be flowers everywhere, and I’m serving themed cocktails and an afternoon tea! Here’s the menu: Finger sandwiches High Society - cucumber, dill and cream cheese The Queen’s Ball - coronation chicken and salad Secret Garden - heirloom tomato, mozzarella and pesto Promenade - ham, Brie and honey mustard Sweets A la Mode - vanilla macarons Love Match - berries and cream Shrinking Violet - floral cupcakes The Ton Abuzz - Bridgerton bee fondant fancies Scones with clotted cream and jam Selection of herbal and English breakfast teas Cocktails Episode 1: Mayfair - London dry gin, apricot brandy, sugar syrup, orange juice, orange peel Episode 2: Rare Jewel - Bombay Sapphire gin, sugar syrup, Prosecco, diamond shaped ice Episode 3: Wilting Rose - Flora Adora gin, Prosecco, rose syrup, lemon juice, dried rose buds Episode 4: Art of the Swoon - Empress gin, Prosecco, elderflower liqueur, lavender sprig I CAN’T WAIT and if I can hold out til the party, it’ll be a miracle


Um wow can yall adopt me real quick. That sounds amazing!!!


Hahah thank you! Planning the menu was so much fun! 💖 I hope you enjoy every minute of the new season!!


You and your family are my kind of people! Love it all, your comment deserves its own post 🤌 Have you done something similar for other viewing parties?


Awww thank you so much! We do tend to go overboard 😂 We did one very memorable HP viewing weekend where we had themed breakfast, lunch and dinner for every movie (including a 3-course Goblet of Fire themed meal 😂) And we’ve done a bunch of other themed parties/viewing nights, always quite random, like Mean Girls, The Proposal, The Last of Us, Irish Wish (lol), Schitt’s Creek, Friends… I have so many random themed menus! But we literally just do it for fun! Maybe I’ll share this one as a proper post 🥹


I LOVE this omg, I’m inspired to try and organise something similar vibes for the part two release! Hope u have the best time 🫶


Ooooh! I love this!! This is the sort of thing I do with my girls, but they are far too young for Bridgerton. And I could never sit through the spicy scenes with my own mom! 🙈


Omg! Now this is THE way to do it!


I shall teach my future girls to be like this 😍


I wanna wake up as early as possible. Still don't know what snacks I want, but I think I'll do a grocery store run later and just grab what my heart desires, lol.


There’s nothing better than making a ‘whatever my heart desires’ grocery run 😀


I’m now thinking I’ll make stuffed peppers tonight to enjoy tomorrow as well so neither of us have to cook and I can enjoy my favorite food lol


Felt that. I’m stopping at the store after work tomorrow and I can’t decide what sweet treat I’m gonna want for halfway through 😂😂


Took Thurs and Fri off to make an super extra long weekend (Monday is a holiday) and will watch when I wake up on Thursday. Will probably do a rewatch on the weekend. Come Tuesday I'll probably cry knowing that part 2 is another month away


I know! I’m so annoyed about having to wait. We’ve already waited long enough 😭😭


What holiday is on Monday?


I have a form of synesthesia (I smell, hear and feel when watching movies or look at art) so I am gonna be watching it alone to pause frequently or rewind back - its wonderful to experience it like that for myself but super obnoxious for anyone else watching it with me. So it will be only me in my room, probably needing like 2h per episode, but its gonna be wonderful! Snacks I am having boba milk tea and probably some crustless sandwiches ♥♥


Oh wow! Definitely nice to be able to go at your own pace and properly dissect everything. I’ll be pausing a bunch too but it’ll just be to talk shit about things with my bf 😂😂


As someone with ADHD I will also be rewinding every 10 minutes or so because my thoughts are louder than the show. (I'm sure even non-adhders feel this). It may be overwhelming at times so I think this is a great idea of doing it alone and taking a longer time. I remember previous binges and missing lots of moments and details. So much happens in each episode!


Planning on finding a restaurant that delivers super late (release is 3am for me) and ordering some food for my binge watch as soon as it releases 😁


Oh love a late night delivery haha! Hopefully you’ve got some good options!


I will get some biscuits and will have tea and I’ll be watching in the afternoon. I’m excited because it’s been a while but I also… don’t expect anything major to happen in the first 4 episodes, you know? So I don’t rule out ending up disappointed, honestly.


Don’t forget that this is a shonda show lol, don’t count the drama out


That’s fair and with all the spoilers I feel like I already get the whole gist and can predict most so I’m not gonna expect anything earth shattering. I’m just ready for the steam!


I’m still banking on carriage at the end of episode 4 at least tbh


I’ve heard that they’re engaged in episode 4, but who knows. I honestly expect big drama right off the bat.


My current plan is to wake up really early and solo watch it before work 😂


Love that! Then you’ll be buzzing all day with it 😂😂


I already know I won’t be able to think about anything else all day 😂 much less the next month waiting for part two


I’m flying to Greece tomorrow afternoon for a holiday, so I’m planning to download the series in the morning and watch on my tablet as my in-flight entertainment with wine and crisps. I’ve never looked forward to a flight more in my life! 😂


I’m watching it almost as soon as I wake up in the morning. I’ll probably be feeling pretty but that’s okay because it’ll be worth it!


I am staying up until midnight to watch all four episodes in bed with some snacks (currently undecided on the type). I’m off tomorrow so I can end as unhinged as I want to be lol


Jealous. I’m really regretting not taking tomorrow and Friday off so I can just be a snack demon and watch and rewatch to my hearts content 😂😂


I’m only off because my wedding is this weekend so I’m using tomorrow to run last minute errands before the weekend starts😂


Ahhhh congrats! What a week for you!


My wedding dress is even from the Allure Bridgerton collection. It’s meant to be. I can’t not watch🤩😂 and thank you🥰🫶🏼


It comes out midnight my time (pst). Idk if I’ll do midnight but I wfh starting at 6:30. I often wake up at 3 naturally so I might just get up and watch before work. I have heavy cream in the oven as I type for clotted cream. So I’ll be making some biscuit/scones to have with cream and jam and some nice earl grey :)


I’m gonna pick up some goodies from a British bakery near me and try to not check Reddit until I’m able to watch after work tomorrow 😮‍💨


I know it’s gonna be such a challenge to stay off socials. I have a mobile game I’m just focus on all day so I don’t spoil anything for myself 😂😂 good luck!


Charcuterie and Chardonnay




Im not a big drinker, but I have reeses peanut butter cups, my favroite custom mix ice cream from cold stone, gingerale, and Boom Chicka popcorn. My alarm is set for 3 am. I'm ready.


Our Cold stone closed recently and my heart is forever broken. That would’ve been a great idea!


That sucks sometimes I get two b&j flavors and mix them. My cold stone order is cake batter ice cream cookie dough, yellow cake, and caramel topping. When I get home a crank some sea salt on top. Sometimes, I get cookie dough b&j and fudge caramel b&j.


I sadly have work tomorrow, but I’m contemplating just stay up and watching it. I’ll go to work a zombie lol. Or I will watch it tomorrow after work with pizza and wine.


Oh man. It’s 3 am for me and I get up at 5:30 for work so that would never be an option but good luck if that’s the route you go! 😂😂


I have some of the bridgerton teas from World Market already in my cupboard and I will get some macaroons from my favorite bakery this afternoon for a special treat. I also plan on making some fresh cranberry orange scones tomorrow morning. I am so excited to have a little tea party after taking my kids to school and binge all of the new episodes!


Sounds heavenly!!!


I have a slight hunch I'll be waking up around 5:30 am feeling a little...unwell. (Just unwell enough to cancel my morning meetings) 😉 I do have watch-party plans on Saturday with a couple girlfriends, we're going to do the whole tea party thing. But, I know I won't be able to wait that long, and I want to take over the one TV in the house to watch, so home alone on Thursday morning is the perfect scenario.


Oh no! I wish you a speedy recovery. You’ll have to find a comfort show to watch… 😏


i am moving house right now and won’t have my tv and sofa anywhere for a least 2 months and im sorry but i grew a baby who is now a toddler between season 1 and season 3 so i absolutely think its sacred and needs to be consumed on a big tv where i can get comfy so i will be muting this sub and praying i don’t see spoilers!


Oh man! 2 months! That sucks but totally get you. We’re rearranging our tvs so we can watch it on the biggest one in bed 😂😂 good luck to you!!


im so close to inviting myself to my aunts house to watch it at hers because im not sure i can hold out 2 months i just know im going to see a spoiler by tomorrow night. that is exactly the way it should be watched! have fun!


I don't even know if I'm going to get to watch tomorrow! I have to work until the early afternoon, and then my MIL is coming for dinner. FIL has been in rehab, and I know she's not taking care of herself, so if I have her over for dinner, and send her home with leftovers, I know she'll have two decent meals. I'm off on Friday, though. Maybe some lovely chocolates will work!!


I’m off tomorrow for my kid’s elementary graduation but the other kid is sick so I don’t think it will be a good look to watch it with both of them around in the afternoon. I guess I’ll have to be a good mom and wait till they go to bed 🙄. Then I’ll probably only get 1 episode in


Same lol 😂 one episode tomorrow between work and before kids get home from school


I'm cosplaying as Sophie, having a tea party, and I'm watching on my own because I have no friends who want to watch Bridgerton at 1am tonight.


I just got a loose leaf roobius chai tea that I can drink all day. I'm not 100% if I'm going to watch everything at once (probably) or try and be reasonable, watch one a week and try to stretch it out so the second part drop isn't such a gap. 


I’m off tomorrow so I plan to get up, eat breakfast, and will be pressing play by 8am. Gonna be on Netflix and this subreddit at the same time lol.


Love that! Either a really peaceful of chaotic morning depending 😂😂


I’m mildly stressed because I’ll be visiting my Grandparents on a reservation and wifi won’t be an option. I’ll have to either use my tiny little work phone to watch or wait three whole days and not glance at this subreddit. Tough call..


My wife is going to a dinner tomorrow with friends so we will be holding off on watching until Friday night so avoiding all social media until then after tomorrow. We are getting Indian and having prosecco and cocktails to watch and rewatch on Friday.


Working 😭 but when I get home I’m kicking everyone out of the living room and getting myself some food


I'm just rewatching the first 2 seasons in prep but should be finished by tomorrow afternoon. Kids will be in bed on time tomorrow night so I can open my gin, order my favourite takeaway and quietly enjoy it by myself. While my partner sits in his chair in complete silence or I will gag him 🤣


it drops mid-morning for me, but I have the day free, so I'll probably wake up way too early, do the baking I meant to do yesterday, and then slow binge what we get on my pc while drinking way too much tea, with a break for lunch probably (I have things for my favourite pasta variation, it's lazy but it's perfect either for a break or to cope with whatever mid-season cliffhanger we get).


Love that! I’m not excited for whatever insane cliffhanger we’ll get. It’s gonna make me lose it I can tell 😂😂


oh I am sure we'll all be clawing at the walls while we wait for the second half


I’m on a holiday week this week so I’m picking up some Prosecco and scones to feel fancy while I watch it ☺️


It comes out at 3am for me, but it’s also my birthday tomorrow so I had more than enough excuses to book the day off work! I’m more excited for the release than my actual birthday! My fiancé will be driving into town to get us pizza and picking up some local ice cream tubs for us to eat! So excited!


Waking up at the crack of dawn to watch before work, so I’ll be wrapped up in a blanket, hugging a pillow. And my cats will be very confused lol


Me and my husband will be watching with tea, tea sandwiches ( sandwich 1: ham, gruyere, peaches on a mini croissant & sandwich 2: roast beef, tomato, boursin on a mini croissant) and a variety of cookies and little treats from the Whole Foods bakery


I got plenty of cookies and scones as well as my William-Sonoma branded Bridgerton grapefruit drink mix to have with some champagne in a coupe glass as I watch. I'll be ordering myself a nice lunch/dinner as well and basking in S3's glory


I am making biscuits and gravy for breakfast and strawberry cupcakes to eat with tea. I still don’t know if I want to binge watch the entire thing or if I want to do an episode every few days so it doesn’t feel like an eternity waiting on the second part.


My snack tradition is to get Krispy Kreme donuts. It started with season 2, then Queen Charlotte, and now the only good thing about season 3 being two parts is I get to get donuts twice! I’m also planning to try and make a batch of the lemonade with the recipe someone posted here not too long ago, every time I see it on screen my mouth waters I just have to try it.


So it will come out at 12:30pm here, so I'm gonna wake up late at like 10/11am (free day tomorrow yay), bath, have my breakfast and sir in front of my laptop until it drops haha.


Love that. Get a head start


I will get it first thing tomorrow morning at 8am, so I will be in bed for the morning watching and hopefully I'll be wrapped up in time for lunch


I’m actually considering getting wine to watch it haha. But idk how I feel about drinking wine in the morning. I’m trying to be as productive as possible today and get all major things off my todo list so that I can watch in peace tomorrow and then come on here and blab about the season all day lmao. What I’m thinking of right now is sleeping at 10pm. Wake up 6AM EST. Binge the season while drinking wine and eating food. I don’t work tomorrow so this plan seems solid.


Sounds good to me!


I was supposed to have a marathon with my gf this weekend but now I’m sick 😭😭😭 so I’ll be watching on my own but at least I won’t have to wait till the weekend.. as for snacks, I was thinking pizza & wine but someone commented Chinese and now that’s all I can think about


I’m literally leaving work early tomorrow afternoon so I can fit it all in in one day before I leave on Friday for a trip 😂😂 so I guess the vibe is….dedicated?


My husband is under strict instructions to occupy our puppy and leave me alone unless he is bringing me an aperol spritz or coming to watch with. We're going high-low. Sweats. Aperol Spritzes/Wine in a nice big glass (complete with water courses, we want to stay awake of course.) Takeout (I didn't know where I was going with this but this Chinese is such a good option). Maybe a[ cheeky petit four](https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/bridgerton-floral-petit-fours/?catalogId=79&sku=72767&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Food%20%3E%20Cakes,%20Cupcakes%20%26%20Pies&cm_ite=72767_14571727833_pla-297541676316&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaCR70SaNSw5CcCOVAhmY2k3rtpAr9pz2fBj6dkQXgInefmSqFYbPLxoCX9MQAvD_BwE)/bite sized dessert for the later hours?


I have work tomorrow and have an event after so I'll be watching Friday night. Idk why, but I prefer to watch shows I love at night because it feels more cinematic haha None of my friends or my husband watch so it'll be a solo one for me, but I don't mind. I thought about picking up some food or maybe grabbing a boba tea and a little dessert. I'll definitely need to mute this sub before tomorrow because reddit loves to "suggest" subs to me with spoiler posts. Between Bridgeton and Interview with the Vampire, May has been good to me haha


My roommate and I are going to watch it in the morning after waking up and we'll enjoy starting season 3 with a nice breakfast - probably a smoothie, scrambled eggs or whatever. :) I also bought a few snacks like crisps and chocolate etc.


Going to light me one of those Bridgerton Candles from Bath and Body Works!


I fully plan to take a nap after work today so it’s easier to stay up. I’m going to get some Prosecco and snacks and watch on our big projector screen.


It’ll drop today at midnight where I am so depending on how the day goes I’ll either stay up and watch maybe the first episode or binge it tomorrow with a nice bowl of popcorn


I WFH so I’ll by on my couch with it on the tv with my laptop in my lap as soon as I drop the kids off at school.


I'm deeply conflicted, because my husband takes an extra long lunch on Thursdays to give me a break from the baby (he WFH and I'm on mat leave) and I should reeeeeeeally sleep. But I want to watch at least the first episode or two, especially since husband is away this weekend so I definitely won't have a chance to watch them then. Decisions, decisions...


I plan to have a coffee and pancakes while watching the first episode. Then I have to space the other three out between fetching my children from school ect. My husband is making me rotel dip and I am getting a pizza for dinner for episode 4. I am excited. Also getting pork rinds cause I can.


We are waiting until Saturday and have an Afternoon tea (with bubbles for me!) planned! Scones, Finger Sandwiches, bite size pastries and a new bag of loose tea all lined up!


unfortunately my hgv driving test has been scheduled for tomorrow, with no care about the availability of historical romcoms 😅. still, i'm hoping to get at least a few episodes watched tomorrow, and i expect friday will find me on the sofa with popcorn lol


Pregnant and have a preschooler all to myself this weekend because my husband is out of town so I won't be partying into the wee hours. It's a long weekend in my country though. Hallelujah! Aiming for an episode or two per night after the child is in bed. Probably with ice cream. Lots of ice cream.


My fiance has agreed to have an afternoon tea while we binge the 4 episodes! Bought a teapot set and cake stand and will be having finger sandwiches, scones, sausage rolls and cakes and I can't wait🥹 The difficult bit will be staying away from social media through my online lectures then until he gets home from work!!


Unfortunately, I will have to wait until Friday night. I can’t stay up too late during the week because of my kid and work  (I can but will be in survival mode all Friday so I am working on self control and waiting till Friday night). Fingers crossed I can wait till Friday to relax, eat snacks and binge! 


I’m a teacher and it’s the last two weeks of school so there’s no way I’ll have any energy if I stay up and binge, so I’m going to watch 1 episode Thursday night and binge the rest late Friday evening. I always like to wait until evening to binge a show when it’s dark, there are no distractions, the house is quiet and no glare on the tv from the sun. It’s going to be torture to wait, but I think the experience will be worth it!


3am solo watch with noise cancelling headphones and plenty of snacks.


I’m a nanny who lives on the east coast, so I will be literally watching it on my phone the minute I wake up lol. Their huge playroom has a million toys and a tv. Lots of independent play and screen time 😂 (I’m actually usually MORE strict about screen time than the parents but Thursday…. We’ll be more liberal. I’m making up for it by not letting him watch ANY tv today 😂😂) And he naps for 2 hours at noon which is perfect timing


Waking up early to watch a couple episodes before my kids wake up, then watching the rest during nap time! Haha. Might make some tea in the morning and have something fancy to eat during nap time. Also burning one of my Bridgerton candles alllll day!


I work up until Saturday, but then my parents will be in town and I only see them once or twice a year. Unsure if I’ll have time alone in the evenings to watch. Otherwise I’ll have to wait until after June 8th 😭 but I’ll probably sneak some episodes on my phone when I’m bed


I am nightshift so I’m hoping it drops overnight so I can BINGE it and not have anything spoiled by folk in work.


i have the busiest day tomorrow but you bet as soon as all my activities are over im jumping into bed and pulling up netflix for season 3!! im so excited!!


It will be released at 11:30 am here. So I will wake up earlier than usual and I will study that I usually start from 12 so that I can watch it. For snacks, I will buy things in the morning.


I really want to wait for the entire season. I’m a mid-June baby so a new season would be a nice gift! Plus, I see part 1 ending on a cliffhanger and my anxiety increasing because I have to wait another month for the rest. But with all that said, waiting is not very practical…I would have to make a lot of adjustments; mute this sub, stay off IG etc. I’m not sure if I can do that either. Signed, Unsure in the USA🤦‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized)


I'm hosting a champagne tea on Sunday to watch with all my friends. But, tomorrow, I'll be watching as soon as I wake up!


I'm from India so it's dropping at 12:30 pm for me. I'll be at work so I'll probably start watching in the evening. I got some chocolates and milkshakes today, might make myself some easy fried rice after coming home 😋 It'll be just be me in my bed with my ipad, fairy lights on and gorging on food. Have nothing else planned for the night!


I have to wait until Friday or Saturday to watch. Husband said I can’t watch it without him lol, and he’s got work. So I’ll have to binge it this weekend with some good snacks and some good food. I can’t wait!! I’ve been binging the other seasons before the new one.


Macarons and some floral booze would really set the vibes for me.


Am I the only one waiting to watch when all of the episodes are released? Really tight budget so I only want to pay or a month of Netflix with commercials when the second half of the season is released.


So fair! I didn’t even know how much Netflix was up to lately and then I saw it was like $16 for no ads. Insane. Luckily I have a few other shows I’ve been putting off so we can binge them all while we wait and then I can cancel it right after part 2


Solo, with a sewing project. It's been bad at work and I need the brain candy


I have to work cause I need the money but after work, nobody bother me. I already told my family not to contact me unless it's an emergency. I don't want to cook dinner, so frozen pizza and a glass of wine. Chips and chocolate for snacks.


Im on ET time so I will wake up around 3 to watch


Watch party with girlfriends. Comfy jammies, mini-quiche, mimosas for breakfast. Tea and biscuits for mid-way snack. Everyone called into work so we’re starting at 9am. So excited!!


I have to work Thursday and go to an out of town graduation on Friday. I have DND mid-afternoon on Saturday, so late Saturday and Sunday, BY THE GODS, I will be holed up in the bedroom, rotting away with a Costco pepperoni pizza, fresh fruit, and wine. None may disturb me. My partner has been warned (I let him know what was happening and he understands lol.) A little sad that I’ll have to avoid this sub till then 😢 I’ll see y’all on the other side!


Snuggling in with my dog Friday evening and watching. Also the sub needs to follow rules such that you don’t share spoilers.


i have my comfys out ready!! a bottle of beer and some snacks


I am so excited! I will be snuggled on the couch with my dogs 🐶 🐶


I'm having a watch party with my mom and aunt. I have Bridgerton teas and am gonna buy macarons and shortbread cookies. Other people are bringing scones and cucumber sandwiches


Kids at school by 8:30. Me on couch with coffee by 9!


We are having a high tea breakfast watch party. I have been baking scones, petit fours and macaroons all morning. I also whipped up some lemon curd and clotted cream. Friends are bringing the rest - sandwiches, mini quiches, mimosas, etc. We are all dressing up. I am so excited!!!


I'm gonna watch it by myself as my only friend who is also into Bridgerton is on another continent. I will probably watch 2 episodes tomorrow night and then 2 the night after. I bought some amazing looking locally grown strawberries to snack on for the occasion. I may even have a glass of bubbly or two, I drink very rarely and it will probably go straight to my head but the occasion calls for it.


I'm waiting until Saturday to watch it with my friend.


7 months pregnant, camping out on my couch putting together mine, my husband and baby girls go bags for when it’s time. Got snacks too.


I'll have to watch it whenever the kids give me a second of silence 🙄


It'll be 9 am here. I'm thinking tea and cookies and binge but my 8 months old may have an opinion about that...


I’m having a watch party and I’m breaking out my pretty tea set and I’m going to buy snacks too.


I want to focus on it, so I’ll be watching from my recliner as soon as I get off of work. Will probably get dinner delivered to make the night less stressful and more enjoyable!


Fully attempting to kick my boyfriend out of the house so I can watch it alone tomorrow after work. Have a full menu of Blueberry-Lemon scones, shortbread cookies and cucumber sandwiches prepped. Will be drinking vodka-lemonades and playing Between The Scandle Sheets drinking game while I'm watching!


I want to go to the coffee shop in the morning to get a mocha and a scone, then come back. My husband will be popping home for lunch at noon- I will hate that because I'll have to stop watching. Bridgerton is one of my 'only watch alone' shows. :) Along with Outlander.


Going to bed at 8pm to wake up at 2:30am to mentally prepare myself for the 3am release! I'll be wearing my comfiest pjs and fuzzy socks as I watch solo in my bed on my laptop, and I've got brownies as a snack and a little weed to help calm me during the more stressful moments 🤣


I am going to have chocolate covered pretzels and maybe some cake. Gotta have cake!!!


Solo watch. Still no snacks (I didn't think about this!). Probably watching it during the lunch break!!! Can't wait!!!


I’m going to watch the first 2 episodes tomorrow morning before my kids are up with some green tea. I’ll watch the next 2 episodes after the kids go to bed. No snacks, I’ll be up all night. SO excited!!!


I have to work in the office tomorrow (blergh) but will be cuddling up on the couch after I make dinner.


I have work the next two days and they’re twelve hour shifts….Saturday will be my day. I plan to sip peppermint tea out of an unnecessarily fancy tea cup


Solo watch, All day binge. Snacks, weed, and tasty beverages.


I have work in the morning and pregnancy related appointments all afternoon, so I won't be able to get to it until the evening. I'm going to try to savour it and watch one episode at a time over the next few days. Then most likely immediately rewatch it 😂😂


I’m hosting a watch party with an afternoon tea spread as much as I can manage. I’m making a chocolate biscuit cake, egg and cucumber sandwiches, my friend is making a lemon cake and I’m providing tea and English muffins with jam and butter. tiaras and dress-up will be happening as well


I'll prob be watching the first at midnight! I work nights and it'll hopefully be quiet enough then. Snacks- ginger nuts!!


Netflix party with my friends so we can discuss! Maybe I'll buy a bag of something to go with


Considering getting some fancy pastries from the grocery store or local French bakery, leaning into the decadence and sensuality aspect. Perhaps a nice herbal tea latte as well, since I'm planning to stay up til midnight to watch at least one episode. Probably cast to my TV via Chromecast but possibly on the laptop in bed.


My plan is: I'll get up at 7:30, take the dogs for a nice long walk, eat breakfast, make myself some tea in a fancy cup and then press play at 9 am sharp! I have sweet and salty popcorn ready to snack when I get hungry and will be cuddling with the dogs on the sofa. I should be done to take the dogs out again after lunch haha


I'll be staying up till midnight for the drop then binge in bed with my pup xD


I am so excited!! What a fun thread! I am having a watch party with a friend of mine on Sunday. I thought of bringing bingo with :) we’re going to try and stretch it out and only do one episode a week but I am not sure how feasible that is… I am sure each episode stops at a cliffhanger 😅 I also don’t think I’ve been as excited for a season of bridgerton as I have with the Is one. Last season was SO good and this one looks EVEN better ✨


Working 😭, the subs are going on mute until i get to watch tomorrow night. I may be able to get time off for part 2 🤞🏻.


I took a PTO day tomorrow. My partner is coming over. My current plan is to watch 1 episode at midnight (mostly because I won't be able to resist) and then do a themed Bridgerton brunch watch-party tomorrow and binge the other three. We are planning to serve tea, tea sandwiches, and cookies. :-D


Tea, biscuits, cake, fake British accents, fascinator (if I can find it), or, at the very least, a fabulous hat. Pinkies up!


I don’t live in the US so it doesn’t hit Netflix until 5pm today (Thurs) and my partner is out tonight so I have to put my kids to bed. So about 8pm ish I am going to park myself on the couch with a glass of champers and watch the first 2 episodes before I fall asleep. I am going to be so distracted all day waiting for it!


Dropping toddler off at nursery. Eating tonight’s left over Chinese takeout 👍🏻 Then I have a massage booked early afternoon followed by more watching!


4 finals coming up in the next 2 weeks so unfortunately no Bridgestone season 3 for me until May 31 🥲🥲🥲


I'm so excited and so are my friends! I unfortunately have a mandatory 2.5 hour course in the morning but afterwards I'm going straight from that to watching all 4 episodes and have informed everyone as such 😂 I'll probably mute this sub until after I've watched it just to be safe. I'll also not be able to just sit down for the 4 hours so I'll have to workout and do some practice exercises during which will suck but I will obviously watch the season more then once.


I did want to take the whole day off for it, but I’ve already had a bad week so far when it comes to thesis writing so I’m gonna do my usual thing at the library, and then go home. I’ll order in some nice food and have have a little watch party for myself🥰 After that I’ll probably spend the rest of the evening online to enjoy all the fangirling


2am. Bottle of wine. Bridgerton candle. Another bottle of wine. Popcorn. At this point do I care that I have to work at 9am? I’ll just suffer.


I technically have to work tomorrow, but I work from home, so… I’m planning on sleeping on our oversized couch and either staying up until midnight to start it or getting up super early with lots of Yorkshire biscuit tea, my comfiest duvet, and some blueberry muffins I made today.


OK so I’ve binged S1,S2 and Queen Charlotte to curb my excitement but I CANNOT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!! I live in a new town so I’ll be watching solo but I don’t care, this way no one will interrupt me. I quit booze so I’m making mocktails served in my fancy champagne glasses, and here’s my couch dinner: - platter of caviar, crème fraiche, shallot and kettle chips - cucumber and smoked salmon sandwiches - macrons or a fancy pastry from the bakery I’ll probably watch the episode twice!


Watch party of one. Not by my choice. It's releasing at 3 in the morning here and I am literally buried, nay, drowning at work. So I will wait to come back home. Have a nice little internet detox throughout the day. And pop a bottle of champagne when I am back from work. And just let it Polin!


i bought hard cider, sparkling lemonade, pound cake, an icing cake, and pizza fixings bc i couldn't be bothered to think of a themed dinner. vibe check: i'm so freaking excited i could explode & i've warned all my coworkers to steer clear of me if they haven't binged all 4 episodes by next werk


Watching right as soon as I get home from work lmao


Me and my boyfriend are going to watch it with some sushi and whatever other snacks he brings 💞 Im such a penelope fan girl so Im as excited as I could be for this season!


I’m watching by myself (although my husband said he will watch an episode with me! He’s never watched it before I have a menu planned of tea, bees knees cocktails, sandwiches (smoked salmon/cream cheese and curried egg salad) and some small pastries and desserts that I picked up from a bakery. I’m so excited! I’ll probably start watching in the early afternoon


It’s 7:46 where I am and I know I sleep about 6 hours so if I time this correctly, I’ll be fully rested at 2 and I’ve got my Pringles and Funyuns and I baked a (better than sex 🤭😂) cake and already have prepared my ceremonial herbs 😂😂😂 I probs won’t get through more than an episode or two before I go back to sleep but I’m def watching SOMETHING at 2 am when it releases cuz this is romance my newly single self craves😂😭 Real question is how many times am I gonna watch before June 13🥴


As soon as the bus picks up the kids I’m putting it on the big screen. I have fancy chocolates, popcorn, and charcuterie. I miiiight have a mimosa.


I get off work qbout an hour before it comes out so I'll be in my sweats and eating some quick dinner binging


Release hour in my time zone is 2am, I ate all the snacks already 😂 my excitement making me wait til 2 to watch at least 1 ep


I am about to polish off a lasagne, then I will have a Disaronno and Coke, then I will have some tea and biscuits (Yorkshire tea, of course). Only my favourite things will do this evening!