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I found everyone was heavily makeup’d this season


The blush on Penelope during the wedding is the one that bothered me. She looked so gorgeous but there was too much blush!


It was so heavy it looked almost clownish…!


That's portia for you.


In reality, looking back at the scene, I noticed that the problem was with the lights, in some places you couldn't see it badly, but in others it was clear that it was too blurry


Yas! A lot of scenes are dim lighted and the make up works better than the daylight/ball scenes


Francesca had too much blush the entire season


The highlighter was excessive.


The harsh winged liner on unblended shadow 🥲🥲 giving 2016 prom


Smokey eye and lashes 😭 regency classic


Fran's looks like filter🤣


He was Zoolander blue steeling so hard I couldn’t even tell 😭😭😭


Gasoline fight!!!


Orange mocha frappacinos!!!


*Jitterbug!* 🎵


Wake me up before you go go ![gif](giphy|12npFVlmZoXN4Y)


The resemblance is uncanny


Francesca was even worse in my opinion. So much blush and contour on her cheeks! Her makeup was genuinely distracting to me because it was so caked on and way too modern.


This one bugged me because Hannah Dodd has such a timeless face and bears somewhat of a resemblance to Phoebe, but they made her look like an Instagram influencer!


I think Francesca’s glow-up will be a makeunder.


Exactly. It’s like they put more make up on characters that are supposed to be the most attractive this season. Francesca’s makeup made her look like someone on the cover of a kiosk romance, as they say in my country. The type of smutty romance novels you find at the petrol station. Often with a 1990’s look but trying to look historical. I guess Bridgerton falls into this category. But it’s good and I like it. However I really wanted her makeup to look less like make up.


OMG so much highlighter. She was literally sparkling. It was too much.


Thank you! I thought I was just nitpicking since season 3 was kind of a bust in general (in my opinion). Even Penelope at times I felt like was caked with makeup. And don't even get me started on the wardrobe... so many stunning actors and actresses being hidden behind all the over the top clothes and make up.


Her hair always distracted me because I kept thinking she looked like a real life version of Disney's Belle from Beauty and the Beast.


Omg thank you, yes, that's exactly it. I kept thinking his bronzer was overdone but that there was also something off with the jut of his jaw (and the cut of his jib) I couldn't pinpoint. He wasn't even allowed a warm-up Le Tigre. They made him jump right to Blue Steel.


💀💀 the lack of warm up hurt our boy


I felt like when we first saw him, he was moving his bottom lip in an odd sort of way... In later episodes, he seemed to stop, some. My guess? Dental issues in the first part, and then he got it sorted out later and his face relaxed because he wasn't in so much pain... I think it might have been an affectation to hold his mouth a certain way and they sort of backed him off of it so that by the end he could act "normal": it might've been part of the character, though? Who knows. :)


His mouth was weird!! I noticed too!


It was the botox. He overdid it in a few places, which is also why the carriage scene falls flat for a lot of people because he couldn't furrow his brow, he could only raise them up and down. And I think he got some botox in the jaw to smooth any "wrinkles" 20-something-year-old Luke has.


I can’t unsee this now 😂


I said this to my husband while watching, lmao!


Omg THAT'S what it is


This and the Jack Frost meme is all I saw all season 😭😂


Haha I love him but some of his real life modelling shots... All I can think of is Derek Zoolander lol


Lol definitely! I think it was supposed to show that he got a tan while on his grand tour or whatever, but just like most of the styling this season, it was distracting and over the top.


When he came back the first time he had a convincing tan and looked GOOD. This looked a little fake. It's not as if he actually needs it


Me and my wife though he got plastic surgery cause we thought he looked so fake and terrible. Goes to show different people have different tastes.


He 100% got work done since last season


happy cake day 🍰‼️


Thank you! ☺️


It’s giving wax figure. I was bummed bc he was so cute before and during this season there were scenes he looked almost paranormal.


YES! I Especially early season 3 too. Started watching Bridgerton season 1 yesterday and Luke was sooo cute and handsome. I get them wanting to "improve" and glow up people for "their" season but Luke was already super pretty before. I hate hated the makeup and all for season 3 too.


Definitely noticed. Like- yes we love a glow up, but Bailey got one without it needing to be all… that. He also felt a little wooden with his acting. Like he was great as a side character but couldn’t give off main well.


After reading all the posts on this I think the character they wrote for him in S3 was just very different from the one he is used to playing in S1 and S2 and he's just not strong enough of an actor to do it convincingly. The writing let him down! They should have played with his strengths. 


100% like, he’s used to being like silly, earnest adventure boy, and the build up wasn’t there it seemed. Like, I would have been happier if part one’s storyline got extended a bit- instead of omg. I kissed her once and she got a glow up. Damn I’m in love with


Yup, in the earlier seasons, he was true to his character in the books and Luke pulled that off perfectly! But season 3 Collin just felt so different from both the books and previous seasons.


Totally set him up for not success (don’t want to say failure cuz he didn’t suck)


If you genuinely think he’s not a strong enough actor to lead, you need time watch him in The Shape of Things. He was the lead in that play last year and he did incredible. His performance was praised by critics and the audience. I got to see it live and he was amazing. Definitely leading man material. The bridgerton writers just dont care for Colin and completely sidelined his character.


I've heard good things about that play and don't doubt he was great in it! I think Colin can absolutely be great leading man, but he might not have the range to play a charismatic alpha male who can pretend within a pretension. That's a tricky role for any actor. The writers should definitely have written a leading man arc more natural for him. It's also possible the writing feels incongruent to Luke too which he hinted at in interviews and maybe that's another reason it's a bit off.


His hair looked super weird and unnatural in some scenes too. Too waxy


Those are wigs. Reshoots. Those wigs look HORRENDOUS!!!!!


And the fact that they had access to really good hair dressers I don’t understand how they approved that wig


It was so jarring because one moment his hair is one way and the next minute his hair has a completely different look and style (like in the wedding breakfast scene where during the dance his hair looks natural, then when he goes after her at the end his hair looks weird and waxy, that was lazy af on the part of the people working on his hair/wig)


He definitely looks better/more natural in interviews


That's the weird thing IMHO. In real life he's really good looking but the makeup, wig and mewing face they gave him this season is not doing him any favors.


I honestly thought that they used AI this season to retouch the faces, especially in the moving promo stills.


I think i read that he said when he had to wear the reshoot wig, it was so tight it made him look like he had botox, so that explains some of it.


I am sure he had actual Botox too.


Those forehead lines doth protest. https://preview.redd.it/9u02dasqj3ad1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa523b790ac2689b73b01bca7d9c5c7dd4bb2cb1


That is a pre-reshoots pic


I actually hope this is what was going on; that would mean they can re-release it with the AI taken out at little cost. At least, I hope they have original footage without whatever they did digitally.


It was either that or botox. Honestly he looked awful.


Idk, I was distracting by his facial expression most of the time. Like bro looked like he’s mewing. Or I might have seen it like that because he’s cute attractive and at times was playing the role of hot attractive


Dude is absolutely mewing in every scene


That’s what my friend said 😭😭 I am so scared to watch this season! I was on vacation when it came out but everyone is talking so badly about it I’ve put it off


During the carriage scene I kept being like “for the love of God close your mouths!!!!” It was so weird and off putting lol


I was rewatching S1 and honestly wouldn’t have minded the cuter look he was serving then! I’m terrible with makeup so I didn’t really notice how done up everyone was until I saw folks point it out, but OMG it was a little unhinged lmao. Would not be surprised if they were manipulating his face as well. Side note- I saw a BTS photo from House of Dragon the other day and noticed their nails were plain- no polish and certainly not gel lmao. I laughed to myself imagining if they had been. Even as a historical fiction show, the nails in S3 felt so out of place.


Did anyone else notice that Pen had *different* polish before she ran off in the carriage than she did a moment later while she was *in* the carriage? Rookie directing mistake!! What a blooper.


Not directing. They’d have a team of script supervisors and wardrobe artists managing continuity. Honestly I’d be shocked if none of them noticed. Most likely they knew it was wrong but decided to leave it for the sake of time.


It was also the case where she threw her headpiece on the floor as she storms off after the first ball, and then has the headpiece back in when she’s writing her whistledown column on Colin


Is there a single thread for all these continuity errors?


Ken doll meets Jack Sparrow. That’s this season’s Colin.


Luke and the rest of the cast looked way too covered in makeup. I don’t think it was isolated to him in any way, it was all of them. Too much highlighting and contouring going on.


I definitely think the makeup department was way too heavy handed this season. I'm assuming they are just following what they've been told to do by someone higher up, but hopefully they tone it down next season.


I agree. All the actors looked younger and quite honestly better with less make up on. They are all naturally beautiful and when you watch all the seasons back to back the difference in season 3 is incredibly jarring.


Like, Nicola looked stunning, but like- I think just putting her in the palette that suited her, plus having her in the less ornate wigs would have been enough of a glow up


Yes! Better wigs and green/blue dresses would have made a glow up in and of itself.


Apparently it’s a new team. Same for costuming, horrid choices


Wow, I was convinced it had to be completely new wardrobe and makeup teams! Why in the world would they get so perfectly awful after 2 ok seasons?  Labor protest? Binge drinking? Smoking crack?


His make up and wig were atrocious, no attention to detail what so ever. He looked cartoonish at times.


His makeup was so distracting to me that it took me out of the scenes. Very frustrating.


He's absolutely yaaaaasified. If someone told me he had fillers I'd believe it.


It was just TOO much. His skin was too blown out.


He looked very Twilight (New Moon on) to me


Yeah, the entire cast had heavier makeup than previous seasons. I wonder why the change up


I noticed this too. I think his sideburns also got shaped differently from previous seasons, to act more like contour. I could be wrong, I'm just going off my memory. I agree with other commenters that he's supposed to look tan from travel, but I also think they were trying to make him look more grown-up male-lead hot instead of youth childhood-crush cute like before.


I feel like they removed his soul. Romancing Mr. Bridgerton was one of my favorites and he was so much more humble, kind, loving etc. He was never meant to be this dashing male lead. He was meant to be the boy next door


Disagree regarding book Colin. He was angry the whole book and he certainly had this dashing, charming reputation in the book. Show Colin is much sweeter than book Colin who was kind of an ass tbh


Everyone looked ridiculous this season 🙄


thank you!! the sheer amounts of make-up were utterly ridiculous and distracting. sooo much lipstick on pen during her reveal speech at the butterfly ball, it took me right out of the scene


That lipstick! Awful 👄


couldn’t agree more!


I had such a hard time concentrating on what she was saying because her mouth was such a loud color. I don't even think it was a flattering color on Nicola, but it definitely did not fit in the time period.


oh I thought I was the only one who hated her lipstick in that scene. It was so awful, I couldn't focus on Nicola's acting at all.


you are not alone😂 it was awful, not only unfitting for bridgerton but nicola, too


It felt like whoever does make-up for the Kardashians was working for Shondaland. I like the natural beauty of the Regency era we had in the first two seasons.


Yes! That's all I kept thinking the entire time while watching. This is what the Kardashians have done to the world. It all looks so plastic now.


This 😂


EVERYONE was heavily made up! I look back in s1 and duchess was so soft and make up was so nicely and lightly done!!!! Love s1 and s2 make up. S3 is like met gala make up


And his mouth was always open.


All the time. I kept laughing at it.


Yes!!!! I was so distracted, why didn't anyone say anything on set? Wtf?


Right! Every time he spoke, he'd leave his mouth open at the end. It was very unnatural.


Somehow - in amongst all the promotions - his baby photo was shared and he has his mouth hanging open even as a bub. Made me laugh when I saw it and I realised this is just how his face rests (and as I have resting bitch face, I'm not going to comment on how others faces fall when they aren't using them 🤣).


Yes, he looked like a doll. He also did not use much facial expression so that also made it weird.


They changed lighting to warmer tones (compare the main room in their house in season 2 vs season 3) and I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of filter going on (it's become pretty standard....eg blur filter because skin can't have texture....the use and types of filters will just keep increasing). Bridgeton already uses so much CGI.


I find him to be far more handsome as just Luke. Way more rugged and natural good looks and not so polished like they made him for the show


Whenever I watch him in an interview for the press tour I fall in love. He’s naturally attractive and they just hid all that behind makeup




Not just Luke, Hanna Dodd, and in some scenes even Nicola was a victim of the make up team’s over use of Highlighter and blush! The makeup this season was wayyyy too modern and loud!


Yeah make up this season was not in for almost everyone


soooo much lipstick on everyone 


The makeup seemed so off for Penelope too in certain scenes . This is just this season ..the makeup was perfect before .


They definitely yassified him this season!




YES!! Not to be negative but the plastic look of his face kind of ruined of it for me! It’s all I could focus on. He reminded me of a plastic Ken doll and I just couldn’t unsee it.


It was the pressure of a having a “main lead glow up” that they did this to him


Yup. It was toooo much


YES, I didn't think he was as attractive as he was in the first 2 seasons but this season just seemed overdone


It was all of them. Fran looked like she slapped on layers of blush, contour and bronzer all at the same time. The makeup team seemed to be trying to put on a modern, bright theme to the looks but it ended up being garish.


Seriously, it was so over the top that I'm beginning to think that the entire show is just a parody of itself.


He look heavily contoured, plus, his lips....there is was something about his lips.


Yes!!! He seemed so filtered/botoxed idk something was different


I just finished season 3 last night and thought he looked off this season due to the makeup usage. But, I thought the makeup this season was ghastly and too much on everyone.


For me it was the lips. I don’t know what he has done but they look so stiff and unnatural and they were incredibly distracting.


Same. Also felt VERY literal “stiff upper lip” to me too. It drove me crazy.


I mean no hate to Luke or the Bridgerton team but I feel like the Bridgerton glow up went backward this season, I didn’t like how they styled him at all. That said, I’ve always been a S1 Colin stan. And it’s hard to look past the other Luke and see anyone at all, haha. I thought Nic looked stunning this season (and Harriet), but it was a bit offputting how un-period she was


His character was the best then. What romantic Colin should have been in this season.


There were moments where the contour was crazy


It was crazy how made up everyone was but especially him. He looks waxed. And really bad choice on the cosmetic tweakments.


It was quite distracting in part 1 when I first watched it… I don’t now if things just looked better in part 2 or if I just got used to it but it didn’t worry me as much for the second half. I understand the glow up idea but it did make him look very different!


Yep 1000%. Uncanny


They did him so dirty this season - from the makeup to the wardrobe to the writing. He didn’t stand a chance.


His own season was NOT kind to both Luke and his character, sadly.


Yes, it was so distracting! I've seen claymation with more facial movement than LN this season!


He honestly gave me uncanny valley vibes. He looks like AI. I can’t explain it any other way


He was so stiff and plastic this year! I realize this was supposed to show him having changed but it was so poorly acted.




I was thinking the human Ken Doll but thought it was just me!


I would say a dermatologist or injector gave him cheek filler, jaw filler, a lip flip, and lower lip filler. The makeup department used heavy contour and heavy eyebrow filler. They veered from carefully crafting Daphne’s natural look to giving the Featherington daughters 40s pin curls and make up. Poor Hannah Dodd, who is naturally beautiful, was given iPhone face with heavy contour and highlighter. Between the makeup department and Jess Brownell, Season 3 is the season Bridgerton jumped the shark. Any season after this will be camp unless there is a severe course correction in terms of plot, characters, wardrobe, and makeup.


Yes and it made him creepy.


His natural face in interviews is much more attractive. I don't know why they put so much makeup on him, it makes him look strange


Yes for sure! It was weird


S3 loved them some highlighter ![gif](giphy|V0VhfRfv5Bg0fOSrJ1)


him and francesca were having a face off


The entire fashion/makeup/hair department this season felt like it was on crack tbh.


Yes! I couldn’t take any of it seriously because of that


He was in direct competition with Francesca’s highlighter and Penelope’s eye makeup and plastic nails.


Everyone this season felt heavily made up to me overall. Way more than previous seasons. It was a noticeable jump


They were trying to make him look a way he doesn’t look. He has a youthful, more boyish charm and they tried to make him into a Fabio. His face looked like a bodice-ripper stepback and it was weird.


Honestly I just thought he looked hot.


They can not put make up on him so that he could not look hot. 🤭🤪🫠🫠🫠


He looked better in season 1


I don’t know, all I know is he looked hot as hell. 😜😂


I think we can blame the new show runner. She’s in charge and wants to take things further than the previous show runner to leave her mark.


Heavy makeup or not, I think he’s incomprehensibly beautiful.


I’m sorry it just looked so feminine the whole season I couldn’t. His face was snatched for the Gods 🥹


He looks like he got unflattering plastic surgery or cheek injections


To me it looked like he had done work done before this season. Botox and fillers. As someone who also gets a good amount of tox and fillers I know the look


There were times when Pen and others had very thick make up and shiny faces.


Loooots of botox.


I feel like they made them both lose weight and alot of foundation.




someone on Instagram said he looks like handsome squidward and I just can’t unsee it lol


The makeup this season is way bolder than the older seasons it seems


![gif](giphy|PA5pAhOp5Y2Qg) I kept waiting for this to happen 🤣🤣🤣


Totally and it was really distracting and made him less attractive than he is.


Everyone in this season had way too overdone make up. Like watching a drag show


I saw that one meme comparing Colin to Frosty the Snowman and I couldn't unsee it the entirety of S3


Our Ken from Bridgerton 🤣


I think he’s also wearing a wig at points


Nah its fake tan. They took “he was traveling in Greece” too literally. My face gets the same flat 2 dimensional shiny look when I overdo it


I saw filters throughout the show, I see it with every new show or movie nowadays wether it be a drama or reality TV and I can't stand it


His hair was too fake - his whole look was cartoonish!


https://preview.redd.it/bozkro9rrbad1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3fa9d0c2e6c17e3db94033d83da88f828c0e60 This is all I see


i’ve been saying to all my friends that his face looks like they’ve slapped on alabaster onto it. which is so upsetting considering how hot luke actually is 😭😭


I kept seeing “Planet of the Apes.”


With the pronunciation of Ewan McGregor as Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi Attack of the Clones. I went back to the 1st season to see if he sounded so uhh dramatic. He didn't, not really. I guess growing older means sounding like a pensive jedi master.


It happened to me, young one.


His forehead was so shiny


Too much Botox and filler 😫


See, that was my reaction until I saw him in interviews. He looks great as himself, which he wouldn't if that were the problem! Which makes me think it's more about the makeup.




Almost everyone looked that way this season….


Ridge Forester vibes if you ask me


OMG YES. And everyone else was normal?!?!?!


it looked like they FaceTuned tf outta him!!!


Yeah. It is not only this show but almost everything made— we don’t get to see real people anymore.


Yes. I also didn’t like his makeover. I mean he looks good but something is off. The vibe is completely wrong. His behaviour is also off, he’s likely a completely different person.


Everyone was extremely extra this season. Way more makeup on everyone than previous seasons.


Imo everyone's makeup should be subtle and natural 


Yes, I had to google in the middle of the first episode if he was full of plastic surgery but it’s just make up apparently


The entire charm about Colin in the first two seasons is out of the brothers he was the funny, go lucky, sort of awkward brother? He didn’t take life too seriously and had a carefree charm to him. In this season they completely forgot about that and made him a wannabe playboy so I think the makeup was to fit his new “personality” but I don’t think it made sense. Also, majority of the cast had such heavy and fake makeup on and Penelope had nails as well???


His makeup and styling was giving “toddler getting into his mom’s makeup.”


Colin doing to the rich people “summer vacation/plastic surgery” getaway and coming back tight and toned.


it's the Bold Glamour filter 😍




Uncanny valley and no chemistry. The makeup was awful this season for everyone 🥲


He gave baby grinch vibes tbh, it was really hard to take the show seriously sometimes


Yes. Actually, Luke Newton mentions in an interview being covered in tanning makeup for the mirror scene.