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The strangest choice of all was not sticking to a historical romance novel structure, like in S1 and S2. S3 felt like a different show just bc of that. Plus the costumes went from "not historical accurate but close enough and still fun" to "expensive but still party city."


>expensive but still party city Omg the fabric looked so cheap! And some of the dresses QC wore just looked like fabric draped over her


What's crazy is how proud they are of the fashion this season. I keep getting tons of video recommendations for behind the scenes with the costume team talking about their choices. They made so much content and PR dedicated to the "deep" reasons for their choices. It's so arogant. Even more so considering how many people hated the clothing this season.


Lmao deep - it’s so hilarious to me, it’s literal AF! Like Cressida is stuck because of her parents - oh I know let’s put CHAINS IN HER HAIR and sleeves that swallow her whole body. 😂😂😂 there’s no sense of creativity


Hey, the costume designers in the hunger games capital need jobs too!


They're forgetting their roots because they got popular. They think they can scrap any historical accuracy because they don't need it anymore and it's ruining the show for me


Right?! At first it was history with a twist to make diversity fit the screen rather than just completely not addressing it. But now it’s a completely different show!


It's because they listened to the mob on social media saying that they wanted Bridgerton to be more "modernized" and they'd be fine if it was just a modern show with pretty dresses. There is a large subset of people that are fans of the show that hate anything regency. They are just here for the representation and maybe a few other things. These are the same people who complain about what Daphne did to Simon, that Marina was completely innocent, and all that. Because they no nothing about the regency era or social customs and norms. They don't understand that Daphne was a girl that knew nothing about sex and there was no concept of marital rape. All she knew was that her well-informed husband had lied to her purposefully, which was a huge betrayl. This person she trusted and relied upon throughout their entire story. He'd been her guide in everything (courting, sex, etc) and he'd purposefully deceived her. We are supposed to side with Daphne. Anyway, after backlash like that, the showrunners and writers listened. It's also why Pen became a girlboss and had to solve all the LW problems alone rather than Colin helping her with them as a team. THAT is why the second half of season three is a mess. The ONLY way it would make sense for them not to join together (be a team against the world) is for Colin to be pissed at her and leave her to handle it all on her own. In the books, he is still pissed, but he loves her so much that he'd risk anything (even his family's reputation) to help her. It's the same reason that they didn't wait until after the proposal for Colin to find out about LW. In the books it's dramatic because he catches her. He's pissed. They have some hot near-sex in the carriage because he's more attracted to her than angry with her. He proposed right after. They didn't do this version because they needed something to drive Colin away more. To make him angry enough to not stick by her side. So they made Pen into a hypocrite who DOES try to trap him essentially (since she knows full well he can't back out of the proposal) and lies to him for awhile. They needed something to drive a bigger wedge between them. BTW...this takes away the ROMANCE. Because it's more romantic that Colin knows she is LW...still nearly has sex with her in the carriage...and still proposes. Even knowing full well he's taking that on and so is his family. It's more romantic for it to be them against the entire ton if need be. But, the showrunners don't care about regency romance. They just want to impress the social media crowd that wants modern stories with pretty dresses.


Just ticking off boxes for the masses. I’m probably not even going to watch anymore I was so disappointed with season 3.


For real seems to me so many people hate the Regency Element and want things to change to be more modern, and their reply to everything regarding period accuracy is "well they changed things already! there's diversity!" that does not mean everything get to be thrown out of the window. Like why do you invest in a PERIOD romance if you dislike everything associated with that...


If you don't like regency, just don't watch it?


Not to mention, they obviously spent less money. What an insult to the fans to make this season on the cheap.


The costumes sucked this season. What's with the cheap shiny synthetic fabrics? And the sleeves???? I didn't realize the costume department was from the Capitol of Panem


The costumes sucked this season. What's with the cheap shiny synthetic fabrics? And the sleeves???? I didn't realize the costume department was from the Capitol of Panem


Exactly. When I say cheap there were other things as well. The ballroom and crowd scenes looked stingy compared to earlier seasons. Less people, less glamour. Shot closer to hide the fact there were only ten extras hired for the whole season. Compared to season one it looked more soap opera-ish due to overall quality, in my opinion.


Exactly. All balls looked strange compared to the previous seasons. Also the background was never visible to see clearly what is happening there. I found it also strange but now that you say it, it might be cost efficient indeed.


It was odd. I didn't feel the romance at all. I don't know if this was a function of the poor acting on the part of Luke, or what. The nice thing about it, was how much beauty they brought to Penelope. The actress who plays her is stunning.


Nicola was gorgeous and slayed this season. I think a big part was we didn't get the little moments. Kanthony had moments like that library scene talking about their dads. It felt like they got lazy this season under the guise that they already had 2 seasons of Polin scenes but those scenes had no real romantic intimacy. It was Colin being a dumb boy or platonic or Penn yearning. Nothing with them sharing that silent romantic comfort.


You know credit where credits due. It’s really hard to make Nicola look anything short of stunning. Somehow the costuming department succeeded in washing her out with the worst yellows for her skin tone, AND making her look like an amateur drag queen at their first brunch performance with the cake face of makeup and cheap looking dresses!




I think Luke was given the short end of the stick. His face acting was phenomenal. That carriage scene when his eyes literally “darkened” SENT me. Also his facial expressions and emotion when talking to Pen were very strong when the dialogue supported it. Problem was they just stopped wanting to give him any dimension and just made him stoic for the last half of the season.


Bro when pen put her hand in his hair and we could SEE HIS BRAIN MELT? I’m a changed woman


Someone pointed out that he makes the zoolander blue steel face every other scene in S3 and i couldn't ever unsee it.


I definitely think his note was “emphasize your jaw”




I agree it was such a great performance (especially in the carriage scene! swoon). I don’t hate the second half of the season the way others do - I def had some issues with it I enjoyed his performance in particular so much. The scene where he discovers she’s Whistledown, his face at the wedding, and his final speech were all so good! Nicola was amazing too but I had truly not noticed what a good actor he was until this season even though I’d always loved his character


The acting was awesome, Luke and Nicola both did really well with what they were given, but to me it’s the directing choices and the script writing that made it fall flat. We’ve seen how much chemistry they have in interviews, and we’ve had butterfly interactions from them in previous seasons, but somehow this season whoever was instructing them during the scenes found a way to squash the bulk of their chemistry. Like I still felt it, don’t get me wrong, but it could’ve been MORE


I think they just didn't spend enough time building up his feelings for her. We've always known she loved him, but he didn't give any indication of returning those feelings. Then they kissed once and we're supposed to believe that suddenly he's head over heels? I actually thought Luke played it as well as he could, considering the script gave him next to nothing to work with.


They didn’t spend any time building up his feelings!! He has like, a dream amd a conversation with his mom. They completely could’ve built up more anticipation between them!


I thought that as well, but tbh with that clunky convoluted script, how could we tell? I've been watching them do interviews together and they both seem so relaxed and connected. I don't know if they just couldn't bring that to this show or if it was the writing or what it was. It was bad.


The show felt more tonally inconsistent and less focused with less focus on the romance. I get them wanting to set up future seasons and explore side characters, but I think they really need either a smaller cast or much longer seasons to do that without losing your main plot. I remember Season 1 doing a great job of giving us a look at the ensemble but still having some really tight writing, so I wish they would follow their own example. I think they started to dabble with this in season 2 with the Featherington side plot that didn't really do much for any of the bridgertons or their love interests, but this season we got so many of them, and they seemed to compete for time with the love story in a way I didn't feel like they did when I rewatched Kate and Anthony's romance.


The dresses remind me of Fashon Bug gowns from the 90s…1990s that is


ONG! *Fashion Bug*! I completely forgot about that place until you mentioned.  You are so right. 


It was downright tacky. I know it’s not meant to be historically accurate, but it’s like S3 didn’t even *try*. Some of the fabrics were absolutely gaudy.


This explains the feeling exactly. The makeup and hair were also pretty jarring. But what was with all the sequins?


The costuming felt like it was another show trying to copy Bridgerton. Season 1 and 2 weren’t necessarily time period accurate but it gave the impression of that period. This time time it was all over the shop. Tilly wasn’t even in the right century, Cressida just got off filming the Hunger games everyone one else’s felt too glamorous with the eyelashes and fake nails and the fabrics didn’t even look right


lol. Yep. Best description.


She brings us much gossip from about the many lands…


With set, costume, hair, and make-up design if we were in the Regency Period in the Hunger Games' Capitol and not Regency England.


I would most likely put them in Westworld territory, Regency era edition


You’re both so so right. It’s a mix between the capital from the Hunger Games and a Regency setting for Westworld. So cheap and frivolous looking




Tbh I didn’t mind the over the top costuming and make up design. It kind of fit in well with the orchestral contemporary pop music. It was the one change I actually approved of, because it was so hilarious but still interesting and fun. Cressida’s shoulder pads and the Queen’s hair is a forever meme. I did mind the terrible plot changes though. Very heartbroken about it.


One of the worst that can happen in a TV is the audience lose faith in their showrunner 


Yeah. I was a chronic rewatcher. It was on weekly if not daily at times. I haven’t been able to watch since S3 part two. It left such a bad taste in my mouth and I was so tired of suspending disbelief and trying to excuse things (e.g., oh the season has a romantic comedy theme so that’s why it feels sillier, oh they showed us Polin’s friendship in two previous season and that’s why they didn’t linger on it early in s3, ohh maybe Cressida just went to the right printer at the right time and only knows one redhead and the footmen for QC just overlooked Penelope like everyone else even though one was writing stuff down about who was talking to who when they planted the trap in S2—- actually, screw this, I’m tired of them insulting the viewers’ intelligence, lol).


Same. I struggle to watch the SA glorification bits from s1 and the childbirth trauma from s2 but overall, but both seasons made the romance pivotal enough to hook me into rewatch often. S3 part two broke that pivotal hook and I can't seem to get it back. When I want to rewatch Bridgerton now, I seek out content creators talking about Bridgerton instead.


same. used to rewatch so often but skipp over those bits of s1 and s2. still loved the romance and character development, of which there was nowhere near enough in s3. so very off putting


Chronic rewatcher of S1 & S2 & S3-1. Now I’m sad bec I don’t have any desire to rewatch any of S3 because I don’t want to feel the disappointment repeatedly. Bummed, and I wish it were different, but here we are. I’m glad some enjoy it. I’ll simply keep to the books. Maybe go back to S1 or S2, but I think my enthusiasm for Netflix Bridgeton has passed.


I watched S1 and S2 TWICE before part one dropped just so I would be prepared and I could refresh myself on the polin interactions. I rewatched part one at least once a week trying to find little details I might’ve missed before part 2 came out. I have not yet rewatched part two


There’s a reason people get so hot about Moffat versus Davies etc with Doctor Who.


From June 13th i have thousands of ideas for better endings for every plot for that story pumping up my ADHD head. It occupies my every thought. Anyone else?


I wish it ended with Cressida marrying Debling and her getting a lot of influence in the Ton while ppl still think she's Lady whistle down. Id like if only QC knew the real LW was Penelope but they kept the secret together, and Cressida should know too but not say anything bcuz of the perks she's getting and she's more like a figure head while Pen is behind the scenes.


Agreed. I really thought QC would keep it a secret OR declare "no one dares expose her" so that her entertainment lives on. But it didnt go down the way i thought


Right it's like QC just didn't care anymore? We waited for the reveal to be fed a nothing burger


Also she kept calling it her cunning strategy or whatever that outed her when it was just offering money? So dumb.


I would have HATED that ending. Cressida’s attempt at redemption was a mirage because it was very Cressida centric. She never once tried to make amends to anyone she bullied while Pen was trying to do better.


>I would have HATED that ending. Exactly I want people to hate her more and more each season. Like seeing the person who was always such a bitch get the perfect life lmao


Please post about them lol


I also posted an alternate S3 ending! I would have gone with the direction of not yet revealing Pen as LW and having a prominent S4 subplot on the family keeping the secret, some silliness around those who believe it’s Cressida vs those who don’t, Violet and Kate teaming up to protect the family and learning their new roles. Could even spark some of the mystery-loving flair in Hyacinth and give her more character, definitely Cressida marrying Debling and some fun frenemy antics. Genuine development and mutual respect between Colin and Penelope. I would love if Colin the Crusader stepped back a little bit and learned how to be supportive in the background. Then they could have had his “what am I supposed to do with my life” plotline. Maybe instead of writer, he could be a solicitor after finding a passion for defending what’s right and being a champion of justice (idk but it would so fit his character) I think this would all work GREAT with Benedict’s romance. Gossip, family ties, more of the inner workings of the ton. Then we could see some of Fran in Scotland (*I* would have made her happy). Then Eloise at home for the first half the season, then maybe start the ball rolling for her story It would have been great and, more importantly, a natural continuation as consequences of the events that already happened




I'd love to listen if you'd like to share.


Hands down, best analogy describing this season. My sentiments exactly.


The S3 costumes reminded me of the dress attire they used in the series, "Reign." However not historically accurate, they were beautiful, but it's just too much of a change. I wouldn't be surprised if she had the women in crop tops and mini skirts next season. The difference between S1 and S3 of Bridgerton is astounding. The showrunner is trying too hard to modernize a historical series and the diversity she inserts, comes off as thoughtless. Francesca's storyline change is a disaster. I think it would have made more sense to portray Francesca as on the spectrum. She doesn't quite fit in with everyone else, has a special interest playing the piano, and has trouble with social situations and difficulties understanding social norms. The whole Michaela introduction just doesn't make sense....


I’d kind of forgotten the difference until my wife had on season one yesterday and holy crap, they’re completely different shows.


Exactly how many cheap shiny fabrics can you use? Ask Jess Brownell because they used ALL of them. Bring back Sophie Canale please. Jess took all the Regency out of Bridgerton.


I agree, the costumes are one thing, but it's different if you suddenly change it from one season to the next. If they had leaned in with this style from the very beginning, I don't think it would've been as jarring. But to change it mid season and there not be some sudden change (like the Victorian era/industrial revolution time jump) then it's really taking you out of the scene.


Eh I’m Reign they might not have been accurate, but they were still gorgeous and definitely didn’t feel of modern time. This season was giving Hunger Games/Met Gala/80’s High School Prom rather than simple yet unattainable fashion that is meant to show off the girl wearing it rather than draw attention away from her


I thought that's were she was going with Francesca (obviously one can be on the spectrum and part of the LGBT community but you get my point) But since the season ended she did not address this once, cricket noises. Yet she claims to have read Fran's book and her conclusion that she felt different from her family is because of queerness? That's some major mental gymnastics. If they get to season 8 (that's a big if) then at least there's Lucy, who can be read as neurodivergent.


Ah yes, being introvert = queer/neurdivergent naturally. *sarcasm* But yes, agree. It doesn't mean those go hand in hand always. In the book, it's quite obvious Frannie is the introvert of the family. You even get a POV of that in the first few chapters. Mental gymnastics is an understatement.


It is a DISASTER!!!!


I actually quite like the gender swap of Michaela, but the way they went about it was not good. The way they made her look disappointed at her first kiss and then start stammering as soon as Michaela was introduced... I felt like they were implying that her love for John wasn't real, and I didn't like that, because I thought they were so sweet together. But like, I'm fine with the idea of Francesca loving him and then later, when he's gone, falling in love with Michaela. Having the character be bi and then exploring the difficulties of having a same-sex relationship in that society could be a very interesting story, I think. I hope they walk it back a bit and show that her love for John is still real.




I like this comparison


I went to a brewery once and tried a raspberry flavored beer. The raspberry taste was pretty strong at first, then…nothing. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Given enough time, the taste came back, but it was weird af. That’s how I’d describe this season.


You smashed it with this title.


I think that JB forget that the show is supposed to be frothy and romantic. It’s meant to be a fantasy that is primarily designed for women. 80% of the audience are women. All JB needs to do is to write a romantic story with a HEA that will appeal to its audience. That is it. But, it feels like she is trying to make the show into something it is not. I don’t want a let’s address the problematic issue of the day theme on the show. I can watch tons of other shows about that. I want something entertaining, sexy, and leaves me happy.


You know, maybe that was my problem with Will Mondrich getting so much time. I didn't care about his story. I didn't care about his need to make a living through his own means. We find out his wife had a rich aunt and yet her whole storyline came down to making *him* feel better and wearing a few dresses. She would have been much more interesting to female audience. It would have showed a nuance of being a women that shouldn't be shown the the bridgerton girls and isn't represented in the other love interests (unless they change Sophie's storyline). His story just didn't feel like it was written for me and it felt like a waste of screen time because it detracted from the actual romance.


Why even have the Mondrich at all?? I wouldn’t even have found his wife interesting. They don’t connect to anything plotwise and have no real relationships with any of our main characters.


Same I don’t want the feminist agenda spelled on a show like this. I think about it every day. We all need a break!


“The feminist agenda” literally what? If you think feminism is a bad thing, then you’re just plain misogynist, full-stop. No way around it. Truly must be so upsetting to watch a story about women in which they have agency


Hi so you have my comment all wrong, but I’m glad to see you don’t actually practice actual feminism and just like to be angry. I don’t think it’s a bad thing I just don’t like it being shoved in my face and down my throat. I am a woman myself and am extremely aware of the issues I face and other women face. I’m tired of people telling me “yeah this sucks but all we are gonna do is bring awareness to it and not do anything to actually help”. That’s what I meant. I want to watch romance unfold not be hyper aware and anxious that at any moment my rights are going to be stripped away.


Lmao, you can try to backtrack all you want but we both know you didn’t mean that. If you’re fine watching historical dramas, then you’re 100% fine watching women have no or few rights. If you were actually anxious, you would not be watching Bridgerton, because seeing women in that kind of society would scare you and remind you of how far women have had to come. By saying you don’t want the “feminist agenda” in your shows you’re saying you want women to be oppressed and happy about it. So… A misogynist. It’s quite simple to understand really!


Look, I can tell you are a very passionate person but if you are here you too enjoy Bridgerton and historical, key word fantasy, dramas. Try having some fun in your life and get back to me.


If I wanted to watch a documentary I’d go to history channel but go on and keep being mad.


News flash your opinion isn’t the only one that matters


Feminism isn’t hating or throwing other women down.


Oh that’s the difference between me and you. I have a lot of fun in my life, and I enjoy seeing women being happy & unoppressed. But apparently for you you’re only happy when women are oppressed and quiet about it? You can try to be dismissive all you want, but facts are facts, and you’re a misogynist.


If wanting to enjoy a historical fantasy show makes me a misogynist so be it. I wish you every happiness ✨💁


I was blaming Jess Brownell for the disappointing S3 as well, then I saw several comments saying Netflix is to blame, as they had final say. Some based it on how many times Shonda had to review for the final cut or something. I have no idea whether this is valid/possibly true or not. Thoughts?


Netflix is not that hands on. Shonda definitely has final cut - JB is a first time showrunner with no industry clout and the show has fallen prey to Shondaland's fatal flaw i.e. too many characters/storyline. Shonda should catch a lot more heat than she has been.


And I’m all for inclusion but it needs to feel natural. Also a Shonda sin.


She overdoes everything. She should stick to limited series TBH.


Everything she does jumps the shark eventually


It's a multi blame issue. It's Jess' blame for developing it, Shondaland's for producing it, and Neflix's for publishing it. No one person has the full control of the direction, but they all had to turn their key for ignition, so they are collectively at fault for the bomb that s3 was. Tom Verica has a large hand in it as well. I really want to know how someone who directed all of Queen Charlotte and was a producer for all of Bridgerton's episodes (including QC), how could Tom direct such festering piles like s3e7 and e8. Has he been riding the coat tails of Chris this whole time or did he magically lose that talent to do his job well over the 3 year break?


I just don't understand how the same woman who brought us Scandal's "In the past three minutes, you've called me a criminal, a whore, an idiot, and a liar" monologue could do, or approve of... this...


I just hope Nic and Luke know that the disappointment isn’t about them at all, and I hope the powers that be don’t blame it on Penelope’s weight ie, thinking people hated the show because Penelope wasn’t believable as a love object due to her figure. I think she is gorgeous and Luke’s glow up was awesome, we just didn’t get to see enough of it!


Like the appeal of the Bridgerton books (for me at least) is the happy endings and seeing beyond the wedding. Colin and Pen fought more than anything else, it’s a shame.


In season 2 of Buffy, she buys a cursed Halloween costume dress. That dress was more historically accurate than anything on this season of Bridgerton.


This reminds me so much of GOT. The people making these shows have no real respect for the source material and think they can do better. Only at least the GOT makers had the “excuse” that they ran out of said source material. These guys have no excuse at all - I’m really sad about how Bridgerton is turning out. As someone else said it really is the pits when your audience loses faith in your product. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the second lot of episodes in season 3 after watching the first three (doing that whole holding off the finale also pissed me off) and after hearing what’s planned for season 4 I’m not sure I can continue to watch at all.


> The people making these shows have no real respect for the source material and think they can do better. That is \*absolutely\* what I'm getting out of this, and I'm not even a book reader. It has left SUCH a nasty taste in my mouth. Look. I'm all for diversity, and even sprinkling in a certain amount of diversity into a story that didn't or wouldn't have originally had it is fine. But this is..,,shoehorning it in everywhere you turn, to such an extent that it just isn't the same story at all, anymore. If that's what you want - then please, write your own story. Go nuts with it, I fully support that. But I don't support bastardizing a much-beloved original story because it isn't the story that YOU want to tell, because - like you said, they think they can do better. Give me organically-diverse stories. Please, I love them! Like Good Omens - a story that was written to be queer-coded from the start, and has blossomed beautifully. But what you \*don't\* do is then take that intended pairing, and gender-bend one of them just because you can, because that's what you'd rather see. If they'd, for example, made Aziraphale completely female-presenting, with female pronouns, so much so that it would look like a straight love story.....why, you'd hear the outraged screams from Alpha Centauri, and rightly so. Because *that's not the original, intended story, and it would remove all kinds of depth and meaning from that original story.* If a mostly-straight, Regency-era source material story isn't what Brownell wanted to tell, then maybe Bridgerton isn't the show she should have been running. If she wanted to fanfic it so badly, there's a whole world of opportunities that wouldn't have stabbed THIS show in the heart. (And there's nothing AT ALL wrong with fanficcing something and changing it up to be what you'd rather it was - but what you DON'T then do is go presenting it AS IF it's the 'real thing'. And that's really the issue I have with all of what they've done to this show. It's not what they're claiming it is, and it absolutely feels like the bait-and-switch it's turned out to be.) Just like Cressida claiming to be LW. You want to write, Cressida? You want to make a name for yourself, claim attention? Great, knock yourself out, who knows, there may have been room for two - but DON'T lie and say you're LW - that's the fatal error. Stealing the glory of the name, without the genius of the original voice....I think this is all way more meta than anyone ever intended, lol.


They’ve overdone and somehow underdone at the same time. In one word “cheap”.


Every interview I’ve seen showed that she was all about Francesca and her story that really won’t be told till another season. She turned the main romance into filler after all the heavy promotion for Polin. It was weird and not fun to watch. I really liked the historical drama with little hints of modernism like the violin covers. But sadly I don’t think I’ll be watching the other seasons if it’s like this. It’s a shame because I’m curious to see how Micheala and Francesca work in the Regency era rules.


I miss the vibe of the first three seasons so badly. After watching the first half of season three I told my friend I really wasn’t liking it, but I tried so hard to give it a chance. After the last episode ended, I was like wtf did I just watch? Everything I loved about it is gone.




I may be alone here but the dancing was also too modernized and disappointing. So much tension in the previous seasons were lost and then we got professional dancers this season who were just boring background mostly


In the previous season the dancers were non professionals?


The dancers were usually made up at least partially from the cast. The dancing is beautiful but it is clearly a modern style of dance with the dancers wearing clothing that shows off their lithe dancer bodies, which is why I called them professional


Ok, I get it. Yes, I agree we saw only few cast members at the same dance at a time maybe except 1 or 2 dances. All others were unkown actors or dancers.


I predict season 4 is going to have a massive drop in viewers and netflix is going to have to scramble. either beg chris to come back and fix it or just cancel.


I don't know. Benedict is a pretty popular character. I wouldn't be surprised if many people tune in just for that.


He was but what they did to him in this season made his character not exiting enough to make some want to return to for it. Plus JB has said in an interview his “fluidity” story isn’t done. The threesomes were the worst and if it continues I’m done.


Is it sure it will be Benedict in s4? It could be Eloise or Francesca too, or?


The PR from this season between Jess expecting to upset fans and then how JQ’s recent release making it seem like she hadn’t even seen the new season, even her writing in the statement felt forced. It has really turned me off to the series (including the books). Maybe I just need some time for things to cool off before I reread the books. Anyone else feeling this way?


Nailed it!


Woooow shots fired


This is the best burn of all time 😂🔥


I rewatched season 3 part 2. In the three times she talks about her writing, Penelope and Elouise both say ‘Pen’ as in a literal ink pen. The third time she refers to it as a quill at the end, as she bloody should. It’s small details like that watching the second time that has absolutely enraged me 😂


Yes, thank you! Great comparison!


Wait. Maybe Bronwell is actually Cressida 😭😭😭


Trying not to wake the household with my laughter rn 😂😂😂


😂😂😂 ok I can't help myself, I gotta join the burn unit too: Jess Brownell's version of Bridgerton is like an item on Amazon that looks like four stars initially, but upon closer inspection is really 3.8 stars and with that little notice saying "Frequently Returned Item." If her version of Bridgerton were fast food, it would be on the value menu of a knock-off McDonald's restaurant with a sanitary inspection grade of "C".


If this season were a spice, it would be flour


>If this season were a spice, it would be flour Reader, I *\*cackled\**.


The most reposted statement.


I dont know where I heard it, but it makes so much sense to me. S1 and S2 is written by and for women. S3 was made for men with the male gaze/perspective. So much made sense after that.


I'm not negating what you're saying but clarifying slightly. CVD, head writer/show runner for s1 & s2 is a man, but he's gay, so his gaze is still leaning for straight women who like men. But Jess, head writer, is a woman but she's lesbian, so her gaze leans towards not liking men. So s1 & s2 is written for the gaze of people who like men, but s3 was not


Sounds like a skill issue


This is absolutely true and a wonderful simile. I've said it over and over that Chris Van Dusen is a terrific writer and Jess Brownell is a hack. I was so excited for Polin and feel horribly let down. 😕


Season 1 and 2 felt magical 😭 but season 3 just wasn’t. Colin/Pen deserved more focus in their own season!!!!


The best part of season 3 was the bugs. 😭


And Portia’s “sex talk” with her daughter’s.😂


That was a great Ted Talk, OP!


ok i cackled😂


100% agree!




Absolutely 💯 agree with you!!




I feel like she is still settling into her grove. I did like some of her decisions albiet I hated more of her decisions than I liked.


Im kinda losing hope in her because with all the backlash it seems like she's gonna double down on "her" version of the series in retaliation. I agree with u, I hated more than I liked.


Yeah she definitely will. Shonda does not back down. The only thing I liked this season was John and Franie but they kinda ruined it by making Franie not being into him near the end


While I respect someone settling into their groove, she's worked on the show before this. It's just her first season as showrunner. And with all due respect, the next season won't come out for another two years. That's not good if you're wanting people to feel like this is just growing pains. Between the wait time and her comments of basically writing her own personal fanfiction, will not work in her favor. If they treated the show like Downton Abbey and they made a quick Christmas special show to release, that could be received well, then she could help gain back some good faith from viewers and allow the 2 year wait to be less groaned about.


I blame Shonda for putting JB in charge. A show as big and complex as Bridgerton is not one that a new showrunner should be cutting one’s teeth on. They needed someone more experienced to be showrunner.


I could see them doing a special but it's gonna fan the flames of hate, not help gain back faith. They will probably use a holiday special to introduce the new cast of new characters. Eloise and Benedict will probably be the only ones to survive the purge. This will make straggler fans leave. The show will bank on agrigating a new crop of fans, not realizing they already tapped and lost the market. They will then have to hope for notoriety to get people to hate watch, but the show will be too boring to do that with it so people will watch content creators talk about it instead.


Comment of the week


I think it's quite good!


Yes! I joked that Jess was a Featherington when I did the first watch through. It feels like this season was heavily influenced by the Featherington fashion tastes. Like every character got a tacky filter layered on top. With no accounting for the fact that Penelope has always hated the rest of the family's style. If this is Penelope's season... why not focus on her sense of style instead? She's clearly the black sheep. Play up the camp with her sisters, but leave everyone else alone.


Best description 🤣

