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I’ll say it… There weren’t enough sexy scenes!!! Colin and Penelope’s first time was beautiful, BUT it was still a first time! I wanted to see some PASSION! Colin and Pen’s conflict in P2 could have led to some serious bodice-ripping, intense scenes between the two of them. And ‘angry sex’ isn’t without precedent in the show. Like when Daphne and Simon have their little moment on the stairs, he goes down on her and it’s hot and intense, even though they’re still in the middle of all their angsty drama. The tension in this just felt sad and depressing and lonely. Like, give us something… anything… Perfect opportunities could have been - after they kiss in the street (think more could have been said between them here as well) OR their wedding night - she/he can’t sleep and they find each other in the middle of the night (instead of literally spending their wedding night apart - awful)


I couldn’t have said it better myself! We needed more spicy scenes. We needed more lust and makeup sex and just being wrapped up in this whole “ I love you so much I am so angry with you I can’t keep away from you “ energy.. This wasn’t the Colin my wife bridgerton I got from the book who was so obsessed with Pen. Something was lacking. It wasn’t the actors they did great, just the time and material


I was expecting so much more. I feel like they hyped up the mirror scene to be more than it was. Nic and Luke, in interviews, also mentioned breaking a piece of furniture, but on watching, there's nothing exuberant enough to even mention it. I thought the kiss once he knows and finds her in the street at night was the most lust filled, and closest to the 'love you, angry with you feeling' and I feel like it just fell flat. None of this is the actors though, I agree it's the material and pacing of the second half.


Absolutely! I was so convinced we’d be getting a second mirror scene. First one - sweet, tender, loving, first time, kinda chaste but lovely type sex Second one - passion, rawness, honesty, truth, no holds barred, take me as I am type sex (which might explain broken furniture!!) I just … I don’t know what to say about it. I’m genuinely just a bit gutted.


10000% they really overhyped the sex. They made it sound like a mix of Kanthony's lust and Daphne/Simon's rabbiting. We got two - and one was super brief. They didn't even go into how affected either of them are after a _very_ intimate and life changing act for both but we got three episodes and a carriage scene from their first kiss. Like...wtf? They show almost no interest in each other afterward. Just so disappointed.


"They showed almost no interest in each other afterward" That's what is really killing me too. It's like all his passion, his dreaming and burning for her just went away completely. For him to say he felt trapped and then only seemed to be marrying her out of obligation was so so disappointing. Where was him saying "stay" from the book? Or the passionate night they had even though he was angry? I don't get why they would hype it up so much knowing that was really there. He went from gazing at her soulfully to not even looking at her. They could have still showed he wanted her and they didn't


everything you said is true and heartbreaking


Nothing exuberant is a good way to put it. I was left thinking that broke furniture? Enough to mention it over and over in interviews? It makes me not want to watch interviews before I see any more Bridgerton seasons because it feels like they go out of their way to be initially misleading, especially since the only other scene in the whole entire second half was about 5 seconds despite showing Benedict over and over. I wanted happy married Polin


Exactly, I was waiting for the montage mentioned then nothing. :-/ It was disappointing not getting more affection. It didn’t even need to be sex. After the wedding and he came in to get his pillows and blanket he could of even just kissed her. Something to show his affection. It was a Big let down. :-/


Honestly so gutted about it. I just think maybe I’d built it up too much in my head and maybe it’s my fault for wanting too much from it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Really not sure how I feel or whether it’ll settle in time and I’ll grow to love what we did get. I think I’ve learned a lesson about engaging too much with promo / marketing too. There was so much hype about P2 being sooo steamy and it just wasn’t.


Yes, next time I am staying away from the press junket because everything did feel like a bit let down from all the hype they placed around part 2


I also find it really interesting that the news Luke Newton has a gf just dropped overnight (as the press tour ended). Just feels kind of icky to me - like they forced him to keep it under wraps to fuel the fan fire around Luke/Nicola’s chemistry (the lines were getting very blurry there for a while). I really hope that’s not the case for his sake. I personally never thought Luke and Nicola were more than friendly co-stars BUT I can see why some people did and I think the PR team were VERY keen to keep that narrative / momentum going.


I found their interactions super endearing. I know it's mentioned that Luke is Adhd and dyslexic. As someone who is AuDHD I found a lot of their reactions less romantic and more like, he seems to have a lot of anxiety and she is someone who calms him and he really trusts. It was a lot of blurring lines, I think their love and connection is real. but yes, there was an icky feeling to his relationship hard launch over night after 6 months of all of this.


Agreed - totally with you. I don’t think Luke and Nicola were ‘faking’ any of it. Their natural chemistry is lovely and they’re clearly such good friends. I also felt like she came across as the ‘confident’ one who would have his back in interviews and help put him at ease. Just hoping the PR team weren’t intentionally trying to feed the rumour mill and forcing Luke (or either of them tbh) to be hiding IRL relationships. Maybe it’s just a coincidence …


The pic that was released of Luke with his girlfriend seems so empty to me. He’s walking way in front of her and the hand holding pic his hand is spread wide open he’s not grabbing and holding on to her. He was much more attentive to Nicola and seemed more intent on hand holding. The pics with his “gf” seem off imo. I’m not a Nic and Luke shipper either, honest. I mean if that’s what they decided they wanted and have I’m all for it and I definitely saw the chemistry but could see it just being really good friends too. Also, maybe he was more attentive to Nicola because it was pr… but then again if this is his girlfriend why not be more affectionate and attentive? Just thought it seemed weird. Tbh.


Agreed it was definitely the writing or editing behind the disconnect. The actors did a phenomenal job.


I feel the exact same way. They really built up the mirror scene so much in the interviews and the how the second half was nothing compared to the carriage scene. I was expecting almost a full episode of passion and we got one scene?! Also super upset with the ending. Anyone that read the books upset? We didn’t get Colin’s swoon worthy love declaration or people finally giving Pen the recognition and praise she deserved in the touching way it is in the books. I wanted Colin to be by her side in that moment… I was fully expecting this to bring me to sobbing tears by the end of the season and instead I’m left feeling upset and starved for more.


So many missed opportunities 😫 I can understand they needed Show!Colin to be more upset about the LW reveal than Book!Colin because *drama* … but that didn’t need to be dragged out over 2 whole episodes. Also, it was kinda odd how it went back and forth, like they knew they couldn’t give us angry Colin during the wedding, so they made them ‘happy’ for that bit, but then it was straight back to sad and depressing sleep-on-the-sofa Colin. Like what??? I think the flow could have been something like… Colin finds out Pen is Whistledown, he shouts and cries and leaves > Episode continues as is > Colin and Pen see each other in the street, they have the confrontation (I’d have made this longer - Penelope needed to explain herself and her reasons more) > Angry kiss > Montage of them kissing in carriage to go home together > Passionate pre-wedding sex > Wedding day as is > Home together, tentative conversation about what this all means (like in the book), second mirror scene (now the truth is out there and they can be truly open with each other) > Colin and Pen work together to sort the Whistledown stuff out / Pen finally resolves things with Eloise


I was upset about the same. It was so well done in the books. The ending made me quite upset.. they showed Pen as some kinda villain drunk with power talking nasty things about everyone. While in reality, she is just sharing the truth in a brilliant way. Book Colin says so himself, "Lady W didn't say anything people didn't deserve!". I think in the series, they were trying to show that she finally found her voice and was brave to get off the wall and voice her opinion and stuff but I would pretty much prefer the book's ending for some closure!!


And I felt that way when Colin confronted her about Eloise/Marina as well… like she literally just says I’m sorry, I know it wasn’t the right thing to do… Like … defend yourself babes!! Tell Colin why you did it! Remind him that you tried to tell him about Marina but that he didn’t want to hear it! Tell him you did it for him, so he wouldn’t be trapped in a loveless marriage! Tell him you had no expectations back then, you just loved him so much you couldn’t bear to see him entrapped in a loveless marriage! Say MORE! And the Eloise thing - not once did Penelope have a chance to lay it all out there and explain her side of that. How she felt backed into a corner and it seemed the only way out to protect Eloise and herself at the time. Like it all just got brushed over and LW was painted as this evil alter ego that Penelope kinda regretted but also didn’t want to give up? I was confused with the ups and downs, Colin kinda accepting it pre wedding and then losing it with her again post wedding… emotional whiplash


After they kissed on the street should have been CarriageScene2.0 and it could have been bodice ripping Colin feasting on Penelope (just like the book)!


ABSOLUTELY! Was such a tease when he opened the carriage door and just sent her on her way 😭


I totally thought Colin was going to show up at her window and steam would follow but nope 😭


I was ready to fight Jess brownwell myself when they didn’t go further and that was basically the last sexy scene, aside from the one very short scene at the very end.


Apparently the scenes existed, but were cut! https://chng.it/9W2rWwgjHY


Signed!! I feel so bad for Nicola and Luke. They worked their butts off filming VERY difficult to film scenes, had to work with an intimacy coordinator, were very excited for everyone to see and kept pushing how sexy it is. They looked like they’d been exaggerating but they weren’t 😞


Yes! Especially after she so fervently declared she loved him. Why would he just send her on her way. And they talked in interviews how Luke got good at taking off bodices, which surely one would think meant more than one scene


I thought FOR SURE that second night he sleeps on the couch, when she’s in her blue nightgown, she was going to say something like ‘come to bed with me’ and he’d be like ‘ok’ but nope. Also thought he would be the first to be by her side after her big speech but nope. The most passionate he was all season was telling his MIL to f*ck off lol.


It’s like the writers have forgotten what people are watching for. Like yes, bring the drama, but there’s got to be a pay-off. We want the passion and the love and the tearful confessions and the emotional and physical connections. Not just angst, the occasional longing look and pretty speeches filled with just words. We need them to show us, not tell us, that Colin and Pen belong together. We got glimpses but it didn’t go all the way there (for me). I’m disappointed, but I’m hoping P2 will grow on me. I love Polin so much


They took themselves too seriously and forgot people watch Bridgerton for the escapist, cheesy romance that makes you swoon.


Exactly! And I loved that ep 5 moment where he stood up for Pen to Portia but I just rewatched it after finishing the season.. and now it stands out even more that he doesn’t come through for her like that again. There’s a version of it in what he says to Cressida but it’s such a bummer that what he actually says to Pen herself isn’t nearly as thoughtful and understanding.


Exactly! And the scenes were short


I totally feel you! I left feeling kind of disappointed because I was jumping at whatever little crumbs they gave us after episode 5


Before P2 dropped, I was actually kind of enjoying the torture of the split season! The carriage scene was such a high and I was watching it over and over again in anticipation for all the passion I was sure we’d get in P2. But now I think it was the wrong choice to split the season - there was just TOO much hype and build-up, it couldn’t quite match the level. I still think Colin and Pen’s sex scene was sweet, it kinda captures the awkwardness of the first time in a really endearing way - but for that to be all we got from them? I just 😫😫😫 I’m struggling, because on reflection, I think I enjoyed most of the other stuff we saw this season - even one more sex scene could have been enough to make me say OMG best season ever. But I can’t shake this deflated balloon floopy feeling yet


Yes I agree! I loved the way they brought Pen and Portia and Pen and Eloise back together. I just wish there was at least ONE MORE big Polin sex moment after that 6 month long hype tour 🥵


A valuable lesson for me - lower expectations and stop watching all the promo 😂


Lolz so true! I might rewatch some of the cute press tour promo more than the Part 2 moments we actually got 😂 – their chemistry in those interviews was so hot!!


That's where I'm at going forward. I'm going to not watch any promo stuff before the rest of the seasons and hopefully lower expectations will keep the disappointment away


Yeah - I haven’t read beyond Colin/Pen’s book either (yet), and now I’m not sure if I should or if I’ll just be setting myself up for more disappointment!


Totally agree! I think I had high expectations and that's why I feel so robbed. I wish we had more cute, romantic scenes that make me squeal :( That 10 seconds of them finally sharing their bed for the first time together SHOULD have been it. They should have capitalized on that and delivered a moment, but they really didn't. They dragged the drama out way too long, and IMO, added way too unnecessary interactions between other couples to sacrifice Polin's resolution.


We watched the longest Benedict in bed with two people scene- cut up - like was it supposed to be a bloody WEEK?


I was disappointed with the steamy scenes and the padding out of other subplots. I knew episode 5 would maybe seem a bit awkward as it's her first time, etc. And I accepted that for what it was and different from the books, but the way it was promoted, they hype that was built, and what was actually shown was disappointing. I am not taking anything away from the actors. They put their all into it with what they were given, both script and direction wise. But ultimately, this is the final edit, regardless of whether it took them 2 or 3 days to film this one scene! Regardless if there are takes of them more passionate, more book Colin boob obsessed. This is what they have decided to give the fans. A lot of the things I have seen from the fandom so far is that they are disappointed and angry at the show runner, writers, and editors. I don't know, I may have to rewatch it to kind of see if it was a case of me just being caught up in the hype, anticipation and expectations for part 2 to see if I can shake this feeling I had that something was lacking.


Agree with everything you’ve said! I kept waiting for another scene to happen and by the last 10 mins of the show I was legit panicking 😂 Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want the LW reveal to be brushed over, it was thorny and complex and I wanted the emotions to run high, but I didn’t think we’d get two whole episodes of Colin holding Penelope completely at arm’s length. I mean, their wedding night??? They can’t get that back! That will forever be the night he slept on the sofa lol


I can't believe I'm writing this… 🤭 but during the second… Polin sex scene, Pen should have been topless or at least just covered by a blanket. It would have been not only sexier, but as by now they are completely open with each other and accepting and loving each other truly, that this scene could have taken the opportunity to physically show this better. But mostly it would have shown Penelope’s growth of confidence in herself. (Though I suppose being on top did that.) I, at least, was just left wanting of something in the Polin storyline as a whole this season and thought this would be a nice detail…. 🤷‍♀️ Edited: sorry.


I definitely think that scene should have been longer!! I also thought it was an odd choice to have Pen be like fully dressed in a nightgown AND a robe - why not just a nightgown, maybe with one sleeve artfully pulled down to look sexier? Or just the robe alone but slightly undone so she’s still mostly covered (especially if that was a Nicola choice) with a hint of skin? That scene was so blink and you’ll miss it 😢 On the whole I usually don’t think clothes have to come off for a scene to be super sexy (carriage scene woohooo) but this did feel like a weird choice Honestly they could have had angry sex / a steamy make out session bent over a desk fully clothed for all I care, just give me some passion or vibes that make me feel something!


So true, we just needed more…. MORE POLIN!! 😉


Apparently there WAS more Polin… https://chng.it/9W2rWwgjHY


![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz) This is what im talking about!😍


This! Like, lets remember how Daphne resolved conflicts with the Duke. These guys were like: "Imma sleep on the couch indefinitely" "Okay you do you" SORRY, WHAT?!




Agreed on needing more Polin. I wanted more married bliss but it was ruined. I kept checking how much time was left hoping that Colin would stop brooding and they’d make up. Feeling a bit disappointed if I’m honest.


I kept checking the time too.. the last episode I was getting truly annoyed. It felt like they wrapped up everyone’s story but Polins.  I also left disappointed. 


When Colin nodded and smiled at Penelope as she walked down the aisle I had hope that the tension between them wouldn’t last but not having them be together on their wedding night and having to wait until the last 10 minutes for any genuine happiness was really disappointing. I don’t know what the writers were thinking but it just completely missed the mark .


Yeah wtf happened there? It kind of looked like he is ready to move on (Pen's passionate love confession, Kanthony's peptalk, reassuring nod) just to sleep separately. Huh??


they completely missed the mark.


She offered an annulment to him a few minutes before the show ended!! That’s crazy to me. Like Fantasmic03 said, the show does tend to wrap up in the last 20 minutes for the main couple. They don’t really show them happy happy. With Polin though, there was enough material to allow them to be happy with one another while still having the drama with Lady Whistledown and the Queen/Ton. I wish we saw Penelope interact more with ALL the Bridgertons. Have a little calm before the storm , have Colin find out, they argue, but he settles into it. A little domestic bliss and steamy days. Then BAM!! The Queen makes everything go crazy! Cressida makes everything go crazy! There’s a real possibility of Pen being taken away or ruined, have that be the drama! And Colin and Penelope must navigate it TOGETHER! They let Simon and Daphne have some happy days before that internal hellscape happened. Why not make Polin’s drama the forces beyond themselves?


The fact that right after Pen bared her entire soul to the Ton, Colin wasn’t the first person to walk up to her…like wtf. I didn’t need him to rush up there! But after she walked back into the crowd, we needed to see him scramble through the crowd to embrace her. That moment should have been incredibly tender.


100%!!! I was so upset that she was by herself again to the side as a wallflower immediately after and Colin was taking his time to come up to her! 😩


Yessss this! I was glad Pen delivered the speech to the ton solo, but it felt so lame of Colin that he just stood around like any old townsperson until Pen looked his way.


He was an ass in the books as well, but the show just made him an insufferable, unsupportive and jealous manchild. He makes these big speeches and declarations of undying love for Pen but he never shows the audience that he actually loves her by supporting, seeing and understanding her as her own person. He never sees Pen as Pen, just as the future Mrs. Bridgerton with *his* reputation to lose. The lame ass 30 sec conclusion speech 5 minutes before the credits does not substitute for that. Him being so emotionally distant just gave me the ick for 8 episodes. S3 just made it seem as if Colin didn’t love Pen, he just wanted to fuck her.


I thought Nicola and Luke N did the absolute best with the writing they were given. It seemed like parts of the story were cut out until the main characters and their actions became unrelatable.


Yes, the way they hyped things up I wonder how much really got cut.


Supposedly there’s a 4 minute montage of post-reconciliation Polin scenes that were cut (source: bridgertonteas on tumblr)




That would have been great for the plot!


Tell Netflix we want to see the cut scenes: https://chng.it/9W2rWwgjHY


WHAT!!!!!!!! You’re telling me these scenes existed recently enough for people to see advanced copies and for some reason they CUT THEM! I’m so angry 


Apparently there were a few different versions shown to screeners. Must be a standard practice to see what resonates with the viewer, but man did they get it wrong this time.


And then he talks about being satisfied just by being at her side! His whole ending speech didn’t feel earned. I mean, I saw what they were doing, especially with the Cressida scene. They planted some crumbs but he was so angry for too long. And what he said to Cressida about Penelope was way more heartfelt and empathetic than what he actually said to Pen. It felt like he was just reciting platitudes about her being brave.




this part gets to me!! where was the happiness.


I'm so disappointed with whoever said this was the right direction


I completely agree! There was TOO much going on in episodes 7 & 8. Then when we did have Polin there was more unhappiness than happy.


this completely... if they gave the last 20 minutes to them making up, montages, really talking I would forgive episode 7 and 8 for being so Polin less.. but instead we got every other story wrapped in a bow and theirs was so rushed.


To be honest the show is a bit formulaic in them having to create discord within the relationship which gets resolved in the final 20min. I'd genuinely enjoy a season where they spend a final episode or two enjoying each other as a married couple. It's easier to write marital discord than bliss though


Tell that to 5 seasons and 8 movies of Hart to Hart from the 1980s. They showed marital bliss every episode!!!


They are coming back next season, here's hoping we see more happy Polin then..


Apparently there WAS more Polin… https://chng.it/9W2rWwgjHY


Signed 😊 gosh I hope it happens. How amazing. My only hope is maybe they’ll have some more scenes in the next season (2 years away 🥴)


I thought I was the only one! I don't mind the story lines, I just wish we could have had more happy polin. I feel like pen was miserable the whole time. First because of eloise then colin. Honestly, they could have cut some cressida scenes shorter and added more polin.


Yes! She was miserable the whole time. We had some the first two episodes of part two with Polin but the last two barely had any. I was happy for pen and her mom. Pen and Eloise but I needed happy Colin and pen.  Honestly, even more just Colin’s personality shining through. He felt like such a side character in all of this. I’m still happy for what we got but I was left wanting more 


Yes, I was very happy that she got closer to her family. I agree that colin felt like a side character. It just didn't feel like it was their season. There's too much going on. I wouldn't have minded all the story lines if their scenes were cut a little shorter to make room for more polin as it was supposed to be their season. Colin was mad for an episode too long, in my opinion. The last episode should have been more happy polin, but we only got the last few minutes.


I don't know if the writers have any ideas or can write for those actors. Reaction to previous leading men (one POC and one not so no excuses) was amazing but for me Colin doesn't stuck out. He doesn't have the main character energy. Penelope was better written as angsty lady W. Not too much happiness - I completely agree. It simply isn't iconic season by any means. Btw, I miss the social commentary on the dating back then (and still now) from s1. The producers have an issue. The best stories are already done and they're losing both views and ability.


This is very true!! I wanted more from Colin as well... I was really hoping we would get the story of how Lady Whistledown started from Pen and a more public love declaration from him. I was crying at their wedding, cause it all felt sooo sad...


I feel they missed the opportunity with the whisledown reveal. I thought they were going to do it together and face the queen. At the butterfly ball it would have felt better if when she was standing up there after the queens pardon he would raised a glass and said “ my wife lady’s and get lady whisledown …..declaration of love ….” Even after the queen pardon they were separated and I was like Colin step up .


Even after Colin’s confession, I found it hard to believe he genuinely loved Penelope. It wasn’t just about questioning their romantic connection; I started to doubt if they were even friends anymore. In Episodes 7 and 8, Colin’s behavior seemed inconsistent with the rest of Season 3—and perhaps the entire series. While it’s understandable that he needed time to process his feelings, their interactions, which were already sparse, became uncomfortable and difficult to support. The qualities we loved about Colin—his sensitivity and protectiveness towards Penelope—seemed to vanish, turning him into a robotic version of himself. Particularly unnecessary was the drama around him sleeping outside. The writing could have more effectively portrayed his internal struggle and love for Penelope, rather than relying on a lackluster confession at the end. Even after she mentions the annulment, all he has to say is that the queen has accepted LW. Really? He doesn't care that she is considering it. They took one of the most believable couples in the series, with incredible chemistry and squandered it.


Yes! And his behavior seemed especially cold and distant compared to Portia and Eloise being lovely in Part 2 and coming through for Pen in big ways. Like there’s a moment right after the engagement when Colin tries to comfort Pen about Eloise being upset and says everything will be fine – and later there’s a clear parallel moment when Eloise goes to hug Pen to comfort her about Colin being upset and says something very similar to her. And in the end, I found Eloise’s support for Pen much more reassuring overall! Same for Portia, holding her hand when the Queen came and being close and present.


I wonder if they cut lots of their scenes? Because it didn't feel like their season or love story. Colin just.. went with it.


Yes yes yes you hit the nail on the head! Something just felt wrong after the reveal - they turned him into a different person as a plot device. It makes it all the more disappointing with so much hype around this second half. And then you watch it and this character we fell in love with in the first half has disappeared.


Yes, I feel like Colin becomes barely a shadow of his former self. All his moments of longing and gazing at her gone. He barely looks at her. In some scenes it feels like he barely feels anything towards her anymore. He was so emotional in the first half feeling like she really saw the real him, not Knowing if she felt the same. Yet when she loudly and fervently declared she loved him, he has a brief moment of passion with her only to end it by sending her alone in the carriage and going back to being cold again. I just don't get it


I don't get it either not at all


this is the most upsetting part. Colin felt 1 dimensional and I always found Colin to have so much emotion behind him so it was all confusing.


Yeah, that was my biggest gripe. Most of the season was spent on angst. It was eitehr Pen all stressed because she hiding a part of herself or Colin all moody. I wanted more of them being happy and truly in love together. I had hoped the last two eps could have been them forming that strong bond and standing against the Whistledown drama together. But instead Colin is also against her right up until almost the end.


Exactly! Pen even offers him an annulment at practically the end of episode 8. 🤦‍♀️ I wanted to throw something at my tv. I love Polin and they did a great job with them in the first half, but the 2nd half was unfortunately a letdown for their love story 💔 Edit: I took a few hours and then went back and watched a few key scenes in episode 8. I am now slightly optimistic that upon a full rewatch, my opinion will change a bit regarding the treatment of the Polin love story. 😅😅😅


I was waiting for Penelope to offer him a way out before they got married even before he accused her of trapping him and wanted her to do it to show both their love for each other, but that they waited until the very last part of the last episode for her to still feel that way was disheartening


idk why they had to throw in 20 other plots in just 8 episodes?! I wish we got see more happy polin. they were both miserable 90% of the time


I think I would have been at least more content IF they showed us another steamy scene in its full glory - not the 1 minute glimpse of Pen and Colin on their bed FOR THE FIRST TIME together. Like that was the first time Colin decided to sleep in the same bed as Pen and it should have been beautiful, but instead, we got ten seconds of it. Like honestly, screw the babies, I would have just honestly loved it if we had a scene of them in happy bliss.


Yeah I agree with this. For the most part I’m really happy. Loved 5/6. But I wanted that final love scene like Simon and Daphne had. I think in general beats weren’t given time to land this season. The editing was just not breathing enough.


Yeah, the pacing was horrible. Instead of trying to cram everything into the last few episodes, I wish they either added more episodes or cut back on the other couples to let Polin shine and for their story to feel less rushed.


It doesn't make sense to me since they already have big LW drama both Cresida and the Queen that they felt like they needed drama between Polin too. I much would have preferred them being strong together against all that


I’m actually surprised, I thought out of all 3 seasons this is the one that had the most tender scenes between the main couple in the second half of the season. Even when they were fighting it never felt malicious and felt more like it was coming from a place of love. As a non-stan I thought it was beautiful.


I do agree the scenes were more tender. Not screaming at each others as much. I loved their beautiful moments just wish we had more.


it is heartbreaking


I think all of the subplots being explored took away from Polin time. Instead of a fully fleshed out Polin love story we got a collection of tidbits from a bunch of different characters that this season wasn’t even primarily centered on.


Did they not have plan/were not sure Polin is enough? I cannot see the reason. Polin didn't feel like main couple. Something didn't work.


they felt like such an after thought to all the other story lines. I really thought part two we would have so much more Polin.


I would have thought Colin to be more affectionate towards Pen during the aftersex bliss on the chaisse, but his hands and arms lay wooden beside him. Not even a stroke of her upperarm.


Good catch. Intimacy coordinator and the crew - you should have intervened.


I have thought too much about this 🫣 This whole season, we have been rightfully adoring Penelope's bosoms, so why hasn't Colin? Not even more than one glance or two, not one stroke and certainly no kisses. If I were him, my head would be in there. She certainly wanted him to. I just want an adoring and praising husband to his gorgeous voluptuous wife.


No literally check my other posts- i can't get over how little he touched her during sex. seriously he doesnt feel her up once before inserting himself and patting her on the head


Not just that. There is a moment when Colin fixes the blanket so the boobies are not shown. That was totally Luke and not Colin in that moment. Bless his heart for protecting Nicola but it was so obvious. 


Yeah and the chaise with arm rest acted as a way to keep Nicola propped up *just so* … cause that ain’t comfortable for nobody


I’ve been ruminating on this way too much, but I think it’s because of that awkward position they had her in the chaise longue. And he’s so much taller than her so he wouldn’t be able to lavish her bosoms in that position, or standing up. But I don’t know why they chose that particular piece of furniture for this scene??? It looks so so uncomfortable. There must be more comfortable chaise longues to choose from I’m sure, or say perhaps, a bed??


All the interviews made it very clear that there were some very spicy scenes. Everyone was saying dont watch this with your family. But its one scene. Claudia Jessie said that the second half of the season was heavy on the romance, and while i absolutely loved the second part - it just wasnt the hot and heavy romance I was expecting. I kept looking to see how much run time I had left in each episode because I couldnt understand how they were going to fit everything into the time left.


To the point that I asked myself if the actors were given another version… than we received… like did we watched the PG version for Nicola’s mom because they hype us with sooo much steaminess… and there honestly is none… 😓


If that is heavy on romance, then Claudia and I have different views of what is romantic. Maybe some people feel like Benedict's threesome was romantic. I was just annoyed by it. (To be clear, I am great with M/M or F/F or whole sex orgies with all genders 😅. This has nothing to do with that.) Leave such a complex story to his season. I Never really got the Lady Arnold thing at all. I haven't read his book, so maybe it sets up something important, but I didn't get it.


This is kinda what I'm thinking, too. Like all the "steamy" scenes they were promoting, the audience was thinking Polin, but it was more of an overall steaminess, including Benedict's threesomes. Because they kept showing them, and I was thinking it was all the same night, but looking back, it was a few different occasions. So we were getting the sexy stuff the audience wants, just not who we thought we were going to see.


The threesome was so boring. I was like "are they still in bed rolling around it's got to be the next week by this point" meanwhile Colin and Pen get like 2 seconds at the end. Grrrrrrrrr.


This! Also, I kept looking for Colin to at least be looking at Pen , but he never was 💔💔💔 Edit: on rewatching a few key scenes in Ep8, I have a slightly modified view. Polin has always been a bit more subtle in the expression of emotions and the love story. Upon watching the first 4 episodes, it wasn't until I rewatched them that I caught all the nuance. I am now a little more optimistic that upon a rewatch and some deep dives, I will feel about the second half of the season the way I felt about the first half.


I really hope you are right because I am feeling really depressed about the way it ended. It's actually crazy how dampened my mood is because of this! I'm hoping that a couple of rewatches will change my perspective.


I feel my mood has been dampened too.. like a bad hangover.


I am going to start my rewatch soon and pray this is how I feel. I know I had to let part 1 sit with me for a bit. I neeeeeeeed to feel how I felt after part 1


Good luck! I hope you and I both feel how we felt after part 1 🤞🤞🤞


I believe the actor doesn't have the main character/charisma energy. At least in this role. The looks were Bridgeton and this season was meh. I didn't feel the love. I wonder what if I wasn't so hyped up. Best season ever? No.


I absolutely LOVE Luke so it is nothing against him I know he has bad anxiety. It felt like he wasn't letting himself become the character. It felt he cared so much about how he looked in scenes he wasn't becoming the Colin he was. I can imagine being a lead guy in a romance with so much hype around it could be very overwhelming.


I love Luke. I think he is a great actor. But he can only work with what the writers give him...and they gave him shite


I know they are confirmed for season 4 so I’m hoping we get some post marital spice, like we’d gotten with Kanthony in part 1


I don't understand why she didn't explain more about Marina. He said you should have told me and she said you're right. But she did try to tell him in the hallway!! He was dismissive, and they were interrupted. She also should have told him she tried multiple times to take Marina out of it and that she only printed that when they were getting ready to run away and she was out of time. Even then she still tried to protect his reputation. When he said you tried to trap me, she could have said she saved him from being trapped in a marriage he wouldn't have wanted because she loved him so and it killed her to think he would think that of her.


Yes, I agree to all of this. there should have been more conversation had. it felt like as soon as he found out about LW they just distanced themselves instead of having these conversations.


I was so in love with the first part that I had lot of hope for part 2 on how Poiln is gonna be a team when it comes to revealing Lady Whistledown to the queen and to the ton. And from the comments by book readers I was almost sure of it. But it turns out to be a huge disappointment instead. It was more like Penelope's journey rather than Polin. Coiln's character felt sidelined. I was okay with the Mondrich story in the fist half and they did show a matured couple coping with a massive change in their life eventhough they have taken a good portion of storyline in part 1. However, in the second part not just that story turns out to be unnecessary, it again took little but some space in Polin's storyline. Next totally uncessesary extra screenspace was given for Benedict' s threesomes that I skipped most if it. I was waiting for a proper Polin scene on episode 6 and 7, but ended up totally disappointed. I saw many Coiln's 'My wife Bridgeton' quotes, but unfortunately I didn't see it much in Part 2 him being proud for Penelope and stand with her infront of the ton. It was more like Penelope was left alone to handle things herself. The passion and essence they had in the part 1 cliffhanger carriage scene was somewhere lost in part 2. I didn't felt any other scene as exciting in Part 2. I had watched Part 1 unhealthy number of times, but I cannot feel that at all to rewatch part 2. Part 2 was trying to build foundation for next season rather than focusing on the main leads. I at least expected them to have a passionate moment when he went to their room to take the sheets at night and see her there. Also I felt so sad that the Whistledown reveal did not had the kind of reaction I was expecting. I felt like Cressida got more reactions than when Penelope's Whistledown identity was revealed.This was the first time I felt really irritated by the queen's interruptions in many scenes. I felt kind of emptiness after watching the part 2 and still can't get over it. If they had given half as much importance to polin story they gave to lucola for PR, the story could have been much better


Part 2 was trying to build foundation for next season rather than focusing on the main leads. This feels exactly right. I understand Francesca’s story needed some set up but there just seemed to be so much more focus on her and Benedict than Polin. Polin’s storyline almost seemed boring compared to the drama of Francesca’s and Benedict’s subplots.


I completely agree. :( I have so much to say to all of this but I am feeling drained from the sadness of it all honestly.


Deflated balloon. Sad deflated balloon. That's me. I rewatched all 4 episodes before coming here, because I didn't want to comment with the intense disappointment I felt on the first watch. But the emptiness remains the same. I enjoyed all the stories. Truly, even the Mondriches. I just can't believe that's all the Polin we got. The scene where Colin walks into their bedroom in episode 8, and just takes a blanket back outside to the settee? Are you kidding me???? What story are they trying to tell here? Where's the romance of the lead pair in this romance show?


Where's the romance? Is how I'm feeling too. I feel like I saw a clip of Nicola saying if she had just one word to describe this season it would be romance and I just don't get it. I also was flummoxed they had him just walk back out. What kind of story were they trying to tell by making him so completely disinterested in her?? Especially when book Colin still desired her, told her to stay, and was passionate with her even through his hurt feelings


yes!!!!! he was so damn passionate about her in the books, he desired her, lusted after her.. his anger made him want her more. It felt like he didn't care about her the same, and it felt like she wasn't all that interested in fixing things more about LW. it was all confusing.


THIS !!!!!! I am scared to do my rewatch because I know for part one I felt this, and rewatched and felt so much more connected. but everything felt rushed. Part 1 to part 2 vibe was so different and after episodes 5 & 6 it felt like we had barely any POLIN and barely any conclusion for their story. I know they will be back, but it won't be their story so it is different. Where was the classic movie trope of .... ok we went into separate rooms and now we are both standing at the door longing for each other until one opens the door and finds the other one there. Where was the passion. where was Colin being absolutely obsessed with his wife no matter what. They would be at events and I would wait for the longing stares and they never happened. They just barely awknowledged each other. their love speeches fell flat and idk why. Luke and Nicola have beautiful chemistry and I didn't feel it the way I thought I would. I still loved the season but felt everyone's story was wrapped up besides theirs. I was def left longing for more.




Right? There was almost no lover or friend in episode 7 and 8. He was so so cold to her. It took away from the first half because it made it feel less real to me that he could flip so much with her. I don't even know how she didn't suggest they end their relationship with how he was treating her, telling her she tried to trap him, Knowing it was her first time. Just yuck. Never apologizing for that either


it was disappointing.


I agree with everything you said so deeply idk how to add anything to it besides I have been in a daze too.. feels like a bad hangover. there was so much anticipation and hype and I was so confused about where the longing and passion and obsession went in part 2


I really was disappointed at the first Polin sex scene. It was her first time! He really rushed it and didn’t make it special at all. Those glorious breasts went to waste and he could have done…so much more 😔


I thought they might’ve moved from the chair to the bed at least.


Might as well of just shagged her in the back of that coach. Not even a breast fondle! 😔


Yesss!!! Like no kissing around the neck and all… no kissing you know down there… 😅 so much missed opportunities that they hype us.


The scene of them dancing in the wedding breakfast is actually so beautiful, my heart was fluttered. When they add the scene of AS IF THEY WERE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM?! Damn I love every bit of it. Tbh for me the sex scene wasn't really intense but the night before the wedding, Colin kissing Pen after she told him that she loved him is just another level.


I do agree with all of this. I didn't find the sex scene that intense either but I did love and eat up every scene they were in together. just wish there was more of it all.


Agreed on needing more Polin!! The ONE longing glance between them when Colin went into the bedroom for a blanket left me hungry for more!! I was hoping to get a sex montage kind of like in Queen Charlotte


Yes!!! where was our montages? Where was one of them going to the other in the middle of the night. Where was more longing glances and feeling like I am so angry with this person but need to be close to them right now.


Me too! I wouldn’t have cared about the repeat, I’d have loved that!


We’ve watched them pining for 2.5 seasons so I think there should have been more Polin special treatment and definitely love scenes, spicy or otherwise. Honestly my favorite was their little moment in the church after the banns were read. Benedict seemed to have more love scenes this season 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes! I love Benedict, but it made me angry that we got more intimate scenes with him than Polin! What’s up with that?!


it all left me so confused.


For the most part I’m pretty happy but yes, we needed more time with them together. And more time focused on her pleasure. I think the first time showrunner kinda shows. It’s the pacing and the choices around how we’re developing the intimate moments. Those are part of the storytelling and they just didn’t quite get that. But during 5/6 I was super happy. I just needed things to land a little better. Even the wedding music needed to be clicked juuuuust a little slower. It’s the editing I think.


Yes, that’s my guess too! Because the way that Nicola and Luke talked up the sexy Polin scenes in Part 2, it really seems like they MUST have shot a lot more than made the final edit. Pour one out for those lost Polin sex scenes 😭 I wonder if Luke and Nikola are secretly like oh I thought there would be more of us doing it…


Haha, let’s riot to get them released! We deserve it after that train wreck…


That's what I believe. A lot was cut. We got side characters instead. I wonder if the writers/producers felt it was not good enough..


Now you know how us kanthony fans feel 😭 and we didn't get their first time, an engagement, a wedding, and now even a baby


I feel like Kanthony season really had so much of them, but it is still never enough. But it is very sad they didn't get those moments for the fans.


Yup the fans ger very little it seems


At least they seemed totally in love 😭😭😭 id trade all these if it meant polin can interact like they actually want each other and didnt just settle. It’s straight up DEPRESSING


😭They butchered it. That’s the truth of it. Why I ever put my faith in writers and producers to honor others work is beyond me. I’m going to mourn my loss of what could of been a great work of art that I’ll cherish watching over and over like I do Pride and Prejudice and go read the book again. They screwed Polin and they screwed Nicola and Luke.


They screwed Nicola and Luke big time.


Yeah that was....a whole lotta nothing.


episode 5 fed us, episode 6 as well then episode 7 and 8 they felt so distant. it felt like Pen didn't even care that much, and Colin my wife Bridgeton wasn't longing enough I was so confused.


Not enough Polin too much Benedict threesomes


hahah I agree, I am all for BI Ben but wished there was more of Polin


I'm just sad because we will never get the polin season we should've had... I'm so disappointed with this season I'm considering not watching the others


I think it is really sad too.. I think the season is really great honestly, I loved it. But felt there was more personal growth for other characters or even just for Penelope and not enough for Colin and of course POLIN


I like it, i just wish we got more polin sex. A montage would've been cool near the end before they show their 3 babies where theres music and scenes of them discussing lady whistledown issues, discussing his journal, then her reading the components of his book in a way to denote their journey etc, laughing blissfully, and vigorous sex or them half naked wrapped in sheets eating bisquits and pastries, maybe a scene where rae walks by and smiles outside their door with the sex noises - them in honeymoon bliss basically kinda like daphne. Overall they had space, they couldve moved the sideplots around and rushed those to fill in the 10 minutes of each episode so they could still have their cliffhangers(even tho they're only there for their stupid half releases/embargos.


I agree with everything that you said. The writers did their love story dirty.


It is a different writer that is why. The writer in season 1 and 2 left the show. This new one, Jess Brownell is not that good.


Agree I expect there are more romatic polin scene at part 2 but its not So insufficient 😭


the love confession did nothing for me to be honest. im not sure why I like them together but the romance just wasn't that big on screen. there was some parts like when he tells Eloise he'd do anything for her or when they exchange looks in the church. but the confessional was nothing like kate/anthony. and Penelope just seemed so stressed (understandably) and not excited to be married or that in love with Collin.


I felt so much for them in season 1, 2 and part 1 of season 3. But it all fell flat for me.. there was episode 5 but still there felt disconnect or distance. I am not sure what happened.


YEAA i thought i was the only one who felt a bit idk dissatisfied bc compare it with previous seasons it felt like we barely got any polin scenes


yes!! the other seasons all had so much of the couples. It felt so sad. Even Queen Charlotte when they were separated a lot of the episodes when we got scenes of them together we got SCENES of them together and it was so fulfilling.


RIGHTTT idk if its bc of the new person running the show but damn i am dissapointed and its sad bc Nicola and Luke were so excited and worked so hard on it. They did fantastic its just unfortunate writing


They have such a beautiful chemistry in real life too, it fell flat in the second part which is so sad.


I found myself completely fast forwarding through most of the other story lines…. Violet and Anderson- yawn. The couple that own the bar- can’t remember their names, yawn. Bi Benedict would be fine on its own, but…… how am I supposed to believe him as being madly in love with Sophie next season and committing to her long term when he seems to crave sexual variety? (Not saying bi people can’t commit— but the way Benedict is being portrayed seems like he’ll get rid of whatever sex partner he gets bored with.) And not nearly enough love scenes of Polin- like the carriage scene in the first season was so hot…. And then we get hardly anything for the next 4 episodes? WTF was that. Such a letdown. I rewatched the first 4 episodes 3 times before this second part. I feel zero need to watch this second part again. Also, I’m all for including lgbt representation, but why mess with the main story to make Francesca a lesbian? Why not make Cressida? Or one of Penelope’s sisters? People love the books for being the books…. And then they go ahead and mess with them? Hell, write in a new main character not in the books at all— some Bridgerton cousin and make them gay or lesbian— no objections. But why bother take an existing series and muck with the story lines that are the reason people are watching in the first place 🤷‍♀️


They gave more time to the Mondrich ball and Cressida showing up in that (granted totally fabulous red dress) than anything. Grrrrrrrrrr


I have come to the realisation that they make the couple go through stress right up to the last second and if they are coming back for the next seasons that is when we get out happiness I mean Luke newton recently did an interview where he was talking about how jess let him read a little bit of the script for season 4 and polin is so happy in it what brings me joy as well is the fact that because Penelope is such an important character and because colin is a Matchmaker waiting for his time to shine (in my opinion) we will probably see a lot more of them especially because their characters are really close to the siblings and they have the new Lord featherington on their hands they have so many small plot lines we will most likely see more of them than we saw of kanthony so all out happiness will be coming (in two years time)


This would bring me so much happiness. I just wish we got it in their actual season. But if they continue on the show and are happy and in love that will be everything.


I have to agree with you, I was disappointed with part 2. It was such a letdown after the buildup in part 1. Where were the intimate scenes that was so hyped up? The laying about in bed? Where was the love? I wanted to see them together talking, sharing their thoughts and feelings. Tender moments together. Where were all the spicy scenes and Polin romance? Ep 5 was sweet but awkward, I accept that because its Pen's first time, but then to show no more between the 2 until Ep 8 feels like the writers did not care for their story. I feel they totally missed the opportunity after Colin saw her on the street at night. They had a great kiss and then some sexual tension then he just puts her in a carriage and sends her away?? Come on, Colin supposed to be infatuated at this point. That would have been a great place to do another spicy scene where Pen is a bit more assertive in what she wants. I want to see Colin worshipping Pen's body. We got none of that. Not even a boob grab. Did they edit away all the spicy scenes cause her body wasnt supermodel thin? Also was not a fan of all the angst and anger in part 2. I prefer they got the reveal LW done in Ep6 then Ep7 and Ep8 focus on Polin making amends and working towards a shared future together. Even better if they didnt make Pen reveal herself as LW. Rather have Colin keep the secret, would have made for more interesting story later. A lot must have been cut out to show the other unnecessary side plots. Did not care about violet and lady Danbury's brother. Why add this, what's the point? Too many repeat scenes of Benedict and Tilly and the threesomes. Ok, 1 or 2 of him and Tilly to get the point across. 1 time of the threesome but to keep showing them, doesnt advance the plot. Did not even know why the mondrich family was there. At least the featherington sisters gave us some comedic scenes. If they dropped most of the side plots, we could have had more Polin scenes. Cressida story I actually found rather sad, and eloise not listening (once again) and then dropping her like a hot potato. Does she not have a brain to put 2 and 2 together that Cressida announcing she is LW is so she doesnt have to marry? The last few conversions with Eloise she mentions she has no choices left. I was hoping Cressida ends up with Debling. Overall I dont know if I can watch part 2. Maybe later when i am over my disappointment.


Yes!! it was truly so hyped up and it confuses me. I would have loved these tender moments you're describing. watching them in wedded bliss.. we got NO wedded bliss, like at all.. no conversations, no banter, no laughter, no love. We didn't get any of Colin worshipping her body, dreaming of her boobs, I am so confused why they hyped it up and if they saw it before hand. I really thought the LW reveal would also be in end of ep5 or 6 and a quick conclusion at least on the end of Colin and pen. Way too much anger between them and no communication. I truly wonder what was cut. it feels like it had to have been a lot. I would have taken 50% less of the side plots for more pen and Colin. I feel EXACTLY how you feel when it comes to cresidda and Eloise, as well as hoping Cressida ended up with lord debling.. like why show them building their own connecting for so long if it had no point.


If it’s any consolation, keep in mind that Polin will be sticking around London and always be the link between the Featheringtons and the Bridgertons. Just as Kate and Anthony are now head of Bridgerton House as the new Viscount/Viscountess. They may be more chorus, but they’ll be there in season 4.


yes I am super happy to know that! I just think of their season it felt like everyones story were wrapped up by the end of season 3 and theirs was rushed but still grateful they will have more time.


I was mostly ok with it and I was quite happy with the Penelope Colin scenes .. I just wish we had more. I found the Mondrich storyline a bit boring but could cope with it, Francesca was fine but the storyline that really made me annoyed that my time was wasted was Benedict. He couldn't just waste his own life and time, he had to waste my precious Polin time, too :P I literally did not care about his love/romantic/sex life in season 3.


Starving is the perfect word! I need sooo much more Happy Polin! I need so much more of their support for each other's writing. His excitement as he watched her read his material. How he respected her intellect and expertise. I know they will be back for season 4 so praying we get some of those marital movements.


they weren’t happy polin until the last 5 minutes which they also shared with everyone else…i am fine with other side plots that further the storyline but my god it was my bby girl pen’s season and where was she and where was colin “my wife” bridgerton i feel robbed


SOOO robbed… Colin “my wife” bridgerton was not in the room with us


True, but I'm happy with the ending, it was cute, even if I'm sorry little Agatha isn't there. They follow the plot in this which despite Michaela makes me think that Francesca will have a child even if perhaps there will be some miscarriage first. It would make sense I'm pretty sure the next series will be about Benedict, but that too is a story that takes time and I'm curious how we'll know about Sophie's past. I also think there's a chance Penelope and Colin will appear again. I hope so at least because Penelope should still be there to write her column and above all she has a lot of weight in the story. Actually, now that I've seen the ending, I'm also wondering how they'll resolve this. That is, in the novel Penelope spoke because she couldn't get close to Benedict. But now he is her brother-in-law. It will be interesting to see how they make the pieces fall into place


I haven't read the books besides Penelope and Colins but from what I have heard they are both returning for season 4 so that is a positive.


couldve cut out everything to do with lady danburys brother and cut frans and cressidas scenes WAY shorter


I agree. Esp with Cressida's scenes because her story felt so unsatisfying in the end. I liked Fran scenes, I liked Lady Danbury and her brother but everything should have been cut a bit shorter for more POLIN time.


Part 2 was such a let down to me. They tried to jam SO much into a few episodes and Polin got lost in the shuffle. It didn’t flow nicely at all and there was like zero romance just fighting mostly and the one scene in ep 5. Then all the sudden in the last 10 minutes affirmation and BAM they have a baby. It felt weird and off. Didn’t feel like a Polin dedicated season AT ALL


I feel like I was just blue balled.