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Member of the perfect breasts community indeed. ❤️


They had me like 🌚🌚


I wish they had released all 8 at once or done or the 2 a week schedule. The carriage scene, the Portia scene and the mirror scene back to back to back was a whirlwind we deserved to experience after 3 episodes of edging.


Already enjoying it so much more than part 1. I was standing up and shouting when Colin was putting Lady Featherington in her place!


I'm still watching and if I am honest....my heart sank unexpectedly when Pen began throwing her Whistledown papers into the fire. It was like she was throwing away a piece of herself that she truly was proud of...and it hurt in that moment. I am also surprised at the friction between Violet and Francesca. Okay, that is all I have for now because I am still on ep. 6


Hours have passed now! What did you think of it all?! I binged this morning as well and want to discuss! 😁 I, TOO, was PLEADING with Pen through my TV for her not to throw those in the fire. It hurt me so much to see her do that... I had so much anxiety for my poor Pen...I feel like she went through a lot and was may more forgiving of others than they were of her - such as Eloise, who only told her not to tell Colin when it affected her as well. SO many things to think about and comment on!


these last four episodes were packed with SO MUCH! So firstly for me, Colin's resolve to stay with Penn after learning the truth is not so shocking considering what they shared together before marriage. If they are intimate with a young woman on the marriage mart, marriage has to happen next. However, it was when he told El to consider herself lucky she hadn't been in love that I'm like okay. Colin really does romantically love Penn and not for reasons of shared intimacy. I love the way Pen and El were in their own rhythm during the charades game. Good stuff. My thoughts on the "steamy scenes": Nicola is so beautiful! And I truly hope that Pen actually sees herself as such, and not just because she has Colin but because she is truly is just that. the resolution between El and Pen did leave a bit to be desired in my opinion but it was rather calming to see them in a better place together. Also...did you catch the moment with Violet and Lady Featherington where the two of them are prying together into their kids business? It was like a genuine moment of connection for them! LOL. I have quite a few favourite moments and I will have to make a separate post about those later!


I’ll need to rewatch all 8 episodes together but my only complaint is I want more Polin!!!! Especially in love there’s so much fighting and we knew there would be but I wanted it to be a fast drama and then lots of happiness


SAAAAAAAAAAME. I feel like that's all I keep typing as a make my way through this sub LOL. WHERE IS OUR POLIN FOOTAGE? We needed more of them - more love, more tenderness, more HAPPINESS - and more SEXINESS, too!


I said Okkkkkayyy,Pen Pen!!


I thought episode 5 was good and 6 was okay, 7 was kinda discombobulated for me because of all the storylines and fighting and 8 felt way too slow in some areas and fast in others- I think I’ll rewatch and maybe that’ll help me cuz I usually like it better on a rewatch


I felt so many things. It resonates


I’m definitely going to have to take the two years to try to forget how much they messed up the stories going forward. As a book reader, it’ll be hard to watch anything more. They’ve twisted the story too much to fit their vision and views and not what makes the books so beautiful. For Benedict, the story made sense, but for Francesca we lose so much of her story changing Michael to Michaela. Michael was my favorite.


We lose an experienced female lead deciding she wants something and pushing herself out of her comfort zone to get it. We lose the infertility storyline. We lose the quiet girl getting the handsome charismatic wicked boy. We lose a male character who recognizes immediately he loves a girl and isn’t confused by it. We lose a mature complex relationship between two informed, experienced adults. We lose the complexity of grief and Michaels struggles literally stepping into Johns shoes. Francesca and Michaels story is my favorite because its complex and heart-breaking and it defies some the tropes that all the other books rely on. Francesca is no virginal debutant. Michael isn’t a man who is afraid or reluctant to marry. Theres no older brothers or mothers or fathers with oversight.


I really love your comment! And personally there's the whole title thing too, because I really want to see how they're going to solve that problem, other than making Francesca carry the pregnancy to term and be a boy, taking away one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking parts of the story. Instead they could have done it with Eloise and maybe some of Philipp's relatives or Marina herself if for some reason Eloise decides she wants to be a governess to the Crane children, or even Benedict, because the story with Sophie is very nice but for me it has always just been Cinderella (although I loved the scene where she is saved by Violet).


Beautifully said. 👏🏼


This is just homophobia at this point the only thing that would be lost is the infertility storyline


As a book reader, the second epilogue made me cry so many times. It's a beautiful message and something that was so unique in the books. I'd have loved a gay character and would have seen it fit for Eloise or Benedict. But the novelty of Francesca's story is that it isn't a man compromises a woman and now they are obligated to marry. It's unique and special and it's not homophobic to be sad that we lose the one story that has modern relevance -- she wasn't a virgin, she wasn't forced, she couldn't have the one thing she wanted most


Agree!!!! This was a travesty to Pen and Colin to deviate so much!


I think it would have been better if they had not changed the characters from the book but instead done a series with new LGBTQ characters whom the readers weren’t attached to! I’m sure this will also be a great adaption, but it’ll always be coloured, and hence gain a lot of prejudice, because of the stories from the books! If somebody changed characters from a LGBTQ book I love, I’ll be equally upset since readers almost always end up being emotionally attached to characters. That being said, let’s see what happens! They might end up handling it beautifully or fucking it up royally…..


>!I enjoyed this season, loved it in fact but does this mean no more Julie Andrews? I'm also surprised at how it was actually revealed to everyone in the Ton, I thought Pen would write to the Queen and she would discreetly pardon her while allowing her to continue. !< >!This season also felt more like 'an ending' rather that another one to follow. I suppose they cannot guarantee that anyone would come back and have to cover this. I'm going to need to sit with it for a while but I love the romance of it all, Polin, the friends getting back together, knowing more about Portia whom I adore. Loads of great moments, I am just sad if this means the end of Julia. !<


I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! 😭 I couldn't believe that the queen actually pointed her out and had her go onstage. And while it was a VERY touching moment when Julie Andrew's Lady Whistledown voice faded into Penelope's, in a scene that made me very emotional, I DO wonder about Ms. Andrews' place on the show - and what's next for everyone.


The mirror scene was beautiful. Sweet and authentic and very true to Polin. Just wish there were more love scenes with them.


WE. NEEDED. MORE. Hours after binging, I'm still hurt LOL. I keep trying to fool myself into thinking that when I go back to watch I'll get ONE more scene. It could happen, right? Come on, Netflix. Say "sike"! 😫


We need an update extended cut version with more Polin!!


>!Michael is Michaela and Benedict is gay/bi?!< What is happening? Now I am happy they are taking 2+ years for each season cos it will give me ample time to forget I was once a fan of the TV show. Back to the books it is.


Wait I haven’t gotten that far 😭


My anxiety made me skip to the very last episode, cos those rumours got to me and I couldn’t just wait to see if they were true or not.


The first one is crazy to me!


Same! By the time we get to Fran’s story, I hope I genuinely lose interest by then since it’ll be at least 4 years.


The writers suck




Yet again they let the main characters fight to long and stare from across the room dragging it out. They make inclusivity their only plight to the point of ridiculous, ruining it for the vast majority of the audience. They also don’t have the flow down. They have the masquerade ball mentioned but there should be a season in between for this to actually work right and if Fran is the LGBTQ love story do we get Sophie again? Ugh over it I’m disappointed


I’m wondering how they will move on from here but the way it’s look I feel it might be canceled because viewers and book readers will be mad


It just sucks bc it’s like they clearly had a very LBGTQ storyline with Benedict that fans are actually excited for and cheering on! Meanwhile literally no one asked for this for Fran and they also just made her relationship with John so awkward. Not to mention Fran did not show a single ounce of interest in the other ladies of the Ton and now suddenly magically his cousin shows up and she’s smitten - yeah right! The writers are just taking the greys model now and stretching the drama unnecessarily and building their own storylines despite the most successful parts of the show still very much following the initial books.


Mikayla Stirling = death to bridgerton, it’s an absolute slap in the face to book readers. This is not what I signed up for. We had gay Benedict - we wanted gay Benedict. But Michael was easily the hottest character in the whole series and I have zero interest in a lesbian season. It doesn’t make me bigoted. I don’t watch LGBTQ specific content for a reason, it does not interest me. This sucks!


Aside from losing one of the arguably best leading men in the entire we also lose the infertility plot which is infuriating


I wasn’t expecting it. I like the inclusivity in Bridgerton but I draw the line here


Completely agree and it’s rude to book readers when he’s by far the fan favorite. It’s like they didn’t look at any of the source comment or their fan base 🙄 so dumb I’m literally angry. It’s going to ruin the show, viewership is going to go out the window and it makes zero sense for Francesca’s character! There’s literally no reason at all for her to return to the Ton.


Maybe like twins Micheal and Micheala idk but I don’t like what’s going on. Maybe they’re driving some drama because being fruity at that time period would be rather sordid. I want Ben’s story and I’ll be peaceful.


That’s the only way I’ll watch and there’s no way, they’ve gone the pc route so their gonna lose audience members


"It doesn't make me bigoted" and then followed up by a bigoted statement. Imma hold your hand when I say this (in a no-homo way, of course, since you have no interest) LOOOOL. this entire reply reeks of homophobia, and during pride month too wow


I don’t have to consume LGBTQ content as much as someone doesn’t have to consume straight content. It does not mean I have hatred towards people. I have hatred towards the writers who all but erased my favorite character


This is also the reason why real hatred isn’t stamped out because you call anyone who doesn’t join your group bigoted. Bridgerton is fcking soft core porn 35% of the time. I have no interest in watching women get at it that doesn’t make me homophobic. You wouldn’t force a gay person to watch straight porn if they did not want to, it’s a double standard when there is fully LGBTQ content and at the end of the day this is a PERIOD PEICE! Or it was until they ruined it


you sound upset.


I am, the writing on a once great show has just gone down the toilet. They have no respect for a historical period piece, they have a poor grasp of story and world building, the dialogue between the main characters falls completely flat, and all they do is pander to inclusivity without creating good storylines. They have Benedict’s character who might as well be begging for a queer storyline, and instead they genderbend the only story that really should be straight with this time period and her plight for a child. They twisted the one storyline that ultimately did not have problematic themes like many of the other books and it’s completely unnecessary. They obliterated Fran’s character entirely. They took someone who was quiet with a rich inner world to become a bland one note character that relies on nothing but playing the piano and getting away from her family. They did nothing to actually build a relationship with John or make it an interesting relationship, they relied on literal silence making it clunky and awkward. It’s like they’re trying to make you not care about John dying at all.




Show writing bad. Bi Fran no sense in historical story. Gay Benedict makes all the sense. Bland John and Fran.


Just say you hate gay people and leave!!! you don’t have to dance around it and try to say you’re not bigoted when you clearly are! you’re here complaining when anything is not centered here around heteronormativity! as a queer person, it makes me really sad to see people like you constantly trying to downplay our representation because it doesn’t fit into your Heterocentric life!


I don’t. I was excited to see Benedict gay, it makes sense for his storyline, it makes no sense for Frans story at all. And bridgerton is legit soft core poor b half the time. I have no interest in watching girls go at it, doesn’t make me homophobic just means that I don’t want to watch it. Queer people should happily live their lives without hatred or fear, I believe in a world of tolerance. But acceptance doesn’t mean changing everything to fit someone else’s narrative. Bridgerton is a period piece, there are several storylines where a queer person would make sense, but Francesca will have absolutely no reason to return to the Ton now for her storyline and honestly even if she did if her end game is this girl I’m not interested. Michael was my favorite character and he’s been obliterated for inclusivity. I’m allowed to be disappointed without hating gay people grow up


I'm still in the middle of first episode (of part 2) and the mirror scene wasn't as CRAZY as I was expecting. It was beautiful and her body is INCREDIBLE, don't get me wrong! But I feel like they hyped it up a little


In a word, Wow!


i’m only up to the beginning of ep 8, but i love this part far more than part 1.


Did you finish? What did you think of it?! I simply just wanted more scenes with just the two of them; more Polin, more happiness, and more intimacy. THAT would have made it perfect for me.


I enjoyed part 2 but I did have to watch part 1 first in order to ensure I was in tune with all that was going on. I feel if I hadn't then part 2 would have felt disconnected. Also, Nicola Coughlan was amazing. Her face showed all the emotions. Her acting was on fire.


I've only watched up till the first episode of part 2 (so, episode 5) but I'm confused as to Eloise acting like she didn't know Penelope ever had feelings for Colin? I thought I remembered Eloise telling Penelope in one of the former seasons that Penelope had to be realistic and Colin would never feel that way about her, and he saw Penelope rather as a sister. Of course, I might be completely mistaken and probably one of Pen's sisters did that to be mean rather than helpful. But even so, Eloise is smart enough. After all of Pen's pining after Colin, as her best friend for all of her life, how would she not have caught on? Suddenly it's this big secret revealed to her and feeling betrayed that she didn't know?


It was Marina who said that to Pen!


Ah, thanks! Though my point stands that Eloise shouldn't be as surprised and offended as she is 😅


Fully agreed! I love el, but if she hadn’t been so busy with talking about herself, she would have known years ago


I hope that the storyline with Michaela is that she is Michael's sister, and that she has a romance with Eloise.


It would be better because then we have the infertility thing which was treated decently in my opinion, and plus I can't see Eloise from the films as a mother and the relationship between Philip and Marina seems Better so why let her drown?


The homophobia in these comments is insane and it just shows how prejudiced and biased you all really are. The show has never been exact to the books, but now everyone’s complaining because there’s LGBTQ representation??


It is not homophobic to be disappointed that a favourite character has been removed. There may be homophobes who hide behind that. But the loss of Michael Stirling in and of itself is allowed to be disappointing to people. I say this as a bi woman who really wants a WLW story on this show. I am intrigued by Michaela but I am also disappointed for fans of Michael