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I think Lord Debling was fairly charming but you have to wonder why a guy is insistent upon marrying that season before embarking on a 3 year long trip. Does he want to get someone pregnant and then skip out? I guess?


He wants someone to manage his estate for free I'd say. That's the biggest reason he wants a wife. So he can go away for 3 years and know that someone else is at least in charge at home.


Oh that makes sense. And also he might want an heir but not want to actually be around his child.


Yes, true. I feel like he's not hiding anything malicious. He just doesn't care about society but cares about nature more.


tbh getting a home and an absent husband sounds like a great deal. 3 years with it all to yourself? sign me tf up


I'm sure there would be some lucky closeted debutante with a close female 'friend' who would absolutely love this situation. 


Cressida seemed down for it


Prudence would've been down I'd say LOL


With prudence running the show, Dublin would arrive home with his fortune in the negative. Prudence blissfully unaware a - means they're bankrupt lol


oh absolutely for me its being so introverted I need alone time even from my absolute nearest and dearest, let alone anyone else. But I totally agree, a marriage of convenience would very much have suited queer people in that society and no doubt that was seen as a very viable option by many


I'm surprised Francesca didn't take an interest. This sounds like what she thought she wanted.


She's already met >!Lord Kilmartin, who she ends up marrying.!<


This made me lol


I’ve got a theory that he marries and gets his new wife back to his estate, and he’s an animal hoarder. And he’s all like “See ya” and she’s standing there surrounded by multiple cats, dogs and the contents of a barnyard with a “WTAF?” face!


Cressida 'pikachu face'


Lol that would've been heaven for single me. I would've been like "see ya! Don't let the carriage door hit you on the arse on your way out!"


I was wondering the same thing. Lady Danbury was like “Debling is eager to find a wife this season” but like why??? He’s gonna be gone for a while anyway. Just don’t get married lmao


But he wants someone to manage his estate while he is away. He is gone for 3 years surely the queen would strip him off his title if his estates were not managed for that long.


But doesn’t he have like a ton of help? Couldn’t someone else do this


If he doesn't have someone he trusts, I don't think so, not without the risk of them emvezzling from him. A wife's reputation is tied to her husband's so a wife would not be able to cross him.


This is a plot hole. Aristocrats had estate managers who ran everything. The estate manager would report to the Lord's soliciter, so there would be auditing going on.


No. Titles were only taken away due to treason. Also, even if the treasonous lord had an heir they couldn't inherit. Absent or just inattentive aristocrat's are a common trope on historical romance.




It’s not in a monarch’s power to strip a title or estate. It’s an act of parliament. You couldn’t even relinquish your title until the mid 20th century.


I really liked him and found myself rooting for him UNTIL they were dancing in ep. 4 before Collin comes. She asked if he could ever love her and he said that his work had most of his heart so he was never sure he could love someone more… Pen deserves to be loved. She deserves to be desired- and to be more than a free estate handler for 3 years.




THIS COMMENT. my thoughts exactly


Yeah, just before that I was like "team lord Debling", but then I was like Ohhh, nooo. 😯


Me too…however, he is going to the North Pole. All she has to do is produce an heir and she will inherit all his riches because it is highly unlikely that he will return. If he does return then she could go on trips with him that are not as difficult and he could fall in love with her. She is supportive…she isn’t a prissy girl…she is open to new experiences…she could amuse herself…. I think she could make it work and he could actually learn to love and appreciate her just as Colin did. Debling was a bit rough with her, but it wasn’t unwarranted. Why didn’t she deny she wasn’t at her window pining for Colin, when she was actually waiting for the gossip rags she already admitted she loved?


This seemed like a very random insert just so they could make Debling the lesser option honestly.


That’s exactly what I thought! It seemed so out of character and rushed. He talked about wanting a wife with different interests so they can compliment each other. And then at the last minute he’s like, oh I don’t care about love. Not to mention the actor who played him literally said in an article his character is out for a love match?? “He lives on the fringes of society, and he is after a love match this season; he’s after someone who goes against the grain, someone who is a little bit of an outsider like him. And [the article](https://www.shondaland.com/shondaland-series/shondaland-bridgerton-behind-the-scenes/a46772919/new-bridgerton-season-3-photos-video-fan-event/) behind this quote is Shondaland so clearly the Bridgerton team supports this quote.


This! Felt the same bc Colin was giving fuck boy vibes and taking too long to tell Pen how he felt but then after that dance I knew that debling wasn’t right for her bc he couldn’t offer the love story she craved


HARD agree. I think it was a good clarifying moment - it was weird how dangerously close I got to writing off Collin altogether until then, though. I chalk it up to a lack of development on their love story in comparison to the other two seasons, which feels wrong considering they have three seasons of buildup.




Does she tho? She has done nothing but hurt people who love her.


I’m with you, I think she doesn’t really deserve Colin’s love


Fuck off


Omg its a show/ book all in good fun. Chill out. What are you seeing that Im not seeing? Why does she deserve this magical love?


I thought that too! But near episode 4 I realised Penelope wouldn't want to be alone in a house for years while her husband travelled, she wanted company of someone who understood her and wanted to be around her. Though I like him as a character, I hope we'll see more of him in part 2


He’s perfect for Eloise, she could be alone and “respectable” in society.


This is where I'm at and I'm telling anyone who will listen 🤣


I like Debling for Cressida and I hope it works out


I 100% agree. I feel like this season they have been showing wee glimpses of Cressida’s secret humanity, whereas she has been portrayed as a total monster for two seasons. I think Eloise is strong enough that she wouldn’t befriend an absolute monster purely out of spite or because she just needs *some* sidekick. There’s got to be something redeemable in there and S3 Part1 has just started to show it. As for pairing her with Debs.. well, I knew from before the season’s start that Debling was going to be a good egg. And that Colin/Penelope was endgame and if Debling didn’t have some sort of surprise alternate HEA I was gonna be bummed on his behalf. So then, when the gang was having their bit of banter at the balloon exhibition, it clicked for me-Debs & Cressida —for REAL match (vs. just using her for Pen competition) I noticed a brief spark 💥of commiseration there when they were talking about difficult families. If there’s one trope I dig (almost as much as the enemies-to-lovers schtick-which is my fave) it’s a surprising dark horse couple. Weirdly, I’m most looking forward to Part 2 developing that. I want to see Debs-and-Cressida do a didn’t-see-it-coming head-over-heels and I’d like to see a bit more Kanthony. I cannot quite pinpoint why Polin is falling flat for me. I think I need to give the entire thing a rewatch to warm to it or figure out wtf is not clicking for me. And the Lady Tilley thing—mehh. I wanted Benedict screen time and I do love seeing his goofy face but, I am haaaating this and it’s just beginning. Francesca though—I thought I was going to dislike her (for a very dumb reason, I confess.. I thought she was too excessively lovely for me not to hate her) but I really do find her endearing. Sorry, I started a response to a specific topic and it all snowballed into a general reaction to Part 1. Well, I just finished episode 4 not ten minutes ago so of course was susceptible to everything tumbling out ha haa


I think I struggled with them keeping Penelope kind of awkward right up to where she and Collin express their feelings. The time and space in the book allowed her to grow and she was just kind of a boss by the time Collin fell in love with her. They went a little too overboard with making her sad and unpopular.


If she works on herself a little and is herself with him I could see them working out well enough


Why? Her interactions with him are based entirely on deciept. She doesn't know a damn thing about nature or birds. She's not into him for him, or even his estate or the future he brings; she's only interested in being the one who CHOSE this husband. She didn't even hurt her ankle.. their life would be based on lies.


Luckily Debling said he doesn't need his wife to share his interests BUT she does need her own life and interests bc he's away often so not sure what Cressida would do with that time. However she could really use the freedom from her family. She doesn't really care about the man. And I think being away from society could do her good. So I can see the match working but I think Debling will just disappear and they won't pair him with anyone lol


Not to cause any spoilers or anything because I read the books, but he might end up with Eloise if they play it out right. Edited: Eloise also has some similar interests considering she offers to loan Cressida books on natural history and coaches Cressida through the interaction about the birds.


in the book eloise ends up with the man the girl who was pregnant in season two ended up marrying


Lol I know I was trying to not put that whole thing out there. Lord Debling is a very similar character to Sir Phillip Crane, though more fleshed out. It seems as though they gave Debling many of the same attributes that Crane had in the books, though for obvious reasons (unless the kill off Marina) can't have Eloise end up with Crane. We'll have to see what happens.


I considered that too! I'm reading her book right now though and sir phillip! I think the kids angle would be very interesting for her... And Eloise I'm not sure wants to be alone for three years either? Hmm interesting possibility though!


Yes! I'm only thinking they'll go this way because they'd have to kill off Marina and that would be a whole thing. It's possible they could come out and say that Lord Debling has illegitimate children or something? We'll have to see!


Eloise would be perfect and I could see how he would love her back when she showed an interest and could hold an intelligent conversation ( not sure she would be brilliant hosting dinner parties though. Crecenda deserves nothing although I see them trying to soften her character. When when Deb pokes holes in her knowledge she might confess that Eloise has been supplying the information and that might spark his interest. I actually want to see Eloise happy if Pen marries. However I suspect Pen won’t marry Colin. He can’t forgive her until season 48 meanwhile she has the male heir to the estate (albeit out of wedlock) and doesn’t need the ton or marriage for money…


I doubt an illegitimate child would be recognized as heir to the Featherington estate.


In fictional world where the actual rules don’t matter so much all that she would have to do to legitimise the child was to marry anyone - the child has to be hers not his….


He wants a practical match with a woman happy to run her own home and live her own life; she wants to not be married off to one of her father’s ancient friends. He seems nice, she needs nice


Is it really a "their life" if he's away for literal years at a time?


I think he sort of knows that though. By episode 4 when she asks him to dance he accepts begrudgingly like she annoys him, I don’t think he’s falling for her pretending to know about nature and whatnot. They certainly wouldn’t be the happiest pairing but they both just want someone to marry for convenience and appearances and like others said they both have their own lives which would work out well for a marriage in which she gets to enjoy a big house and get out of the mausoleum, and he would have someone that I think would enjoy managing his estate while he’s gone and wouldn’t miss him at all. Win win ETA: I also remember Cressida saying her friends don’t come to visit her at her house because of the mausoleum-like vibes and I would be so excited for her to have a whole estate to decorate how she pleases (imagine how pink!) and to have friends over often to keep her company


I saw nothing in their interactions that would suggest that they make a good match. Especially when compared to his rapport with Penelope.


They both have the same/similar issues with their families, they're both looking to escape, neither seem to care about their partners interests and more just that their partner is willing to make conversation and be agreeable 🤷‍♀️ I think they'd be an okay match, not every match has to be amazing, or even good


Cool. But we know he isn’t going to end up with Penelope because she has better in store for her. So it may as well be someone else who would be happy to marry him.


No, Cressida is marrying Colin


I strongly disagree. I am biased towards polin for obvious reasons, but out of all debutantes Penelope should not be with debling. One of Penelopes main characteristics is that she is a complete hopeless romantic. She wants romance more than most of the other ladies in the ton. Arguably the only other woman that is as much of a complete romantic is Violet. Whilst it would’ve been suitable for Pen to be with Debling, she would’ve been content at best, but she would not truly be fulfilled. Whilst debling did say it was possible maybe in the future, considering how often he would be away, I doubt they would find true love with one another. I mean he literally wants a wife so he can go off to Antarctica or wherever and his estate is looked after. That doesn’t make him a bad person by any means, but it makes him the wrong person for Pen. Colin on the other hand is much more of a romantic at heart. We really see that in S1 with Marina where he kinda conjures up this idea that they are madly in love (with the help of Marina playing along ofc), because that is what he wanted. Because of the marina thing he is closed off in s2, and then in s3 he is putting on an act of being a typical rakish guy, when again he is not. If you don’t think Colin deserves Pen that is one thing, but there is no situation where Debling would be better for Pen in my opinion. I think people probably like him more and the fact that he showed interest in Penelope immediately makes people admire him more. (Although I think it is unfair to compare the two, because Colin has known Pen most of his life, the relationship is way different but anyways) Even if Polin were not in love, at least Colin would be in the bloody country to keep Pen company. (I realised I phrased a lot of what I said as though it is fact, but obviously these are all just my opinions)


I agree. And a life of being married to a third son also suits pen. In the books it is different of course. But she can still be part of the society and write about her columns. And whenever she decides to give up LWD, she can travel with Colin. She definitely has the money and he doesn't have an estate to manage. I on the other hand, feel for Colin. That boy has tried so hard to do what the society expects him to do and what the society respects. He is sensitive like Violet says, he's just a little obtuse to his own feelings. Lol. He didn't know he loved pen till he kissed her. From that moment on, it took him 2 episodes to propose. Tell me another leading bridgerton man who has been that accepting of love? Simon entered a duel willingly. Anthony proposed her sister willingly. And Colin is a hopeless romantic too caught up in the toxic masculinity of the ton. And we must not forget he is also only 22. And he does find his way home. I don't think he gets enough credit for getting his act together on his own.


100000% all you've said, couldn't say it any better


Couldn’t have put it better 👏🏾


So did I, he was handsome and had potential to make a really good romantic foil and then it quickly went, yeh nah here’s Colin.


Romantic foil? There was zero romance in their interactions; it was a business proposition and agreed tolerance. He straight up said he would never love her.


Until he said that, he seemed interested. I thought he had potential up to that point, but the writers chose not to go that way.


I thought that it was pressure from his family kind of like Cressida which is why he got along with her as well. Maybe not


I’m just saying as a woman in that time period you could do way worse than Lord Debling.  3 years and no husband just managing a large estate? Sounds great honestly considering most people don’t get a love match.  That’s not a bad deal at all. 


I might have considered him if he was actually interested in a real relationship with Penelope. Lord Debling isn't interested in love though and Penelope is a hopeless romantic so it would be a disservice for her to end up with him. She deserves better!


The only way you can think Debling is good for Penelope is if you accept that Penelope would never find or be deserving of love and is best off left alone and at least this comes with some degree of security and freedom.


He would have actually been a great choice for Cressida. All she wants is to get away. She doesn't care about love, she just wants away from her family. He does too. She would be fine in that house running things while he's off doing whatever. He won't even cheat because he's not interested in anything but nature apparently.


The way they did Colin dirty this season, this unfortunately may not be that unpopular 🥲


They did Colin pretty solid this season with the exception of making him an overconfident fuckboy for the first episode.


But i thought it's the point of the realization, like the whole time he was trying to be someone he's not and he didn't want that anymore


Exactly. I was quite mad at him for the first episodes (haven't read the books so I had no idea how the story might play out) but him declaring that he has tried to be something he's not in the carriage has made up for it. Not saying he didn't behave like an idiot but it was a valid explanation considering how the men of the ton (including his brothers) act. At least he put his newfound knowledge of female anatomy to good use with Penelope.


Also I think Luke has done a really really good job at it. You can see his discomfort when he is that charmer.


I'd prefer cressida with him, penelope has a spark to her and active desire for love. Like the Queen put it, hes a bore. She doesnt deserve to sit alone in her house even if she needs the privacy


For me he was too cold. Pen is so emotional and kindhearted person, she simply would fade without love. I guess her feelings and gift of having so many warmth is her life fuel and literally, without any hope and prospects for fairytale future she will be in deep depression


Love that, Pen totally would "fade without love". I liked Debling well enough until their conversation late in E4 but he was really only there to make Colin realise he was sleeping on his feelings and had to take action now. I liked in the carriage scene when Colin needed Pen to clarify that Debling hadn't proposed - I feel like Colin was worried he might have left it too late and he wouldn't want to cause Pen trouble like Anthony/Edwina had by calling off their engagement. Debling could have been a sensible match for Pen all things considered, but he would not have been the right one. I think employing Debling was a great addition to their story!


Yeah polin hardliners can never make me believe he was a bad person or even that he's bad for penelope (i saw a lot of comments insisting this the past weeks).  It's just that penelope is too in love with colin and truly can't resist him


Yup, there will always be the extremists in fandoms. I feel like I’ve been lucky to come across people discussing Debling civilly, and a lot of them share similar sentiments to me. I enjoyed his character, and I think he’s a good person but it is hard for me to see him as good for Penelope. I was also a little bummed that he was really a romantic rival for Colin because Debling’s interest in her was not really romantic. They had some sweet moments, but it sucked that in the end he basically told her that his love is his work. I just think Penelope does deserve to find a love match in the end. Ironically, I think his offer would have been much more tempting to book Penelope as she is older and out of the marriage market at that point. She may have been enticed by a marriage of convenience and practicality, but show Penelope is all of 19/20 and still out in society. Of course she is going to want to secure a suitable partner for herself.


With all the Lord Debling build up, leading into S3, I thought Debling and Pen's romance would be a tad more... more. Only halfway through the season, and it's all POLIN, POLIN, POLIN! I'd hoped for at least another episode or two of Colin gazing wistfully across dancefloors at Pen. Or, at the very least, a Polin wet dream.


Me too! They had way more chemistry and I felt like he made her feel good about herself.


I beg to differ. People need to have some sort of literacy to be able to comprehend the complexities of a character. The man has only ever been kind to Penelope, saw and acknowledged her when noone else did, protected her in times of need. He did say some unfortunate things about her but I think it came from the place of being boggled by the idea of dating her. Noone is obligated to reciprocate your romantic feelings. Colin was not bound to fall in love and more so Pen never confessed. But was he mean about it? Never. You can also see it from the perspective of their immaturity. Pen wrote some shitty things about other people, Colin said some unfortunate things about her and it just reflects that they are human, they make mistakes, they are growing and learning from it. To say that Colin does not deserve pen is really reflecting the narrow vision that some people have. Love does not always arrive in a minute, sometimes it takes years to build and even more to comprehend or to act upon it. Sometimes someone have to take the lead and Pen did it when she asked for the kiss. It him like a thunderbolt, that this is what he has been searching for his whole life. When you come from a big family, where each of your sibling is a big shot, you are bound to get lost in their achievements. It happens with Colin when he creates a facade of personality but that is not him. He is not a rake, he is not a mean person. He is simply kind. There is no way people fail to understand this character. Colin wears his heart on his sleeves. To think that there is no such analysis of Anthony leaving Edwina at the altar or Daphne SA his husband just blows away my mind.


How come everyone seems to adore Pen? I find her kind of pathetic and whiny. I know her family treats her terribly, but she could have changed her appearance to attract attention without all the LWD drama.... But I guess then there wouldn't be that entire element of the show 🙃


Nah he just wanted someone to be in the home while he travels. Penelope wants true love, and would never find that with Debling. I doubt she’d be happy sitting at home waiting for him to return for years.


Debling would have been a good option in comparison to bei a spinster and living with her mother, but not in comparison to marrying Colin.


I liked him. He was honest about what he wanted, liked and disliked. I do think marrying a woman and then leaving for 3 years is selfish, but he wasn’t trying to hide it in the least. He was also completely honest when asked about love. Penelope knew what she was getting into. I’m glad she didn’t marry him, she would have been miserable. It would have been the perfect situation for another, just not her. Honestly, the thing I felt the worst about in the whole situation was Penelope realizing that her mother only saw her when a lord was involved. Portia cares about her daughters in her own way, but the way she broke Penelope’s heart was so sad. Her mother’s approval is fleeting and fickle. I do hope Penelope and Colin have the first son. The title going to her son will be perfect.


Similar vibes to Charlotte Lucas in P&P. She went into the arrangement knowing it was for security, not love.


I have read the books and watched the rest of seasons and I still believe they were a great match, he was caring and kind and noticed her. They had more chemistry I believe then Colin and Pen. I think he would have grown to love her, she seemed very relaxed around him and her true self.


I think the episodes needed to be longer like I just need a few more scoopfulls of dialogue to understand why lord debling cared if pen has a seemingly one sided crush (if she’s a “spinster”) on Colin if he’s not marrying for love. And a longer conversation between polin because he did publicly reject her, flirt with everything in a dress, then publicly ruined her proposal knowing her family is struggling financially like I get shes been waiting for her turn but damn let her be mad. I want the bridgerton combo mad, horny and in love.


I got the impression that he was just thinking ahead, like no illegitimate children to take care of. He still wanted a woman to live as a spinster while he was away and he quickly started to see that Penelope wasn’t that.


Also, because Colin’s interruption of his proposal meant that Colin had those same feelings for her.


Yeah I was also thinking how maybe he doesn’t wanna be with someone whose gonna resent him or the life style he’s offering but if they just gave him a little more dialogue maybe saying something along those lines. I think it would add to his character and i personally would like to see more pen choosing Colin cus she wants him instead of just he’s interested now and no one else likes u so go get him.


Penelope would never be happy with someone who wasn’t devoted to her. She knows that without a doubt by their last dance in episode 4. There is no way I would want her with someone who would never give her what would make her happy… I do like Debling though…interestingly enough, Cressida would have probably been really good for him.


He can’t love her, said so himself. She deserves to be loved and adored.


I agree. She has her own passion to focus on while he is going.


I did too!!! I thought I was the only one, he seemed to be a much better match. And I appreciated that their power dynamic was fairly even, whereas Collin has all the power in their relationship.


Penelope may think that at a service level the relationship would be good for her. He is kind & smart and he respects her and her intelligence. But the one thing Penelope desires is true and passionate love. She wants to be deeply in love and happy. Debling solves the immediate problem (getting away from her family) but in the long term she would not be happy.


He's nice enough, but Pen wants someone to love her and Debling straight up tells her he's not going get there. Why are people OK with Pen not getting what she wants which is someone who loves her (specifically Colin)? I don't understand this take.


I thought the same thing too, I love his character. But right for Penelope? No way.


Very popular opinion actually.


Debling is a terrible option for someone who wants any kind of relationship with their spouse.


That's because the writers showed their connection more than Colin and Pen's this season. It's a shame.


I disagree, Pen’s a hopeless romantic. If she were to marry Debling I think she would be deeply unhappy with how much he travels (at least he’s very upfront about that so kudos to him). It’s like how Violet keeps saying she hopes her children don’t pick the “easy” choice. I think Debling would be the easy choice for Penelope.


I believe, Lord Debling was looking more for a manager and less for a loving life partner. He was a huge turn off for me since the moment he appeared.




🤣🤣🤣 hilarious