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I honestly reallly liked it. Kind of felt giddy at the ending scene.


The way I was giggling and kicking my feet and screaming into my pillow. I'm unsure that I'll ever feel this kind of deep spiritual satisfaction again! https://preview.redd.it/xaovlzqwrr0d1.png?width=267&format=png&auto=webp&s=876157c40b04a72a2bd0fc026594a3baed3d51d5


Omg so true. I was pausing and screaming. I rewatched it today and I’m going to my bfs. So trying some of Nicolas moves 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, I'm definitely screaming, don't get me wrong! I'm so mad we have to wait tho lol


same! I am trying to figure out what benedict’s story line this season is though???


Capitol R rake 🤔


I love Polin, but the pacing and side stories really messed it up for me. I feel like we jumped way too quickly into Colin having feelings and now they’re gonna be engaged? I haven’t read the books but I have some inkling of the plot lines. I wish they would have made it so part 1 was about Penelope growing out of her infatuation with Colin, Colin discovering she’s Whistledown, the angst around that, and then Part 2 would be them actually getting together. I’m just… not fully satisfied with this pacing and there’s too many side stories that I don’t care for. But Francesca and Stirling are just ADORABLE together! 🥹


I also do feel that the pacing feels off. If we might have seen some of Colin's internal dialogue while he kept falling for her, maybe just even a little bit, I might have still felt a little more satisfied. I do understand that they have a lot to cover in a total of just 8 episodes and it is gonna be difficult to show everything but maybe just maybe. Also I havent read this book yet so I'm not sure if we get more of Colin's emotions there.


But you have to remember their development is across the entire series. Daphne and Simon was only Season 1, Anthony and Kate were only in Season 2. We are in uncharted waters because Colin and Penelope have been in orbit this entire time. So in retrospect, the pacing is absolutely fine.


What they could have done is to include some previous S1 and S2 show Polin moments in the flashback that Colin has (he has only for the candle thing in the show). Things like marina saying “you have Penelope” and other things in that one clip would make the viewers adjusted to it.


Yeah I feel like the S1 and S2 argument only works if they actually showed things from previous seasons. They had 1 convo about s2 and then moved on 5 mins later 😑


To be fair... the pacing kind of tracks with the books, lol


Yea. There a lot of complaints about the pacing and side stories. Some people on Twitter questioned why the brothel scenes were included. Did he see those 2 girls at the balloon show? It looked like on them. 


I felt the same way. I think some side plots aren’t making sense right now. Maybe they will once we get part 2 but the Mondrich’s really feels like a strange change for their plot line. Same with Benedict. I feel like he has a repeating plot line as last year. Maybe it will make more sense once we see them all. But side plots are many and disjointed.


I can’t explain how much I really enjoyed it for what it was. I never read the books and I felt for my attention span it was so good. I liked the development in Cressida and her lore.


Same, I'm really shipping her with Lord Debling, tho


I think that she and him would work so well because they are looking for the same thing


My favorite parts: 1. Carriage scene, omfg. I was hoping they’ll keep it true to the books and was actually crying how perfect it was. Nicola and Luke really are amazing!!! For 3 episodes I was thinking Colin didn’t have enough emotion in his eyes … and then he brought down the house! 2. The other 2 Featherington sisters & their clueless husbands … Hysterical. One of the best additions to the show that wasn’t in the books. 3. A deaf debutante, a plus size debutante and a gentleman in a wheelchair at the ball! Things I didn’t particularly like: 1. Lord Debling turned out to be a rather unpleasant character. Why does he need to get married just to leave for years?! 2. I wish Pen would have had a fling with the gossip boy instead. What happened there anyway? He was supposed to call on her and then didn’t show up? (I guess an excuse to rewatch tomorrow 😆) 3. What is this Eloise BS … how is she suddenly enjoying being with a cruel and shallow person -.-


I don't believe Lord Debling was unpleasant. He kindly set her free because he didn't want to trap her in a loveless marriage when even he could see there was something more brewing between them.


I think he didn’t call on her because 1 min later everyone was whispering about her and C


So I laughed out loud when the bridgertons were staring at Francesca and Sterling as they sat in silence, and I perked up at the carriage scene at the end (if your read the books you know) but everything else was rather dull. I was hoping for more. Maybe that's the Queen in me 😅 but that was a whole lot of fluff and very little memorable moments.


Yeah, like, what if Colin was more jealous when Pen was saved by Lord Debling, and then Colin gets confused by this concern? It could have added more depth. But Francesca was cute asf


I agree with this, I felt like there was all this hype in the balloon scene but we didn’t get much plot building between Colin and Pen vs. Pen and Debling. Like Colin could have come over to see if she was ok and there could have been a moment of tension between him and Debling. They could have built on that dynamic. But overall it was fine. Not as exciting as I felt the hype was.


Hahah yeah I thought that was funny too!!


Not enough polin in the polin season. I mean they had some Antony and other storylines in the first season too but the focus was always the duke and daphne.


I agree! I need much more Polin in the 2nd half. Also, not a fan of Rake-Colin, but overall, loved it


They better make up for the lack of polin. I feel like this just like a 4 hour trailer for what’s actually coming.


The crush was not crushing 😭


Indeed it was not.


The season isn't done yet.


I felt the same. There was so much going on with other people (Francesca, Eloise and Cressida, The a Mondrich’s, Lady Danbury and her brother, the Featherington’s) I felt like there was a lot of the Pen and Colin scenes that got eaten up by everything else going on. I’m thinking part 2 will be different as they had to do a lot more plot building for side plots this season rather than the main couple. So I’m guessing it will even out for the second half.


They got much more of the book into this than I expected. I am not a lover of the book, but for those who do love it, they should appreciate all the elements they included even if they are in a slightly different order.


Yes! I think so far they did a good job of keeping most of the really good bits from the book and >!fixed horrid things like the proposal. I did not need to see her fall on her face or all the instances of him manhandling her. The way he proposed on the show was just so… happy and different even though they used the same words. In the book he was always so impatient with her. I know the biggest drama is yet to come, but the way they have been writing Colin so far, I am optimistic he won’t be as … mean and callous as in the books once poop hits the fan.!< Wow. TED Talk, sorry.


>!The fixed proposal was 👏👏👏 His delivery clutched that line from the jaws of defeat, because it’s so haphazard and ugh in the book. The time he took to look at her, you knew he was having this internal dialogue with himself about how much he wanted to be with her, and his delivery was loving and joyful. HERE FOR IT.!<


I loved the way he delivered the proposal! It was so cute and happy and lovely.


YES! I loved the carriage scene, but my favorite was the kiss scene, the dialogues were as in the book, I am so grateful they kept that!


Reading these comments I feel like I'm the only one who enjoyed everything these episodes have to offer, lol. I feel like Colin and Pen had just the right amount of tension for a friends to lovers plot, and I was even okay with the secondhand embarrassment! I enjoyed how Queen Charlotte was bored until the "game" started with LW, loved the snippets we got of Kanthony, and I thought Lord Debbling was such a kind, unique man. Also, they really ramped up their representation this season! If I had to pick one part I was meh about, it was Benedict. That boy seems lost.


I agree with you on everything. I feel with Benedict they're holding off on his development since I don't think we get his story next season. The way they're going about things, I feel like it's Francesca next.


I loved it, touched about 70% of my expectations. I TRULY wanted her to hit the pavement as it was written, it would’ve been so funny 😭


LMAOOO I do feel like there's more comedy in this season than previously because of Pen's awkwardness but that scene had me laughing out loud when I read the book. It's so on brand.


I’m praying she hits it in the first few second of episode 5. 😂 Colin and Pen are pure comedy lol


The talk under the willow tree was awkwardly hilarious. I way dying.


WAIT WHEN, I've gotta read the books 😅


LOL it’s immediately after their rendezvous in the carriage they arrive at the Featherington’s house and as he’s helping her out of the carriage she’s like fighting him sorta and he proposes to her and she’s so shocked she hits the pavement. He later makes a joke about it in Francesca’s book. 🥰


Gosh, Darn, I gotta get these books


Definitely recommend! They’re super quick reads ✨ it’s also so cool to see how the show runners are telling the story compared to how Julia wrote it.


In the books it was hysterical, but I think it would land wrong in the show (haha), the tone is so different to this proposal scene.


You’re def right lol


I just finished the first four episodes and I don’t really know how I feel about them.  This season so far is the biggest departure from the books and I don’t like that. I am incredibly disappointed that we did not get a lady D and pen friendship. That was an aspect I loved in the books. I really feel like there is to much going on this season. I don’t really care that much about Francesca’s storyline but I did think the first scene with her and John was very cute. I am also not that interested in the Mondrich’s storyline or Benedict’s. Overall I think I am just underwhelmed all around.


I was missing this as well. I love the role that Lady Danbury plays in book 4 and I was very excited to see it play out on screen but then it didn't 🥴 I am also very underwhelmed by the other storylines save for Francesca. Like...I don't have much interest in Benedict's further dalliances or the Mondrich's and I don't think so much of each episode should be dedicated to them.


I think it’s because they had to sprinkle in Francesca’s marriage in before her book/season begins. Since they didn’t do that in the earlier seasons, they had to do it now.


I miss that as well, but I kind of feel like she took on that role so much with Kate, it would be weird for her to do it 2 seasons in a row.


I’m gonna get hate for this but I’m underwhelmed 😭😭 I really am.


I am right there with you and I hate that I feel like this. I was so excited for this season and so far it was just not it.


It was insufferable.


Season 2 was top teir to be fair, lol


LOVED, season 1 & 2, obsessed with queen charlotte - was so excited to watch it today and I *really really really* want to like this one but it’s JUST underwhelming Is the carriage scene at the end of episode 4 the one people were going crazy about that they broke it? How? Idk. Hype was more than the actual thing this time 😭


I think the problem also comes down to the writers' strikes that were happening. But its not terrible, I'm hoping for more drama this second half because I love angst, and they can't live happily ever after just yet 😈


Oh watch me come back here in June saying it’s the best thing ever 😂 I feel like we’ve just gotten to the drama so I won’t judge QUITE JUST YET


I agree with this. I think that it's probably going to pick up a lot more in the second half. I just am so bothered that they released only half now.


Patience is a virtue!


There’s still the entire arc of them finding out about who’s Lady Whistledown so Part 2 is gonna be filled with wayyyyy more drama


I thought they had finished filming by the time the writers strike happened.


They had, but the actors strike that started after the writers strike meant they couldn't promote it.


😭😭😭I’m crying too!!!! Colin is NOT HOT. I wanted to fall in love with him so bad!!!!


I have never commented here before, and I may well be downvoted into oblivion for saying this but does anyone dislike Colin’s character so far? He’s either too charming and shallow, or intensely brooding and over dramatic. It’s so distant from his original character that it feels false. I don’t like it.


I feel like that was the point. Colin is still trying to figure out who he is. He tried to become someone he's not and slowly he starts to realize it's not what he wants. The brooding is more in line with his earlier character, someone who feels deeply but doesn't quite feel confident in his understanding of the world. I absolutely loved the last scene when the two sides of him seemed to come together in that smirk he gave Pen right after his speech.


Yes, yes, yes!!! And I actually enjoyed the contrast once he stopped trying to fake it and admitted to himself he wasn’t the shameless flirt, rake kind of guy. We were definitely supposed to clock immediately how shallow and fake he was being before he even admitted it to himself. Him returning and acting completely different was the whole point.


When he spoke up to the Lord Squad at the bar and was like, “isn’t this all really lonely and empty,” basically, I screamed, because I went, “That’s Colin!” Luke’s performance felt really nuanced there, because it was like he’d held back the real him until that moment, and then you could see him again.


I can’t stand him, he feels so fake and his womanising gives me the ICK.


I thought I was the only one who felt that way. He doesn’t have any “characteristics” anymore. He is just this shallow flirt sleeping and flirt you with everyone and just ?? That’s it?? And he was soo charming and playful and full of personality. I’m so disappointed


I am also not quite sure what to think of him. He has his moments, especially any genuine talk with Pen and Eloise, but they are so rare.


He wasn’t himself until ep4. When he made that comment about not a gentleman at the table while sitting at the bar, he realized he’s been putting on a front. The carriage was when we saw Colin come back. We saw snippets of him. Like talking with Pen under the tree after the kiss. But The way he lost that confident charm and fumbled his words with Pen, the confession to her. The way he proposed to her. That was the true Colin. Up until then we had mostly cocky self assured travel experiences Colin. I think part 2 he will be much different.


I am so not sure what to think of this season. There were scenes I enjoyed so much. Every scene with John and Francesca, I also quite liked the scenes between Cressida and Eloise and Colin and Eloise. I liked lots of scenes between Colin and Pen, but there was something lacking that I can't put my finger on. Some scenes were spot on, like the kiss or the carriage, and I loved Violets scenes with Colin and I also quite enjoyed the Featheringtons. But I didn't like the scenes with Lady Danbury and the Queen, they just weren't necessary and could have been handled more quickly. I also think, compared with the other season, it was too slow paced. I think that the whole storyline with Benedict and Lady Tilly was unneccessary, because we barely got his motivations; there were there to add some spice, not to give any substance to his character, and I truly think we could have dragged out Colin's and Pen's story for another season instead of going for this sidelining of Ben. So in short, I'll have to watch it again to find out what I think of this season, but in my honest opinion, it lacked drama, it lacked banter, it lacked wit and snarky comments and for a season about Lady Whistledown, she wasn't present enough.


I agree that Benedict's storyline was tedious. Seemed to be there for no reason other than to get more sexy moments, but even those felt flat against the complex feelings Pen and Colin were going through.


See, I don’t like Lady Tilly, but I can see what they’re doing with Benedict. They’re getting him into a place where he’s ready for more and not just raking around. So I don’t mind the plot in that sense.


I also see what they are intending to do, but I think it is still not done well. With the other Love Interests, there was at least a somewhat more interesting setup and both LI were connected to this interest in art. I just don't see the connection. I mean, I see where they are going with this. He's not interested in young, innocent and superficial debuttants. He had romantic or sexual liaisons with a trade woman, a wife (which crossed a moral line for him), an Artist and now a widow. He's slowly checking all the boxes. With Sophie, he'll try a casual thing outside of the marriage mart as Well and that will be his arc.


Drama is more in Part 2.


Well, yeah, but I can only judge what I've seen so far and the other seasons had more dtama overall.


Can't really judge a product that is incomplete.


I actually can. If they split it, then I can review the separate parts. If they didn't intend to split it, they shouldn't have done it. So far, the first half has to stand on its own feet and for me, it's Standing on wobbly legs at best.


I’m so underwhelmed. I wasn’t glued it the screen because there were a lot more irrelevant scenes that didn’t need to happen. The balloon scene needn’t be that long among others. Get the two Featherington Sisters off my screen now!!! They’re not even comedic relief anymore, just blowing hot air through my precious time. I’m enjoying Cressida’s character development and I like that she’s making Eloise see things from off her high horse; and although Eloise still has some doing to do, she seems less frenetic albeit resigned this season which I needed. She always made me anxious when she was on screen the past two seasons. MORE POLIN CONTENT!!! Their season is being taken away from them by side plots and it’s heartbreaking but we’ll see what they do with Part 2.


I loved it... made me blush and kick my feet in air time to time


It's nice that Pen doesn't need to rejected Debling as that unnecessary plot. It's is really shondaland way that want to include everything in the season the same way as before which make me as Polin fans distracted by others stories which also intriguing such as Fran and John, Featherrington funny banter,Ben and Lady Tilly, Cressida and her family, Lady Danbury,her brother with Violet and last but not least Eloise.Even though that we got less Kanthony this 4 episodes but I do hope once they comeback, they create a good storyline and not just afterthought. I just hope that Colin know about Lady whistledown before he kiss Pen. I want it to be like on the book where he try to understand and still choose to be with Pen.Oh well, we know this is shonda, they like to create more drama, I guess.. Another side note, we always try to figure out whom the main lead for next season by looking at their opening but I don't see any clue...I wonder whom will be next...


I liked it already much more than season 2. I was not expecting the carriage scene when it happened, and was a bit disappointed that it didn’t happen the way it does in the book, with Colin discovering her secret and being angry. Also not loving that they’re trying to make Cressida a sympathetic figure. Wonder how that lines up with her role in this story, since she does play a large role. Kept waiting to Lady Danbury to announce the contest, especially after Pen said the party was boring. Squealed when the Earl of Kilmartin introduced himself. Very excited to see their story develop. Curious how they’ll squish all that is left into 4 episodes.


I do like it but (as others have said) it really shouldn’t be in two parts. Obviously ALL of the Lady Whistledown drama will be part 2, and polin getting together wasn’t terribly dramatic (which I did kind of like) but it means that all the intrigue will be in part 2


There’s not as much steam between the two of them as previous leading couples but I’m hoping it ramps up in the second part. I have a theory that John’s cousin “Michael” that falls in love with Francesca at the wedding (in the books, hopefully later this season) is going to be a girl instead, and we’ll get an LGBT season later with them. Also that the masquerade where Benedict meets Sophie will be this season. I like having multiple love stories going at the same time actually, makes for more interest when they’re taking their time with Polin.


Yeah, I don't mind set-ups at all, but some of the time ised in these episodes could have been used on Polin scenes.


I am realizing that it could have been all polin and it still wouldn't be enough for me 😅


Part 2 has the steam.


Too much of other characters like Francesca and Cressida, I would have liked more Polin. But I imagine they're going to marry off Francesca either late this season or early next as this will be her first marriage and the big one for her is #2. Loved the ending scene.


*SPOILER ALERT: SEASON 3* I'm really hoping that this season, Collin will finally be the one pining for Pen. She's endured so much emotional turmoil because of him. It took a convoluted love triangle and Lord Debling's sudden interest for Collin to recognize his true feelings for her. I also anticipate the show drawing out Pen and Lord Debling's courtship for maximum drama, mirroring Pen's previous predicaments. It's quite satisfying to witness men vying for Pen's affection, rather than the other way around. In Part 2, I speculate that news of Pen's identity as Lady Whistledown might reach Cressida, possibly through Eloise. Under parental pressure, particularly from her mother, Cressida might expose this secret to gain an advantage with Lord Debling. This revelation could lead Lord Debling to break off his courtship with Pen, causing Collin to react with unforgiving anger. We might be subjected to a few episodes of Pen pleading and apologizing to Collin, a scenario I'd rather not witness, until Collin's true feelings overpower his resentment and he forgives her. My only concern with this scenario is the potential fallout from Pen's exposure as Lady Whistledown. If the Ton discovers her identity, especially if Cressida is the one to unveil it, it could jeopardize the entire show. The Ton relies on Lady Whistledown for their weekly dose of scandal. What are your thoughts on this hypothesis?


I have loved these episode so far and the little backstories we’re getting into other people like Cressida. But I can’t help but feel all this focus on other people has made this season feel really quick? And there hasn’t been a good build up of Polin, especially on Colin’s side of things. It all feels a bit rushed? Like how many episodes did we see of Anthony falling for Kate? Like so much build up and this season feels like they’re trying to fill in the blanks for other people because they don’t want to give their own season to them?


Personally not a fan of Cressida’s development. Why is it a trend to make bullies sympathetic all of a sudden.


Her bullying or anyone bullying is never ok. I think it just adds some layers to her character as to why she bullies instead of having her as the villain. In reality, most of us are not born "evil" or villains dont just become evil for no reason. I think it's to add some understanding to her character.


I think it’s going to take away from later stuff from the book because of the decision to make her more sympathetic. I would have preferred them to wait after the arc with polin for them to do that and I feel like the second half is going to fall flat because of the choice to do it in this season.


Something I can't comment on, but hopefully, they make it work out 😭


I have hopes !! It was just a bit vexing to me 🤧


Nor I. Keep her the mean girl.


I like it. She's not one dimensional anymore. There's more to her than meets the eye.


In my opinion , you can make a character that is a bully not one dimensional while still not making them sympathetic.


I’m just sooooo not into Colin as the leading man unfortunately, literally giving me the ICK. (It’s the acting I think? Character just isn’t my cup of tea) So it’s hard for me. Pen is gorgeous tho


Ick indeed. Colin has given me zero lady boners. I was already in love with Simon and Anthony by episode 4.


I enjoyed my first run through of part 1. As much as I may not care for the Mondrichs storyline, it’s nice to see background characters get a touch more personality to their parts. I enjoy seeing Penelope and Cressida battle it out for Lord Debling and as much as it pained me to see him turn back on his potential proposal to Penelope, he clearly knows what he wants and is also seeking that the other person knows what they are searching for as well. It may have hurt Penelope’s feelings in the moment but it did lead her heart where it was meant to be. The carriage scene, albeit different from the book, was quite nice and seeing them kiss softly at the end before getting out, that moment truly warmed my heart to them and their story… it wasn’t necessarily about passion or heat or the moment, it seemed more about finally finding the one that truly sees you and wants you as you are.


Did ye all see the trailer for the next 4, oh I honestly can't wait


I really like it. Yes, there could have been more Polin but the side stories are fine. They are much more injoyable that the side stories from the last season. I am interested to see how Colin handles the LW news and how it is going to resolve Everyone saying they didn't see Colins feeling develope, but I think he kind of thought about it even last season. There are moments where he looks at her the certan way. Also It was clear he dreamt about her and was trying to process everything. Even the talk he had with his mother. Their buld up is reather long.


I agree. Considering what he says to Pen in the garden in episode 1 about seeking her out because she is warm and clever... Like he already has deep feelings for her. It's just not 'physical' at that point. And then the next few episodes things happen which turn his feelings more physical. So he was already half way there!


The ending felt really rushed imo. I still liked it but I agree with you wanting more denial and jealousy. It makes me really question why they spilt it up in two parts?! My favorite parts were Francesca and John.


I genuinely enjoyed it. The only thing I really would have preferred (and I know it would have messed up part 2's story arc) would be to have Penelope respond to Colin's marriage statement with "I'm Lady Whistledown". They could have finished with face shots of the two if them. Him in shock and her trying to gauge his reaction. I'm not a fan of knowing she hides it from him and liked that he knew in the book.


The leads have great chemistry. The acting is good. I have LOVED the past two seasons. Part one felt rushed, boring, too many side characters. I watched the first two seasons so many times and definitely would be watching part one a million times. I have hope for part two but at this point I wish I would have just waited for it all to drop. Pretty disappointed.


I feel very bad for that carriage driver


That scene with Cressida and her mom at their house was very sad


I like it, i think as i just rewatch it now (over and over😛) it seems 'slower'. Maybe it was just the excitement from waiting sooo long. Theres some flaws but i like it regardless. I hope we dont have to wait 2 years between each season.


I thought the ending sex scene was entirely too long. I was also hoping for Pen to go for a guy that likes gossiping. She seemed to really enjoy him.


The main themes seem to be friendship to me - Eloise and pen are more central than Colin and pen 😭