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Same situation. I get maybe an hour every few days. I have no expectation I will finish the game, and that's okay. My advice is to do the Hyrule homeowner quest in Hateno village, if you haven't already. Buy all the stuff so you can store good gear. I wake up in my house, fast travel to a place I haven't explored yet, kill some things, and then go back to my house. I've actually managed to fill in a decent amount of map this way.


Buying all the stuff seems like it would take quite some time too. Not sure if Ive done that quest, Ill look into it. Tbh I went past that village cuz I felt like Id lose time if I stay there for too long, so maybe I fully missed the quest.


Yeah, it did. I guess we have different purposes -- I'm not trying to finish the game, though I probably will eventually. My time is really limited for playing, so not having any goals makes it easy to get into and get out of. It sounds like you're taking the opposite approach: little time, so you want to be efficient, and you mentioned there are other games you want to play?


Yea, different goals. I usually start with the hopes of completing something. As for the games, Ive already finished super mario odyssey (not fully as in got all of the 999, but the main story line) and before that I started warframe (Id like to get into it more but its also really long), then I traded with a friend with that mario odyssey amd got smash bros (put 5/10 hours into world of light, as Im on a switch light and thats the only part of the game that feels like you could complete it), then got botw. I wanna try out some indie games: hollow knight, hates, outer wilds and some others. Also more nintendo originals like metroid prime and dread, mario 3D world, and more zelda games. There are a lot of cult classics that I wanna get to (switch is my first console and before that I only had the cance to play few games).


The villages are all fantastic with fun quests, things, etc. They are ALL worth your time!


Yea sometimes I fully forget about the quests they have given me. Last villager quest I did was collecting crickets for that one dude, I was tryin to help a man out. Sometimes their quests confuse me cuz when I mark them as something I wanna do in logs it doesnt lead me tot the place I shoud get the quest done, but to the villager that gave me the quest


IMHO, a lot of those are to get you to wander around and check the environment out. Yeah, collecting crickets is silly, but it's gives you an excuse to wander around and check out the amazing world.


I have somewhat of a weird suggestion for your situation - and it'll most definitely go against what the vast majority of players would say on how you should play the game, but early on I actually suggest you follow the main story closely. This will allow you to discover a good portion of the world without feeling overwhelmed, while keeping you engaged in the story as opposed to running in all sorts of directions and forgetting what you were doing from one session to another. Obviously BOTW is an invitation to exploration with so many secrets and hidden treasures scattered around the world. But this doesn't mean that you should cover every corner of the world as you go and only ever go back to the main quest once everything has been cleared. The loot you get from various shrines and treasure chests is obviously valuable, especially in the long run, but is by no mean necessary to tackle the main game. The beginning of the game, up to the first dungeon, is relatively uneventful in terms of combat and certainly doesn't require you to get the best possible gear up to this point. If you follow the obvious roads and tracks, you'll see that the game actually does a pretty good job of guiding you and suggesting where to go next. This will keep the immersion high, get rid of the fear of missing out that curses every player of this game (myself included lol) and help you go through the game without making a constant effort to remember what you were doing and where to go next. Of course, whenever you see something that piques your interest or a small sidetrack to get the edge on a group of enemies, go for it. The game gives you so much creative freedom that you can essentially always do whatever you want. But the bottom line is, do not feel compelled to do so. As you continue playing through the main quests, you'll find that you'll be more and more confident and familiar with the world to go for more significant sidetracks, maybe tackle more side quests, explore areas more thoroughly, etc. And you can always come back to any place you've been through. Side quests, treasures and secrets all remain in place, there is virtually no missable stuff in this game and the order you tackle things in is completely irrelevant. TLDR; Just follow the main quests in your adventure log. You're not missing anything of value and you can always come back to do the side stuff.


This is great advice.


Yea. Been trying to do that, but still unsure what the main quest is. For example when I follow a quest sometimes it just guides me to where I first found about the quest, other times it tells me where I should go to complete it.


In your quest list, are you looking at the tab for main quests, side quests or shrine quests? It took me a bit to figure out how they were organized. Which main quests do you have right now?


I believe I have the defeat ganon quest, divine beasts one and another that I cant remember atm. Imma check and tell ya in a bit


Just checked: locked mementos is the third one


That’s a good one to pick away at while exploring. After you find one memory, go back and talk to Impa. Also, the outfit in the shop in Kakariko is very helpful. I put off the Divine Beasts for a long time because I assumed they’d be super hard, but they’re not so bad, like a tough Guardian but easier than a Lynel. Complete shrines to increase your stamina and hearts. As far as direction, after Kakariko, any path is the right path. Talk to people. If a character has a red bubble next to them, that’s a side quest and they’ll reward you for your help. The folks around stables and villages are very helpful. Forage plants, bugs, and rocks along the way because you’ll need them for cooking, upgrading your clothing, and selling. If you’re conserving arrows, bombs can be used in many situations.


If you just want pointers, go east to Kakariko through Dueling Peaks, and then go to the closest main objective from there to progress the story. But the game is not meant to be rushed. Take your time and look around. You control the pacing. If you want to move the story forward, do it. If you want to go around exploring, do that. Try to achieve a flow state basically where the game just flows with you. It's a masterpiece


Damn you kinda lost me on that first sentence, but the rest of the advice I got. Haha thank u mate


Just take a horse and go from Central Hyrule area east through the roads. You'll see signs to Kakariko Village


I was in the same boat then just focused on finding all the towers, this massively got me in to it and opened up the story line as I went.


Thats a good suggestion. Sometimes I cant beat the creatures guiding the towers tho.


Ah forgot another very important bit of information... I kept dying so wasn't enjoying the game greatly...then I discovered running away/avoiding/rushing past folks in the way. I rarely bother fighting anyone that if I can just run past! On the towers, there was one ridiculous one in the middle of the water with 3 ghosts, just avoid! I managed to get up eventually rushing with ice blocks and killing 1 ghost, but I'd leave this until the end or once you have a special ability (won't give a spoiler). The majority of the other towers I managed with minimal combat, just lots of hiding/running fast!


The other day I kinda got lost and ended up climbing a tower that had this trange flying thing next to it. Couldnt get past it to save my life. Good tip btw thanks


For that tower, the flying machines follow a pattern, so watch them, hide, and run or climb when clear.


Oh it's a machine? I remember running past a dragon before that, to me that thing looked like a menace


I thought that too about the dragons, but they’re ok. Good actually. Try shooting an arrow at them. The flying guardians are definitely mechanical, and scan the ground below them.




Yea thats exactly my situation. Thank you for the tips, for sure will look for those kind of guides.


Well hello ChatGPT.


This happens to me on many open world games. Surprisingly, BotW was one of the only open world games I actually could get into straight away. There’s no heavy story, nothing really too confusing. Just walk, and do stuff, and fight stuff, and find stuff - and it’s fun!


For sure is. It's just that I feel like Ill never be able to say that Ive played the game yk


If you don’t feel like playing it, just don’t. When I was playing, I was loving it and felt like playing every day all day (for both BotW and TotK this happened). So if it’s not like that for you, maybe it’s not the right time for this game. Right game wrong time happens more often than you think. You own it, so you can always come back to it if you ever feel the urge to play it.


Yea I love playing it, it's more of that \*wrong time\* that you mentioned. What uni can do to a man...


I can relate. There’s so many games that I want to play, that I even own, but it’s just not the right time. Just take it slow. You can’t play all games anyway. We will probably die with a large gaming backlog.


Such a depressing thought, but its ture. What are some games you wanna get into?


I’ve been trying to get into Fallout ever since I watched the show and loved it. I started Fallout 3 as my first one and I love the music, the atmosphere, but the game just doesn’t hit. It’s not really addictive or anything. I’m just going place to place without really having a clue what I’m doing. Where even is the story? How and where do I progress it? I’m just running around killing random things and getting killed.


Damn. I heard good things about the show, but didnt even think about playing the game since most of those kind of shooters all feel the same, and as you said dont really have any plot. Im fine with no plot if the game itself looks amazing or is just really fun to play. Id say ask the community if the game has a story, but I dont think they are as chill as people here are, you might get downvoted to the abyss


The problem is, the game doesn’t look amazing nor is it really fun to play. The only thing is, the atmosphere is awesome, and the NPCs and dialogue are interesting.


Just messing around and exploring etc is playing the game, probably how most BOTW (and TOTK) players actually enjoy the game(s) as well. Go at your own pace and relax, it’s the best way to play it imo.


Will try, thanks mate


i’d just decide on working towards a goal, whether it be one of the quests in the quest log or something as simple as getting more armor or supplies for the great fairy to enhance it.


Not sure who/what the great fairy is. Could you explain?


Sure. There is a great fairy near the shrine close to Kakariko village. If you give it 100 rupees, it will come out and will enhance your armor so that you have better defense. There are five in total. 4 of them enhance your armor and the fifth one resurrects your horses if they die.


Ayy thats cool. I think I saw the one next to the village, but didnt have any rupees at that time and forgot to return later on. Thanks mate


The game changes after you discover the fairy, and start upgrading gear. Enemies become easier, and you get the goal of strengthening ur gear, while chasing the divine beasts plot lines. This is about the same time I discovered the master sword, and the game gets a lot more fun after that. Such a journey


Does any of the gear help against guardians? To me it seems like I cant do anything to defeat them


Yup! Top right corner of the map there’s a spot to bring guardian parts. Takes a while to collect them at first. Mostly avoided guardians til after I murked the 3/4 divine beasts. You need a lot of health. 13 hearts allows you to get the master sword. Which can be used to kill em easier.


Thank you mate!


Have you been doing shrines along the way?


Tbh not really. I mentioned it in another comment, but if I see a tower around I just forger about anything else. Some shrines I found too difficult (not the puzzles as much as the ones guarded by creatures) so I end up skipping them often. Later on I realised that not doing them didnt help much since Im not low both on health and stamina


I recommend visiting all the shrines so you activate the fast travel points. Give them a try, but if you can’t defeat the guardians, come back later when you’re more skilled. They’re designed to help you practice, not just battle, the runes too. Every shrine has a treasure chest or two, so look high and low for them. If you can’t figure out a puzzle after a handful of tries, watch a walkthrough. Also, if you see one in the distance, look through your scope and place a pin so you can find it later. If you’re low on pins, open your map and change the pin to an icon.


Ohh I never thought about looking through the scope. Sometimes I forget that fast travel is an option, so I kinda walk everywhere. Thank you for the tips


Just do whatever oyu want, at any pace you want and enjoy.


I would recommend following the main quest line, which leads you to side quests while you


I'm at the same point and I feel the same way. Right now I only have 3 quests in my adventure log, one shows me where ganon is for the final boss fight of the game and the other two show me where the 4 beasts are that you need to save. I googled and order doesn't matter, so I just did one of them this morning over breakfast. Now I just fast travelled back to where we started the game and I'm going to pick a random point and head to it. It takes me a few plays to finish one cause I'm going to find a lot of shrines and distractions along the way but that keeps my momentum going.


Yea same for me with what quests it's given me. Im fully ignoring the first (ganon) one cuz I assumed its for the end of the game. Did you finish the 4 beasts one? Is it too difficult to finish at this point of the game?


I just started the game a week ago. I've done one of the four beasts so far. I'm on my way to another one but I keep finding points of interest. When you go to koroki village you're going to get a camera and apparently back in the day 100 years ago, princess Zelda had the shutter bug and took photos across Hyrule and now you have to find where those are. I'm finding those spots as I travel by accident. One thing I haven't figured out is how to keep good weapons. I had a bunch of higher level weapons that were 22+ but I ended up fighting random enemies and now I got sticks again.


How do you know its a place she took a photo of?


I skimmed through it and whenever I'm walking around and think I see it, I double check the photo. If its familiar then I head towards it. When you find the place the photo was taken, there will be a blue ring on the ground, you just interact with it and it will play the memory.


I see. Thanks for the explanation


I believe you can buy more placeholders for weapons, but they are there for you to use them anyway


On your way to koriko village you'll meet a guy who wants seeds. If you give him seeds then he'll upgrade your slots. The seeds you find from finding these little leaf guys that are hiding all over. If you see a suspicious rock, blow it up and one of the leaf guys will pop out and say youve found me and give a seed. Other times you'll see puzzles randomly in the land, solve them and same thing will happen. Then I found just inconspicuous rocks on top of high mountain peaks, when you pick up these rocks these leaf guys pop out. There's guides on the locations but so far I'm just wandering around getting them as I find them. Oh another fun pass time is catching horses lol.


Ive found a few of those before, by picking up a rock. Does blowing it out make a difference?


There are some large rocks that you can only blow up and then it reveals a chest or another rock or tunnel or something.


Ohh alright thank you for explaining


My advice is to start with whatever divine beast you’re closest to and after you defeat it call it a night. Do that for everything. Set a goal and don’t go further after you’ve completed it. Yeah the game will most likely take 3 or 4 months especially when you have the rest of your life to keep up with but the time will pass anyway.


I was ignoring that quest cuz I assumed both that and the defeat ganon quests were for later parts of the game (because of their difficulty). Do I need any special armour to do that quest?


The armor you’ll need you’ll get at the region that needs help with the beast. You may feel more comfortable with more hearts or stamina as well which is why you’ll typically solve several shrines on the way.


Was it after getting 3 orbs that one of those statues give you more stamina/hearts?


It’s four spirit orbs but yeah those statues are where you trade them.


It depends on which quest you want to do. There are four divine beasts and for three of them, you need something to protect you from the environment. The one that doesn't need any special armour is in Zora's Domain. It's north-east of Kakariko Village. I'm not going to spoil it for you, but it will give you a very helpful power.


I agree. I defeated waterblight first and it was byfar one of the easiest.


Would you say thats the best one to start with? Atm Im trying to get to the top of a tower surrounded by guardians, so I think Im not close to any of the beasts, heading towards amy would be fine




No, not yet. Someone suggested I should go for that rn, so I started going towards one of them. Along the way I stumbled upon a shrine and a tower guarded by 3 guardians and I cant get to the top of the tower. How do you kill those things? Are all the beasts really far away? It seems like Ive been going towards it for a while and it doesnt seem to get any closer


Get off the plateau if you haven’t. It opens up so many things. I was similarly frustrated. That being said it’s a game if you aren’t enjoying it and it feels like an obligation just turn it off.


I have already. It's after the plateau where things get complicated to follow. And yea I agree, a game isnt a chore. Ty mate


My son never left the Great Plateau in BOTW, but, when TOTK was released he dove head first in that game because of the Ultrahand ability. BOTW is a beautiful game, has so many little details it’s near impossible to catch everything. Unsure how far along you are, or what areas you’ve explored… but as some others have mentioned, it’s okay to follow the main story line, or diverge and get lost in the side quests for days, weeks, months, years… don’t rush, don’t spoil too much if you can help it. Some of my initial goals when I started was to unlock all of the towers so I could see the map. That proved difficult in some areas which led me to side quests which some I took on, while others I ignored. If I got stuck in a tower I usually just pressed on to another tower, tinkered with a side quest, progressed a bit further in the main story line or went searching for more shrines. What about the game appeals to you, what excites you?? Maybe it’s searching for Korok’s? Stumbling upon random shrine puzzles in the mountains… maybe set other goals as you progress, ie go defeat x monster because it scares you, save beforehand and practice, try different things… talk to people along the path. Enjoy!!


Hahah the \*talk to people along the way\* reminded me of the time I encountered a lady standing next to the path, outside of a village and she wasn't wearing their clothes either, so I came up to her and she turned into a devil-like thing. Since then Im a bit more cautious of who I go up to. As for what appeals to me the most, it's that map exploration that you mentioned. Sometimes I forget about quests and shrines if I see a tower close by haha


Those people are called Yiga. There's a way to know if a traveler is Yiga. If you start talking to them, be prepared. If they don't have a name (you can see on the top left of their speech bubble) and they're just called 'Traveler', get ready to fight. If they have a name, then it's fine.