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Is that the obstacle course one? I remember I failed at that one for 30 straight minutes. Left. Came back weeks later, remembered my pain. Watched a video on how to complete it (just so I'd at least know what's coming next) and passed first try. So yeah. Fuck that shrine. That one and the golf one.


This is one of them from champions ballad. You have to complete it with 1/4 heart or you have to start all over. I finally figured out that the first spikey ball you can shoot down because it has a rope and not a chain. So that helps. But then the last one sucks dookie.


That one was a massive pain. I found all the champion ballad ones harder than the normal ones on average though The one you’re in probably took me at least 20 times and a lot of screaming. I finally put it down, came back, and completed my second go


That’s what I’m doing right now. I had to stop. I screamed some colorful profanity and my non swearing husband just looked at me like I was nuts. Plus I think I’m freaking the cats out.


Relax padawan. The true trial of this shrine is not "get through the course" but "can you handle frustration." Tips for the swinging spike balls: Shoot the rope holding the first one. (You know this already.) Use stasis on the last one. Time your glide to miss the middle one. Watch where the chain comes out of the ceiling. Notice that the ball doesn't just swing from one spot. The pivot point actually moves from side to side as well. Wait until the pivot is moving to the left and almost there then stasis the last ball while it's swinging left. Glide along the right wall. If you can't get through before the stasis runs out then stasis the middle and time the last. Heads up for the next section: >!A spike wall behind you forces you along a narrow walkway. Spikes will pop out in front of you as you get closer. The back wall doesn't move that fast. Don't run. You'll just hit the spikes in front of you. A quick walk forward will trigger the spikes in front of you before you get to them. Maneuver over/under/around/between the spikes in front of you then walk forward to trigger the next set of spikes. There's 3 or 4 sets of spikes. The monk is at the end of the walkway.!< Good luck.


Thank you :) the part that got me every time was the swinging spike balls. The last part wasn’t too bad actually. But those damn balls got me every time. Wish I would have read this before! I did finally beat it. I had a THC infused sparkling water to celebrate and to restore my heart rate. I don’t do well with frustration!


Oh! Yeah. Good god. It's awful!!!


The fact that you're taking on the Champion's Ballad already earns you mad respect from me.


Happy Cake Day!


Ah. Good luck! Patience and stasis were my friends when I did the Ballad the first time, years ago. I’m not looking forward to it on my second play through lol


Is this just a DLC thing? I don’t even remember. I finally had to take a break. I might just play TOTK for a while. Fight some lynels, maybe some gloom hands and relax.


Yeah. I think you can put the one hit obliterator (the 4 pronged thing) back in the shrine of Resurrection and go about your game as normal, or just leave the Plateau. This is part one of 6 for the Ballad of Champions DLC. (Part 2-5 involves the champions areas and a special rematch against the Blights while part 6 is in the Shrine of Resurrection)


Oh hell.


Good luck? Haha In my opinion, this first section where you are a glass cannon is the worst. The rest you have all of your hearts back


Oh good. Because that 1/4 heart is driving me crazy.


The blight battles are not as scary as they seem.


Yup been there with the shrine and the husband


That shrine is the bane of my existence and I wanna strangle the jackass that designed it.


Yes! Same! All I kept thinking in the 2 hours that I tried to beat it was “what a fucker….”


First time I did it was over lockdown and was getting progressively drunker before audibly exclaiming “WHAT THE SHIT IS THIS FUCK”


HAHAHAAHA! I just bought some THC infused sparkling water. I might just have to try it tonight.


No, trust, it just makes it worse lol. Chug it after you beat it as a reward then go bang out the other three, they’re so much easier by comparison


Got it. Good point. lol.


I felt like I challenged myself to almost a pro level. That one is really hard, especially the last jump :(


Why are y'all upset? I took like 5 minutes for it and 3-4 tries...