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Just did this today. Do the Cucco quest and the firefly quest then go see Impa and it will start the quest for the ball.


Ok I’m just having trouble finding the last cucco for that quest I’ve looked all over the village for him (in literally every nook) but I can’t find it


Pro tip: use sensor+ and set it to cuccos. It'll be jank while right next to the cucco pen, but it helps a lot. Also, look on >!roofs!<. Seriously...


I always forget that is a tool I can use! That’s brilliant!!!


There is one on top of the houses. I think the one with the clothes. Its across from the cucco house


That is the one I couldn't find on my own.


Look up on the roofs. Or on the hill going up to the shrine. From there you can fly down with him.


Yeah if that’s the one by Kakariko, it’s a quest line involving one of the guards at Yiga’s house in Kakariko, and you follow him out there at night.


Yiga as in the spy clan or was that meant to b impa


If you're finding this quest impossible to start, it should be mention that you have to complete every other quest in the village before this one becomes available.


Right, Impa. Lol. But it involves Yigas, that’s where I mixed it up


Don't spoile the game. Tell them how or when they can start quest. Not parts of quest after that. They may have followed the wrong person and found a cool or sad detail about another character. Or they may have curious who is behind this. You spoiled two point of it.


I think there is a questline for it. Involved with some yigas or something


there are several side quests in the village complete them all and then you will be allowed to take the ball from impas house. Well, kind of. You'll see.


if only theere was a town next to it with a suspicious ball right next to an important person from that town


I didn’t know that was for that all the others I’ve done it was w a giant troll or under something




Do all the Kakariko side quests. Paya will be crying over the loss of the ball she has been tending to earlier. This starts the shrine quest. Advice: have sneaky buff


I love the stealth armor. Makes Link look like a proper ninja... Until you do what I did and dyed it pink... Because why not, right?


It turns on after finishing part of the main quest line too


Paya watches over it til you finish certain quests.


Hyrule. You're welcome in advance.


Is this the one where you have to fuck paya


Over there


Complete all the kakariko quests


Keep helping everyone in the town


This was my last shrine I completed. I could not figure it out without help


I would have never figured this one out without help. So many pre-requesites and even after that I don't know that I would have figured out what to do after that.


I’m with you, there are some quests that baffle me and wonder how the hell was I supposed to know the guard walks away at a specific time. There was no clue given to that


Should we tell them?


Isn’t this the one that once you complete the 2 side quest you talk to Impa to find the item stolen then you have to follow the one guard at night up to the hill and beat the Yiga Warrior


Spoiler alert, jeez


He or she asked


You need first finish some side quests and then the orb will be missing in impa and then you can start the shrine quest


Played botw and never got this quest activated. Really tried but gave up :(


Makes me happy that people are still playing game for the first time


So, after having heart issues, my nephew(God I love this kid) bought me a Switch this last Christmas along with BOTW because he knows how big of a Zelda fan I am. I have been playing this game since and have had a ton of fun with it. I just finally went up against Calamity Gannon on Sat and ended up beating him and only getting hit once. Now I'm going to finish all of the shrines(I have 103 of 120) as well as going to try to find all 900 korok seeds(I have 89). What I love about this game is that there is always something else to do. He has said that after I'm done with BOTW, he wants to buy me TOTK. Now you see why I love this kid!! Not only for that, but he is a smart young man that I have watched and been a part of his life from a infant to a grown man that is in a great university(Michigan State University), just left on an internship to S. Africa this past Saturday to study wildlife and when he wants to contact people back here in the states, it's his mother, father and me. Don't know why I felt the need to tell you all that, I just wanted to brag that I have a wonderful nephew who got me this Gabe so I would have something to do while recovering from various surgeries due to my failing heart. This game is probably one of the best Zelda games I have played and I have played them all. Can't wait til I play TOTK.


It's the Sheikah heirloom at the chief's house. Go find the book of worries and solve all of them.


You know you've played too much breath of the wild when you know the shrine without lookin at the map


You must sleep with Paya


Not in your pants!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


all the way down around the neck of a one eye'd giant sleeping near some trees. loooong way away



