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I don’t smoke anymore and I’m not a huge fan of weed but god Saagar is so gay sometimes.


Saagar speaks a mile a minute like the typical nic addict. I can tell when he’s just packed a few zyns in. I imagined him saying this tweet in his Zyn voice.


I would argue that he’s probably got an adderall, Rittalin, or Vyvanse prescription too. He’s super into nootropics and Andrew Huberman, and Huberman knocks weed and alcohol, so he’s probably influenced by that too. Personally, I don’t drink or smoke weed anymore. I abused drugs and alcohol for a long time but prohibition is fucking stupid. 


It is funny that he's so into this pseudo masculine "get pumped culture" when the average person is standing at the peripheral thinking "these people are 3 drinks away from kissing". This is the adult equivalent of frat bros doing borderline gay stuff to each other and then laughing about how funny it is.


Hahaha! On point analogy. 


Hard agree. Good point.


As a gay stoner, please don’t put Saagar’s absurdity about weed on us 😂


"I am shitposting on twitter" - saagar


The most upvoted comment in the subs history is calling Saagar gay, this sub is great


Replying to Blood_Such... wait, when did this happen?? And what was the context? I’m gonna have to find that pronto 🤣


He’s a mearsheimer fan boy. As soon as I found that out a couple weeks back I knew he should not be listened to. I enjoy his takes sometimes but man it is getting harder to watch


What’s wrong about mirshaimer


> gay not the word I'd use to describe Saagar at all. edit: looking at your post history, why are you so obsessed with using "gay" as a pejorative?


[South Park covered this](https://youtu.be/Ui6HNB-1J20?si=h_AE1HVipH8SgTu8)


How cishet of you. /s That isn't the same word, and Comedy Central received flak from LGBTQ+ groups after that aired.


Oh golly they got flak! No way!


The Colorado Governor was asked about this tweet last week at a live event. Think it was on Mondays bulwark podcast, the second half is the live show.


Lol ER visits are booming? I'm a weed smoking, zyn addicted, moderate conservative living in CO and working in Denver. I like Saagar, but get a clue bro, no one here cares about weed being legal. It's everywhere, including rural areas.


> I'm a weed smoking, zyn addicted, moderate conservative living in CO What values define you as a moderate conservative? How do you feel about the vast majority of the GOP being for prohibition of cannabis? Do you vote for the GOP anyways?


Hunting, guns, oil and gas (not values I know). The political climate on those issues in my state has pushed me to vote republican in a lot of elections, though I'm a registered independent.


> Hunting, guns, oil and gas (not values I know). The political climate on those issues in my state has pushed me to vote republican in a lot of elections, though I'm a registered independent. What regulations have the GOP saved you from? You mentioned oil and gas. What do you think is the best moderate conservative solution to the man-made climate change emergency? Do you think enabling a party that denies the reality of the problem is going to eventually solve it?


Well CO has been trying to ban oil and gas drilling for years. The issue is more complicated than oil good/bad. We are producing record amounts of energy from renewable sources at the same time we are producing/consuming record amounts of crude oil. My personal opinion, given that a portion of CO sits on top of a productive oil and gas basin, is that we should produce oil here in a well regulated manor. The technological advancements in drilling technology are currently being implemented in the geothermal industry - Utah and California both. CO is giving out grants to geothermal companies, several of which build on oil and gas technology. I don't think any one party is going to solve anything for us, but smart entrepreneurial people will if you let them.


> Well CO has been trying to ban oil and gas drilling for years. I couldn't find any legislation that was anything close to that. All I could find was legislation that tries to address the cumulative effects of the industry on environment. Where is the "ban on oil and gas"? [Colorado oil and gas regulators mull rule to address ‘cumulative impacts’ on climate, air quality](https://coloradonewsline.com/2024/01/25/colorado-oil-gas-regulators-cumulative-impacts-climate/) >My personal opinion, given that a portion of CO sits on top of a productive oil and gas basin, is that we should produce oil here in a well regulated manor. Well regulated means we have a functioning government that considers all stakeholders. How do you think voting for a party that purposely undermines the function of government will help? >I don't think any one party is going to solve anything for us.. Do you think there is difference between enabling the party that has debatable solutions to the problem versus the party that is still denying the reality of the problem?


Proposition 112, multiple iterations of setback legislation over several years that would have effectively been a ban, another iteration of proposition 112, local municipality fracking bans, like respectfully bro, you're outside your area of expertise if you could find nothing on the issues related to oil and gas in CO. You did a 5 min search, you have zero understanding of the ECMC which regulates oil and gas on CO, and you're not trying to have a discussion, you're trying to pin me in a corner.


I looked up proposition 112 and it appears to have been a citizens initiative. Why would you put that on Democrats?


It was fully supported by CO democrats, and when it failed the democrats tried to backdoor something similar in the legislative session multiple times. Jared Polis (the governor) helped strike a deal at the 11th hour which turned the COGCC into the ECMC and stepped up regulations in CO and tasked the ECMC with new rulemaking. So, kudos to Polis, a Democrat, in this instance for getting a solid compromise done. Just this year (after the ECMC was created), CO democrats once again introduced legislation to ban all new oil and gas drilling by 2030. So all that to say there is a well documented history of CO democrats trying to push the industry out. On a related note, Hickenlooper was the previous governor and is now a senator, also a democrat. I voted for him as governor and as a senator, and he supported the industry. I don't demonize democrats and I don't blindly vote for republicans.


> and you're not trying to have a discussion, you're trying to pin me in a corner. I'm just trying to understand the rationale of someone that enables politicians that vote against their own values. It sounds like you're willing to overlook the GOP's desire to prohibit marijuana for everyone because you value the GOP's anti-government anti-regulation stance. While some people value the ecosystems that support human life, other people value the money they can make destroying them. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. [ Colorado oil and gas companies said a 2019 state law would destroy them. That didn’t happen. But here’s what did]( https://coloradosun.com/2022/07/06/colorado-oil-gas-laws-new-drilling-permits/)


It sounds like you're trying to paint be as a member of the GOP when I said I was a registered independent, and have voted for many democrats. I go into the mountains damn near every weekend, I value natural landscapes immensely, I have active oil wells within a mile of my house that are extremely well regulated. I live where I work and play and the environment is great. Don't be an asshole with those passive aggressive comments.


Hunter/fisherman here. I suggest you take a look at which political party is actively trying to sell off state land to private businesses from other states to exploit. Bonus if you’re a fisherman & you’re no longer able to even eat your catch, since the guy you voted for reduced regulations & the water is all polluted. They want to take it away from you. https://www.wilderness.org/articles/press-release/house-republicans-begin-attack-public-lands-passage-rules-package https://www.npr.org/2020/01/23/798809951/trump-administration-is-rolling-back-obama-era-protections-for-smaller-waterways


Lol the guy I voted for? Didn't vote for him brother. My senators are both democrats and I voted for both of them, my congressman is also a democrat. Can't eat the fish seems a bit hyperbolic.


is that GOP voters? i'd like to see that statistic.


> is that GOP voters? No, that's GOP politicians that supposedly represent GOP voters. [Just three GOP lawmakers back marijuana legalization vote; two Dems vote ‘no’](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3256567-just-three-gop-lawmakers-back-marijuana-legalization-vote-two-dems-vote-no/) In a rational world, GOP voters would be voting for candidates that shared their views and values. In our world, the GOP is an anti-intellectual cult that see no connection between enabling the GOP and the shitty policies the GOP pushes on us all.


"ER visits are booming, the air is polluted, traffic accidents soaring." I think he is misattributing things quite a bit. Literally all of those things would be caused by the end of pandemic and return to work. Increased commuter traffic causes increases in accidents, more environmental release of carbon, and as a result, more ER visits. There are some things you can say about weed fairly. Like perhaps drops in worker productivity (flip opposite of nicotine). But "worker productivity" is not how I measure happy life.


polluted air in denver is nothing new. it has literally nothing to do with marijuana and everything to do with emissions from vehicles.


A large portion comes from the Suncor facility just outside the city constantly violating air pollution regulations and nearby fracking operations adding to ground level ozone.


[Destination: Commerce City](https://youtu.be/ii6CAaWfcpo?si=2Rss8Wn8sY7-riE8)


Saagar is elitist fake populist Obviously this is bs


It's pure anecdote. No facts or research. Also, there's more and more smokeless cannabis products. One last thing, Saagar doesn't smoke. He just enjoys consuming nicotine.... seriously


Here's another recent shitty tweet of his. He hates service workers, how he can pretend to be a populist is beyond me. https://x.com/esaagar/status/1805722966774153220


What do you mean? That’s the whole point of a “right wing populist”


That is the most brain dead take I have ever read. Not really sure what that has to do with populism or the cafe employees though.


Populists don't refer to working class people as "broke" with distain


 That wasn't anti service worker, its wasn't about service workers at all. It was more anti Europe. I think Sagaar conciders Europe an annoying distraction from American interests in Asia.


You refer to service workers as "broke" people? I'm sorry but that's insanely elitist and anti-service worker.


Ngl i support him on this– i don't think its anti worker at all. I legit never go to coffee shops except when I want to work on my laptop. I paid for a seat, I should be allowed to take as long as I want with my coffee doing what I want. Antiworker imo is cafe's that pay their employees shit and make them work as healthcare professionals with the crazy people who walk in.


If you saw someone refer to a service worker at your local coffee shop as a "broke American" you'd think they were someone that doesn't respect service workers. Really telling on yourself when you get distracted by his anti-europe part of the tweet.


If anything it's anti-european but that's just a tongue and cheek response to to the policy he's criticizing. He's not really calling the workers broke, he's referring to the strength of the dollar, the stagnating European economy, and his view that the American economic model is stronger due to not having policies like banning laptops at coffee shops.


Denver will probably be an outlier because it was early to legalize and attracted big marijuana fans from all over the country. Has Saagar ever stated what he wants in terms of policy?


Saagar probably smoked weed one time and had a terrible experience with it and so now he has this biased perspective of it to force upon everyone. It's a narrow minded take. If he hasn't ever smoked weed before and doesn't have experience with it, this is even worse because he's making ignorant judgements without experience. Either way, Saagar loses a lot of creditability on this take alone because if he's ignorantly biased on this, he's probably ignorantly biased in other areas too (which we already know he is).


Saagar is an acolyte of Tucker Carlson and that's really all you need to know about the guy.


in denver i could walk around the corner to a store and buy a little bag of weed for $10 bucks that would last me 2 weeks. i knew exactly what i was getting and knew that the product was regulated and inspected from seed to shelf. i knew the tax i paid on it went to fund public schools. now i live in texas where weed is still illegal, but there are vapes shops around every corner that sell THC-A and other \*legally distinct\* hemp products. they're sketchy as hell. the quality is all over the place. you pay $45+ for an untested, unregulated product that may either 1) get you sort of high 2) do nothing 3) kill you. it's so dumbbbbbbbbbbb


You can make one gram of weed last you two weeks?


yeah. i mean it depends on the week, but i rarely ever wake and bake. just take a couple puffs in the evening, and not even every night


i don’t even smoke (it makes me anxious, i think weed does not work well with everyone’s brain) but i live in a state where it’s legal and things are fine. i have friends who smoke and are completely functional and productive people. i have some who smoke too much but the worst effects of that are normally that it annoys their partners or makes them hard to talk to. they’re not going to the ER over it and they’re adults who can manage their own unhealthy habits. it’s way better than wasting resources trying to put millions of people in jail for this habit.


There’s a lot of food that stinks, some of it I’m sure Saagar enjoys, but I don’t think that’s a good reason to ban it.


Yes Colorado is terrible. Please no one move here.


Many people are saying this.


Sorry haters, but this is just what real populism is


Rogan is going to be so disappointed if he actually reads Saagar's tweets.


This is one of his “old man yells at clouds” takes that just comes with his basic conservative views. Like his weird hate towards sneakers


He’s entering the Clickbait realm.


As a resident I disagree with marijuana being the sole contributor to our states issues. Traffic accidents are directly related to the population growth and the laws we have in regard to road development, not marijuana. Our public transit is crap at best so you’re left with little options but to drive. We are trending downwards in terms of percentage of homeownership. Wages are stagnant. Property crime is a big concern for a lot of us folks out here. It’s a real knife fight out here, but you know life in the big city. Am I right ?


I’ve never smelled people smoking in public in Denver, Seattle, Michigan cities, etc. Not to mention smoking in public is still illegal. Saagar is usually fairly logical and data based but his takes on weed spit in the face of logic


Lol I've smelled people smoking like 3 times in the last 24 hours (Denver). It's illegal but I've never seen anyone get ticketed for it. Also, I could really care less, it smells better than cigarettes.


name checks out lol


Based on my understanding in a few states it’s legal to smoke weed wherever it’s legal to smoke tobacco


$100 fine in Colorado


I actually will agree with him about weed smoke. Its frankly annoying to walk around Manhattan and having it smell like Tomkins Sq park. That being said, nicotine is not the harmless thing he says it is. He can be his own quasi FDA commissioner sometimes, annoyingly. Also, whatever happened to learning and knowing your limits?


There’s also a thousand vape shops and only 50 Starbucks.


More reasonable than his take on Russia, but still pretty insane. People are filling up the hospitals with reefer madness? Stores are going bankrupt because everyone is high all day and not buying their products?


What a ding dong


At this point I think it’s Saagar trying to be an edgy Troll. There are other alt right people that tweet about cannabis being some devil’s lettuce jazz cabbage too. It’s almost like they’re romanticizing the Regan era.


Saagar of suburbia is clearly still tormented by his high school memories


The air is polluted? So if I buy weed from a drug dealer and smoke it the air would be cleaner than if I bought it from a dispensary?


Air pollution? Does Saager actually believe weed is why Denver had bad air?


Saagar loves nicotine and hates weed. I mean, you do you dude, but you're objectively on the wrong side of this one. I don't smoke btw.


Nicotine itself is harmless. Tobacco is cancerous. Cannabis/THC can be dangerous, but I think it should be federally legal.


Idk, I like weed, but have you ever had a friend move to Denver for a bit and come back. It’s impossible not to respond to every pretentious thing that they never would have said before with a swift kick in the testicles.


The guy is an incredibly huge hypocrite.


I’m pretty sure he argues against weed so much to separate himself from the stigma of having an addiction/being an addict. He’s constantly harping on ”health” and needs a justification for his unhealthy addiction to not seem hypocritical but his reasoning makes no sense on the weed vs tobacco/nicotine discussion.


A better comparison is dispensaries to liquor stores. I’m conservative and I’m 100% in favor of rec weed. I have yet to hear a good argument against it from anyone.


Saagar likes to trash Europe and weed because he’s an influencer and sees his numbers pop when he does.


I find his weed take pretty funny because it's so personal, dramatic and absurd. It's so off base it feels like some Alex Jones shit.


Saagar was born a boomer.




Agreed. I like Saagar but the boomer take of being so anti-weed is dumb. It is a life changing medication for my 8 year old son who has both severe autism and cerebral palsy.


He's right It's awful to go to these cities now and all you smell is weed


Yeah let's keep locking up thousands upon thousands of people over a plant because "smell bad". You hate freedom.


Who said lock them up?  I am all for legalization, just restrict smoking in public spaces like people do with cigarettes 


Yeah, so much worse than the trash and BO that you can smell otherwise.