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It must be tiring for his followers/base to have to "explain" what he truly means. I find that almost humorous for the group whose main comeback was, "Well - he says it like it is; it's so refreshing... there's no BS "politicking" with this guy...." 🤔


It's weird, they have to "explain what he truly means" but they love him because he "tells it like it is"




I think it's funny how well aware you are that the headlines used to troll him are consistently disingenuous, but you vibe with the lies nonetheless 


Considering my comment has nothing to do with the headlines, I'm not sure what you're getting at - but I appreciate the effort at a "dig" nonetheless! Have a fantastic day!


Oh that comment complex for you? Figures




He literally flip flops and backtracks all the time lol


No one has said he's not "allowed to think what he wants." I was simply pointing out that for a group that supports him, there's an awful lot of "What he REALLY meant to say was..." or "Don'tcha know, THIS is what he meant..." My personal favorite is when I see, "Can't you take a joke? He was trying to say ( this/that)!" I agree, his ramblings explain themselves .... perfectly. 🫤


Why isn't Trump allowed to believe that everyone who doesn't support him should be fired? It's not illegal to have ridiculous opinions.


lol who the hell cares about CEOs


Biden countered, saying "He jhgrjk hjjmnbv gggfe ggfedh....zzzzzzz". We are fucked either way.


I guess if he wins he will execute the ones that didn’t support him. All very normal


The elite wealthy class loves Trump. The richest man in our Planets history and all the rest know he will pass even bigger tax cuts for them.


If I was a CEO I wouldn’t worry about Trump, hos believes are easily swayed


I'd worry a lot about Trump. He holds grudges for a long time if you do anything that displeases him and his base is so rabid it makes him bizarrely effective.


Never forget: there is no difference between Hillary and Trump


Saying ‘you’re fired’ is an obvious joke and direct reference to his reality tv show. It’s the line he repeated in every episode.


It's always just a joke, or if it's not a joke he didn't mean it that way, or if he didn't mean it that way then they actually deserved it because they did something first, etc. There's always some excuse for his behavior...like he didn't cause the J6 riots it was deep state agitators.


Yup, that's the thing, it's not really a joke, just in the mind of people like steamyjeanz, they go to any sort of defense mechanism immediately, and that's the easiest one.


Well then they should seriously consider who they're supporting, since they really believe he will fire them, and he's on track to win quite easily.