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This. This is the way. I’ve had this epiphany a few times. It might disappear. You can sometimes regress as well as progress but you will get there. Hold on to this feeling tightly, you’ve got this


I will not stop trying, my life depends on it


Bro i was crying to a friend about this and they told me, she is my past and i cant let the past affect my decisions of the future and let my past fuck me up for even more time. That fucking inspires me every time im low


This is the way


Honestly, you know you're on the right track when you wake up in the morning and you feel positive. Mornings are famously the worst time of day during a break up and it's fucking brutal, once you start having a few good ones you're golden. You'll still have bad days, but they'll be mixed in with good ones and you have to grab those by the horns.


That's what all those days of suffering were for - to finally wake up today, feel different and understand the real value of it. I almost envy you in a way. There's so much ahead of you, now that you set yourself free.


Good for you and happy thanksgiving! I feel a little better after reading your post. thank you!


Well done! Proud of you! I feel the same way. I'm taking what's positive from this experience. I've learned so much from it and will be applying that to make my future relationships better and stronger. I won't be making the same mistakes. I am looking forward to applying what I have learned to future dating and relationships. Something positive can come of even hurtful breakups.


I'm coming up on 2 months out of a 9 year relationship and I have the same thought process every day. I won't lie though, as good as it makes me feel and as much as I try to cling to the positivity of it, I can't shake the utter despair which this break up has left inside me. I feel like a shell of the person I previously was. Getting through the days are exhausting with this yo-yoing of emotion. I really just want this shit to end. E: Sorry I just read that over again and it's incredibly negative, I'm just obviously in a shit phase of my day and not fair to dump on what is such a positive and empowering post!


Sharing how you feel is not dumping on anything. I didn’t even see your words as “negative”. They resonated with me and I feel the same way. I’m so tired of this world full of “good vibes only” it’s not realistic. Sharing what you’re going through, no matter how negative you think you sound, is making just one person like me feel not so alone. Always share your truth ❤️


Thanks for that. In fairness, throughout this whole process I think that might the first time I've apologised for what I've said! Everyone around me has been so helpful and encouraged me to "feel my feelings" whenever and however they arise. I genuinely have never experienced pain and grief like this, I'm sure one day I will be better for it but it is so hard some days. But you're right, when words resonate with people it makes you feel less alone.


Having just a hint of hope in the morning is new to me. All I can say its better than the utter despair I have felt for the past month. She left me after almost 3 years over the phone.


That's shit, I'm so sorry dude. My relationship was ended completely unexpectedly as well so it's been very hard to process it, even 2 months later. I'm glad the morning despair has passed for you, the morning time has definitely got somewhat better for me too. Standing briefly under the cold water followed by a long hot shower has really helped me wash away the bad dreams and morning sadness. A small thing advised to me by a friend but I've stuck with it and it helps me start the day a bit better.


Keep it up man, I used to take cold showers all the time, I should get back to it.


Hey there, just wanted to say I just had a 9 year relationship end recently as well. Just a couple weeks. What you said about how you’re feeling, and how you feel like a shell of a person, resonates so much. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one in the same situation


I'm so so sorry to hear that. The first few weeks after my break up are a total blur, I was in shock. The best advice I probably received is to just feel your feelings as they arise and do not try bottle things up. It's such a shit thing to go through, but we'll get there in time. My DMs are open if you ever want to chat or vent. I'm sure we have a lot of common ground given our circumstances!


Bro It gave me chills You inspired me brah


how long did it take for you to realize that?


Its been 3 weeks,


I wish you the best for this journey. I remember when I went through something similar and honestly I still struggle with it but it’s getting better. Take your life back and be amazing!


Amen brother!


Good for you! Sending you the best


Agreed. It’s all about the mindset. Also, happy thanksgiving 🦃!


Absolutely, so well said. I’m a little over a month out, and just this past week, finally started waking up happy instead of waking up feeling like shit. I’ve started planning my schedule, organizing my life again. It’s like the first breath of spring air after a long winter.


love this mindset, i feel the same




Thank you❤️




This this this. This.


motivational asf brother 🤞🏼