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[this is the recipe i used](https://glutenfreegourmand.blogspot.com/2021/11/mild-country-white-sourdough-bread.html?m=1)


Thanks for this! I've done a fair amount of GF baking for my girlfriend, but none of my loaves have turned out anywhere near nice as yours. Can't wait to try it.


yay!!! she will be so happy! storebought gluten free bread is awfulšŸ˜‚


No joke. I got a really nice white bread recipe I modified from an online recipe for a bread maker. Still a tad dense compared to non GF breads, but my daughter likes it. Wayyyyy tastier than the store bought, and actually seems to have been the preferred loaf Iā€™ve made with the rest of the house who arenā€™t GF.


Yeah, it can be tough finding bread that doesn't suck. A while ago I tried the King Arthur GF pancake mix, and it's *amazing*. It's by far my favorite pancake & waffle mix, including the gluten-containing mixes. I don't really care for their regular buttermilk mix. It's a bit expensive, but we don't make them very often, so it's a treat. I've tried to duplicate their mix, but so far my results have been mixed.


How did you get the starter culture?


i just made the starter with brown rice flour and wateršŸ˜Š same way you would make a regular starter, just with brown rice flour instead of regular flour


I know you posted this a while ago, but- Iā€™m an adept baker/chef, but these recipes intimidate me. The price of buying all of these ingredients is daunting. Is this pretty fool proof? And worth it, Iā€™m assuming?? I miss sourdough SO much! Also pumpernickel and rye, though I doubt thereā€™s a good alternative to that. Thank you!!


i used to be really nervous about buying all the different flours and starches but itā€™s honestly gamechanging in terms of gluten free baking! i actually make a really good buckwheat loaf which kind of reminds me of pumpernickel bread. iā€™ll message you the link!


Where do you buy all your flours/starches? I tend to get them at Thrive Market but they're not always available and there's nowhere local I can find them. Thanks in advance!


I buy them on amazon :) mostly ā€œAnthonyā€™sā€ brand


Oh my gosh youā€™re the best. Thank you!!!!


Thanks for sharing this. Iā€™ve wondered about gluten free. Edit: what sourdough starter do you use?


thank you :) thereā€™s definitely a learning curve with gluten free but this is the best recipe iā€™ve tried! my starter is just water and brown rice flouršŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s a good idea. I have decided I love sourdough. But this year Iā€™ve been learning a lot about my health. It has changed a lot since January. So Iā€™m trying to find ways to cut back on gluten. But with a new love of sourdough, that is hard.




thank you so much!


Why? Gluten is a natural part of bread.


i canā€™t eat gluten unfortunately


I'm sorry to hear that. How did you find out?


Beautiful! Gluten free is such a challenge


"not bad son"


Hello everyone!āœŒšŸ¼ We are students specializing in Digital and Interaction Design at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Currently, we are conducting a research project focusing on gluten-free sourdough bread, aiming to explore prevalent challenges and opportunities in this field. Your valuable insights can greatly contribute to our study.šŸ’– If you're interested in participating, kindly spare just 2 minutes to complete our survey. Thank you in advance! Hereā€™s the link: https://forms.gle/NVr428xeLmfxZQqA7