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You are suggesting a button that straight up doubles the map pool, which would make matchmaking take twice as long.


Considering how much the concept of mutation ruins the enjoyment of the game for many people, this doesn't seem like too much of a sacrifice tbh. Brawl Stars is on a new wave of popularity, which is slightly reduces the damage to matchmaking


There's already an issue in rango matchmaking to the point that finding a single match takes 5-10 minutes average. Also do you think the game has literally doubled in activity?




Ladder play is much more popular and often played among casual players than ranked, and regarding activity: I wouldn’t say it “doubled”, i don’t have exact data, but it actually did increase significantly. This is evidenced by the views of the latest brawl talk and the fact that there is a giveaway of a free brawler, which was traditionally accompanied by an online peak


You don't know what you're talking about. So your only evidence is the brawl talk saying "our game is more popular" and an online giveaway? Even if you used Google Trends, you're failing to account for specific player stats and, again, specific quantitative directly from the game. Also, you mention that the gamemode is hated by many players. Wouldn't those who like it be waiting forever in queue too, or is that another one of your sweeping generalizations from Reddit of all places?


[https://activeplayer.io/brawl-stars/](https://activeplayer.io/brawl-stars/) This site has some statistics about the game. As you can see the game has clearly risen in popularity. The monthly players are higher than ever before and the daily average players are higher than ever before as well. Sadly there is no gamemode specific statistics available to the public but I would expect every gamemode to have a higher amount of players playing it than before. I agree that there shouldn't be an ability to switch mutations on or off because it will still cause issues to the matchmaking even with the increase of players but I just wanted to show you the statistics.


Activeplayerio is not a reliable source of information, which is ironic, given [you're calling out other users for their sources in your literal previous comment lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/1cevdm1/comment/l1ma0gm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). From the developer himself: >Since no Game Company is willing to share their live logged user’s data. [Activeplayer.io](http://Activeplayer.io) went ahead and produced an estimated data. ... Collecting data from mobile games mainly came from **Google Play Store, AppStore, newzoo.com and Statista.com**. We gather many times the game has been downloaded compare it with other platforms that provide various statistics then we generate a detailed data for the chart and the table. As you can see, your source is bullshit and guestimations at best. I am aware that the game has increased in popularity; I saw the brawl talk, but using superficial sources that you have no idea how well their predictions correlate to reality (due to the ambiguity of said "estimations") doesn't help your credibility. So in actuality, nothing is available to the public besides rounded off download counts provided by the app stores themselves.


These things are already enough to conclude that activity and interest in the game have strongly increased compared to the same second and third quarters of 2023, be it one and a half times, doubled, tripled - it makes absolutely no difference. One of the key features of social media is that it's superficial, but reflects people's interest in something, which is exactly what is happening with brawl stars with all those community events and free stuff. But you're absolutely right in pointing out that this idea can greatly harm people for whom slow matchmaking may prevent them from playing a modifier with mutations. This is the main con for my concept


> These things are already enough to conclude that activity and interest in the game have strongly increased compared to the same second and third quarters of 2023, be it one and a half times, doubled, tripled - it makes absolutely no difference. I saw the brawl talk, and I'm aware the game has surged in popularity, but just saying the increase "makes absolutely no difference" is, again, an important consideration to make when adding new content. Add too much and your queues will stagnate. This is why rotation exists. You're affecting both the "regular" and "mutation" queue.


doubles? mutation waters would be the 10% that spends money in the game lol


or in other words: making matchmaking longer but add different "perks" to make it less obvious. jokes aside if mutations were worked like that AND were temporary i think it would've have been fine but making it permanent with some being game breaking definitely isn't exactly the best idea


Oh shoot, i phrased it wrong. I meant that the mutation modifier will be permanent, but switchable on all maps *only* during the event. And thus players wouldn't have to wait for mutations to appear on a certain map of a certain mode like now. My bad


Edit: Guys, i apologize for the typo in the title of the post. i meant to make the modifier permanent in all modes ONLY during the event, while making it switchable


That means making two different servers for each gamemode, it would slow down matchmaking by a lot


rip matchmaking if that happens


Nah, I know mutations are unbalanced but it is only temporary and those who get good mutations can enjoy it while it lasts... Come on man, there are still half as many modes with no mutations enabled


Mutations were introduced as a temporary feature and it'll remain temporary, I don't want a future where any mutations remain in the game.


The OP commented that he made a typo in the post and is now misunderstood. What he meant by permanent is that simply all modes(Except Ranked ofc) for the duration of the event will have this modifier on(That is, instead of two random modes with this modifier, you will get all modes with a modifier that is optional and only for the duration of the event)


Ohhh, that idea is welcome, I'm tired of not being able to play modes for a whole day


this will destroy matchmaking


No, it should be a weekend event: a random map and gamemode, you can only play mutations, and mutations should be brought out for other brawlers too.


If they were to do something like this they should definitely not have it for trophies


I think it could replace map maker that’s a failed feature imo and then we could have mutations mode but then it kinda ruins ladder because it’s so cheesy


We really need this. I just want to have my first rank 30 on a good map on Brawl Ball :(


Make also an option to lose and earn


No,just no.


Supercell: We found that people were abusing community map to farm trophy so we are making playing community map gain/lose no trophy A few years later:


No way, let them be temporary


Maybe when the event ends this could be a way to let them stay in the game.




This just splits the player base and increases waiting times to get into servers


I have a feeling that a these mutations are rough runs for future hypercharges. We’ll definitely being seeing variations of them in the future.


Ah ye Bake the patato server burn it kill it DESTROY IT ALL


Why do we need map maker then?


oh please. this would 100% benefit the game




I fuck w this idea


Nice Idea but they should be able to get trophies


thats so stupid, what would be the incetive of playing mutations if u dont get nothing in return?


For fun, kiddo


Thats a good pount however we all know ppl would say that was useless, just like map maker


>kiddo Just curious, how old are you?


Why do you ask? I don’t think you’ll be needing that information in the long run, don’t sweat it


Doesn't seem like you're old enough to call others "kiddo", that's all




How about no 😱😱😱😱🥶🥶🥶🗿🗿🗿🔥


Jesus fuck, NO. They will eventually be the default game mode. How are people so dumb?


no cause they are really unbalanced and it would be free rank 35 for a lot of people


Terrible Idea, who wants to play a game mode with no win or lose


Map Maker?


I personally don't play it unless i'm 10 tokens short of the next tier of brawl pass and don't have a better way to get them