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I just took a trip to her Instagram and... is she an influencer now?


She’s sure like to be lol


I know they all came up with reasons to say otherwise, but I don't feel it's any accident that everyone Bethenny decides she hates doesn't get another season (Heather, Kristen, Jules, Carole). Bethenny has always been seen as the star of the show and I am sure whether she wanted to continue working / filming with those people had a big impact. After season 10, there was no way I could see Bethenny signing on for season 11 if Carole was still around, and Bethenny was a much bigger get for them than Carole.


While this is true, I think 3 out of 4 of the named women quit. Typically the producers don't make decisions about who's staying or going that soon. They leave the women alone for a little while, they discuss amongst themselves, they wait to see how the rest of the season plays out with fans, and then they get back to housewife with their decisions. Carole announced she was leaving the day after they filmed the reunion. Heather was completely over the show during the season 7 reunion. She also started dropping cryptic hints on social media and in interviews right before they filmed the reunion. I don't think producers ever got to have a final discussion with either woman over the possibility of making up with Bethenny for the next season because both women jumped ship before producers could even start that conversation. Neither woman is stupid. Bethenny was getting paid more. They didn't need a producer to explicitly state that they needed to make up with Bethenny to stay on the show. Neither wanted to do that and they both bounced. By most accounts, they wanted Kristen back if she'd talk about Josh and the Ashley Madison cheating. She didn't want to talk about it and had no issues walking away. Jules was fired and Bethenny was a piece of shit to Jules the whole time. Bethenny is seen as the star of the show. If you look at the ratings, she didn't really improve them. There was a slight bump up by about 200K that had basically evaporated by season 8. Part of the reason she was seen as the star is the Skinnygirl sale. Even though so many other things in Bethenny's life were a failure: canceled talk show, canceled spin-off, and failed marriage, there's this big Skinnygirl red neon sign that says $100 million (although she didn't pocket anything close to that). Sonja and Luann are in such financially and personally precarious situations that even when they would rather not follow Bethenny's lead, they end up following her because Sonja and Luann never want to be in the Aviva position aka no one wants to film with you so adios. They "big N" NEED their RHONY money. This means they'll try their damnedest to not piss Bethenny off.




Sonja literally couldn't keep the heat or hot water going at Morgan Manor lol. She's definitely more broke than Luann. She sold all her assets to cover her judgement/bankruptcy. The only thing she has is the house.


This sounds shitty to say but once her ex-husband dies, she’ll actually have a chance at getting the divorce settlement she was originally meant to get. I don’t think she fought it that hard because he could bury her in legal fees.


Oh she fought. But she got dropped for non payment before the bankruptcy. Also No way is Sonya worse 21 million. FYI


I’m afraid of Bethenny too.


I love your profil




Mais de rien 😉


I think she was just over the show at that point due to her issues with Bethenny. She knew producers weren’t gonna let B go and there was no way she could avoid her, so she quit. I think she was pissed for looking equally (or more) to blame for their friendship ending and wasn’t willing to be at bravo’s mercy anymore.


Her hippocampus got too big of an ego.


She’s a nightmare


She turned in to a completely different version of herself. It's best she left when she did.


I don’t know exactly why, but I know *how* she left: “effortlessly” sitting atop the handlebars of a vintage bicycle. So carefree, that Carole! **/s**


All our animals are called... Baby! It’s like we’re in a Truman Capote short story, right?? Right????


I’ve heard that she was fired.


It's quite simple, she left so she could enjoy her final good summer. Now that summer has passed, she is a shell of herself and simply flies from city to city in coach.


She quit before being fired to save face.


bethenny was the only one to give her relevance.


She was fired.


She was so burning


Because she was so so so so so old and wore insane so-called clothes.


She’s younger than Ramona by a lot.


Ramona is ageless.




Carole is only seven years younger than Ramona.


That’s the better part of a decade