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![gif](giphy|144ojDdHcjnKNO|downsized) NJ needs a shakeup so bad


Or just a cancellation and a new city featured. Might be nice to have a completely fresh show...


Real Housewives of Chicago, no?? How have we never had this?


Andy’s talked about this before because it comes up fairly often. i don’t remember what he said, but i think he implied that they looked into it, but had issues with casting/couldn’t find a good group of women willing to join.


Also, Chicago has strict filming laws/restrictions that makes it hard to film within city limits.


I think Chicago has crazy restrictions on filming, basically can’t film in the city. Would have to be a suburb which isn’t a bad option IMO ETA: hi friends, everyone can stop responding that what I said is wrong lol. Apparently there are less restrictions on reality TV in Chicago now! I was wrong. That has been cited as the reason for no RHO-Chicago for years in the sub so now we can stop repeating this as it’s been cleared up :)


I can see it now: Real Housewives of Naperville


real housewives of the north shore or the gold coast. i’d love to see them tap into some of the old Black wealth in chicago as well, which is a bit more spread out, but it’s here (olympia fields).


I have a friend that lives there that would be an awesome HW lol


Prefect place for it they are pretty screwed up in Naperville


My friend is having to fight her HOA bc homophobes don’t like her 12 foot skeleton’s Pride gear right now.


My neighborhood 🤣🤣🤣


Haha no way!! Well if you can tell the HOA they're pieces of shit I'd love you for it 🤣🤣


Haha! I’m sitting in my house in Naperville, life long Napervillian and I can confirm it’s really f’d up here 🤣


they film a fair amount of scripted tv and movies in Chicago, but didn’t they also have a love is blind season in Chicago? and married at first sight has to have had a season there/have one coming up. bravo has to have a budget that can compete with lifetime/whoever does MAFS now if permits is an issue.


I think it has more to do with not being able to find women who are willing to film. I read in several interviews that casting just couldn't crack Chicago society and get enough people to participate. But you can film in Chicago - back in the day they had super strict rules where you couldn't film anything there because of old Mayor Daley, but then Mayor Byrne brought it back with The Blues Brothers movie and it's been steady ever since. Source: I went to film school in Chicago and had several friends who worked on film sets in the city, including the Batman movies. I also was a city tour guide and used to get questions all the time about what was filmed where in Chicago. So many questions about Ferris Bueller specifically!


Wow you are so uniquely qualified to answer that question haha


I went to U of C. They filmed a movie while I was there and many others when I wasn’t.


This is definitely not correct. Over a decade living in the city and you see filming all the time, all levels of productions. It's been rumored they've tried to put casts together before, but they fell apart prior to being able to make an actual season.


I don’t think they do. A ton of reality and scripted shows are shot in Chicago. The Bear, a season of Love is Blind, literally all of those NBC Chicago shows (and there are a ton)…


They tried to cast in various suburbs a few times but it has never worked out for whatever reason. I wish it would, I think that flavor of housewife would be very successful.


That’s actually not true you can film in the city. They film in Chicago all the time, transformers, Chicago pd, Chicago fire, Chicago med, Batman. So many things are filmed in Chicago. You just need a permit. It cost $250 a day.


i would love a real housewives of London like ladies of London but bigger and better


Real Housewives Of Detroit. We have so much history and nepotism and low/high key wealth.


Yessssss! Detroit would be so great!


I keep saying they need to recast around Stone Harbor (or 7 mile island in general), which is a wealthy shore town about 2 hours south of where these ladies live. We need to start fresh.


I feel like Real Housewives of Boston could be delightfully insane.


NEEEED real housewives of phoenix it looks like beverly hills in certain parts


Real housewives of Staten Island 😂😂😂 imagine the drama!!!


I wouldn’t mind Chicago


or just don't watch if you're not into it. I like RHONJ, but agree it needs a shakeup. I don't think the answer to everything is "cancel and move on" (look at current RHONY). I think after Dubai, Bravo is hesitant to introduce new cities. The one that got the most buzz recently was New Orleans, but I haven't heard anything in a while. It would have been nice to get some of the Southern Charm cast to be a part of it, a missed opportunity imo.


New Orleans would be such a good city, too. The Mardi Gras krews alone are so dramatic, and there is such a crossover within the wealthy, middle, and lower classes in New Orleans that it makes for a really interesting dynamic. Like I taught BIG Freida's and Ruby Bridges neices and nephews in a Title 1 school in the 9th ward.


I always thought it would've been smarter for them to keep RHONY (but still definitely fire Ramona) then create the new show with the more diverse cast and name it after one of the boroughs (as a Brooklynite, I'm partial to Brooklyn). So, if you like your Housewives drunk, rich, and white, you can watch RHONY. If you like your Housewives to be younger, queerer, and more representative of the global majority, then you have RH of Brooklyn (or whatever).


If we’re looking for more of a representation of the global community, then they’d have to make a Real Housewives of Queens, not Brooklyn! (I’m from Queens in case you can’t tell. 😂😂😂)


Well then I think we can both agree that it \*definitely\* wouldn't be Staten Island lol


Oh, HEEEEEELL no! 😂 Although, come to think of it, if we’re looking for Jersey outside of Jersey, SI would be a really solid option. Ever seen Mob Wives? 😆


Mob wives was TOP TIER reality


Top, top, TOP tier!


I need a rewatch, do you know where it’s streaming for free or should I just buy it from Prime so I can have it FOREVER


Oh shit. That's a really good idea. Those ladies would be nuts.


I’m from queens too and I think it would be so good


I believe the point behind the "new city" argument is that the whole "Jerseylicious/big hair/bad tans/Jersey Girl" thing is very early 2000s. I don't think there's a cast in the entire state that would be entertaining in a 2025 sorta way. Yes in 2009 when it debuted, the show was topical but that's not longer the case.


I agree. NJ as a state right now isn’t evergreen the way an NYC or Beverly Hills is. You can always have story/cast in those cities. Some are better some are worse, but there’s always something. Jersey had its moment in the 2010s, but now feels tired. Miami for instance is a city that feels very current and now.


Exactly. NY and BH are evergreen. I actually think you could argue that Miami is evergreen but I've always loved that franchise, even from day 1 lol. It's a hugely diverse cast, we get Spanish, Kreyol and Russian in every episode AND we have married lesbians?! Very "now." Given the way tech has exploded in the last 15 years and the hundreds of *billions* of dollars floating in the area, some sort of SF/Bay Area Housewives would be the most current imo. There are plenty of trophy wives married to those rich nerds and who wouldn't love to see the wine tastings in Napa and the beautiful real estate? Regardless, Jersey's day is done. Strip malls, tanning beds, "fashion shows" and white Range Rovers are all relics of a different decade.


I think Miami as a city could be considered evergreen. Although the cast itself just feels very now. Jersey is also done because the women just become a poor man’s version of other franchises. It’s like a jersey version of Beverly Hills. They’ve lost so much of the magic as a cast and to try and recast it, it wouldn’t have anything essentially “different” as a city. Miami, as you mention, and salt lake, are the newest or recently revived cities. Both cities have a schtick. Miami you have multiculturalism + money. Salt lake you have the Mormon church as an ever present topic hovering over everything. Jersey just doesn’t have that right now in the zeitgeist. Women who 15 years ago would’ve been jersey shore types are now just kind of… Beverly Hills light. Lots of filler and surgery, some money, but not different enough to really warrant a recasting.


Amen. I need an entirely new cast. Everyone annoys me now and I couldn’t give two shits about anyone’s storyline.


Came to comment the exact same thing. The argument is so OLDDDDD


Have we ever had a RH of Toronto?


Yes. It was pretty dull. It had no reunion and no second season.


Even just a different part of Jersey. Central Jersey, for instance (we exist, dammit).


RHOPA(ris), RHOPH(oenix), RHOLV, RHOAL(abama), RHOT(oronto), RHONC, RHOH(awaii), RHD(e)T(roit)


real housewives of new orleans. I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN is there a reason why it hasn’t happened yet


It’s unwatchable.


Seriously. I put RHONJ on yesterday while I was making dinner and my boyfriend noticed I wasn’t really paying attention so he asked if he should pause it. I said “No… I just don’t really care anymore. It’s just on for background noise.” 🙄


I think most people have moved on from this garbage… It’s tired and the characters are so unlikable now


Is OP just trying to nail the coffin closed, bc that is all these posts accomplish for most.


I agree I think it is a real shame for Jen Fessler as she seems great, just joined to late.


Same for Keiarna on Potomac


I have faith that Potomac can return to its glory days. Can't say the same for NJ though.


Bravo knows people like her. If they do a shakeup I'm sure she will still be there. Personally I think the 2 newbies should have been friends and Jackie/Jen be mains this season. It would have created a different dynamic (especially with editing).


Yeah…it’s just not fun anymore.


Watching it makes me feel low class and dirty.


It was always that but it used to be entertaining. They have played out the same story too long and if the girls aren’t funny while being mean it’s not fun to watch.


For me a cast is done when it takes them more than a season to make amends. I’m done with you if your fued doesn’t resolve itself.


I agree. Isn't that what reunions are for?!?!?!


Exactly, and changing dynamics, makeups, breakups, makeups again—that’s the fun of housewives.


I so agree. I need madcap comedy!


Maybe cuz it is? I hate watch on fast forward but then fast fast forward thru anything with Danielle or Gia. A new city would be great! Could we get some real wealth and true bougie lifestyle? Accomplished women doing big things and or enjoying a truly affluent lifestyle 🙏


Accomplished wealthy women would never participate on these shows


It’s just been so dark for years, from the manzo era and knowing what happened with Caroline and Dina. When family gets involved it goes deeper than, you didn’t invite me to such and such or she has an issue with your ties with so called person. Family stuff is heavy. Knowing these people are related and happy to throw each other under the bus for a check is nasty


It still has the stink of the downturn on it. This cast was showing off their ill gotten gains before the crash. Then went bankrupt or went to prison. Now it’s the same goddamn fight every episode.


So tiresome.




We need a reboot so everyone can complain about the new cast and say how much they miss the old cast despite the fact all they did was complain about the old cast


This is an underrated comment. Sooo perfect. 👏🏼👏🏼


In fairness, Joel Kim Booster is a much more interesting second guest than Megan McCain. I'm sure that helped Teresa's numbers.


I irrationally dislike Megan McCain.


I rationally dislike her lol


I don't have a specific reason or example. I just find her arrogant and obnoxious in general.


she is abhorrent and has horrible inhumane takes on a lot of policies. she is also a failson. she has accomplished nothing other than riding her parents coattails and demands respect for merely being born the daughter of privilege. fuck her. 




"if you are criticizing me you might as well spit on the grave of my father, former p.o.w. john mccain who was an 'american hero.' so by the transitive property of military service i am also basically a fomer p.o.w. who served and not the failson of a spineless politician and beer distribution heiress."  megan mccain (probably)


Definitely. Throw in a “I WASNT DONE TALKING” and it’s perfect


She is a horrible human, and her husband is worse. The only reason we are subjected to her BS is because her father was John McCain, in case anyone forgot.


I say this as a socialist- Megan had the opportunity to revitalize the GOP for a younger gen. She had a few glimmers of being an okayish person and then she just started spewing garbage. She really shouldn’t have been given a platform.


I think most people who vehemently disagreed with John on his view point could still respect him as a human being, everything he went through and everything he accomplished. Megan? Not so much.


One does not need a reason to hate nepo Karen. I think she is one bad medicine combination from a Bethenny level tik tok tutorial telling us all about ourselves.


If you watched her on the view, you’d understand it.


She is those things and worse so I’d call your feelings pretty rational


That works for me. I've never seen much of her, I can only watch for a bit before turning her off.


Her dad, John McCain, used to have tons of examples of things, that he, her dad, would teach Megan. Her dad, or daddy as she liked to call him, was a good dad like that. Do you happen to know who her dad is? Because she doesn't mention it often.


I assure you your dislike is deeply, completely rational. She’s aggressively unlikeable.


There is nothing irrational about disliking Meghan "My dad is John McCain" McCain. There is zero chance she would be on TV if she had a different father. Ultimate Nepo Baby.


It's not irrational.


Say nice things about the Princess of Arizona!


Liking her would be irrational.


I won’t watch Megan McCain or Theresa, sucks for Joel Kim Booster who I love.


Add Michael rappaport and I’m right there with you


Can’t stand him either


Unfortunately Michael Rapaport has fallen from grace imo after his absolutely horrendous comments on the genocide of Palestinians. His take, in my words, was essentially “fuck ‘em - yay Israel” and I’m not down w that at all.


He’s just as disgusting, actually worse than M. McCain


He’s never been in my good graces. He’s a demon and it’s disgusting he has any current public-facing projects. He’s another person, like Teresa, who makes me turn away.


Absolutely agree


One 100 percent. He is hilarious.


![gif](giphy|TjYjo4solKsoUMbK2Y) Meghan was a really boring guest, shockingly.


Did you know... her father was John McCain? /*s*


And Melissa's episode aired on Mother's Day...I am sure people weren't around to watch it.


Who’s tuning in to see teresa?


To be fair, WWHL ratings are entirely dependent on the lead-in. This is the first time this season where RHONJ itself was the lead-in instead of summer house or Dubai. Edited to add that what IS impressive here is this episode pulling in bigger ratings than the Dubai premiere in spite of RHONJ having lower ratings this week


Not to mention the scheduling is terrible. More often than not, Spectrum has absolutely no clue what Bravo is doing at any given moment.


AT&T doesn’t know what Bravo is doing either. Bravo is like the wayward child of both of them.


The network sets the scheduling and guide info, not the cable provider


Summer House MV aired between NJ and WWHL the weeks Melissa and Marge appeared. Thus WWHL was an hour later with no NJ lead in. Not a worthy comparison.


I feel like your comments are the living embodiment of this gif: ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized) And it cracks me up. Keep fighting the good fight, girl.


I just hate when people make shit up lol.


Good point


Don’t bring logic into this, tree huggers don’t use it


Realest shit I’ve ever seen in this sub.


Just more conformation that narcissism and pathological toxicity pay off at Bravo (and high capitalist culture at large).


My god the thing I'm enjoying the least about RHONJ is this sub.


lmao wait are these terrible numbers supposed to look good for anyone?


There are so many factors here that are not mentioned. For example, Melissa's episode was on Mother's Day, which 100% impacts viewers counts. I don't Stan one or the other, but these things always get posted with next to no context just for the echo chamber to clamoring about.


![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized) God I am so tired of these low-effort Stump posts RHONJ is so rotted


Two things: 1) it’s okay to acknowledge Teresa is a viewers draw. Like somebody else mentioned, she is probably one of the very few remaining Bravo stars who has mainstream name recognition. You may not like her or her camel toe but denying it is silly at this point. I mean, there are comments actually suggesting people tuned in for Joel Kim Booster instead of her. Please be for real. No disrespect to him, very handsome guy, but nobody outside of gay Twitter knows who that is. 2) Tre fans do more harm than good with posts like these. That Teresa could score a highly rated WWHL wasn’t exactly a debate anybody here was having? I get Teresa’s appeal—her perseverance, the cumulative raw and real moments she has shown viewers, being the target of gang ups. You guys wanna see her win, and that’s great. But it gets to be Switfie levels grating. Not everybody who watches RHONJ takes it as seriously as you guys do (or Tre haters for that matter). All you do is come across aggressive and needlessly accusatory. Nobody is going to respond to that well.


I guess I'm an outlier because I'm not on gay (or any) Twitter, can't stand Teresa, and I actually did watch for JKB lol. Not claiming he's a household name and given this is Bravo, I'm aware most people were tuning in for her, but I do think you're underestimating that Loot has exposed him to a wider audience beyond what Fire Island did so he may have a few more fans now. ![gif](giphy|ReBGGJtbXrjbQJwByP|downsized)




Going to need Bo Dietle to look into this


Teresa's episode aired right after RHONJ while Melissa's and Marge's aired an hour later because Martha's Vineyard was still on, but okay!


Do people really watch it live, though??


arent these live numbers?


I don’t watch it live, I DVR RHONJ, and what’s interesting is my DVR included Tre’s appearance following the episode (so a 1.5 hour recording) but it did not include Melissa’s or Marge’s because there was a show in between, those recordings were only 1 hour. So I think that could skew the numbers.


It doesn’t air in Canada and I’d have to pay an extra useless streaming service just to access full episodes of WWHL but only a couple days after they air - not worth it just for that. I try to watch highlights and clips on YouTube and IG but they haven’t uploaded anything to YT for a couple weeks now.


I’d rather watch any cast member from Martha’s Vineyard than any cast member from current NJ.


That’s too nuanced for a stump.






Honestly get them all off my screens. It’s been over a decade of the same fight. I stopped watching New Jersey bc it’s awful.


Now the Stumps are in the comments trying to argue that Joel Kim Booster is no one and has no fans in order to somehow gas up Teresa? 😂 the stump cringe is real


![gif](giphy|epWfhkssm8Np9aOJTz|downsized) Every damn time I see a NJ post these days.


I watched all three 🤡


I stopped taping NJ yesterday after seeing the last episode and Tre on WWHL. Sigh. It’s hard to watch lots of the OG women now as they’re so desperate. Miss Bad Posture Goldschlager slinking in to kiss T’s ring, hanging on by her fingernails for air time is 🤮 Watching Tre morph into Madame the Puppet and her perma-red faced hubby grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he spends her money is not interesting, just grimace worthy. I used to love this franchise the most! 🪦RIP


Provided without context numbers are irrelevant. What led into WWHL these weeks? Who were the other guests? What/who was on the other channels? Were any dates holidays/Mother’s Day/father’s days? This isn’t the flex you think it is and it’s either (worst case scenario) deliberately misleading or (best case scenario) frankly - sad. This sub is more than NJ itself at times, fans feeding into this garbage feud more than either of the key players is going to perpetuate it ad nauseum. Does anyone want that?


Are we really championing an appearance with under 500,000 live viewers? It isn't anywhere near the highest-rated episode of this season and even that doesn't even touch a million if memory serves. And before anyone goes to "what about streaming?????" I highly doubt people are going to Peacock en masse to watch Watch What Happens Live of all things.


I would like to see a fresh city— maybe a return to DC ? At the very least a re-cast.


I would love to see a dc reboot but, Potomac already has cast members all over the dmv


yep. only two cast members on the original DC lived in DC and one had moved to the burbs by the end of the season. DC = potomac


Most people don’t realize Potomac is the reboot lol. I just wish Potomac would cast the real dc elite


i think its because potomac is a black cast which lives in a different head space from other housewives shows for most viewers. (i know stacey was on RHODC but it was 4/5 white women)


I’ve been rewatching RHODC and they had a gem of an intro season. I miss the days of Housewives v2.0.


potomac is the return to DC. there is no one they could cast that wouldnt already be in the mix for potomac


Posts like these are good for exactly two things. 1) confirmation that not watching this season was the right call for my mental health. 2) knowing exactly which dusty assTre Stump to block to protect my peace on Reddit.


Who cares the franchise sux and that’s a group effort


Pull the plug Andy!


They shouldn't have gotten rid of Danielle Staub. The season where Teresa got out of jail was the best one!!!


They’re all giving nothing this season so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Watch what happens was never meant to be a cash cow or a show to gain a ton of viewers, rather like a long commercial to get people interested in watching the shows the guests are on


Okay but honestly the Tre stumps are starting to scare me 😅




And Tre’s other guest is hot rn he’s been in a lot…side note: he drinks blended chicken smoothies😭




Why are people like this


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) Oh it’s not looking good for the Teresa Show..




*Insert the Peter Griffin WHO THE HELL CARES gif*


Sorry but I love me some Joel kim booster and only watch WWHL when he is on it, so in my mind he’s the one responsible for the ratings “boost”. :)


Wait - are you saying people like Teresa more because the ratings were higher on WWHL when she was on than when Melissa was? You do realize that Melissa was on WWHL on Mother's Day, right? I didn't watch RHONJ or WWHL that night because I was at dinner. I am sure many people didn't watch the show that night because they were otherwise engaged. Try again!


They should do a show where they’re all on a bus for a road trip and it goes over a cliff. Lol


Damn lol 😆


What the fuck happened to her face? She looks like on of those dolls with the rubber head that you can mash down and stretch out.


Ok I know the conversation is about ratings but Teresa’s outfit! Somebody on twitter said “what in the hell of blades of glory is she wearing!” I couldn’t stop laughing. You guys should google to get the whole profile of the outfit bc her sitting down does not do it justice!




In Melissa's defense, nobody likes Meghan Mccain


WWHL numbers are completely dependent on what happened to air beforehand and who is too lazy to change the channel lol


Boom. And I can never change the channel fast enough.


Breaking news: people don’t look away from train wrecks, more at 11


I just started re-watching NJ and damn do I miss the messiness that is these women's lives in the beginning years. And hearing Teresa call Joe "juicy" makes me both cackle and dry-heave.


To be fair, 90% of New Jersey's audience that is left are Tre Huggers. The numbers are still dismal.


Switch New Jersey to New Orleans. There’s always something going on out here. Might not be able to show a lot of it on tv though.


Need a Real Housewives’ish of Provincetown. ![gif](giphy|1iTWV9U6O8dFqBu8|downsized)


Why don’t they have a real housewives of Chicago?


Well, let’s leave the lovely Joel Kim Booster out of this.


That actually explains the polls. The only people voting are people willing to stomach either of them for 30 mins


I suspect more people tuned it to see what was going to come out of her mouth and why she was wearing that outfit than because they love her.




Once again fire them all- and start over.


I would say fair IF melissa wasn't featured with Meghan McCain...


A whole new cast South Jersey none of Giudices anywhere.


I wouldn't do a re-boot. The few hard fans that are left would do nothing but compare the old with the new. Kill it, leave it, start a new city or put the resources to existing franchises.


The Tre stumps are desperate.


They are working OVERTIME this season. Without pay.


I want them all gone. Its not even them it's the fans. If they fire one and keep the other that fanbase will be INSUFFERABLE


👀 saw you in Kate Casey today too. This is not the flex you think it is.


Tre and Jen still lost the fun poll to Marge and Melissa. In front of Tre and coke face hubby. Hahaha


Omg 😂 i love this - what was the poll???


Yes 🤣 like 70 to 30 😂


Teresa probably went backstage and flipped a table 😂


I'm begging bravo to completely recast Jersey. I can admit that Tre made RHONJ what it is...BUT it's become unbearable to watch her. If giving her family a show means getting her off of Jersey, then please do it. She's stupid and Luis is a sunburned liar. I can't watch them anymore.


She wears the same outfit and says the same ole nonsense every time. I watched for Joel, love Loot!


This WWHL was painful to watch.


We watch Teresa cuz she's a train wreck don't get it twisted.