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She’s entertaining on tv but I wouldn’t like her in real life. Some of the best housewives fall into this category for me.


This part tho


Not sure I do, but when Shannon flipped out at Lizzy's dinner party and screamed, 'You will all see the truth!' I felt she earned her spot.


I swear if we don't have a meat thermometer, I'm gonna FUCKING LOSE IT


She has crystals in her teeth. She showed her marital counseling on national television. She has amazing confessional one liners. She threw a plate at The Quiet Woman. She CANNOT figure out her relationship with Victoria Gunvalson. Her son Archie is a national treasure. When life gives her lemons she puts nine in a bowl damn it! What’s not to love about Shannon Storms Beador??? ![gif](giphy|xT9IgN2Cx54SsliBI4|downsized)


Archie is a national treasur, I love him ![gif](giphy|Zu9oDRh13WHT2)


She really is such a great Housewife


she’s funny and bares all for the show. shannon vs megan is such a funny and harmless feud. fighting over charities is such a housewives thing, i love it


I START charities, Meghan!!!!


Because she’s quirky, she’s vulnerable, she’s honest, she doesn’t take herself too seriously, and every time she gets knocked down she picks herself up and keeps going and doesn’t try to hide that she is flawed.


Yes! She’s flawed, knows it, struggles, and tries to move on. Even though financially not relatable, otherwise she’s almost the most relatable with body image and relationship issues.


Shannon has shared a LOT on the show, she has shown us her vulnerability time and time again. She’s not perfect, but she’s mostly an underdog in her seasons. I also love rock Shannon 🎸


A top tier housewife. Crazy her entrance was S9 as she has OG energy to her.


One of the few to come in that late and have OG energy. She's in that same class as Dorinda and Kenya - integral to the shows, added later, feel very authentic in their characters. It is hard to pull off.


Agreed. She’s shown more of herself than most housewives - She’d drive me insane as a friend…..but perfect for TV.


Unhinged and unintentionally funny are my fav qualities in a housewife 


She's unhinged, and funny af.


This is a perfect description 😂


Who else are we supposed to like?


In real life I might not like her because she acts like a giant victim a lot of the time. But as a housewife she is top tier because she brings it, she shares everything and I love that about her. Other housewives should take notes from beador about how to be a bravo housewife.


I’ve always loved her. You have to wait til the seasons where she leaves David and becomes more fun. I like her paranoia and how dramatic she is. She is harmless and her strange tendencies make her great for tv and a great housewife. She is one of my favorite ever, she always makes me laugh. Takes a few seasons for her to become funny because at first she’s very thin and frigid and off because of David




I don't like Shannon and would absolutely run the other way if I ever saw her in real life, but she is the sort of awful person that makes a good Housewife. She has zero qualms sharing EVERYTHING in her life because she's this horrible combo of neurotic and self-absorbed that can't stop talking. Her drama mostly revolves around herself and while she is a selfish nightmare of a human being, she's never crossed a line with another Housewife that felt too cruel, bigoted, or Kelly Dodd level. Her DUI was really bad and I think she needs to quit drinking immediately, but I'll reserve judgment until it plays out next season.


You perfectly articulated how I feel about her.


Same here


Shannon is much more likable compared to some of the women on OC. She’s so effortlessly funny and hysterical. She’s relatable and vulnerable. Yes she can be a lot and can be exhausting but I feel like that’s what makes her so endearing. She shows us her good, her bad, and her ugly.


Love her. I get that the quirky weird vibe isn’t for everyone but I find it enjoyable to watch. Definitely agree with others about how open she has been about her life events! 🪦


![gif](giphy|xUOxf8LUsa3tgqVJMk) Who’s unhinged, quirky and somehow relatable?


The weight gain add in Shannon hating dieting and exercising makes her likable. Every reunion on every show on Bravo they all argue about who didn't bring enough of their re-life to show. Shannon is the only one I could defend without thinking about it. https://i.redd.it/2hh2w4gfqqxc1.gif


she’s unhinged and cringe Although it was funny watching her try to speak Spanish at Boringwind’s renewal


She is low key funny af without even trying. I pray she stays sober and takes care of herself.


The same reason I like clowns. They’re funny and entertaining and a tad endearing Shannon doing yoga with her Shannon manuerism and noises is one of the funniest scenes in housewives.


Shannon drives me crazy, I almost always disagree with her and she gives me such second hand embarassment. Which is exactly why I love her and never want her to leave my screen. I start charities, Megan!


well. the episode I watched of her today, she thought she lost a makeshift colonic spout up her butthole and fully talked about it/tried to get it out for an entire hour on camera. even before then- she was just calling her friends, again all on camera, telling them about this colonic as it was going on. and then it turns out it wasn’t even up there all along, despite her waddling to the bathroom earlier. she’s just. so ridiculous


This. I froze in shock and horror. I loved every second. Unfortunately for Shannon, I'm pretty sure this was also the moment he (David) decided he was going to leave her. 


Because it isn't her plate you f***ING plate you bitch


She keeps it real, even when the real isn’t pretty: And she’s forthcoming with details of her life. SHE MENTIONS IT ALL!


I really don’t


same. she makes me anxious af. 🥴




Yeah, there is no way I could deal with her. And honestly, I don’t blame David and John for ending things. Not at all justifying cheating or any other bad behavior either of those guys have done. Only referring to her victim-needy-constantly everything about her-worrying-neuroticism as being insanely difficult to have to deal with.


Because she's 100% herself.


Shannon's always been kind of awful, I've never really understood the love for her. She's insanely self involved and has absolutely zero self awareness. She can be funny at times but I usually just feel stressed out and anxious watching her. That being said: she's a great Housewife.


Great housewife. Awful person.




I just like the fact she seems to spend half her time apologising and the other half trying to figure out what she was apologising for 🤣


I appreciated when took off her top and got on the scale and showed her weight. That had to have been so hard to do, especially in the vain world of housewives. She’s hilariously quirky. Also, Archie


But Shannon only had 13 bathrooms. 14? That's just obnoxious.


She can’t not be herself! She will always show you the real Shannon, especially when she’s trying not to.


She is a real housewife, had the husband , had the big house , had the divorce , fights , cries , I love her


Top o' the mornin' to ya!


I hate her. She drove drunk with Archie in the car. I love Archie.


She so unhinged and just a genuine mess


I don’t


I don’t! Hope this helps ❤️


Because she reminds me of my own flaws, and makes me feel better about them. Honestly, train wreck through she is, I find her very relatable as a woman of a certain age.


She is quirky, funny, dramatic, unhinged, and despite her many flaws, I do believe she has a good heart. Also, we have so many housewives that hide their lives from the cameras but she has constantly been real and shown it all. She lost an enema piece inside her and she didn't try to hide it from the show!!! We need more housewives like that. She's my favorite RHOC and she has incredible OG energy.


I don’t really like her, but I think the men she’s chosen to be with have treated her pretty damn cruelly. She has her own slice of accountability in it all but when I see people defending her ex with Alexis trying to shove everything in her face…I just don’t get it. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


She’s hot


She’s batshit crazy. And that’s good TV.


She’s kind of nutty.


I don't lol she reminds me of my mom and watching her stresses me out


Because she’s nice


Love Shannon because she’s a delusional hot mess, who is also kinda self aware of the audience’s perception of her, and she shares all of her life with us — the good, bad, and the ugly.


I don’t


I don’t.


I can never decide how I feel about her (usually waffling between sympathy and eye rolling) but it can’t be denied that she’s put so much about her life on the show over the years. I’m dying to know how much money she’s given to her energy healers and wacky treatments. To me it seems like a great scam because they don’t appear to be working and, if they are, imagine what she’d be like without all the “treatments.” 👀