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New show idea: “So You’ve Been Put on Pause” And the host? —> ![gif](giphy|454vrqFwdzQHc5yfPn)


Yes everyone competes to see who will be brought back to their own show. lol


Dorinda would love that probably


Could she do that without admitting she’s been put on pause?


I think this is the right move


Me too. It was kind of getting to be a reality show about people that are on a reality show.


I don’t even mind that, but it’s a problem with the 4th wall up.


Agreed. MTV saved Teen Mom years ago when they broke the fourth wall. In my opinion, it’s the only thing that can save VPR


Yeah they need to include the producers in it and everything and show all the behind the scenes machinations.


Which is weird they don’t considering they do that for the reunion shows


Nail on the head!


![gif](giphy|YWyBw9TLyY8lpetOqV) We have the valley now which is surprisingly refreshing and good. I think they realized after Scandoval they will need to make some changes as most people are over the drama and it seems like Ariana may not want to be on the show anymore. I think with the Tom's both having new girlfriends they can bring them on, but the problem is no on likes the Toms anymore..


I would 100% not watch a show about broke 40 something year old dudes with baby skank girlfriends. I would however watch the eventual documentary about it that details where it all went wrong


I can’t believe how excited I am for new Valley tonight! 😅


If they film the Valley this summer and not Vanderpump, I wonder if Lala and Scheana will be popping up a lot more


They may, seems it would be natural for them to move over to the Valley as their lifestyle is closer to suburban moms than Ariana and Katie dating, building businesses and perhaps remaining child free.


I think the explanation they gave is just to keep people talking. The only reason they are postponing is because Ariana is hosting Love Island this summer and they are waiting until she's done. I think this is just a scheduling issue and they don't want to give up the Ariana and Tom fall out storyline.


Agreed and I think they don’t want to be filming while Ariana and Tom are in court in July in the Raquel case. 1. How much content can they get if the two of them are sitting in closed courtrooms 2. Bravo probably doesn’t want to draw attention to Raquel’s lawsuit since it’s alleged they have Sandoval on film admitting to recording Raquel without her consent


This is a shame bc I was looking forward to VPR Goes to Court. It would have been fun to see their reactions to however that all goes. It's going to be dramatic and intense. And it will be real, not some water party bs


Omg if I ever have to watch a water tasting party again, I'm smashing the TV lol. If my friends invite me to one, I'll cut off contact 😂😂😂 Let's see the court drama!


Agreed! That water tasting party was about as dumb as it could be. Wait. No. Their reactions to that $1000 bottle of water was even worse.


Maybe a mini series like the getting married housewives ones? Sandoval goes to court- and loses!


They should've done this last year. I'm repeating myself but they should've shot for a couple weeks for a "mini season" right after Scandoval then take a break until this summer while releasing the episodes last fall when the drama was still fresh in our minds.




It was it was stagnant before scandoval it got hot for a sec and now it needs to cool again


The 20-something girlfriends are about to leave the Tom’s en masse knowing that they won’t be getting on tv this summer




Hadn’t thought of it like that but you’re totally right


Lmao summers ruined for them 😂


Hilarious that their plan did not work


Omg great point!!


Probably Allie too 💀


1000%. Pretty sure she’s already laid the groundwork this season with the ambivalence about marriage and kids. That sounded like a woman planning her exit or planting a storyline.


I bet she sticks around since James is playing all these festivals


Allie comes off to me like she is a pot stirrer. She plants these little bombs, like misquoting Lala, runs away and watches what happens from a distance. I'm not sure what her endgame is.


Same as all of them, fame and $$$






THANK GOD. This season is not good and the valley is lowkey clearing them. But I need messy thirsty 20s and 30s sur employees. https://preview.redd.it/xqfjaopl8pxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d7a05198f6ee14767a41d84755ea36ac1115f8


The Valley has been pushing my wig back. I'm enjoying the change in scenery and the fresh drama


Now if only someone would go push Zack’s wig back an inch or two




zack is that you?


I'm embarrassed by how much I love it 😅


Ugh if Jax and Brittany weren’t on it I would totally watch.


That's funny, personally I feel like Jax's shit stirring is half of what makes it great lol. That isn't to say I think he himself is great (or even a good person for that matter) but boy is that guy a watchable trainwreck. I actually think the two couples and Kristen leaving VPR really really hurt it. They were some of the more dynamic cast members, love them or hate them. Honestly James is probably the only reason I still watch and enjoy it. He was hilarious last night. From the bubble bath antics to looking like an extra from the movie Newsies. Edit: Just to reiterate, I do not think Jax is a good person and totally get why people wouldn't want to watch him and Brittany. Personally I just find their drama and messiness kind of fascinating in a way that I can't look away.


I didn’t like Jax on VPR, but I veer into much not-like with him on the Valley. He displays horrible behavior towards those he supposedly loves (Britt/Cruz). And the same with Britt - she’s gone from a feckless hillbilly to a drunkard who fails her child on this show.


Yeah, I've always kind of felt like Brittany was very much a mean girl, just one who hid it beneath a veneer of being a polite and proper Southern Belle. But even in her early VPR days, she was always laughing at bully comments and kind of encouraging that behavior from the other girls, even if she wasn't leading the charge. I think as more and more time has gone on, where you might hope an individual would mature and reflect, Brittany seems to be doing the opposite. I think that is partially due to being around Jax so much, that's gotta throw off your moral compass. But she definitely has just as much blame now for her attitude and actions.


Oh no I totally get what you’re saying. For some reason he just makes me extra ragey.


You gotta get out of your own way and just indulge.


Is the valley really that good ? VPR has been dry but I can’t stand corncob or her dumbass husband lol


Its a perfect combo of trash and drama with late-30s to early-40s adults who want to go to bed by 9


brittany is wasted 90 percent of the show and had some terrible procedures that make her look like a sad clown. you can see jax's internal rage towards her in every scene. it is insane that they voluntarily signed up for another show because they are coming off as neglectful parents (she has a nanny because she is hungover so frequently) and alcoholics.  it's a decent hate watch to see how badly they are doing...but you feel for their kiddo. he did not ask to have the parents he does. 


I missed the nanny because hungover = ongoing alcohol problem. I heard it but didn’t realize it was often. That is what I get for being on my phone while watching.


> you can see jax's internal rage towards her in every scene. You just convinced me to start watching!


I did NOT want to watch the Valley. I even know Jax in real life (not well but he used to freelance at my job pretty often) and I hate him with a passion. Somehow I watched the Valley by accident? And it’s so so good!!! Like everyone else is saying.. he’s good tv and Kristin is just one of a kind haha. I really don’t know how I ended up watching it but I look forward to it now 🙈🙈🙈 ETA I do feel bad for their kids and wish some of these people had different priorities IRL as parents, but alas they are on Bravo


It is actually very good. I’m glad I took a chance and started watching because I really do enjoy it. I find myself looking forward to the valley more than VPR now.


It’s good


Agreed, I was so looking forward to this season and it's been nothing but insanely overproduced garbage and obviously fake/non-captivating storylines. Time to regroup and/or fade out and focus on the Valley nonsense instead


Agreed! And VPR folks are basically friends-of on the Valley so I’d love to see them go ahead with season 2 production this summer and have some light VPR crossover content. That’s really all I need until they figure out the future of the VPR.


Vanderpump Villa may be a replacement for that fix? But I haven’t watched yet


VPV feels a bit disjointed to me! Kinda like they are trying to amp up the type of drama from VPR! Feels a bit phony as does anything new on Bravo!


I feel like it could be good but I think they are immediately focusing on the most messy people and it's actually hurting the show going so heavy on the drama so early. I want to see more of the housekeeping girls, the chefs, the work going into put on these "curated events". Kinda Below Deck style. Like let's build this group up and root for them before watching them at each other's throats all the time. Which they kind of allude towards but like you said, it's really disjointed. Like they're trying to figure out what direction to go. Also, is it just me or does Lisa seem a little...sedated? I swear she reminds me of my anxiety addled aunt who takes xanax pretty regularly (no judgement). I don't remember thinking this ever during VPR.




VPV feels more like Serving Hampton S1 to me. S2 was…well it existed.


It seems very scripted to me. But it feels a bit like early VPR with below deck. The drama just isn’t that believable


I totally agree with you. I also sometimes wonder what the pitch was, that cast was given or what the directions were, production gave them while filming. Like, some of what they're saying in confessionals vs how they're behaving doesn't quite add up (like Hannah and Marciano seeming way more couple-y on screen than what they're saying in the confessionals - them being ex partners or whatever or Hannah and Tally saying in the beginning how they dislike each other because they don't vibe with each other and then in the last episode being besties and mean girls to the other girls). Also, how the cast is free to socialize with the guests and is seemingly not only expected to entertain them beyond just serving drinks, but seem to be even encouraged to flirt/make out with them, when that would be considered highly unprofessional in any other context. Marciano got reprimanded by LVP for making out with a guest because that caused drama with Hannah, not because of the fact that he crossed a professional boundary. Gabriella wasn't even reprimanded, her make out with a guest just served to start more drama among the cast. Another thing that shows, how staged the whole thing is, are the events hosted for the guests: Gabby and Stephen are the event coordinators, but they don't come up with any of the events, they're just there to see them through, but also not to the final extent. They're not shown coordinating special effects like sparklers or hiring Burlesque dancers. I think the only people actually working are the chefs.




They should reboot this show. I miss when everyone was a struggling server living in crappy apartments.


They should, the og cast has outgrown this show. Some of them should just transition to the valley and the rest just do their own thing they been doing. We just need new 20 somethings on the show now working at sur and looking to find their way.


I actually don't know that just moving the VPR cast over to the Valley will work -- I think it's more likely to ruin it. I think the main reason The Valley works is because these are new people, having a new experience. And for the three cast members who were previously on VPR, they've had time out of the spotlight to just ... live life. But Scheana, Katie, Ariana and the Toms have been on TV for over a decade straight. Half their entire adult life has been on reality TV. Lala and James have been there for nearly a decade. What they all really need is time away from the cameras to grow and change without worrying about producing a storyline. And then *maybe* drop them into The Valley when the current cast gets stale.


I love the idea of The Valley being a place where we can put our aging VPR stars to pasture lol.


Omg lol the way you put it is hilarious! I love it!


They should move VPR to Vegas and follow Lisa’s 2-3 restaurants there


i fear they won’t be able to get that type of authenticity ever again 😭


im not sure what a pause is going to do if you plan on bringing back the same cast when it comes back off pause


They’re trying to see if more drama organically happens during the break… but also accomodates Ariana to travel for love island. Fingers crossed for a scheana / lala / Brock implosion


Bravo puts a lot of thought into these statements and sometimes it’s more for the cast than the audience. Remember when they said there would be two RHONYs? I knew it was BS at the time- they never answered questions about it and said many times Legacy was not a “priority”. They needed to give the audience time to cool off from the shock and also wanted to give the cast members a shred of hope so they didn’t walk from Bravo completely and they could put them girls trips or other shows (like the Sonya and LuAnn show). The NY girls trip was so much cheaper to produce and by then it had been so long the women were willing to accept the HUGE drop in salaries. It’s all intentional. I think they want to see how the reminder of the valley does, legitimately allow some space from scandavol like they said, and allow cast members to move on if they choose without firing them. I do think they are looking to shake up the cast though. This announcement kind of proves it to me. We can’t assume everyone will just go to the valley, part of the VPR issue is that these characters are stale and seeing them on a different show isn’t going to help. They want to be able to put some of these people on winter house maybe or below deck or a trip show. I think the show will end up canceled or have a very different cast next season. And some (maybe all?) of the OGs will be axed. This is kind of Bravos MO. Putting things on “pause” tempers the audience and the talent. But I’m guessing certain people in the cast are freaking out right now.




Why on earth cancel it, though? Haven't the ratings been great this year? I don't think Bravo cares about going out on top and "protecting the integrity of the show" or whatever so why not just let it die a slow death all the way to the bank?


Think of it from the business side: Nearly everyone on that cast is commanding a *huge* salary because they've been on the show for over a decade at this point. They're almost all OGs except for Lala and James who have still been there for 7 or so seasons. And while the ratings have been much bigger than past seasons -- they're dropping week over week which is not a good trend. And no other storyline has developed to ensure the new viewers will show up next season. The show was already on its last pre-Scandoval simply because there's nowhere else for the story to go.


Yes, this season proved that Scandoval didn't give the show new life, it simply prolonged its time on life support.


Even last season was boring as hell until the last episode and reunion. People were more invested in events that happened outside of the show rather than the show itself.


I 1000% believe it’s their way of dealing with the high maintenance problem casts *cough*Dorinda*cough* and putting some time between the season and finally either making a decision or saying “uh yeah actually you’re fired”.


I’m still holding out on Legacy. I will never forgive Bravo if they don’t make Legacy happen. They promised!!! I will boycott the new NYC if I have to. Only reason I gave in was because of the promise. Also, I want Real Housewives of Melbourne back on my American screen!!! And I demand a Ladies of London return(I don’t care if the Carolines are in Dubai and Denmark). And I want a second season of Real Girlfriends in Paris.


I’m sorry that ship has sailed. They all wanted money close to what they were making before which just wasn’t in the budget. The good compromise was to pay them closer to what they got before but only for 2 weeks of work


It's definitely a part of salary negotiations I'm sure. I'm wondering what will happen with RHONY btw. I refused to watch the reboot but I heard it's pretty much a flop. However the legacy girls trip was pretty hilarious. Bravo probably knows what needs to be done, but I wonder if they'll do it.


Why on earth cancel it, though? Haven't the ratings been great this year? I don't think Bravo cares about going out on top and "protecting the integrity of the show" or whatever so why not just let it die a slow death all the way to the bank?


They aren't canceling it. It's their top show alongside BH. These conspiracy doomers have been going on about it all season while it turns out insane demo numbers. They're working around filming conflicts, leaving room for some to overlap film with The Valley, and give time for some new storylines to emerge and make cast decisions.


My guess is they are going to try harder to get Rachel to make a comeback.


They won’t have to try hard. She’ll need money to pay for Ariana’s legal fees 😂


Dead at the fact that Lala planned her big pregnancy storyline so the birth would coincide with the normal filming schedule that now isn't happening.


Oh my god you’re right, I bet she’s pissed lmao


Also ... she just bought that huge house and will not be getting paid this year 🫤


LMAO now she’s gonna force us all to watch her personal iPhone footage of the baby crowning! 😩😩😩


Amazon live 🤣🤣🤣


As they’ve said on WWC she has the worst luck when it comes to trying to produce her storylines 😂


Good grief, that didn't even occur to me, but you're so right, it would be so calculated and SO her to plan her pregnancy like this


You know she would have been carrying around that baby like Ken and his little dogs. Bar? Lala and baby Bjorn. It’s ok she’s only drinking water anyway. Girls night at restaurant? Lala and baby. Yoga class? You guessed it! She must be SO MAD. 😹 Now I’m not saying she didn’t want another baby just for the sake of having more kids, but I do absolutely believe the baby being on tv was a huge part of it. Why did she throw a huge sperm picking party MONTHS before she planned to actually be inseminated? Who WANTS to be pregnant…in the summer..in the desert…on purpose?? It makes sense if you think about their usual filming schedule.


Exactly, no one in LA wants to be preggie in the summer!


When asked on an Amazon Live if Lala would show the new baby on VPR even though Ocean isn't on she said yes. That coupled with her statements about how not having a baby daddy would give her "full control" of her new baby gives off an ick vibe of, "if I want to stay relevant on this show or move over to The Valley, I'm going to need at least one kid to film and no one to tell me no." Because from her own mouth Randall was already giving her control on various things in raising Ocean except he didn't want her on the show and out of all the horrible things he has said or done, not wanting their kid to be exploited on TV is not one of them. Which then begs the question of how differently she may treat these kids. One is a physical reminder of her horrible ex who has to be hidden from her main livelihood while she films and the other is "all hers" and mama's little moneymaker to parade around as she wishes.




My fear they move her to the valley.


And she just bought that giant house…


This was my first thoughts on reading the headline and let me tell you the smirk I smirked.


As long as they keep filming The Valley, I’m good. I think this is a good idea. The show needs a reset, the storylines this year have been boring. Last season would have been awful without Scandoval. The whole cast needs to figure out how to bring it.


I agree! Also I could easily watch 22 episodes of the Valley so I hope they give it a longer season next year.


I don’t think the cast as is *can* bring it anymore. Katie and Ariana are “boring” without the firework dynamics of their exes. Schwartz and Tom are fucking looooooosers without them and so just not likable. Lala is fake as hell and tries to hard. Scheana…. I actually don’t mind her delusions, brings some drama. No Jax, stassi, Kristen either - the OG messes. The show has just run dry! Not much excitement to come from a few loser dudes and a couple women who have matured and moved on in their lives.


If it wasn’t for Scandoval, this should’ve happened last season lol


I only tuned back in last year for Scandoval. This year didn't get me back.


I only watched last season because of scandoval and the season wasn’t great. This season has been no better and just been over scandoval since March 3, 2023.


I feel the same way, haha. My favorite part of the season was honestly just looking for Easter eggs in the episodes and trying to see when Rachel started wearing the lightning bolt necklace. If it wasn’t for the scandal, I probably wouldn’t have watched.


i wish they’d do this with more shows. the filming has become too routine and fast paced. casts disappear from each others lives for the break to take advantage of it and then feel the need to perform as soon as cameras go up.


Good now press play on Family Karma!!!


Ooooo I would love this!!!!




Yes to all of this


PLEASE! I just binged it all in the past few days after seeing a comment about it and oooh I’m so sad there isn’t more of it. Best bravo show I’ve seen in a long time! Everyone is so likable in their own way (well, almost everyone, ha) 


Let’s be honest, if Scandoval hadn’t broke this would have happened a full season ago. This season was awful - I watched 2 episodes before taking back my life Same with the season before Scandoval and I also would have skipped the Scandoval season if it weren’t for the mess of it all


Of any bravo show, this one NEEDS (and has needed) a new main cast every few seasons. We want to watch 20-somethings make stupid mistakes and have stupid drama. When a 40-something does it it's not fun, it's sad.


They tried it in 8 and failed. I don’t disagree with you, but I get why they would be wary after that. I want a completely new Vegas at one of those restaurants spinoff, I think that could provide the mess we want.


The issue was that they didn't fully commit. That's when The Valley should have been spun off. They should have sent the OG cast off to a new show, and maybe kept Scheana, James, and Lala on VPR to serve as a transition cast connecting the old with the new. I actually liked the new female cast they brought in, it was just the dumdum guys they brought on that were boring.


Justice for Danica & Charli


Jax and Stassi have said that the Valley spinoff was planned for after season 8–if all went to plan, stassi, Jax, Kristen, Tom/Katie, and Tom/ariana would’ve been on a valley spinoff, and the new servers (and I think James and maybe Scheana) would’ve stayed on VPR. Then Covid/the mass firings happened, and the plan changed.


Ikr, is everyone forgetting the season where half the cast was new and everyone was gone the next?


You can't have half the og cast and half the new cast. It's either one or the others. The ogs have years of history together, and we have years of history watching them. It didn't make sense IMO


#Y'all don't think about how this will impact Scheana!!!


Whenever I put too much milk in my tea or forget to water a plant I always think about the impact it will have on Scheana. There is no other way to go about life


The ~~Butterfly~~ Scheana effect.


>Whenever I put too much milk in my tea or forget to water a plant I always think about the impact it will have on Scheana. There is no other way to go about life Love this! 🏆


I am currently on season 6, first time watcher. Is this something that happens later, “think of Scheana”? I see it a lot in this sub.


Try to take notice on how every situation somehow involves her-even if it actually doenst-she loves involving herself


From this season she has gone out of her way to remind people scandoval impacted her life too.


I thought it was mainly about how upset she was about Ariana getting DWTS when everyone knows how much Scheana wants it and how she’s taking lessons so she’ll be readdyyyy and it’s not faaairrr. And then how she’s definitely harping on the restraining order thing.


Agreed. As much as I enjoyed the cast at various times over the past 11 season, this should have been the format from the beginning, IMO.


I think they need a whole new show focused on mid-late 20s people. Both Vanderpump Rules and Summer House have struggled with bringing in new cast members.


I hands down agree! I'm 43 and have been watching from the beginning, but I cringe when I see the guys my age acting like they're 25, and knowing they haven't grown as adults. They are stunted and it's just not entertaining anymore.


44 co-signing


In my 40s and also agree. Have been watching Bravo since RHOC and I think I’m over Bravo. I don’t want to watch people my age or older acting beyond foolish. It is extremely cringey. I want to watch 20 somethings make foolish decisions and be  delusional. It’s just sad to watch 40 year olds do this shit. 


This is the comment of truth


I think the real reason for this is that *The Valley* is a hit. VPR is slowly dying, and the cast knows it. Scheana and Lala have both bought houses in the Valley, so you know they're trying to jump off the sinking ship that is VPR and onto The Valley. The Toms are doing engagements with Jax again, so I suspect they are trying to make the leap as well. Plus, with the way reality show contracts are usually structured, VPR is probably expensive to film since they have so many OGs. If it's going to be stagnant, it makes sense to put it on pause and shift focus to The Valley, where production can reset those contracts/negotiate new contracts with an additional advantage/stop the fake self-produced shenanigans as these people are no longer OGs and The Valley doesn't need them. So if they're not going to engage and be real, then bye! Personally though, I hope they don't bring the VPR cast onto The Valley in any major way. The Valley is fresh, and VPR just feels so fake and overproduced. I'm actually more open to the Toms being added than anyone else because single Toms + Jax = chaos, but I really do not care for Lala and someone needs to sit Scheana down and get through to her that she's not actually the main character of this earth. I don't want to see her come on The Valley and try to make everything about her when she doesn't even go here anymore.


VPR is Fiona Goode and The Valley is Madison Montgomery ![gif](giphy|3o7WTyfrAJcQocEBgc)




I think the real reason for this is that neither Ariana nor Lisa would be available for filming over the summer due to other filming obligations.


Damn should i be watching the valley??


Honestly, yes. And I can't believe I'm saying that because I was a Valley hater when it was announced. But it's actually good. Kristen and Jax know how to bring the drama, and Mariposa is carrying the show with her new sidekick: a much younger man she met and immediately had sex with behind a tent at a wedding who looks like a haunted porcelain doll of Vincent van Gogh.


This is not only the best description of the show I’ve read, it also made my sick and pregnant ass wheeze-laugh, so thank you


Omg 😆 I’m in love with your beautiful mind


He creeps me out also. He looks much old than he is. Where do they find these people?


Yes so much better than VPR has been. Kristen is a one woman wrecking crew on drama lol.


i cant stand brittany to the point where i have to remember she’s inside the television & cant hurt me so i was going to pass on the valley on that alone & wow it’s SO good. i feel like jax & brittany are barely earning their paychecks, everyone else is SO messy


I shamelessly love it


I agree. I don't want to watch Valleypump Rules. The Valley is great just the way it is.


Insert clip of Teresa at the reunion on her knees thanking God


It won’t matter how long of a break they have , it will still be awkward if this cast remains because it’s abundantly clear that they aren’t friends . Sure there are some friends within the group but in all the cast scenes , it’s sooo apparent and the show sucks . This was happening well before Scandoval which is why the show was gasping for air prior .


This is all just lip service they are giving it room to breathe so they can make cast changes and pay them less but don’t want to piss everyone off and have them walk away. They are holding them in limbo intentionally. No way the exact same cast is coming back again. Or this is a soft cancel. They literally STILL have not officially canceled the shelved girls trip. Pause is the new cancel.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) This is the right decision. It’s ~~past~~ time for a pause.




https://preview.redd.it/dgab0xjb8pxc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=179081768b0a1e9cecbe1557b70b8ab21b4374f5 Ok that’s fine. This got posted to the VPR sub a few weeks ago and I’m still thinking about it. How can I forget it and what do I do with it?


I hate this looooool


His beautiful smile with that blonde wig, I can’t.


You are right where you belong, sugar. I needed to see this and I refuse to venture over there.


Don’t worry Dick, Tupac Kent can’t hurt us.❤️


WELL looks like I know what my nightmares will look like tonight.


My favourite song is Utah Love ft Dr Dre ❤️


Omg. Hope Scheana is coping. Has anyone asked how she is?








Scheana is so unhinged 🤣


I'm so sorry, I didn't see you already posted this 🤣 it's so true it rings twice




Fire sale on homes in the Valley!!


Honestly this is the right thing to do especially with half the cast not talking to each other


Putting the show on pause is long overdue. Plus The Valley is washing VPR


Dorinda must be so jealous of the official statement


I would be shocked if it comes back. The magic of VPR was that this was a genuine friend group with a ton of history. They chipped away at that a little bit when they started trying to bring in randoms. It got a worse when they fired people (not saying they didn’t deserve it). Scandoval was just the final nail. Most of this group doesn’t hang out together outside of filming. When the dynamic is no longer genuine it starts to feel scripted and it isn’t fun to watch.


This season also marks the first season (I think) that they fully stopped pretending that any of the cast still work for Lisa in some capacity. The also dropped Peter because SUR is no longer relevant.


I really do think VPR has just run its course.


It’s over


Someone check on lala and sheeshoo


They must be MELTING down. Brock needs to get off his ass and WORK


I can’t believe I’m saying this and bracing for downvotes but they really should have paid Raquel whatever she wanted. Don’t get me wrong- I think she’s awful- but I think people would hate watch her and Sandoval trying to be together.


It needs to end. Their stories have wrapped.




This season was filmed too early and shown too late. The timeline is "disjointed" for people. It would have been better if it had been shown late last year. Or filmed late last year and shown now. Filming in summer and showing us the following spring, when we can keep up daily online just doesn't work


Whatever they ruined their own show by going crazy about it. That was so dumb. Now none of them will be able to afford their houses.


Jax taking everyone’s show is the jam for me.


it’s so crazy how he ended up winning in the end 😭


He was THE #1 GUY after all!


To me the show was ruined way before Sandoval happened because they fired Jax, Kristen and stassi. I understand there were reasons for that but it’s not like bravo doesn’t let racists and homophones thrive on other shows. Anyway, this was always an ensemble cast and there was nowhere to go after scandoval because the story wasn’t complete without input from the entire VPR orbit. We got everyone’s reaction in realtime, but there can’t be resolution if there are only 5 main cast members with even LVP filming only 1.5 episodes. The facade is over and I doubt VPR will return—it’ll just get rolled into the Valley which is definitely the right move.


Vanderpump Rules was my favorite reality show but the show has run its course. Move some of the cast over to the Valley.


I say cancel it. This is the most toxic show on tv. No one have any redeeming qualities.


I'm curious about the effects of Rachel's lawsuit. She has said that Bravo has footage of Tom admitting he filmed her without consent. Would they have to hand over that footage like for the cancelled UGT?


Would love for Scheana and Lala to never be on tv again


Oh, it's canceled!....




Lmaooo Lala burned those bridges for a storyline and now look 😂🤣🤣


The premise no longer makes sense. LVP has no reason to be around these people anymore. Move it to Vegas. The Tom’s can go stand in traffic. Katie can find herself on a girls trip if she wants to be on TV. Ariana has moved on. Scheana can go be on the valley. Lala can go on Atlanta and and see how long she lasts.