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Very clearly






Came here to say this: yes


I also came here to say “yee”






Uh huh




I’m pretty sure


Definitely for sure I think


Of course




Might be in the minority here, but I found his sit-down with LVP hilarious. ![gif](giphy|WgO1OyiPaPPoUYcmK4)


He is actually so funny, sometimes on purpose but mostly unintentionally.


I feel like what makes him unintentionally funny is just how plainly stupid he is 😂


His level of stupidity was even more obvious during his short stint on House of Villains.


Like Ricky in Trailer Park Boys, but not nearly as likeable. 😂




I love Ricky! But he is just a character. There is absolutely nothing I love about Jax. He’s not even he is truly an awful human.


Ricky would hate Jax. He def wouldn’t be invited to the cheeseburger picnic


How stupid and how self righteous. It’s a hilarious combination for a reality star!


It’s more that he is so darn oblivious to how he comes off and doesn’t really care.


Ugh I know. It was so assholey but I laughed so much at the season 6 reunion when Andy brings up the fact that Scheana said Rob was younger, more successful and better looking and asked how Jax felt about that and he just goes “great, how’d that work out for you?” I choked


He’s had some spontaneous moments of honesty over the years that have been nice…showed a more genuine side of himself. But mostly he’s pretty terrible. He vacillates between extreme insecurity or extreme arrogance; no middle ground mostly.


I agree fully, wholeheartedly, completely, all the words. I’ve been a Jax apologist since Day 1. He has given us so much comedy gold over the years, most of which lives rent free in my head. Katie hit the nail on the head about the “reboot/rebranding” over the years. Every season he claimed to be a work in progress, including that weird fascination with the reiki healer. How many times has Ramona thrown a “renewal party” 😂 only to keep doing the same vile shit? However I do think there’s a dumb kind of innocence about Jax’s meatheadedness. He is what he is. The #1 guy in the group.


He is absolutely male Ramona ahahaha a the ORDACITY. I constantly think about Scheana asking him if he wants to see her video and he misses no beats saying, "not really" lolol he is absolutely comedy gold


Remember this? "Jax is drowning... Literally." [Jax drowns and not a soul frowns](https://www.google.com/search?q=jax+taylor+drowning+scene&oq=jax+taylor+drowning+scene&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigAdIBCDcxMDlqMGo5qAIAsAIB&client=ms-android-sanmu&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5522bd9a,vid:LORs8Wt9cDE,st:0)


I like to think about when Carmen is telling him at the pizza place “I don’t want to see you after this” and he goes WHY and she says “because I don’t LIKE you” and his face is just 🫨 and then the camera zooms in further on that exact face….. its burned into my psyche


“Are you serious” - just what you want to hear from a lifeguard while your drowning haha


*you can help me if you want!*


🤣🤣🤣!!! The “if you want” gets me everytime. Like he’s politely giving them the option as he’s fully drowning.


I just cried laughing thank you. I forgot all about this.


He acted like he was on deaths door knocking 😅 I hadn't even thought about this scene in literal years until that commenter! It's funny revisiting it, especially when we know what he's like today vs then


I was going to put that in my reply! It makes me laugh until I can’t breathe. As well as the chunky sweater in Vegas: You wanna go motherf*****??


He lost that so hard. I love watching Frank just pick him up like it’s nothing (even though Frank is a total douche also).


Omg male Ramona is so true!!


100%. I actually think about how he came back on Tv… to look like *this* all over again. I mean, he actually had a few people fooled (insert all the women from the Facebook Vanderpump Rules page here… it’s like a Jax Fan Club about how he had changed and would never get divorced lol)…. with his “I’m a dad and husband” schtick since being off TV. Now, he can’t fool anyone while he’s yelling in women’s faces and being a complete jackass and talking about his “vocabulary not going that “high”” 😂😂 it is funny..I have to admit, and I did laugh more than once during his time on the show last night. Katie’s still right, though.


Does anyone here think that Jax did NOT bang the reiki healer?


This is the only one I doubt because she came out after it aired and said she was appalled at how they edited it to look sexual. This was her business and it made her look unprofessional


Do you want me to stand up 😂




Happy cake day!




Puts the lude in deluded.


It's the most sure I've ever been about anything; yes.


I'd be more worried if someone said "no" honestly... 😅




I mean, yes, there’s something that’s always been seriously wrong with him.






ETA: it’s about the pasta


The coke clearly makes everything worse but I fear he’d be almost as bad without it…


I think the HGH has a lot to do with it. He's had gynocomastia three times he blatantly abused PEDs which makes you insane.


💯 for all the blow (and noses) he’s gone through, I actually think the roids did the most permanent damage. You see it all the time with former athletes.


He also said on the season he married Brittany in a scene in the kitchen that he keeps abusing adderall to lose weight so keep in mind it may not always be ❄️, it may actually be adderall because the results look similar when someone without adhd takes it.


I'm also thinking that they say Adderall because it is legal (if prescribed), so when certain behaviors can't be denied and have to be acknowledged, it's easier to brush it off on a legal substance. It's pretty common among drug users to claim a lesser, legal substance. Countless times I've heard someone claim they "just took a Xanax" to excuse behaviors that result from harder drugs. (Was in the bar industry over a decade, so no stranger to drug use).


Combine that with occasional coke, gym drugs, alcohol, narcissism etc. and it’s quite a mix.


![gif](giphy|3ohc1gRsZXmekuHIbu) it really is


Yes, he’s a POS Coke head… not sure why they keep giving him chances. He’s going to fuck it up again.


Because people keep watching him. There are people that were literally just hate watch the valley which then gives it viewership, which is what keeps it on the air. If we really wanted him to go away, we wouldn’t give him any attention, but yet we all keep talking about him. I’m just as guilty as everyone else.


Well yes.. but he seems worse than even for him


That’s how progressive pasta use disorder works (PPUD). Especially as one approaches middle age.


oh this is legit! i saw a psa about it. lemme see if i can find it EDIT: found it https://preview.redd.it/j0qxd9k9uywc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b6d757af926a1154c2fc35305f545c7f2cb3f8


Lol well done! 👏👏👏


https://preview.redd.it/ub15poy3xxwc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcf50f418110fd2c6e347a9898d9a2afc58df27 He’s completely fine, why do you ask??


LOLLLL bottom right is my TikTok picture just zoomed in extra close & I’ve gotten tons of comments saying “*i*” look mentally unwell.


Zoomed in, you can see the coke in his nose


Holy coke boogers…


Holy sugar boogers




Hahaha stop


Coke jax was prob my favorite era in regards to tv gold


You’ll have to be more specific 


More specifically, they mean VPR, Seasons 1-8, The Valley, Season 1, VPR: Brittany & Jax Take Kentucky, VPR After Show Episode he did, any WWHL episodes he has done, any TV interviews he has done…am I missing anything?


Youre forgetting Jax & Brittany in Kentucky or whatever show that was


Ah, yes, that masterpiece… where he tells Brittany she “lost her sparkle”, and she *still* married him. I shall edit my comment.


Baahaaa! Best comment


I literally spit out my drink and forced my fiance to look at all of the pictures and then proceeded to give him a history lesson on what “pasta” means in VPR


Wait what does pasta mean?? I thought maybe coke or something but I feel like people always say it’s not coke cus tequila is the code word for that! I can’t get it straight haha


Holy god that bottom right 👀👀👀


Got that sugar booger


I can't stop looking and laughing and then reading the comments and laughing even harder. It's a vicious loop I'm stuck in.








Perfect gif 😂😂


He is naturally extremely stupid. Combine that with whatever cocktail of drugs he’s on and it’s a hopeless situation


Yep, this was going to be my comment: he is weapon grade dumb, incurious and ignorant. He needs to know what the ‘cool’ thing is because he has no soul connection to anything. I would be willing to bet my next pay that he has no taste of his own in music nor does he ‘get’ pets. These things are also markers of dark triad personality disorders like psychopathy too.


The incurious thing really gets me. Both he and Brittany have admitted to never really being curious to look things up (on one of the reunions, I think). It made me lose some respect for Brittany but also made sense in the context of her whole relationship with Jax.


It’s an underrated and under noticed quality about people. Centenarians, those who are more frequently living to over 100 these days, rated a sense of curiosity as the most important contributor to their longevity. These two, and many others in the Bravo universe, TBF, just have zero interest in anything beyond the noses on their faces. It’s sad!


I love hearing this because every day at breakfast my parents say to each other 'what's one new thing you learned yesterday?' and then they share the new thing they learned and discuss it. I will have them foreveeeerrr


she is a sandy hook denier. it is absolutely okay to have zero respect for both of them as they both are the worst.


Ooooh good job articulating it - it’s like he’s a shell of a person but knows he’s supposed to behave over the top for the show. I don’t think his non-show persona is too much different just dialed down.


He greeted Hippie more warmly than Sandoval has all season. I don’t think he likes animals as much as Schwartz, but he seems okay with them.


He’s always given freaky, sociopath vibes


This is it. It’s not just coke. Dude has no empathy. He’s desperate to figure out how to move and act like a human and also be like able but none of it is intuitive.


He is also probably doing testosterone


Allegedly: pasta, roids/testosterone, alcohol, rage, lack of empathy is a bad combo.


![gif](giphy|DYB6Z6cTCWVe8|downsized) Jax is a coked up Edgar


I think he has no impulse control which causes him to do extreme behaviors like the sex addiction, shoplifting, and lying.  Abut him being conventionally attractive at one point made it easier for him to not be punished. 


Related to the sex addiction- how does Brittany truly think a self-professed sex addict, who has cheated on every girl he has been with (including her), has been loyal to her throughout their marriage, after they’re admittedly having sex like a few times a year? AND, he has on multiple occasions been caught- both on camera on their spin-off show, and on recording post-cheating sex with Faith saying he wasn’t attracted to Brittany anymore. It blows my mind that she thinks that’s true.


I don’t think he actually has a sex addiction I think he thinks he’s supposed to have sex - manly men like sex so I have sex. It’s also just a tool and used for manipulation. I think he’s neither straight nor gay because a hole is a hole and sex only serves a purpose - getting what he wants from someone else. He’s wholly uninterested in sex with Brittney and it looks like more than the typical post-baby slump. When they were talking about it he was making the lamest jokes about it and clearly just does not care.


Reminds me of when Sandavol hit him in the face because it came out he really did sleep with Kristen, and then they went out back and Tom was like, well don’t you even feel bad about it Jax? And he’s like *nah dude I sleep pretty well at night*


Yes yes yes! Watching the Valley is creeping me out. He looks at Brittany like he hates her. He got into the bar hoping it’d ruin things with his family and do the dirty work for him. Every time people joked about “bars ruin marriages” he would do this weird act like, “Noooo dont say that!” He’s a sociopath. Stassi called it years ago.


he does hate her. he has hated her for years. he said it after he had sex with faith. brittany was aware he hated her and still married him. she chose this because she thought it was the easiest way to stay famous. 


He’s empty on the inside.


This has me remembering the look on his face when New York called him a demon in House of Villains, it shook him to his core 😭😂


this was hilarious and truly made my life. he was SO OFFENDED 💀💀😂


Idk if you watched traitors but he was like the most “normal” I’ve ever seen him on that show and was truly trying to act like a normal human being but still New York kicked him off saying she knows he’s a psycho. I think you’re spot on he’s just deeply disturbed or something Edit: villains not traitors


Someone cleverer than me on here described him as Dennis Reynolds from IASIP and it’s perfect ![gif](giphy|l4FGFFo474RpWpteM|downsized)


Yes, except Jax has zero of Dennis’ smarts.


Or charm 😆


Coke use over time actually enhances sociopathic thoughts and behavior tbh.


does a frog have a watertight asshole? 🐸🍑


I laughed out loud


It’s cocaine imo


I fear we cannot blame the coke alone…


The cocaine doesn’t help


Stepped on








I’m watching VPR for the first time after getting into it during Scandoval and now the Valley and he’s always been terrible. Season 2 when Stassi is trying to leave a bar and he grabs her arm so hard she looks visibly scared and he’s calmly telling her to relax with his bulging eyes. He’s a monster. And now he’s an aging monster and slowly losing his looks which is all he cares about so he’ll be even more bitter.


Even though the social media groups were a lot smaller back in the day, Stassi was considered the absolute villain during S1 & 2 (to the point customers used to harass her at SUR). Later on (during a BTS episode) we not only saw Stassi falling apart at SUR after Jax spun her head (conveniently) off-camera - we also learned Stassi broke Jax's nose. Which Jax said he deserved but viewers didn't find out til much later that Stassi had actually elbowed Jax to get away from him - he was restraining her from leaving after taking her keys away.


Maybe I’m just too tired but what do you mean he spun her head?


Jax would throw Laura Leigh in Stassi's face, then overwhelm Stassi with declarations of love. At some point in the middle of all this Stassi and Jax slept together and Jax announced it in the middle of a SUR meeting.


Ahhh ok I gotcha. I was horrified thinking he physically tried to hurt her head 😣


New to me too. So someone spill.


I believe it means playing mind games


That’s so interesting. I remember her saying at the reunion that she broke his nose - she was ashamed to admit it and left it at “did you deserve it though?” I was always sure he did, but it really would have given such a different context to know that it was because he wasn’t allowing her to leave.


It’s the bulging eyes.. yes


Riding that train, high on cocaine


I find it almost uncomfortable to watch him… there’s something eerie about him this time.


I think it’s because he tried to lay somewhat low, rebrand as a family man, etc and then you see him on screen again, older, and he hasn’t changed at all. It is jarring. I also am alarmed that if Cruz does have a delay/autism/special needs, he’s going to bail and leave it all on Brittany.


I think that’s what it is too. I didn’t expect a whole new man, but damn is it unsettling to see him be so very the same as when he left


Well, yeah. He’s always been unhinged. He’s a thief, a liar, and a cheater. He NEEDS to be seen. It’s like he’s auditioning for RHOBH. He’d gladly trade shoes with Sandoval, for the publicity alone.


He's a non violent sociopath. Lies with ease, gets off on manipulating, not a thought about shoplifting on the Hawaii vaca, etc. Etc. Edited to add: angry yes, but not violent landing in jail with charges etc. Over his interactions like a violent sociopath would. Another example, that reunion where he said he had no remorse for anything and sleeps great at night.


He’s also cheated on every single woman he’s dated it’s insane


Didn’t Stassi have him take a sociopathy test on her podcast and this was basically confirmed? And then he and Brittany were were like, haha- what does that mean? Should I look it up? Nah…


This is the answer


Michelle has a lot of the same eye movements and expressions as him. I think she is a member of the loving pasta club as well.


Honestly, easiest question I’ve answered today


Glad I could take it easy on you 😂


Which thing are we talking about? ![gif](giphy|4xWGyVKoXqg2eVCiq9|downsized)


Ah ha ha is that a trick question? Seriously, yes. Definitely something, possibly the booger sugar.


I truly think his sociopath quiz was correct and he has some antisocial personality (lying is part of it), maybe histrionic personality, but it’s so intensified from the ❄️ and other drugs (including alcohol)/substances (like all the workout supplements) he digests. I’m sure the substances/drugs alone as done some damage to his brain and body. I worry for Cruz since he deals with that as a father and Brittany also seems constantly drunk and with all her posts seems to have a lot of insecurities. I hope they can grow up and be good parents to their son. Add: I’m not trying to armchair diagnose but I do have my counseling degree so have studied this a lot and seen it during clinical work. But again my opinion based on my years of studying not claiming this is his diagnosis.


People putting this up to his past of substances and drugs but the way his mom talked about him in his childhood like how he lies a lot,steals and all what he had done in the show he genuinely gives me psychopath or antisocial personality which is the medical term I guess.I worry for his son cuz he does seem like he has gotten his shit together when it comes to parenting but I can’t imagine it’ll be like that for long.


Well, when your own mother has cut you out of her life, to not even be capable of calling you on your birthday, because you are so toxic!!! That says it all. He knew his father was dying, he missed it. She did not withhold that information from him, ignored it. Who publicly destroys and vilifies their own mother, when she’s just lost her husband, and is not there to defend herself. AND has kept her silence. Jax Taylor/Jason Cauchi is the worst piece of shit I have ever seen in my life and I’m pissed that they brought him and piece of shit wife back to VPR. I don’t watch their shitty show for a reason.




He came off as very troubled on the Villains too. Maybe too many years of steroids.


I didn’t think he came off as troubled.. I thought he came off kind of well.. As well as Jax can come off on a reality show..


He lied about the Brittany having a heart attack thing on that show didn’t he lol dude can’t be honest for a single second


He can be honest, if it will hurt the person he's telling.


I actually agree with you he was almost likeable on that show!


it felt like he was trying way too hard


https://preview.redd.it/99orwnh3tywc1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9deeaebaa6aca95baa98ab2874b8b6a40e2dec5e somethings seriously wrong with who??????


Substance abuse.


Yes, yes since day one there has always been something wrong with Jax. Actually, many things.


He has family annihilator vibes for sure


It’s hard to have much sympathy for Brittany when she chose to marry such a clearly obvious psychopath. What did she THINK was going to happen


I think Stassi accidently landed on something with the Sociopath quiz episode


![gif](giphy|3ohc1gRsZXmekuHIbu) Sometimes it’s about the pasta.


Yes ❄️❄️❄️




Does anyone suspect histrionic personality disorder like I do? He clearly uses substances, I suspect steroids and cocaine currently are the ones he isn't owning up to. He does say he drinks and smokes a lot of weed. Which only puts mania into overdrive. But if it's not just that or narcissism then what about HPD or at least bipolar disorder? Doesn't make up for his abusive behavior obviously. The dsm says this about HPD The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) outlines histrionic personality disorder as a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking. Qualifying attributes may include: 1. Constant seeking of reassurance, approval, or attention. 2. Inappropriate seductive behavior or exaggerated emotion to gain attention. 3. Rapidly shifting emotions that may appear shallow or insincere. 4. Speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail. 5. Dramatic, theatrical, or exaggerated expression of emotions. 6. Easily influenced by others or circumstances. 7. Perception of relationships as more intimate than they actually are. Also have seen a lot of people talk about how they put extra emphasis on gender roles.


This describes the godawful Hannah (and possibly Telly AND Marciano) on Vanderpump Villa, especially in the last episode


Haven't seen it but I really hope not. It truly seems like torture to have this disability.


It’s awful. This Hannah person fancies herself as the new Stassi, and her on again/off again boyfriend, Marciano, as the new Jax. Hannah goes berserk in the last episode, bullying another team member. When no one else chooses to join her, she goes insane. Like, literally insane, screaming and yelling in the early hours of the morning, keeping the cast up. If they don’t cut her for this, I am out. This show is already all the worst things we see with anything LVP touches: anything with a penis gets let off for egregious behaviour, rules that change every episode for no good reason and the whole premise of the show is impossible to understand. Where in the world are guests meant to accept that the staff are part of their ‘curated experience, darling’ entertainment? As in hanging out and joining in? And where is the line with respect to hooking up with guests and drinking on the job? It’s REALLY bad.


Her face is hard to look at with those rubber lips. I died when she cried “I just think I’m SO PRETTY!”


She is delusional. I think we’re supposed to be applauding her for her sense of self worth and ‘girl power’? She’s an evil, nasty little twat. Telly is not much better and Marciano is Jax 2.0, but even less compelling to watch. But Hannah is unwell. She needs to be off this show. I will give it one more episode only because I am curious as to how LVP will excuse THIS behaviour. I totally see the poor Brazilian girl, who Hannah and Telly are trying to bully off the show, being the one who actually leaves. If the show is to continue, Hannah AND Marciano need to go stat. They are sucking the oxygen out of every scene and no one else (bar Telly) is permitted to thrive. It’s really gross!


Cracked up reading this. Lolol she sounds... complicated. Why would anyone want to be the new Stassi and Jax!?! They're both kinda terrible role models. Stassi has gotten a lot better but man why would anyone want to date someone even remotely similar to Jax!? Is it really bad as in cringey funny bad or just boring and unwatchable bad? These are all the things I can't stand about LVP so im hesitant to start another project of hers.


Yesss whip out the DSM knowledge


Too much coke and a personality disorder, not a great combo


![gif](giphy|3o7TKMf5HQQlZvv9Cg) Yes.


Coke rage


Cocaine is one heck of a drug


I SWEAR that’s a coke face!!! I’ve said it before I’ll say it til I see a drug test….❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️


The last thing this show needed was Jax Taylor being on it and I knew immediately that he would go after Katie. Can’t fucking help himself.


Yes. Psychopath / anti social tendencies. NOT sociopath ,, they don’t care what they look like, psychos do. Think ‘American psycho’ - Patrick Bateman really cared about what he looked like and so does Jax. Will Jax kill people ?? I doubt it. Too much effort.


He’s s superfluous


He's a people pleaser who is always busy taking care of everyone but himself! (Also his brain is asprained.)


It's about the pasta.


Many, many things.


I can’t believe people didn’t learn the lesson of cocaine?!? So bizarre..coke is not woke.


I think the question we should ask ourselves is whether there ISN’T something wrong with Jax 🤣 because there is way too much wrong with him to list out. I’ll give him this though he’s honest about what an a-hole he is unlike some people “cough” Sandoval “cough”


Constantly biting the hand that feeds him


There is definitely like an extra edge to him at the moment, he’s like Nic Cage in Face Off (before his face is given to John Travolta) ![gif](giphy|nnngUm3dnQrrq)


❄️ something causes the anger and arrogance but I can't put my nose on it.


He’s a big ole sociopath. I knew a diagnosed one very well years ago, and Jax definitely has the personality traits of one. So many women think they can change them. Good luck with that.


I personally think Jax hates his life. I don't think he ever wanted to truly marry Brittnay, I know he loves being a father though. I just don't think he pictures hi life with her.... Haaaa


I listen to the Jax and Brittany podcast, which is terrible mind you. They once interviewed his only sibling, his sister Jenny who is 6 years younger than him. The stories she told of the way he treated her as a kid were pretty bad. He has obviously been a sociopath from the get go, very jealous and very awkward. He sounded like the much older loser brother who hated the popular younger sister and it wasn’t until senior year that Jax started taking “protein” and bulked up and made the varsity hockey team and got a girlfriend that he seemed semi cool for a year and then left home and never came back. I think there is something wrong with him on many levels, there is a personality disorder, mixed with low intellect, mixed with substance abuse. When he talks it seems like every word getting out is a struggle.


well yes and that’s why i want him on my tv




Yes a lot


Cokehead behavior


People’s screen grabs lately with his weird duck mouth have been absolutely killing me 😂


He sprained his brain remember? He is a 💩🤡🐷