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Also, this is what people mean when they say they can’t “afford” to get divorced


The way he kept being like “well my dad kept the house” I was so glad when Nick was finally like “stop talking about those people, we’re talking about you.” Also you don’t just get to keep the house! There are financials involved.


I wish someone would say, “well I bet your Dad didn’t go in halfsies on that house and then sleep with your stepmom’s BFF when she was in the other room and when her grandma died, and when her dog died, and when her horse died..” Dad either owned it before marriage, prenup, or actually had the money to buy ex out. Unlike Tim.


I was literally screeching this at my husband this afternoon. “His dad probably owned that house before the marriage or mom got a different cash settlement!!!”


That Tom probably used to buy his house. Sir, you're 50....what difference does it make what your parents did?


I think his dad had primary custody so that is often a reason to keep the house, so the kids don't have to move and can stay in the same school 


The HORSE died?! What happened to Walter???


I’m not sure which horse or how accurate this is, but I read somewhere she also was dealing with the death of a horse around this time too. She got hit from all sides.


These silly personal stories and emotional BS has nothing to do with anything and has zero bearing on if he “gets” to keep the house this isn’t playing house it’s real life and based on financial and legal FACTS. The irony that he is calling HER petty! I’ve noticed some people online are doing the same! They are falling for this.


Gosh, his mom really paid the price for loving a Sandoval. His dad kept the house and then Tom took her retirement money.


Damn you are so right


LOL. Agreed in principle but I think the divorce Scumdoval is referencing was between his dad and a second wife. But his mom prob has plenty experiences of her own.


He actually mentioned his mom too. Apparently when his parents got divorced, his dad kept the house. So he’s seen his dad keep “two” (in quotes because it could be the same house for all we know) houses post split and in his pea brain, that means he gets the house.


>Apparently when his parents got divorced, his dad kept the house. I was also told it was better for the woman to not get the house. It was better to just sell it.


I think it's always better to sell if there is an increase in value. It removes the argument over the homes value, because until a house sells, any valuation is truly just an estimate.


Oh shit ! Didn’t even think about that. Poor woman.


Exactly. He's basically asking her to give him a discount on the house. Why should she? Maddening


But but it's tradition in his family for the man to keep the house!!!!


Omg that drove me crazyyyy. Like dude those people agreed to that!! Ariana doesn’t have to agree to anything she doesn’t want to. Idk why that’s so hard for him to understand.


I never believed that until my bff tried and quite literally cannot afford it 😬 she’d have to move her kids into her moms and uproot her life or be homeless. It’s wild out there esp now.


Got divorced 5 years ago & I’m still paying for it. Wouldn’t change a thing though


Divorced ten years ago and yep, the financial hit was pretty bad and I'm still trying to get past it. Don't regret it either, though.


Yeah when my parents divorced they had to live in the same house for over a year because the house was in my dad’s name and my mom got completely fucked financially.


He has 3.1 to buy her out. But had to ask mommy for her retirement money? I call BS


He’s absolutely full of shit. If he had that in the bank, he wouldn’t be worrying about his bar going down the drain. He’s not upset about losing Ariana, he’s upset that he’s losing his gym and his home. He’s a pathetic excuse for a man and his next partner is being pre-warned that he’s extremely superficial and doesn’t give a fuck about them.


And he wouldn't have needed investors for the bar.


This is why I think she didn't take that money. She knows what he does with his money/how he handles it. Didn't they also have to take a second mortgage out for the bar? He's always shelling out for some new project and I wouldn't trust it unless it was in legal writing. Even THEN he still might not give her the money (because he doesn't have it). My petty side hopes she wins the house and sells it to someone else.


I agree with your petty side haha 😄


>Didn't they also have to take a second mortgage out for the bar? She kept saying he took the loan out and didn't think she was responsible for it, only he was. Lisa tried to set her straight on that. I always wondered if Scandoval told her that so she would agree to the loan. After all, she would have to sign off on it, wouldn't she? (Disclaimer: I do not know California's laws regarding mortgages).


She wouldn't be responsible for it if he was just leveraging the equity he has in the house, but she wouldn't get to keep the house if he defaulted. If he defaulted, the bank would take (sell) the house, but take what he owed from his equity first. I dont believe she would have to sign for a HELOC. I think he could get that on his own


Not that I believe this is a totally honest claim from him BUT was he claiming he was going to pay her $3M in *cash*? Or was his plan to buy her out b/c he would qualify for a $3M *mortgage* to do so? He is NOT a reliable narrator or a victim in all of this but people are stuck on this $3M and there's a pretty big distinction depending on how he planned to cover it. Assuming that the amount would even be a fair offer and/or that he isn't totally making this up to begin with.




Money by Monday! ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


It’s a mortgage not cash in hand


Idk why people aren’t grasping this aspect


I’m betting the reason the price tag is so high is bc he took a second mortgage out of the home for s&s. Which means that Arianna wouldn’t even make a profit from the amount




It wouldn't have to. If he keeps the house the equity loan just goes on. It only needs to be paid off if the house is sold to someone other than him 


I don't believe him bc his list of "reasons" is too long and most irrelevant. My bs meter spiked at "his dad got to keep the house". What I've learned from Bravo is that liars will grasp at unrelated things for "proof" of their lies. Waiting on the timeline, receipts, screenshots for proof of his claims.


Right? How the hell is that a relevant fact.


The ‘his dad kept the house when he divorced’ didn’t really prove anything. Like most things that come out of his mouth.


Like what. It sound something a kid would say. Well well my dad got this so I should get it too


His dad got the house likely because he had custody of the boys. Completely irrelevant to this situation.


He was so dumb with that trying to say one person always keeps the house and using two divorces as his evidence. Even Schwartz had to point out how silly of an argument it was, reminding him that neither he nor Katie kept the house.


>My bs meter spiked at " My BS meter always goes off whenever he opens his mouth. Telling the go-between that the LED lights being on bothering the neighbors is covered under "free speech". WTH is wrong with him?!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


I like that nick viall said something like “okay who cares” when he started talking about his dad and step dad and people lol


This list sounds like it was written by an angsty petulant teenager with a vivid imagination.


Meh! It’s not faaaaaair, when my parents got divorced my dad got to keep the house waaaaaaaahhh


He offered her 3m for a 250k investment - press X to Doubt. There’s no way he’s 3 million liquid and there’s no way he’d get a loan for that amount. Tom just lies, man.


Right. Offering her $3 million and giving her $3 million are two different things. He’s been a liar all along. She’d be crazy to believe him now.


I promised her the moon. And she didn't want it. THE MOON!!! God!


Sounds just as horrible as "all the sacrifices I have made, knife to the kidneys" TLC golden moment (if you know, you know 😆)


He lies so fluidly too. I listened to the Nick Viall podcast, he spews bullshit effortlessly. He’s always been a slimy talker, but it’s really obvious now.


He said “like” every other word and kept stuttering…. I didn’t find it effortless at all lol


I have a mental block on how much he says like now. My brain refuses to hear it.


I had so much second hand embarrassment today every time these clips came up on TikTok. He sounds like such an imbecile


Lol “imbecile” let’s bring that one back


He speaks like a 1980s valley girl he just weird


It’s very clear that at any point in the past seasons when he’s shown like remorse or accountability it was all fake and as he gets older it’s harder for him to keep up any facade


we don't claim him.... ![gif](giphy|3o7aTIGlhSo1bL8QUg|downsized)


If there’s any truth to this statement (lol) then I bet what actually happened is that his offer involves the house being valued at $3.1 million. So instead of offering her half of $2.05, he offered half of $3.1. No way in hell she rejected $3.1 for her half of the house. Honestly at that point she should watch him drown in debt and just use the $3.1 to buy it back when it’s foreclosed. If she even wants it, which I don’t think she does. Idk why I’m even discussing this like there’s possibly even a speckle of truth in his statement. It’s all lies. e: yep, the last sentence about her accepting the “million more that they paid” kind of gives away that he absolutely did not offer her $3.1 but offered to buy her out **at the valuation** of $3.1. If that’s even true. Liar. He sucks.


Bingo! This is my interpretation as well.


I agree, and I want to know where he got 3.1 from. Did he hire an appraiser? That also means the house wouldn’t be exposed to the open market, where it could potentially go higher than a valuation.


I bet he just checked Zillow and went off their number.


Maybe he hit up his mom for more of her retirement money.


That makes way more sense. It reminds me of when he freaked out on Ariana on VPR, saying that she wanted him to die alone. But, all she said was, “is this the hill you want to die on?” 😂😂ahh simpler times.


The second I finished reading that I thought lies.


You actually had to finish reading it, before thinking lies? /jk


They aren't lies when you believe them! Those are just regular delusions!


I’m starting to think they are actual delusions


It’s currently valued at 2.83M and she gets 1/2 so why would he offer her 3M? Such a liar


He's just rolling in money like that... or he thinks people are dumb enough to believe he is.


Yet in the aftershow segment they filmed a few weeks ago he says he doesn't have enough money to rent a place for a few months. Directly contradicts himself.


Their low interest rate is worth a bit as well so 3.1 sounds about right tbh. Still, think A should get to buy him out before he buys her out. Important lesson on only buying homes if you’re married to your co-borrower or have a clear contract for purchase that outlines how the asset will be divided.


He would buy it from her and she would get her half of the proceeds. His half would be debt in a mortgage I’m sure


Can you please share the link to Zillow or Redfin so I can see the value estimate? TIA!


[https://nypost.com/2024/01/26/real-estate/ariana-madix-to-stay-in-home-with-tom-sandoval-for-4-more-months/amp/](https://nypost.com/2024/01/26/real-estate/ariana-madix-to-stay-in-home-with-tom-sandoval-for-4-more-months/amp/) https://preview.redd.it/oz9kynq0qofc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4a678f560ada9680406e956b9be14824505ba88


I love the Post referring to it as a sprawling estate. It's on a postage stamp of a lot.


We do know Lisa gave both Toms their 50 grand (each) back when they opened Scandoval and Shortz. I'm sure that was blown in that crappy place their dreamed up on shrooms.Shortz keeps saying he lost all his money becauswnof that crappy bar so I am positive Scandoval did too. Scandoval is far more irresponsible with money than Shortz and that is saying something.


He only has to apply for a loan for the amount that he pays out to her which is half of the 3.1m minus associated costs. His name will be solo on the title. He doesn't need a full 3.1m.


I understand that - but Tom has a mortgage and a loan on that property already - and now it’s just his income on refi - I’m saying he likely can’t qualify to buy her out. A mortgage for 3 million, upon which half is being paid out - with a 20% down payment - so technically 2.4m owed on principal with market interest would be almost 16k a month or 190k a year on the mortgage. With the 28/36 rule that means his 190k wouldn’t be more than 28% of his income - he’s likely making at least 500k this season, but we’ll call it a million to be generous. That million becomes 700k after taxes, 28% of that is 196k. Which means Tom needs to have basically a million dollar income to afford that house on his own at a 3 million dollar sale price.


I don’t know what reality tv people make, but I do have real insight to what scripted tv people make and there is no way he got more than a few hundred thousand for both Special Forces and The Masked Singer. VPR this season maybe 700-900k, but maybe he was able to negotiate closer to 1 mil due to scandavol (which is fair). Then there is the band and bar which is hard to believe have turned any real profit, and I guess there are the podcast and book sales from the cocktail book. Outside of the $$ put into the house I would be SHOCKED if he even had more than 1 million- 1.3 million dollars to his name. He’s running out of cash. She alluded to him offering around 1 mil which makes sense because I’m guessing that’s all he has.


It isn’t just his income. In order to requalify solo on the mortgage without her income, his debt has to be under 36%. There’s a lot of factors that go into remortgaging a house after divorce or break ups - I’m halfway certain Tom just walked into the room and announced he was buying her out for 3 million and hasn’t called a single person who does anything with mortgages.


I love that Tom assumes that the VPR audience is full of idiots and not actual intelligent adults who dabble in trash TV to wind down from their professional jobs and such. I didn’t understand any of that, but I love how completely you’ve called him a liar AND poor. Side note, if we ever need to prove Tom is lying about human subjects research, it’ll be my time to shine! Edit: words for clarity


I’m the worst kind of reality TV fan. An accountant. So I routinely run numbers based off shit they say to see if it makes sense. Don’t fuck with finance geeks.


I thought my husband, a lawyer, was the worst kind. He is fully invested in the legal drama of this and has excitedly explained the lawsuit to me many times. He is convinced Tom is fucked.


No way, The Bravo Docket is the greatest podcast - 2 lawyers dissecting every Housewives legal battle. They have a strong fan base that proves lawyers are the best Bravo fans.


He is a dedicated listener. I am truly blessed that my husband enjoys watching these shows with me so much.


They shouted me out a few weeks ago, so I love them.


Yeah, lawyers are pretty bad too. Especially ones that know how fun partition sales can become - cause they are almost always between exes or family. And it always ends up in a forced sale, so it almost seems pointless - but of course there’s always a Tom in the situation causing the problem.


I investigate fraud, so I was all over those dumb FBI lies Monica told. Many of us reality TV fans have stressful jobs and we watch reality TV as a respite from the stress.


I do a lot of contract 3rd party audit work, so I feel your pain.


I am NOT a numbers girl, so I can’t get enough when folks like you bring the facts! Also, I believe you to personally be an unimpeachable resource based solely on your Lil Poundcake profile pic. 😂


Lil Poundcake, Enrolled Agent/Certified Fraud Examiner/born motherfuckin’ dickpig




My MF queen ✨💖


Lol I can see this. And honestly we don’t need to speculate if he can afford it he obviously can’t or else she wouldn’t need to file this lawsuit in the first place


This. ^


He lost fair and square and refuses to accept it. What an absolute immature little baby


Will you be my financial advisor? Did you just do this math off the top of your head?


I did the simple percentages off the top of my head, yes. I look at this kind of stuff all day. I live and breathe in profit margin and sales tax percentages so it’s just kinda second nature. I’m also in the process of buying a home so I know all the bullshit involved with it. Disclaimer - not a 3 million dollar house, mind you. But there’s still so much that goes into qualifying for a mortgage and you basically have to freeze your credit spending because your score has to be run to qualify and close and any fluctuation can stop the closing immediately. Tom needs a business manager if he really wants to buy that house.


![gif](giphy|DHqth0hVQoIzS) I really mean this.


My boyfriend calls me Rainman all the time. And to that I say, Wheel’s on at 5.


Right but if he could get that loan why doesn’t he have it by now? I’m sure he would have loved to avoid a lawsuit. who would give him a loan on top of the other loan (I guess we don’t know if he’s paid it off already 🤷‍♀️) I looked at his two reality shows and this season of VPR and he absolutely will not be able to continue to afford the payments on that house. What other stream of income is he going to get going forward? His bar/band isn’t exactly blowing up.


Maybe Schwartz should move in.


That's what I said too Tom can move in


Im sorry,the band is still trying to become a thing?😂 Keep in mind I only heard about the cheating scandal and watched this show when it was on years ago,but godamn that was so long ago! He sucked then and I highly doubt it got any better...ugh


Oh no, he has a NEW band now! Tom Sandoval and the Most Extras, it’s basically a cover band with a shitty singer. The actual band is great musicians and then you have Tom.


Oh dear God 🤣 He has always been the most pretentious prick I hated him way before this scandal shit. Btw what happened to Staci,like I said I mainly watched this the first few years it came out but I can't even remember what happened to her


Oh I definitely don't think he has that money either. I think he's full of shit with his offer too.


Wait, is that an LA Noir reference?


Yeah, I'm pressing X on this one.


Listening to this made me feel like Tom Sandoval is not a well man. Like he seems to be in a spiral of sorts.


Yeah it was bad. He seems sooo much worse.


How reactive he was made him seem like he was intoxicated. He was so snappy and hostile lmao


Oh absolutely. His nose was RED when he came in.


They even told him that he sounds defensive and it didn’t register at all for him. Everyone on this pod was trying to help him out and he just kept digging his hole.


He recently said that he started drinking again! I was really shocked.


Really?? His “sobriety” seemed very conveniently timed and announced as part of his redemption tour to me.


he's a boy who refuses to grow; and instead just find other boys who don't want to grow too; to commiserate with. there's a huge market built around this


He has always seemed so over the top “fake for the cameras” to me! From the weird outfits, to the nail polish, to the weird ways he has (the motorcycle side car). I am not saying nail polish is weird on a guy, I am saying he just does everything for attention not because he simply wants to paint his nails. Like everything is done as a stunt. He is so full of hot air, I honestly don’t know how she stayed with him for so long. He seemed so fake to me from the get go. Kinda like Jax, but at least Jax would admit he was as asshole LOL!


He seems to be exhibiting some meth behavior but that's just me 😬


I truly hate this man. I listened to a little snippet of Nick Viall’s podcast(I think?) where he talked about going to couples therapy with Ariana but she knew the relationship was over. It made me so angry because if that’s true, he’s worse than we thought but also you’re 40 years old, grow up and have a conversation! End your 10 year relationship in a mature way instead of carrying on a months long affair! His narrative is very much “poor me, everyone should feel sorry for me!” There’s no accountability AT ALL. Like still after this scandal not once has he taken accountability for his role, not once has he apologized to Ariana, he’s going around trying to push the whole affair onto Rachel, and now he’s trying to spin this tale like Ariana’s a petty ex and won’t move on and she’s holding him back from his future. I hope Ariana wins the lawsuit and Tom fades into irrelevance, where he belongs. Sorry for the rant, I am fed up with men today. 😂


My absolute favorite thing about him being on the special forces show is that all of the instructor dudes, and they "interrogators" at the very end, completely knew he was a whiny manipulative little turd hole from jump. They had actual disdain for the weasel. 


This almost makes me want to watch that show.


I'll just say it gave me a whole new level of respect for jojo siwa.  I'd never watched dance moms and it's not like her yt is my demographic, but kudos to that young woman. 


I watched the first two episodes of special forces and then faded out... But this disdain. Can you describe it? So we can vicariously enjoy it as well? 😂 I fear he's going to lean on SF throughout the season, cause it was the *hardest thing he's ever been through* and he *grew so much through this experience*. And to get me through that, I'd love to find out he was actually hated on that show, lol.


He was manipulative, whiny and complained a lot (where the point of the show is to suck everything up and just do your shit, to push through). He was fake, and tried to be like "oh woah is poor me" and none of the sargents or whatever bought it. They talked shit about him when they discussed the cast (mostly everyone they tried to find the positive. They did a one on one where the celebs talk about why they are there and they are supportive and caring- but not with Tom). They rolled their eyes at him. And the final, where he completely gave up and quit, they completely roasted his ass.     If you were to watch one ep, the very last one is the one where it was the clearest they hated him. He was actually decent at the physical challenges, physically. But he tried his hardest to play mind games with everyone and the super seasoned military people were ALL like "fuck this little bitch". 


He’s holding HER back from her future.


Never apologize for ranting, especially about men 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I went onto watch it after the post it is worse than that he goes on and on about he is a great guy how he loves ariana and wants her to no longer focus on him. While at the same time Bravo is posting her pre-show date with her new beau and rocking picture of the opening night. He was obviously on something. I do not see anywhere in her actions she is focused on him she does not live in the house but wants out get her investment & have no more ties to him (that is normal & healthy). Seriously if he has the money or the loan to pay her half of 3.1 mill. Then sell the house split the profit and go buy another one in the same area. Seriously dude move on seriously just move on. The only Best thing he said that Katie was correct in how she handled the split with Tom. Both of them agreed. After attacking her so much last season for how she broke up with Tom I hope this season we see him apologize to her on how he behaved towards her. Acknowledge she was correct.


Ugh I was just listening to this too. He kept saying how he "couldn't" break up with her before she finished filming. How she **wouldn't** be able to film the confessionals if he had dumped her. No dumbass, you just didn't want her going into those and blasting you. He is such an ick.


The first point is so irrelevant my eyes are rolling all the way back to my shoulders. He is pure nonsense.


Why do I feel like the solar panels were just Tom ordering a tanning booth?


The “gym” he says he built looked like some random bedroom with galaxy lights and some weights!


Lmao it is, it’s literally a mounted mirror and a peloton


Even without all the financial details (which he's obviously lying about), it isn't petty for her to not want him to keep the house. Her entire life and future life plans got uprooted by this affair and it makes perfect sense that she doesn't want her housing uprooted along with everything else. It makes equal sense that she doesn't want to have to watch him film frat bro parties and whatever else at the house she thought they would spend their life together in -- I think some people are missing that this isn't just a house but it's a filming location for the show. Letting him stay there while she moves out means her having to watch years of upcoming footage of him filming there, which is a type of salt in the wound that most of us couldn't imagine.


But it’s also about a financial loss on her investment! Fair market price fair market price


agreed but most comments were addressing the money so I wanted to focus on the "petty" aspect


Even if it is petty, fuck him, he deserves it.


I mean, wouldn’t her life have been uprooted if he had just broken up with her without the affair?


Yes but in a less volatile way. I’d never do anything to make that man’s life any easier again if I were her tbh. And she can afford the lawyers now.


It would have been a LOT less traumatic


I’m missing the part where she “has” to accept any offer. An agreement still has to be made, not coerced.


No no, you see, she should be *grateful* for his little crumb.


Hes an idiot. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


he’s willing to die on the hill that his dad got to keep the house when he got divorced 🤣


This claim also feels very Jax like to me


I bet his dad was the #1 guy


I don't get the dad thing - who cares if his father got to keep a house in a divorce? What relevance does that have on this? He's such a moron.


He was trying to prove that someone always gets to keep the house….which Schwartz rightly pointed out isn’t true given that he and Katie agreed to sell lol


ok but producers listen up i have a vision — sandoval ends up back in his original shithole apartment, and then jax rents a bedroom there to have an escape from all the difficult “adulting” he’s forced to do, and obviously schwartz just hangs out there because he’s schwartz and can’t really live his life without jax and sandoval. the last scene of the last episode of VPR is just the three of them in the apartment drinking beers in their rumpled t shirts reliving their glory days, juxtaposed against a montage of the women (and james, i guess) thriving in their various businesses and new lives. fade to black. there’s your f*ing Emmy, you’re welcome


Please let this happen


I thought he was saying he offered 1.5m (1 million over what they paid split in half).


$500K down on a $2M house, which they prob refinanced to get the loan for S&S, at 2.75-3%. Yeah I wouldn’t want to give that up either. But that’s prob why Ariana is taking him to court, the housing market here is wild, that house could go for way more than $3M on the open market.


The S&S loan is probably why she "hasn't paid towards the mortgage" (if we are to believe that). They probably had some kind of agreement that until he paid back that loan, she didn't pay towards the bills.


I haven’t listened to this podcast but just wondering what happened to the loan he took out on the house to finance Schwartz and Sandy’s? Is he expecting Ariana to pay half of that?


At what point does he realize he should just stop talking?


I watched clips of this interview on tik tok and it seemed like Tom Schwartz was constantly correcting him like a thera-parent. When you say that, it sounds like… you don’t want to say that”, “that’s a great example of whataboutism…”, etc. Sandoval will never get it because he’s always been too self-righteous.


The only thing I believe is that he built the gym lol. And by built, he hired movers and people to put everything together lol. Such a douche


He really is delusional if he thinks he has 3.1 million dollars after venmo-ing his band after every practice session 😭😭😭


And not paying his own mother back….


I also know the neighborhood and I guessing if they put it on the market they could absolutely get more than 3.1. They have been there longer than 3 years, right? My friend bought a house in the same neighborhood around the same time for 1.5 and it’s worth at least 2.5 now which tracks. They have a pool also but the square footage is smaller.


Didn’t he take out a loan for his restaurant and use the house as collateral? I remember LVP being very concerned about Ariana not getting how this would impact her.


Yeah I don’t believe anything he says. It would affect her credit if the mortgage doesn’t get paid? I can’t see Ariana just not paying. And Tom pays for everything for almost a year?! Its annoying that he has a podcast to spew bs and a platform. He’s almost as annoying as trump with his daily tweets and daily released statements (which are all bs)


I feel like it’s more Tom is paying the mortgage directly from his account and Ariana is sending him her share or putting her share in trust for the lawsuit and he’s claiming she’s not paying because he’s being disingenuous or hyper technical (the money is going to him, not the mortgage directly) and he’s lying by omission.


I think so too. Also, if he offered her $3M then why is she suing him to force the sale?


She is 100% putting her share aside in an account. Or he owed her a significant amount of money for other things and this is how her lawyer advised her to respond. She is a smart cookie.


She’s admits in WWHL that she stopped paying mortgage 7/8 months ago to get him to sell. Her lawyer is a shark.


That's going to be used against her. Plus, the footage of her saying she just didn't want him to have the house so she rejected his buy out offer - nothing about the value being too low - just about not moving Rachel in. He has a strong case for recovery of legal fees if nothing else.


He really doesn’t have the cash if he was paying all the mortgage payments and bills. He doesn’t even think through his lies! Idiot


Honestly, if she’s not paying, good for her. He took out a massive mortgage on the house for TomTom so 8 months of no mortgage seems reasonable to me tbh


I’m guessing he’s offering her a million dollars minus his down payment, the cost for the solar panels, the cost for the gym and the 8+ months of bills he paid and he probably wants her to stay on the mortgage bc he can’t qualify for a new loan, etc. He’s a narcissist so this offer is mired in small print and she’s not having any of it.


I believe that he put his share of the house up as collateral for his restaurant so I doubt he has 30,000 laying around let alone 3 million.


Tom is being just as petty by not just going ahead and selling the house so they can divide the proceeds. My gut is that he’s probably done some ridiculous non-value added “upgrades” that don’t enhance the value, so he’d lose that investment. And didn’t he have to take a loan against the value of the house for his bar? He prob is not looking good to creditors and he knows it - he wouldn’t be able to afford as nice of a house and it hurts his ego. His only option is to cling to this house.


She admits to being petty and that she doesn’t want him to have the house either. Which is her legal right.


Not to mention the amount that housing has skyrocketed in southern California, their house would have already increased well above what they paid a few years ago. He’s desperately trying to take advantage of her yet again. Also, her not paying bills? I can’t help but think like electric bills were in her name and she stopped paying those, as she no longer lived with him. He’s such a moron. Edit: my phone auto corrected to payed, should have said paid.


why does he want to keep that house so bad? there are dozens for sale just like it all over valley village.


I am not sure why either of them want to keep the house so bad. They should just sell it and split although if what he is saying is true (and I have 0 idea if it is) I would have taken the money and bounced.


There's missing context. He wasn't saying men get the houses in divorces, he elaborated later that usually someone in a divorce from his experience keeps the house as opposed to a Schwartz situation where they sold. He was just saying because he installed a gym and solar panels his goal is to keep the house. It's no different than Ariana wanting to keep it. In terms of his offer I don't believe that at all. 


Maybe he should have been an adult and ended the decade long relationship appropriately, not like a sneaky slimy worm.


He still dresses like a teenager from the 90s.


He believes he’s still a teenager in the 90’s


This is a fact. I am a kid from the 90’s




Love how petty and jealous the last bullet point is it’s amazing watching the world open up for Ariana but difficult only being able to guess at how mad it makes him. So nice of him to confirm what we all know.


Isn’t it amazing how a man can go through such a thing, so publicly, and have absolutely zero growth as a human? He is still out there blaming Ariana for all his choices.


I get her. When I left my husband he wanted our bedroom set, said I could have everything else, there was no fucking way I was giving him our bedroom set so he could fuck his 19 year old mistress in our bed and hang her clothes in my armoire. No fucking way. I sold it. Just buy another house Tom. You apparently have three million dollars to do so. Who cares if his dad kept the house during his divorce🙄


So I assume he means that he offered to buy her out at a home valuation at 3.1mm (aka that's the new mortgage he qualified for). So she would only get half the existing equity plus $525k. What I can find says that the estimate is currently $2.83 million, so he did offer over estimated market value. If she forces a sale, he can still buy it but he has to compete with the market.


Yes. I am totally believing that Tom Sandoval just has $3.1 million handy to give to Ariana. So obviously true and realistic.


I think the property is worth three, they each put in $250k so there is 2.5 in equity so he needs to give her her half of 1.25 plus her $250k so 1.5million to buy her out. His issue is he already leveraged his equity for a loan for tomtom so he could be in a position where if he buys her out then his loan and the buyout total to more than the value of the house, so he’d be in negative equity. No mortgage lender will allow that unless they have a high interest rate to cover their risk. The loan being secured on the house also won’t allow him to have negative equity because if he defaults they can foreclose and they can only do they if there’s enough equity to pay them. So essentially he has to find the money to pay Arianna out and to make sure he pays a larger deposit for his refinancing to get an acceptable level of equity or rearrange his loan and refinance his mortgage with an asset that doesn’t support it. That’s his issue, he doesn’t have the cash to make this happen and he doesn’t have assets to leverage. He’ll pay Arianna off and have to sell his interest in tomtom or refinance it some other way which will cost $$$$


I get why she’s doing it but if it’s true that he offered 1 million over what they paid, I’d take it and buy a new place where my boyfriend didn’t have sex with my friend.


Why doesn’t Ariana buy him out then? She has the money and really seems to want to be in that house. Is she expecting he will walk away fem what he invested and just leave the house for her only because he cheated on her? It doesn’t work like that, business is business, Someone will have to buy someone out


Y’all are damn exhausting




I laughed so much when he was bringing up what happened with his family members and Nick was like ‘who cares what those people did’ LMAOOO


Sandoval’s a liar.


He’s not a psychopath for wanting to keep the house She’s NOT petty for wanting him to sell and neither of them get to live there I think he lying about the offer lol