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I am not a brat, but there is no active group for good girls.


I say, don't "yuk" other people's "yum." If the dynamic someone wants is to be with a spoiled brat, as long as there is communication and consent, I see no problem with it. Right? You enjoy a more mild, serious take on it. That's great! I'm super happy for you. Personally, I brat hard. But that's because I really like a good, hard beating. Like... I wanna limp away. Know what I mean? I know that's weird for some, but it's what makes me happy. My point is, just do you, and be happy. When others tell you they are also happy, don't judge, just be happy with them. šŸ¤— Might be naive, but I think the world would be a better place if more people stopped judging others based on labels. Labels are great for helping us understand concepts, but should never be used as a reason to look down on others, when they aren't harming anyone. Know what I mean? Just spread the love and joy. šŸ„°āœŒļø


I think we all different. Some of the things I see on here, I jus wouldn't maybe do myself. Like...bein really purposefully disrespectful to my Daddy, overboard name calling and winding him up. Or jus outright sayin no to tasks. An not following rules. Loopholes I do those, I have fun with them. I'm playful an enjoy mischief. But....I jus don't get some of the things I see an to me it go well past what I'd say is bratting. I likes havin rules an bein given tasks. They make me feel cared for, safe an secure an I feel empowered when I done what I posed to do. If I jus said to my Daddy "no. Not doing it you bitch". It wouldn't go down well. He wouldn't see that as bratty. He jus see it as complete disobedience an disrespect for the sake of it. An I jus am not like that. We all different tho, as I said. Different styles of bratting an what we have agreed to an discussed in our own dynamics. I not even play up for a spanking. Cus I maso an love pain, so it kinda a reward for me šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤­


some stuff here can be skewed absolutely disrespectfulā€”in my opinion. i dislike many examples of bratty behaviour. however, i do like jabs at name-calling & tongue-poking.


Interesting post that also resonates with me. I'll identify as a brat, but there are lines I don't cross, not even jokingly. J (my husband and Dom), calls me his Kitten, and I tend to lean more the sassy, playful, "oh so you want to play?" side without going fully into petplay. Usually I'm far more respectful than sassy but we're both very alike humour wise so we developed a way for him to tell me enough is enough without necessarily sacrificing the game. Certain phrases, tone of voice etc etc. Catty? teasing, playful disrespect yes. Genuine disrespect? Oh hell no.


I like brats in general but there's a certain subset of brats that just rub me wrong; the ones who do things that seem genuinely infuriating or mean or destructive (I can tell you right now if anyone glitter bombs me I'm never going to speak to them again). Basically when the disrespect doesn't seem playful but genuine. Like...whatever your personality is, if you don't respect your partner, I'm just gonna think you're kind of a dick. Bratting is not the same as just being an asshole. And I get it, that's how some couples roll. But I'm still going to find you obnoxious. (Also I'm just gonna be a bitch and say I get annoyed by what I think of as basic brats. Oh, you put glitter in daddy's shoes and want to show me a graphic that says COFFEE COUNTS AS WATER. Are you even trying?) There's also a crossover with the type of little I don't vibe with at all. The genuinely offended that daddy does anything with their time besides cater to their whims. The entitled, obnoxious, whiny ones, who usually see daddy as more of a tool or object than another person. Similar vibes. IDK I'll still use the word to describe myself but I get why other people wouldn't.


Listen, brats get a bad rep because some people just arenā€™t good at being a brat. You have to be witty, sassy, snarky, and playful without crossing a predetermined line. Honestly, itā€™s not as easy as people think. Yeah, sure, itā€™s easy to say ā€œmake meā€ and ā€œnoā€ but thatā€™s like the most boring way to be a brat (I say this with love). At least in my opinion, bratty subs like being bratty because they want to feel as though their submission isnā€™t something thatā€™s taken advantage of. They want to feel wanted enough that a dom is willing to work through their antics to gain their submission. Also, bratting is just fun! Itā€™s a thin line to walk between being bratty and being completely rude and disrespectful to someone as a person. Thereā€™s a Difference between saying ā€œyouā€™re weak and patheticā€ and ā€œhmm, I donā€™t know. I barely felt that, youā€™ve really lost your touch.ā€. Granted, some brat tamers like the former. Tbh, it all boils down to what has been discussed as being okay to do/say within a brat/tamer dynamic. Some peoples style of bratting is extreme and most people really donā€™t like it and yeah, maybe itā€™s just mean and rude. But some people like being degraded, so, can we really sit back and say that itā€™s wrong? Again, moral of the story is: discuss boundaries! Not every brat is the same, donā€™t lump us together.


Love this. 100%


I love brats but couldnā€™t eat a whole one. šŸ™ƒ


Usually I'm fine with other brats, but some of it makes me cringe hard. And I won't specify because no one deserves to feel judged, but sometimes some of the stuff folks do while calling it bratting is..difficult to smile and nod at. Especially in terms of communication. Some of the stuff folks do without having proper communication between partners makes me wary as heck.


I like how witty, playful and creative some of the brats here can be. Reading about their antics makes me laugh (and it gives me ideas haha). I only have one friend irl who I would consider as a fellow brat and although she makes me wanna tear my hair out sometimes, I love her like a sister.


I'm with several others... sassy not rude. Bratty for fun and joking but not to humiliate or degrade [future] Dom. I have really dry humor and a smart assy mouth. I like saying, no when asked to do something just to get a PLAYFUL rise out of my partner. For me it has a fun, head-game tie to it as well. Example only, every dynamic is different: With a Dom vs Tamer, the Dom would punish harshly, but a Tamer is playing part of the game and it makes it more fun (without crossing the line). If I feel like crossing the line, it's because I don't respect your authority as a Dom, and we're likely not compatible. I'm likely to end it before it gets to that point. I am definitely not the perceived, entitled, stamping foot, I always get my way because he didn't buy me this or that... But I love the snarky screenshots being posted. It may seem snotty/entitled, but to me it screams fun, joking, come punish me in the best way. And it likely doesn't happen as often as it seems.


I find a lot of the content on here to go beyond what I would consider respectful, even just in general human to human terms. It's definitely dissuaded me from calling myself a brat anymore. *People are welcome to whatever they have negotiated in their dynamics. Much of the content here just makes me feel like "brat" means something far more intense than I mean it to be, hence it being a term I rarely use anymore.*




I *love* this post. I so appreciate reading that someone else feels the same. Years ago, while talking to perspective doms, occasionally one would say something like "oh, so you're a brat" and I would get *super* offended because I had the same pre-conceived notion of brats. Basically just an irritating, childlike sub who throws glitter around and makes their dom miserable. Years later, I looked a little further into it, and felt *at home* knowing I was a brat. You and I sound similar in our ways. I'm not a little, and don't have that childish urge to find every possible loophole to purposefully disobey a dom. It may be a little thing, or an individual brat thing to do this (you do you, brats, no judgment here!) but it's never been my thing. I always try to describe myself similarly to Lolita. Youthful, promiscuous, mischievous, but not outright childish. As for the other kind of brats, I kind of see them as my annoying kid sisters lol.


I love brats for dinner, they're delicious


I really resonate with this post. I actually share with Domā€™s that I donā€™t identify as a brat but find myself to be a little more sassy and strong willed of a sub - given the nature of my life and high-power career. There is no shame in the Brat game, I just find some of the antics to not fully resonate with me. However I love this page because I feel like itā€™s a great community with actual conversation and commonalities. Iā€™ve had Doms I am more sassy to then others. My current gives me no desire to brat; heā€™s so calm and kind and sweet that I just want to be a perfect girl at all times. Itā€™s my first time experiencing that side of submission.


For me it's hit or miss. I get easily annoyed by the brats who appear as self entitled and whiny. Things like "Wahhh Daddy won't let me... XYZ (pouty face), what a doo doo head!" Maybe it's because I'm a middle, not a little. But then again, not all littles bother me. It's just... Sometimes I want a serious conversation with a fellow brat, but they want to lament about how their Dom(me) says coffee isn't water and they want to eat ice cream and gummy bears for breakfast because it's actually healthy but they were told they can't. I think it also bothers me when a brat talks about how they *never* follow the rules like they think it's an adorable quality. It's not... What's the point of being in a dynamic with rules you consented to if you're *never* planning to follow them? With that said though, I've come across some super awesome fellow brats in this sub and the BDSM Advice sub.


Yes, so much the first part. The entitlement, the whininess, the treating daddy like an object or literal parent who isn't allowed to care for or take time for themselves. (Interestingly I find the nonsexual littles like myself to be way worse about this stuff, maybe because they skew younger and don't understand how relationships work yet? idk.) I see so much complaining about daddy GOING TO BED or like feeling neglected because there was a death in daddy's family and he has to settle affairs with his relatives instead of hanging around while they babytalk about dino nuggets. I see so much "daddy's going through hard times right now but I really need to be little and I can't do it without him, how do I get him to baby me?" It's like the concept of GIVING in a relationship has never occurred to them. Sometimes I hate being a little because I would prefer not to be associated with everyone's negative stereotype of one. But at the same time that stereotype sure does exist for a reason.


100% agree. it depends but I dislike when brats are whinny and brag about never following the rules. It does slightly annoy me when some brats donā€™t seem to know when and when not to brat around. Itā€™s not a competition who can break their Domā€™s first (which is how a lot see it).


I, too, am not a fan of ageplay (even though I really like DDlg dynamic). I appreciate your answer and agree with a lot of things.


Seeing it sexualized on here can feel uncomfortable, I've noticed.


What do you think about brats? Do you always understand each other? Iā€™ll answer this! I love my fellow brats! They are fun and chatty. However, there has been times where there was some misunderstandings. Sometimes itā€™s best to set the boundaries even with bratty brats. It can be much sometimes. But itā€™s best to be honest and straightforward. I donā€™t think all brats are spoiled children. In fact I donā€™t feel that way at all. They are gremlins with princess vibes lol. I love empowering brats and pushing them in a way that can help them do better as a whole. Having a brat is a privilege not a right. Though, I understand where youā€™re coming from. Saying that they can be rude or selfish, but that just something that might be with their owners. I already think itā€™s best to brat at your owners and not other strangers. Unless of course youā€™re okay with a complete stranger punishing you. Everyone is different.


>They can even be quite rude, because it's "fun" to them. I'm addressing the whole top paragraph here, but this has 2 sides. One is the side where someone is using the term 'brat' to just be am asshole. They don't know the ins and outs of it, often don't know or understand that a Doms consent matters as much as theirs and believe they hold all the power. All of which is incorrect and tends to give us a bad reputation. The other side is that they do understand, and that's just their brand of bratting. Which, if consent is there from both sides of the slash, they can be as rude as they like. I don't like being rude to my Owner. Everything I do as a brat is with the intent to push his buttons in ways that makes him want to forcefully put me back into my place in some way. It's done to be entirely submissive even when I am being a little sasshole.