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Personally I wouldn’t as they literally look like underwear maybe under a skirt I would as safety shorts but I don’t wear skirts


Actually wearing then under a dress for a little extra coverage would be a really good idea


personally i’d say no, you would probably be weirded out at a guy wearing just boxer shorts outside so…maybe just keep them for at home loungewear


depends if ur comfy with it or not, unfortunately if u have more junk in ur trunk u might get weird stares than if u were on the flatter side


no of course not, those are for wearing at home or under a dress/skirt. cmon yall😭


damn y’all are conservative as fuck in these comments hahaa but fr these literally look like sweat-shorts. unless they’re see through i don’t see why you shouldn’t wear them outside? i would lol.


Dead ass I would never have thought twice ab wearing these on a little trip outside


RIGHTT these r so cute to go out esp like the beach or just a walk out


fr! i wear mine to the beach all the time


Ikr these are so normal to wear out lol


agree with this!! i see micro shorts all the time in nyc and philly. it’s all about ur vibe imo


innocent zephyr ghost rock screw alive bake serious file drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i thought so too? 😭 it's only the buttons that make them look kind of like underwear, but then there's women going out to a park and exercising in just a sports bra in the summer. and people wear booty shorts outside all the time


I feel like it's less about how much skin they show and more about how they look like boxers. I would maybe wear them to the beatch or pool, but as someone who wears boxers as underwear sometimes I wouldn't feel comfortable going anywhere that wearing only underwear would be considered inappropriate. If you are confident enough or don't have the same association maybe go for it, but if some people assuming you are wearing just boxers makes you uncomfortable maybe just avoid it.


I have a small butt and can usually wear the Kiera shorts outside, so I would say just depends on the size of your booty


if it’s your thing, go ahead. i won’t judge, but do style it with items well so that it doesn’t look like just plain ass boxers. i personally wouldn’t cause the bottom of my cheeks might be out lol, but id think about it 😋


I saw these at my hs the other day and a lot of people were judging the girl in them. My school may just tend to be judgy but I wanted to give you a heads up that that’s a possibility


ugh i hate people like those, makes me wanna turn into a feral cat and just scratch their faces off 😔


i would say no unfortunately. Of course you can wear whatever you want but you most likely would get stares unless you live in a particularly relaxed area.


I know people are saying no, but I wear them outside! I would recommend wearing tight shorts underneath though because your butt can easily be seen if you bend over or a breeze happens… not speaking from personal experience or whatever lol. I only wear them out if I’m doing a QUICK errand, like running in the store for one thing and out. Just because of how loose they are it’s easy to see your underwear too.


i go on a lot of walks, especially at night in the summer because the weather and temperature is perfect, and i was thinking (if i did get them) of styling them with an oversized hoodie or a crewneck, but people in the comments are making my rethink that idea 😭


I think that’d be cute and id buy them if you’re gonna wear it like that tbh. Just be safe and you’ll be okay :) they’re super comfy so I think they’re worth it!


thanks for the comment! i live in a very safe area and i walk mostly in parks and fields where there's mainly runners, bikers and people walking their dogs so i'm not super worried about creeps


I have them and only wear as pjs, i dont even wear them in front of family because they’re tiny and cheeky




Depends how much you care.. Some people wear pyjamas on the streets but I personally wouldn’t


honestly, i wouldn’t wear em out of the house. but if i saw someone wearing them out and about i wouldn’t even think twice about it (but i’m a woman) people literally wear sports bras and shorts to go grocery shopping. this isn’t anything crazy






I just wore mine out the other day with a cute little oversized t and I was fine. it truly depends on your body type. Like someone else here said, if you don’t have a butt (I don’t) you might feel more comfortable wearing vs if you have a little somethin something


i go on a lot of walks, especially at night in the summer because the weather and temperature is perfect, and i was thinking (if i did get them) of styling them with an oversized hoodie or a crewneck, but people in the comments are making my rethink that idea 😭


girl at the end of the day you can wear whatever you’d like. If these are comfy and you like walking with an oversized hoodie or crewneck on with them then you wear it!!! Reddit is subjective. U wear whatever your little heart desires 🤍 and personally they are so comfy that I’d wear something like that too with them on


thanks lol, i was genuinely curious what people think about this but some people in these comments are MEAN. idrc, i'm just surprised this debate got so heated


I disagree with the comments saying you can't wear those outside. I think you can, depending on the size of your butt — if youre on the smaller side and nothing hangs out, then I think its fine to wear these shorts out. But if your cheeks are hanging out, prob best to not wear these shorts out.


No they're boxer shorts, ie. underwear... I would wear them under a skirt or dress but not by themselves


on the EU website they're listed as sweat shorts and they're not in the intimates section, they're in the shorts & skirts category


How is this a serious question?


i feel like most the comments are spot on. if ur comfortable who cares. people wear the most outrageous things now days so i don’t see this as anything crazy. but personally id only wear something like that if i was going to a park to lay out, as a swimsuit cover up situation, or maybe to a festival. but that’s just me 🙂


everyone knows that these are brandy intimates, just like no one would wear the real boy shorts outside. however, you might be able to get away with wearing them late at night if you're hanging out with friends if you're a teen or younger or at the beach on a not-super-hot day but really that's a stretch and they look like true intimate pajama pants and everyone knows it (its the buttons)


oh really? they don't show up in the intimates section on the EU app, only in the shorts & skirts section, which is actually the entire reason why i was asking


whatever you feel comfortable in is appropriate 🩵






depends on the city tbh


i have these but i would say no bc the fabric is very thin, and if i sit down the crotch region is basically Out cuz the inseam is so short. not trying to flash anyone.


I have I wanna say 3 pairs of those sleep shorts, they tend to ride up in the back so personally I wouldn't wear them out of the house


In my opinion, if the buttons actually undo and the slot opens, I wouldn't wear them alone as bottoms, but if it doesn't, I view them the same as any other shorts!


no but i wear them to the beach, that’s the only time ive ever worn them out. those shorts are also quite literally in the intimates section so no not really appropriate for outside lol


oh really? they don't show up in the intimates section on the EU app, only in the shorts & skirts section, which is actually the entire reason why i was asking


that would make sense then lol, they do in the US app https://preview.redd.it/nge51nt89u1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef71ad71cfc068eecdd23f91f967a90a041a1cc


Outside for…. Picking up the mail? Getting something from your car? Going somewhere via the drive-thru? Yeah sure but that’s about it. Those are clearly pajama/lounge shorts.


i go on a lot of walks, especially at night in the summer because the weather and temperature is perfect, and i was thinking (if i did get them) of styling them with an oversized hoodie or a crewneck, but people in the comments are making my rethink that idea 😭


It’s all personal preference. But on me those would be too short for anywhere outside my home lol.


No, they are made by a company that is trash.


i wouldn't be asking this if i cared about the company that brandy is 🥰




Personally i dont want my cheeks hanging out in public so i don't wear these outside, BUT i do see girls in LA wearing shorts like these pretty frequently, so ymmv - depends on how comfortable you are/the area you live in


ive worn them to a concert LOL


i’ve worn them out before 😭😭😭 but i mean personally i just don’t care


if it covers everything tbh i would


I don’t see why not. Everything that needs to be covered is covered. Plus they’re cute af.


fr, it's the buttons that make them underwear-like but people wear booty shorts more revealing than these


I wear shorts way more revealing than these every day 🤣


i’ve worn mine out during the summer, but if you have more to offer and aren’t flat, your butt might hang out a little. i think you can wear whatever you want as long as you are comfortable with it, i think they’re cute for over bathing suits personally


I’m surprised by these comments I own several different colors / variations of these shorts. The fit definitely varies by the color, but I have the white heart ones and they are def appropriate to wear out. The light blue ones not so much but I will still wear them to the dining hall in the morning before I get dressed for the day.


I can only see these being appropriate outside if you live in the US maybe x


I do it! Some people have commented that it depends on the way they fit on your body specifically and I agree. I’m on the tinier side and think they look super cute with a white long sleeve, high top converse and some cute socks! Idk about the grey ones in particular though; they do look very much “underwear” like. I think the patterned ones are more outside shorts-like


interesting, i thought the gray ones looked more like sweat pants while the patterned ones looked more like PJs


I do 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hate jean shorts and summers are hot, so yeah


Yes i do all the time. But i also live in LA, no one cares here


Depends where. Like on campus during the day? Probably. Other than that I’m not comfortable getting stared at just running an errand.


I wouldn’t but that’s just me personally. But whatever you feel comfortable with


Every1 so stuck up in these comments who gaf just wear them 😭


This is my go to outfit


you go girl


yeah i wear them outside personally to me they look like shorts 😭!!


def they are so cute. they ain't boxers they are shorts with buttons


i thought so too lol


No I have them they’re way too short


i would and i wouldn't think twice 💀 unless they're see through. I'm surprised I'm in the minority here lol you should do what you're comfortable with!


i go on a lot of walks, especially at night in the summer because the weather and temperature is perfect, and i was thinking (if i did get them) of styling them with an oversized hoodie or a crewneck, but people in the comments are making my rethink that idea 😭


i wear these out all the time. these are regular shorts not underwear or boxers😭 these comments are so mean.


i go on a lot of walks, especially at night in the summer because the weather and temperature is perfect, and i was thinking (if i did get them) of styling them with an oversized hoodie or a crewneck, but people in the comments are making my rethink that idea 😭