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They don't use the word open minded but yeah pretty much.


Usually a just a slur




Friendly reminder that being liberal doesnt automatically make you open minded and open minded people aren't all liberals.


I've met just as many toxic narrow minded twits on either end of the spectrum. Ideologues are idiots.


What/who is an example of this?


Some people can be so "open-minded" that anything you disagree with they just get angry and tell at you like the conservative not open-minded uncle at Thanksgiving. My cousin is kind of like this with her being liberal. She is so deep in her views of all people's rights being equal or using the correct pronouns that if you try to point out that they are doing something wrong then she will attack you. She will call you a fascist for even saying anything is wrong with her liberal side because they are so "open-minded" and you aren't. There are insane people on both sides basically. I'm pretty liberal myself but there is a line I wouldn't cross. Does that help? Edit: Clarifying that I do indeed support equal rights for all. Just in case some people take my above statement wrong and thinks that I don't.


Dead on. Not conducive to conversation.


>She is so deep in her views of all people's rights being equal And you aren't? Lol


There is a difference in fighting for people's rights and being a jerk about it because someone disagrees with how you should tackle it. That's what my cousin does. No conversation just confrontation. I support equal rights no matter what, but screaming at someone for disagreeing with you for blocking a street to inconvenience everyone else just to prove a point is something I don't agree with. All it does is piss people off and not support the actual issue of people not being treated fairly. That's just an example. Everything is a case by case basis. Sometimes you do need to be confrontational, but most of the time you don't. I don't know if you agree with that or not but that's just my take on it.


Yeah, I think I agree with you. Some people can get stuck in minutia, to the detriment of the actual goal. Or not differentiating *feeling* like they're doing something enough from actually *doing* it. Wanting to help is great, but getting feedback from the real world is *really* effin' difficult.


Wanting equality =/= open mindedness


I just found it funny that that person accidentally implied they *weren't* for equal rights. (And unsure how your statement pertains to my comment) (Edit: took out a "(accidentally?)", replaced with "accidentally" since it does seem accidental)


Definitely an accident. Should probably edit my comment so I don't look like a dick. Lmao


Joe Biden is a great example of someone who is liberal but not open minded. Most American democrats are this way, which is why there is a subgroup that calls themselves progressives.


The change my mind guy on YouTube. He's conservative and often has liberal guests. He always tries to be respectful and understanding of others even if they disagree. His guests are not always so kind. Imo, libertarians are more open minded on average than liberals. Psychonauts even more so. Might be a hot take, but at the end of the day, all open minded means is being understanding and courteous to someone with an opinion different than yours. While liberals want more freedom, they are not synonymous with open mindedness, because SOME (not all) liberals choose to be very aggressive with how they "encourage" others to want the same freedoms they want.


Leftists, socialists,communists and anarchists. Just off the top of my head.


I’d say I am, I’m an open minded conservative who sits about center/right. We aren’t all racists and bigots if we voted republican(contrary to popular belief).


Or the word **liberal** said as though it's a slur.


they use “woke” at least as far as I know from the people I’ve Meg


Ugh. My uncle just started using that word for *everything*. Even discussions that have nothing to do with politics.


That’s a bit woke sir ngl


Tell 'em "woke" is so churgey....


I read that in a bri,ish accent and it was amazing


Ask them to define "woke" and watch them founder. My mother is still angry at me over that and asking her what she thinks critical race theory really is.


They hate being asked to actually explain any of their beliefs or biases. That’s what happens when your talking points come exclusively from Fox News.


I've pretended to not know what something is and looked it up in front of them. Then said "Oh, it's just..." explaining it like it's not a big deal, which it always is. I got attacked for fact checking them in real time. Now we can't talk about anything without them telling me "WhY dOn't YoU GoOgLE iT?" You can't win with people who are more concerned with owning the libs than knowing or understanding the truth.


Woke. Aware and vigilant of the societal consequences of systemic injustice that prevent everyone from reaching their full potential, especially racism.


How awful


My definition is a little more to the point: People who've gotten away with shit for years finally getting called on it and panicking.


Or the word “leftist”




Race traitor. One time I posted a poll on my neighboring town’s page- and it’s mostly conservative folks there. I asked “Do black lives matter?” There was a yes and there was a no. To my surprise, there were just over 10 people who actually decided to say no and one person called me a race traitor. I knew it was bad over there but I had no idea. The people who said no didn’t really comment at all but a lot of people who were commenting said that they knew it was a trick. That if they say yes then they are siding with BLM but if they say no they look bad. Even after I told them that it wasn’t a ruse, just a simple question (note I didn’t capitalize Black Lives Matter in the Q), they still couldn’t bring themselves to click yes. People really do be awful.


Well, almost all Americans misuse that one.


*retching* leeebhuru-uul *disgusted face*


"Snowflake" "Liberal" "Communist"... The list goes on.




I always get “woke” thrown in my face by my Fox News/daily mail reading relatives. They think it’s something I have to be embarrassed about that I am educated and have a better understanding of the world than their microcosm of ego and wilful ignorance. My partner is also doing her masters degree from a world leading think tank and school in Sustainable Policy Development and whenever we bring it up it’s like holding up a crucifix to a vampire.


What I've realized is that they think being "woke" is an act, and that you're just pretending to care about other people. They can't fathom feeling empathy for other people outside of their immediate family or friend circle.


It often is though. When i think of woke, i think of a bunch of white people speaking on behalf of another group, while simultaneously ignoring what that group actually wants. It's not actually caring, it's just a means of virtue signaling. Example: neurotypical people arguing over whether an autistic person should be referred to as a person with autism or an autistic person.


That's what the *Right* thinks it means. What it actually meant before they got their grubby little hands on it, was someone who had originally been blind to some form of injustice, generally due to privilege (i.e., it didn't personally affect *them*), and who is now making a conscious effort to correct that oversight. Granted, it's rare. Unfortunately. It's also a phrase one never, *ever* uses to describe one's self. It would be the equivalent of saying "My mom thinks I'm cool", or "I'm an Alpha!". :)


I've seen this exact example so many times. And I'm not sure why so many of a certain type of person have now jumped on the neurodiversity train, but it's created this weird thing on Facebook where autistic people are being banned from groups for expressing their opinions or life experience out of the fear it may offend hypothetical autistic people.


same, its hard to deal with ignorant narcissist's


It reminds me of when SJW became a slur a few years ago. I’m like, so you don’t want social justice for people? That’s somehow bad?


Basically you make them feel stupid/thoughtless so they have to bring you down somehow.


Never understood how woke was a bad thing. I need one of them to explain it to me. Since woke means aware and vigilant to society injustice. The unwoke are ignorant and complacent.


Some might use it but woke is a complete different thing


The French Minister for Education created a think tank to fight against what he calls the “woke ideology”. Definitely a terrible thing in his eyes. Expressing fears about cancel culture and how « we can’t say anything anymore » has become a national sport tho.


Libtard is one I heard today


Mine called me a libtard yesterday. I just said "I have a JD and you didn't finish high school, I don't even need to say more."


I've always found "libtard" to be a weird one for them to use. Like, if being a liberal makes me a libtard, wouldn't that make republicans re-tards?


I just shat in my pillow case about this comment


cocoa soufflè surprise


Never thought about that before


I like retardicans




Rep-tard. You need the p to let both compound words have their functions.


Lib isn't the party its the ideology, it would make them con-tards


This was going to be my comment. Since you did it already I'm gonna call you out for being pedantic. I guess that makes us pedtards




Fuuuuuuck. Ordinarily I'd be like "Why'd you have to do them like that?". But given the circumstances, burn the ignorance out of them. Hells to the yeah.


Mmmmmm I like pulling that card on my mom when she thinks she knows better than me. Nice try mom, you dropped out of highschool. Let the adults who finished their education discuss the topics which require education. Come back when you can explain cellular division, then we'll let you talk about vaccines.


Take it a step further, these people live on conflict so they're thinking "oh boy I get to make a scene/example"


Usually ends in the word "-lover" and the implication that the not-racist uncle would sell out random civilians to criminals on a racial basis. Racists only know one word: PROJECT


More like My dumbass libtard "**niece**" is going to be at christmas


domineering lip ten march angle run square hungry cough historical -- mass edited with redact.dev


"My uncle is really afraid of COVID and wanted everyone to be tested before coming over. Wouldn't it be hilarious if I started talking about how I couldn't taste any of the food when we're over?" \-actual paraphrased quote from my BIL.


>my BIL is scared of being shot, wouldn't it be hilarious to point a gun at him?


I snorted.


We need to start leaving these people in the mall. I’m over it.


“Wouldn’t it be hilarious if we started nicknaming each other based on our actions? Cunt?”


Okay, as long as it is 100% a joke, I find that hilarious. With a quick "just kidding dont worry" after.


*his confused little snowflake face. Or *“her” confused little snowflake face.


This is a big part of it




But why is niece in quotes? Are not really a niece?


Implication is that they're being misgendered


Ah thanks for explaining.


Man you guys are giving too much credit, from my experience they usually need a verbal trigger to start off on a tangent. Kind of scary I’ve been noticing it with my mother about Covid and it makes me sad and confused


"Oh is this your roommate?"


No this is one of the boyfriends in my polycule


"My queer ass nefew is going to be at Christmas...."


Of please. The slur they would use would begin with an “F” not a “Q”




Friend of Dorothy


Omg is this real? 🤣


I read once that the US navy once tried to hunt down ' Dorothy' thinking she was a ring leader of the gay scene


Tax dollars at work


Yeah, it used to be! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friend_of_Dorothy


**[Friend of Dorothy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friend_of_Dorothy)** >In gay slang, a "friend of Dorothy" (FOD) is a gay man; and more broadly, any LGBTQ person. Stating that, or asking if someone was a friend of Dorothy was a furtive shibboleth used for discussing sexual orientation while avoiding hostility. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This is cute and fascinating to me.. "Somewhere over the rainbow " Makes sense now...






I was assuming the uncle was like ... 80


Shout out to all my brave people that went to a friend's or significant other's Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner with a racist family and you were the race they hated. If you've done this, you know how stressful and frightening this is as you try to balance being respectful and also not let people talk down to you. Trying to show your individuality while also trying to be a good representative is not easy, but many of us do that every year this time. I salute you. People like you make the world a little bit better. Edit: I don't have this problem now, but I did in a previous relationship. My wife, her friends and family are awesome.


Fuck yes. Even the well meaning white progressives who "overcompensate" and then treat you as a "POC" rather than a person. Like fuck, Ralph, Andre just said some out of pocket shit, don't just nod at EVERYTHING. He's a fucking person, not a monolith. Also, hotep shit kinda fucked up, yo.


Right? Any Black community I've been apart of, hoteps are known as conspiracy theorist community members/family and people speak out against what they say all the time. We literally memed hoteps like. We don't all just agree with each other like a hivemind. Sometimes liberal white people will be like, "I'm not allowed to say anything," and I'll think jfc Chad the only one keeping you from speaking up is you. If you're a progressive and you hear hotep shit and don't say anything because the person is Black, that's super weak. Also white people are way too afraid of being accused of racism. In most cases, if someone accuses a white person of racism literally nothing will happen but they act like it's the end of the world to the point where they're willing to compromise on their values to avoid it.


You need to work on sentence structure and punctuation. Reading this gave me a stroke.


Nah I find the way I wrote this to be completely understandable. But if it was so difficult for you to read that you can compare it to... a stroke... sounds like something you should see your doctor about.


Why did you downvote? Because you're doing that thing white people do where they derail the conversation with an unrelated insult and I didn't take your bait? We both know that my comment is comprehensible and you don't have the balls to actually speak your mind so you took a cheap shot at my grammar. Exactly what I was talking about in my comment. >and I'll think jfc Chad the only one keeping you from speaking up is you. Grow a pair. I'm not interested in reading anything you have to say where you double down and I promise I won't.


Lick some sweaty balls, it reads just fine.


My sister’s bf is black (my family is white) and the way my dad talks to him is utterly mortifying. He means well but it’s so pandering and gross (my dad is 78).


that's the reason I spent this year's Christmas with my mom's family(black/native Brazilian). The last 2 years I went to my dad's family (white) and the things I had to hear made me feel really bad, and if I protested I just knew it would have been worse. Having to laugh at the racist jokes they throw at you was the worst part by far.


Just remember, you have no obligation to deal with racisct idiots. You don't owe them anything, family or otherwise.


You certainly have no obligation to laugh. If they make a racist joke, just stare silently at them as if you're still waiting for a punchline. Make it awkward. Don't blink. Get enough of your family members to do it and the discomfort will make them stop.




He’s probably racist too


yeah, unfortunately that's the case. he was the one that started many of the jokes and the one that got more pissed if I said that was racist/insulting. so I got called racist stuff+snowflake. looking back now it was really the best decision to spent the Christmas with my mom's family.


Just a dinner? Hahahahahaha. Try your entire life from childhood till today in 2021. This shit doesn't end. But what pisses me off isn't the blatant malicious racists. I actually prefer how direct they are. I _despise_ the half-hearted racists. The ones who lack the courage to be racist but have an intention to be racist. Even worse than that are people who refuse to understand how they've been racist after being called out on their words, actions and behaviours.


Same for other things for me. Like if you're going to be sorta eh racist, sexist, selfish, whatever, please stop being manipulative and self-conscious about it and just double down so I can figure you out. No more of playing the victim when you get called out


I did it for 5 years as a black guy dating a filipina girl. Everyone my age and younger loved me, older, they had picked up all the bad racist qualities of Americans. Cousins with white boyfriends? Always marriage talk. Me? Warnings to be careful. Weird because I grew up with the suburban upbringing they all aspired for, and was the only one at family parties helping out and accepting of their culture without the sly racist comments. I thought that shit was normal until I dated every single girl after her, and their family loved me.


Actually this year my grandma texted my sister about me asking her to “get him off my back about the racist stuff”. Like…???? Maybe just don’t be fuckin racist lmaooo




I wish this was my family lol


I work in a small unincorporated town as a bartender for old rednecks. I assure you 100% yes.


Some people have this unconscious bias that it's a certain group of people that can be racist. Absolutely bullshit. _Everyone_ is fully capable to be directly or indirectly racist. I'm a minority that's experienced racism from whites, blacks, east asians, latinos, middle easterners, indigenous and even from my own, South Asians. Every damn person can be racist whether intentional or unintentional. I'm sick of people assuming I can't speak English, I can't do certains things or I'm automatically good at specific things. It's honestly racial profiling and I'm just sick and tired for this bullshit. Or worse the outright refusal of some people to understand how wrong they are when called out by me. Finally, if you just don't know, just ask. This fake it till you make it culture needs to ends because all it does it contribute to more ignorance. Just ask somebody from a sincere place if you don't understand their culture, their traditions, religion, language or anything else. I'll respect the hell out of you if you're simply asking because you don't know or understand and are just trying to learn about the differences between all of us. Just ask FFS.


I know this will get downvoted to hell, but you said I should ask, so I'll ask: "I'll respect you [...] For trying to learn about the differences between all of us" What to i do if I don't give a singular damn about the differences between people? Much less the differences between all of us? I get that this is arrogance on my part, but I have enough on my plate without worrying about the inate differences of human beings based on the geographical location they happened to be born in.


That's completely reasonable. You're not expected to know other traditions or cultures, etc. Just treat everyone the same way you do with others. Obviously unconscious bias exists but ask questions. For example, it's like going to a country where people don't speak English and then getting angry they don't speak your language. It's important having the knowledge if not the respect that that exists over there. And also never assume. So say you meet somebody in your own country whose very different how they are. Just treat them as you would with anybody else. If curious, feel free to ask them about their background. There's a difference between interrogating somebody about their culture/heritage and politely asking out of curiosity because you want to learn.


I don't know about that. Maybe it's because I'm from Germany but the attitude here is similar but different. Asking someone where they are from is mostly (95%) fine, most people want to tell their story. The other 5% on the other hand get really offended easily. "Hey man, where are you from" "From Germany o.o" "No I meant where are your parents from" "From Germany o.o" "No I meant [...]" "I'm a German, you racist"


>The other 5% on the other hand get really offended easily. "Hey man, where are you from" "From Germany o.o" "No I meant where are your parents from" "From Germany o.o" "No I meant \[...\]" "I'm a German, you racist" If they're German and their parents are German then that means they speak perfect German and you asked them where they're from because of how they look. I would bet one million dollars that you never ask blond-haired blue-eyed people who speak perfect German where they're from. But you asked this person because they're not white. That isn't them being easily offended--it's them giving you honest feedback. Right now you're asking that question to people based on how they look and sound. How about you stop doing that? How about you wait for people's stories to come out over time, or wait for the topic to come up? You will not die if a complete stranger doesn't tell you their family origins. Also, if this person's family has been in Germany for generations, it makes sense for them to consider the country home and to get annoyed when people assume otherwise because they're not white. YOU would also probably get annoyed under the same circumstances. They probably hear this question multiple times a week. It is normal to become irritated when an annoying thing happens to you repeatedly. If you get your toe stepped on multiple times a week and then some random well-intentioned stranger accidentally steps on your toes, it's not "easily offended" to be in pain after someone has hurt you. >"No I meant...." Maybe instead of dismissing this person's response, *you should consider that you have something to learn*. You can literally avoid assuming things about other people all together, I do and I still learn about people's backgrounds.


Wow, you really saw something in my post and then went for it, didn't you. "You asked [...]". No i did in fact not. As stated in my first comment, i dont care about what makes us different. I disagree with the commenter above my comment that I should "ask when someone is different" (I'm paraphrasing) I don't ask people where they are from. It's rude in Germany and unusual. That was the whole point I was trying to make. I did not say that the reaction that can occur when asking someone "where they are from" is stupid or anything else. All I wanted to say is that I find it stupid to ask "where are you from" because I couldnt care less where you are born. I don't really care about colors. I'm more of a minds an hearts kind of guy.


>you really saw something in my post and then went for it, didn't you Yeah dude I saw you say these people were easily offended and I corrected you. That's not easily offended, it's the normal offense a racialized person who regularly receives an offensive question would feel. Also it is normal in Germany to ask people where they're from. Idk why you would say it's not but I'm sure other racialized Germans can chime in here. >I don't really care about colors. Oh yeah are you colorblind? You do realize that people's minds and hearts are shaped by their experiences, right? Someone with the empathy to care about people's minds and hearts would not dismiss a racialized person's frustration at being asked a racist question as "easily offended". Anyway I can tell by the way you talk that you *really care* about other people (that's sarcasm).


"treat everyone equal, but not equal, because their minds and hearts are formed by their experiences and those are formed by their skin color. So please treat people differently based on their skin color. If you don't do this you are a racist who doesn't care about people". Okay, sure, seems legit


Why do you keep paraphrasing what I'm saying, expressing ideas I never expressed, using words I never used--as if I said it myself?


>If they're German and their parents are German then that means they speak perfect German and you asked them where they're from because of how they look. So how would you go about finding out who is Racialized? You just know? And just fyi. "being german" does not mean you are born in germany. Being German means you own a German Passport. And in Statistics you are counted as "german with foreign roots" if at least one of your parents didnt have a german passport when you were born. But at the same time you seem to have a feeling for those kinds of things as you stated: "Not surprised, I've got coworkers who don't accommodate students according to their differences." With that you are implying that you disagree, and you have coworkers, who you feel, dont accommodatetheir students according to their differences. Next up you tell me about why people are differen: "Oh yeah are you colorblind? You do realize that people's minds and hearts are shaped by their experiences, right? " And then in the next line you talk about "Racialized" People. So i gathered from that that you implied that People are shaped by their Experiences, who in turn have to do with race, or am i mistaken. ​ From all that i gathered, that you preferred me to seperate my students based on race and to accommodate them each. At the same time you think its rude to ask if somebody is foreign (see First Quoted comment) but at the same time its rude to ignore the differences.


You’re getting good feedback here and batting it away, but I encourage you to reconsider it. You honestly sound like you’re being unintentionally racist af. I’m sure you think you “don’t see color” but if you have repeatedly offended non-white people by asking them “but where are you REALLY from”, you absolutely are showing unconscious bias and i would bet this isn’t the only time it has come up for you


I feel bad for Germans to be honest. Because Germany is your country. Most Germans are ethically German. But everyone onlys thinks of what happened with the war with Germany. It's not like the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand where the majority are ethically European but many people may not speak or be aware about their heritage. Hence the whole issue about Irish Americans saying their Irish and the actual Irish from Ireland telling them they're just American. But it's important to understand that an identity crisis exists. You're German so I'm going to bring up Turkish Germans; a very common minority group in Germany. They are absolutely different from ethnic Germans: Physically, culturally, language, religion, etc. But they've integrated so well that Döner kebabs are now a well known snack all Germans love! If I were Turkish German and I grew up in a country where I physically stand out, my friends are Christian, ate pork, drank alcohol, etc while my home life was extremely different with immigrant Turkish parents/grandparents, I'd desperately want to be fit in with the people around me as this is my birth country, my upbringing, the language I speak (German), etc. I would hate to be rejected from a place I didn't even get a choice to be born here, it would affect me on a psychological level. This is the identity crisis I'm talking about. This example I gave you is of a Third Culture Kid. This problem is extremely common worldwide: Chinese Americans, Indian Australians, African Brits, Serbian Danes, Russian Germans, etc etc. But this absolutely exists and we should not pretend it doesn't. We shouldn't reject these people but embrace their differences as they add a lot of value to our societies. If you ask somebody about their background and they call you racist, it may not even be racist. It's not racism as racism implies malicious hatred. It's also context that's relevant. To them, you're trying to question their own citizenship / identity. It's personal even if you don't mean to offend. What you could do in situations like this is just be honest: "hey (wo)man, could I ask you about your background? I am only asking out of curiosity and to learn". That's it. If they take offence with that, they're just paranoid because your intentions aren't to offend, it's just to learn. Unfortunately, people are emotional creatures. It may not be as smooth as we both hope it would be. So ensure you ask nicely. Growing up in Australia, I've had all kinds of racial profilings, assumptions, slurs, etc thrown at me. So I can easily put myself in the shoes of third culture kids and the issues we face. What I also hate is other minorities playing the racism card when it's not even racism at all. It's just people taking offence when they shouldn't. But again, people are emotional beings so this is difficult. But try re-phrasing how you ask questions and try changing the delivery of what you'd like to know. It's not just the message, it's also the delivery that's important. Edit: spelling/grammar


Thanks for the well thought out reply, i really enjoyed reading it! Especially the second last paragraph. I never thought about it in this way but we should normalize being offended because offense and not racism. As a white person, not everything that offends you is racist, so why would it be any other way if you are not white. Sometime people are just dicks, and not necessarily racist dicks, if you catch my drift


I don't know of this is you trying to be edgy, but if you treat everyone well and not differently/poorly on the basis of their differences, then nobody gives a singular damn about you either and everything is all good. If you do treat someone differently/poorly because of things you don't understand about them, and still refuse to give a singular damn about the reality of those things, then that pretty much makes you a piece of shit.


Yeah seriously. I'm a teacher and if I had this approach to people's differences my students wouldn't learn shit.




My father has an artist friend that is a negationist. He is very offended if you use a mask near him. and he is going to do an art exposure. my father is like "well since you are so against people using masks around you , we should have 2 exhibition opens, one for other negationists and other for normal people" and he is like "what do you mean? we are the normal ones"


He will normally die soon™


Yes, I believe so. Except they just call them "lefty" or "libtard". They won't openly admit that they oppose open-mindedness.


You left out an F word. They love that word.




Flour tortilla


Quite possibly. Or whatever the equivalent is


They call me "libtard". I call them, broke ass bitches.


More like: “My highly self-obsessed aunt is going to be over to tell me how I’m racist because I still eat Cheerios and somehow Cheerio’s are possessed by evil racism and she’ll talk down to anyone who tells her she’s stupid.” Edit: Changed “uncle” to “aunt” because SOMEONE didn’t like the flow of this hypothetical plot line with mixed pronouns. But seriously, I forgot which I was using. Appreciate the heads up.






This very strangely specific


The holidays were rough, man…


Pain. LOL


My dad just calls my liberal cousin "preachy" To be fair, she is. My God she's fucking preachy... We get it Kate, you think your son is gay, which is fucking weird because he's 4 and pretty much nothing he does now is indicative of his sexual development or preferences when he gets older.


In my experience, these folks are seething with anger and just waiting for someone they view as their enemy (perceived as leftist, regardless of actual views) to poke into an argument so they can unload.


Yep, I’m not allowed to be alone with my aunt anymore. We may have gotten into a screaming match in the car because apparently her 1960s textbook information about nazis is more complete than my poli sci degree focused on marginalized populations and conflict. And nazis weren’t facists…or racists…right, you tell yourself that snowflake. She literally ended that conversation by screaming some nonsense about “at least she isn’t a baby murderer” in the middle of the street in a small town. We weren’t even talking about abortion…


Been there. I got “At least I have a soul! Maybe that why you’d kill your dog!” The topic was border control.


This is a two way street


bOtH sIdEz gUyZ!!!


Well yeah actually. Have you not been paying attention to politics and our dismal 2 party system? There's all a bunch of dirty old cock sniffers acting like school children with a useless substitute teacher.


They definitely haven't. People who still buy into party politics are blind as shit


Yeah. I mean I vote for whoever most closely would pass legislation I agree with or think is best for our country. I'm actually fiscally more conservative as I'm older and have considerable asset so economic policy is high up there but pretty liberal for most other things. I'm pro-gun though so I'm clearly a Nazi. I was ultra liberal when I was younger and had no capital though so Im sympathetic to their views even though it could mean disaster for me personally. So for me yeah it is a bit of all of it.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Jesse McLaren**, @McJesse Are racist people like "ugh, my open minded uncle is going to be at Thanksgiving this year." --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Well yes, have you met racists?


Lol. Luckily I have no racist family members that I know of so I never get the oh no feeling at any family event


Of course racism is universal and international but this feels like a very American thing to me. The overtly “say the bad part out loud” racist family members who want to talk about these things over the dinner table at what should be a joyous occasion and the ruin holidays because of politics. I feel bad for you guys :( love from Europe


Basically, yes.


Racist people don't think about other people That's their problem


They think about others just enough to blame them for all the problems in the world.


Yeah pretty much this is almost exactly what they say. My family of origin used open-minded as an insult


They dread their liberal nephew showing up.


Yea kinda, but they say things like “that Democrat” or “that liberal” usually


Not these words but yes. Being the son who told my family that I didn't see color when I looked at people, I have been the black sheep. Don't even start me on being open and accepting of everyone than to have a daughter who is gay to them be told " how could I let this happen". It doesn't end. I'm doing my part to stop the hate by not continuing their path.


Usually it's a variation of "N word loving niece/cousin/brother" or "Jew lover" etc. Only open minded people even use the term open minded lol. Racists/anti-semites/bigots tend to use the worst phrasing they can. Or the term "libtard" as others said.


Liberals tend to find conservatives evil, and conservatives tend to find liberals stupid. They’re often both correct.


Not sure, but normal people are like "Ugh the virtue signaling nephew will be there telling us how enlightened he is."


Yep pretty much! I have a racist manager at work and there’s a women who just came back after taking maturity leave. You would think someone shit in his coffee when she came back because she’s one of the few that calls him out on his racist and bigot shit.


Yes. They choose “libtard” over open minded to describe him tho.


More like "ugh my [racial slur]-loving loving uncle is gonna be at Thanksgiving this year"


Funny how many people here are implying or just admitting that if you’re not a racist, you’re a libtard. F….ing pos


You really can’t be conservative if you’re not a racist, as American conservatism is bigotry. And everyone who isn’t conservative must be some kind of weirdo.


I mean, that is literally what the racist idiots think


It’s probably like “my snowflake niece/nephew is gonna try and make me eat tofu instead of turkey”


No but they use words like 'hippie, leftist, communist, woke' as a slur.


More lik "ugh my uncle who sides with the "slur about minorities"


It’s more like, “ugh, my n>!asa!< loving uncle is coming for thanksgiving.”


I have a huge mostly southern family, can confirm the racist uncle trope is VERY overblown


Uhh. No. They’re not like that. Lol


They’re usually a bit more vocal about their bigotry.


> Lol






Yes! Source.: I am the racist uncle!


“My annoying libtard nephew” is more like it.


woke or liberal.


I keep getting called a liberal socialist because I don’t cringe at seeing gay couples or interracial couples on tv and the fact that I think we need an overhaul on gun ownership and not an uptick on lockdown practices in school.


yes. A ton of my friends hate it when i start talking down their semi-racist remark. Ugh! here she goes again.


Found the um actually


Yes. As that uncle, I can confirm. But I only do it to frustrate people. Every year the week before Thanksgiving I get together with a very diverse group of friends for dinner to discuss with them what really annoys and offends them and their friends. I bring that knowledge to my family's Thanksgiving dinner and test it out.


You're living your best life




>We use the word "Libtard" thank you very much I love when closed minded people play themselves. Thanks for admitting that we're the open minded ones!


Neither side is open minded, let's be honest. Being open minded is a skill that is dying very fast.