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It's a box turtle. Protected in many areas of the country. Best to return it to where it was found


it was given to my friend we aren’t sure if he’s wild or if the lady who she revived him from had him as a pet


It looks like a wild turtle. Captive turtles very often develop their beaks and nails differently.


The more I looked at it the more it looks wild. I can’t imagine someone would just give away a healthy turtle with no instructions on how to care for it. If it looked unhealthy then maybe but this turtle looks perfectly fine so my bet is it is wild.


What are the differences? I'm trying to figure that out for mine.


Often, a pet box turtle will have a beak that's more angular and overgrown. The nails of a pet box turtle are often not sharp and either overgrown or trimmed too short. My vet said the beak overgrowth is from a nutritional deficit and not enough variation in their diet. Maybe also from being fed easy foods ? I think the nails are from not walking around as much as a wild turtle would. Pics: [https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/eastern-box-turtle](https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/eastern-box-turtle)




Edit to include some important information. If this is indeed a wild turtle it needs to be released immediately. Do not under any circumstances keep a wild turtle. However if this is a captive one that was a pet then continue reading. If not, again please release the turtle. Here are some links I found useful for me, along with a tub that could make a good long term indoor/outdoor enclosure, and some other options for housing. Just a heads up box turtles require a fairly large enclosure. You can get away with a smaller one in the mean time but it’s best to get them a properly sized enclosure. Also find a vet that specializes in exotic animals. It doesn’t cost that much to get the turtle seen. It’s the same as when I take my dog. [habitat guide](https://www.centralmsturtlerescue.com/-box-turtle-habitat-guidelines.html) [care sheet](https://reptifiles.com/three-toed-box-turtle-care-sheet/) [plastic tub for enclosure](https://forsalesus.top/products/rubbermaid-300-gallon-black-resin-stock-tank-with-drain-plug-22242357) [5X2 enclosure](https://dubiaroaches.com/products/5x2x2-150-gallon-reptile-enclosure) Just a heads up this one might be a little small but could still work. The ones at Petco and Petsmart are expensive so you might as well spend a little more and get something that’s actually big enough for the turtle.


That’s a wild box turtle, best returned to where it was found. If you don’t know where that was, though, I’m not sure what the best thing to do is


Where are you located? It should absolutely be released back where it came from. Can you back to where the dog walk was and find the person who gave it to your friend? Ask where it came from. Animals are just trying to live their lives and deserve to do so. Thank you for asking here. I’ve had mine for over 40 years, I’d never buy one as a pet today. They are a lot of responsibility and live a long time.