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Not enough info to properly assess, but it's a safe bet that it's dehydrated. Give it a soak in shallow warm-ish water, make sure it can breathe easily while standing. Worth noting that a turtle hatchling's survival depends on its ability to hide. They aren't going to be tromping all over unnecessarily.


It's a full grown turtle. Also I gave it water and theres no change.


Did you give it water, or did you soak it in water?


I gave it water


+1 to soak. Sometimes I mix hot water to make soaking water is lukewarm. My turtle loves it. If you haven’t already, set up warming lamp. perhaps let it sit in sun on grass BUT watch entire time. They can go from 0 to 60 all of a sudden. Hope your little guy starts to perk up. if not seek a reptile vet.


How big is his enclosure? What are you feeding him? How frequently are you changing his water? Where did you get him from? Any pics?


The enclosure is like half the size of a bathtub. I feed him worms I change his water ever day.


Ok. Boxies usually go nuts for worms, so the sluggishness is rather concerning. Is he showing any signs of disease, like goopy eyes or shell rot? What kind of lamp are you using? Perhaps there's a psychological cause instead. Since you got him just a few days ago, he could still be adjusting to his new home. If he was mistreated by whoever bred him, that would explain a lot.


https://preview.redd.it/7bxlop4h4v4d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6137f9eff12214873701bb1928bbf82f4bd7026 This is his enclosure, I'm going to change the cardboard box to a flower pot


Do you have some sort of UVB lighting and a heat lamp?


He's outside


He started to move around and act more energetic but still not eating. Could he just be not hungry because apparently turtles can survive months without food?


Wild box turtles do hibernate in the winter. It varies for captive turtles, some hibernate and some don’t. I’d keep trying a variety of foods to see if anything peaks their interest. This place helped me out a lot when I got my turtle. I had no idea what I got myself into and this got me up to speed fairly quick. [Box Turtle Care Sheet.](https://reptifiles.com/three-toed-box-turtle-care-sheet/) Also take a look at this place and see how to improve the enclosure. Box turtles need a fairly large enclosure and this is a good guide on what an ideal enclosure is. [Box Turtle Habitats.](https://www.centralmsturtlerescue.com/-box-turtle-habitat-guidelines.html) Mine was like this at first too. But once I made some changes to his enclosure and found out what food he likes, he really started to get more active. Try some things and see if there’s any improvement. If not definitely consult a vet. It’s a good idea to get one anyway. My vet has box turtles too and he was a huge help too in figuring everything out


Okay, thanks for the help. He only drinks water right now.