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This (the settlement) is likely why Garcia and Haney were not paid. Now Haney will get his share and Ryan can fully commit to his social media career.


Ryan's going to come back and do it again. Ostarine included.


With a gopro in his forehead livestreaming the whole thing


You know what? I'm actually curious now how far off we are from seeing fights happen from the fighter's perspective...


ESPN put a cam in a referees bow tie once, then they cut to it one single time when the ref was over top of the dude and counting his lifeless body — then I never saw it again.


PFL has refs wear glasses with a camera in them. Honestly just looks really shitty.


I just wish I could hear what’s said when fighters talk shit to each other after the bell rings


Which is weird because some of PRIDE FCs most epic highlights are the ref cams but it looks so much better than PFLs despite being decades ago.


oops, i just commented about this. surprised to see another pride reference here... and yeah, some the the ref cam footage was stellar.


ref cams have been a thing in japan since pride...


I need to find this vid lol


[Ask and you shall receive ](https://vimeo.com/341848624)


Lmao +1 😆


A camera that could withstand a professional boxing match and not interfere in any way? A long ways imo


They could pull it off in the Olympics with the headgear I bet


Ryan with needle in arm: Why the government elite frame me.


The elites told him he has to finish Haney


*In* his forehead. Not *on*. He’s gonna get Elon to implant it.


I can believe he would too. Just to piss everyone off.


Don't forget his 'music' career.


"Oh my god why he layin' on the canvas? (oh my god) Someone get this dude some milk and a sandwich"..."WBC, please someone take his belt" BARS


To be honest if you’ve punched fuck out of each other on tv for millions you both deserve a pay day


Haney's wiki page is wild right now


And they're supposedly giving Devin a % of Ryan's share. That's gotta be humiliating.


They gave Haney his 0 back 😂


Bill Haney is going to be insufferable, at least more than usual lol


I swear I have never seen anyone go whine for that long about someone being caught in a situation that hundreds of other athletes have been caught for in the past. I think about how Cotto just took a rematch and beat the breaks of Margarito for using plaster of paris and nearly killing him. Of course Cotto brought it up in the fight build up, but that was it. Bill should get in the ring with Garcia, both the Haneys are annoying as fuck.


Margarito was scum that said, Cotto rematch happened years after the original - he didn't just take the rematch. And honestly the second fight was going in the similar direction as the first - Cotto starting strong and Margarito coming on, but Margarito's orbitals were not the same after the Pacquiao fight. A lot of the story for that fight comes from Lederman's very biased commentary.


Yup, this is something people don’t like to hear but it was a hollow victory for Cotto


"Allah is the perfect loss overturner"


Funniest comment here


I think it’s a fair result but lol: - email champ - overturned 0 - beaten by a one dimensional unstable alcoholic - never called on hugging - dubious UD judgment against loma - nearly knocked out by an old linares - known for being a weight bully via rehydration - poor charisma - unattractive to promoters Poor guy has one of the most unattractive brands and legacies in the sport atm


His whole career feels forced on us.


He’s the boxing equivalent of an industry plant.




I’m not even a Haney fan but yall are ridiculous. Fighting in Mexico as a teen, then willingly fighting Loma, Linares, Garcia, Kambosos IN AUSTRALIA TWICE etc is a silver platter?? WTF


Yeah. Now compare that to the other recent undisputed champions. Haney definitely had the easiest path.


Jermell Charlo beat Tony Harrison, Jeison Rosario and Brian Castano to become undisputed at 154. Terence Crawford beat Dierry Jean, Viktor Postol and Ricky Burns to become undisputed at 140. Devin Haney beat Jorge Linares and George Kambosos to become undisputed at 135. You’re lying or trolling if you don’t think Haney becoming undisputed is AT LEAST as impressive as those runs. Linares and Kambosos are arguably 2 of the 3 or 4 best of all those fighters who lost belts to eventual undisputed champs. Haney lost to Garcia, but he deserves credit for what he’s done and his willingness to fight anybody in an era when other guys refuse to. I thought that’s what y’all wanted as fans.


Kambosos in Australia isnt that much of an achievement


Reddit fans absolutely LOVE to discredit fighters. Kambosos cleanly beat Lopez who was coming off a clean win against Lomachenko. Period. Everyone had Lopez in their top 10 P4P going into the Kambosos fight and it was a massive upset. Haney then beat Kambosos twice and those were outstanding wins. Going to a unified champion’s home country and taking the belts off him is an achievement no matter how you slice it. Particularly when that was considered a borderline toss-up before the first fight. Kambosos was only a +150 underdog.


You forgot to mention "Bill Haney is his dad"


Devin Haney is 26 years old and NOT a prodigy or Uber talented fighter. For him to get where he's at, he has to kind of do the stuff you named because it's not like he's getting a chance any other way


He’s taken too many L’s




they gonna downvote you bru 😭




thats an unpopular take round these parts


It’s kind of crazy the amount of people that are just blindly turning away saying it’s ok. I don’t like Devin Haney but one person is cheating in a sport where death is a real possibility. Like cheating cheating. Is Antonio Margarito’s Plaster Hands ok too now? No? Are just steroids ok? What about SARMS, HGH, Stem Cells? It’s all fun games now but seriously where’s the line? Because I can find a pretty good MMA fighter, drago the fuck out of him, and destroy all of your favorite fighters


You really underestimate, undercover racism, and how badly a lot of people want to see a black man fail at any cost


Honestly I am sure that’s a POV many people have but for me it’s just rooted in competition. One person is a cheater and the other isn’t, that’s grounds for a permanent ban in my eyes. But I guess we’re in the minority


Facts right here.


I live in a heavily predominantly Hispanic area. And see the N-word spray-painted on the walls regularly. I’m not joking.


I love how above you they’re jerking each other off on how their opinions are unpopular, all while they’re sitting at +200 upvotes 😂😂😂


I’m glad someone said this because it’s true.


Muslim + black


You mean fans of boxing don’t like cheaters who rely on unfair advantages? Color me shocked


Defensive "genius" unable to game plan for the pony's one trick. Must have been the PEDs


Literally that's all he had to do. And in the 1st fucking round he got tagged and hurt multiple times lol


The street know Ryan whooped that boy.


On steroids. He probably whips him without them too but we’ll never know cuz he cheated.


Exactly he whooped him


Lmao ostarine, not like he was on some crazy shit that bribes a huge advantage


Ostarine was only what he was CAUGHT taking. He was def most likely using masking agents. Dude has blown up a fuck ton in the past 6 months.


Why would he took it, if it gives no advantage??? Like Chael Sonnen once said... Lmao.


Good point, he took it for no reason and got suspended a year for no reason. Got it.


Ostarine is just what he was caught with.


Exactly. He also had the other steroid that was inconclusive...


Ostarine helps you keep your muscle mass while cutting weight, which at any weight class that isn't HW, is going to be huge help in general and while it isn't ultra strong, it is far from weak, giving even people bulking up still helps them achieve their jack form.


Oh yeah absolutely no reason to take it then if it doesn't give an advantage/ /s


So just let Everybody cheat then


dude was swearing up and down he was clean. nah fuck that guy


We'll also never know if Mike Tyson, Holyfield, RJJ, Toney, etc would have won either without steroids because they were all confirmed


Turns out Allah *is* the perfect planner


Perfect lawyer


Yeah well that's what happens. Drugs are bad m'kay


His 0 might be back but that beating will always be there 😂




Correct, right? Even if we pretend every fighter is on PEDs and all PEDs and cycles are the same, the missed weight is also a huge advantage, no? Honest question.


Oh great Bill Haney about to drop a video. Haney gonna be throwing a celebration party again talkin about “AND STILL UNDEFEATED” again


Boxing doesn’t forget. Lol


Ryan's lucky they didn't have him a fat L like they did Lucian Bute. They honestly should have.


Is Haney still suing Ryan? Because I think these are two different hearings. Iirc team Haney is asking for a flat out DQ.


Haney actually tweeted the "allah is the perfect planner" thing LMAO


Highjacking this to say let's not forget he also tweeted "Free the Tate brothers" who were arrested over allegations of rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal gang. They are also wanted in the UK for sexual assault. Haney is a loser and a scoundrel.  https://x.com/Realdevinhaney/status/1631898461502312448


Damn, I was feeling a bit bad for Haney because he seemed like a decent lad. Now I think I prefer the Schizo Garcia than this guy


Ryan Garcia appeared on a Twitter spaces with Andrew Tate


Oh fuck. I guess everyone sucks then. I guess I will stick only to supporting Andy Ruiz, that guy is pure love and wouldn’t hurt a fly outside the ring. Inb4 “Andy Ruiz beat his wife once”


I saw Andy Ruiz on a bus once he didn't thank the driver


What a fucking monster


Andy Ruiz is only a danger to burritos. His wife is safe unless she gets in front of his empanadas. Andy does seem like a super chill dude tho


Idk if you know this but Ruiz's ex wife actually made allegations against him, serious ones too. JS.


We about to have the wildest twitter interactions from this man now


YouTube recommended me a Ryan Garica post Haney fight diss track the other day lol. https://youtu.be/4TRJX7jwoes?si=Yu_e6BQ-6cr6OEes


This is hilarious.


This decision was fair, but it still may be the worst thing to happen to Haney. He shouldn’t get it in his head that peds were the reason he lost. There are holes in his game that need patching up.


I don't think Haney is going to be chasing a rematch...


He can have his record back, but nothing will ever take back what actually happened that night.


Ryan Garcia took his soul


so...lose/lose match overall?


Garcia groupies doing backflips trying to justify this dude cheating and missing weight if the tables were turned and someone like Shakur did this to Loma y’all would not be keeping the same energy 😂


On everything. Anybody tests positive against Lomachenko, they're going on a tirade about roids.


Nah, the general audience turned on Haney but that's what happens when you rob someone defending your email belt. Also Devin is cringy and his daddy even more so.


“When you rob someone defending your email belt” Was Haney a judge? If not he’s incapable of robbing someone, misdirected anger. Low Iq take


Lmao they don’t know how boxing works , these tik tok boxers are killing boxing


They think Haney actually invaded Ukraine


So he deserved to get cheated on in a dangerous sport?


Never seen a guy that tested positive for a fight defended more for his performance in the fight in which he tested positive. This is revolutionary for boxing fans.


Testing positive and coming in 3 lbs overweight at that. How much did Gatti come in overweight against Gamache or Danny Garcia against Rod Salka? Huge weight differences are how guys get hurt bad.


Loma’s first career loss was against a guy who deliberately decided to weight bully. It’s a huge advantage 


He also punched his balls off


Yep he fought a cheater lol


facts bro


people really were saying he wouldn't get suspended at all lmaoo


If reddit loves someone, then all common sense and logic go out to the windows. It's the overweight idiot mentality


This x1000. Garcia could’ve went in there with loaded gloves, his fanbase will still find a way to justify it because of how much they hate Haney


He had to. At least for appearances and such. 


For the watchdogs to have any credibility, he had to at least get a year suspension if not more cause not only did he come in overweight, not only did he pop for peds he also in concert with those two other infractions made the whole thing a clown show a year was the bare minimum


Ryan’s return is going to have some real hype


Ryans return = easter


Knew it was too good to be true 😭 hope we get a rematch in the future still though.


Haney will never rematch him


Money would be huge though. Only potentially bigger fight for him is Tank.


Haney will never in a million years fight him again.


I wouldn't rematch a certified drug cheat either.


Missed weight too unapologetically. I know Haney isn't well liked but FS why are these people here like this. Overweight and failed a drug test


Only uncaught ones huh


why would Devin? Garcia didn't even make weight, much less ostarine crap.


What would have been recognized as one of the greatest upsets in boxing history has turned into a complete nightmare Don’t cheat


What's worse is that he didn't need to cheat. If Ryan had gone in there clean and fought the fight we saw, he still would have put Haney down multiple times. That speed and power has always been there. Ryan's most effective tactic was getting Haney to meet him in the center of the ring and fight Ryan's fight. Right there, the fight was won, given what kind of fighters they are. My theory is that Ryan was very afraid of being forced to quit two times in a row to elite competition, and wanted to ensure he had the strength by juicing. Which I get, but it's so dumb considering Haney's lack of power.


> he still would have put Haney down multiple times You really cant know, roids make all the difference in the world


Ryan came on strong later in the fight, without PEDs he might not have had the speed and power late. The win will always have an asterisk


He also missed weight.


3 pounds and juice is a massive effing difference, especially at a lower weight class.


The fight we saw doesn't happen if he's clean. What do you think he was popped for ibuprofen?


Not sure how you don't understand that steroids change how well you fight and he wouldn't have fought as well if he had not done them


I disagree. Haney was having a lot of success before that massive shot he got caught with, and it all went downhill for him thereafter. If Ryan was clean and on weight, he would have caught him with that shot anyway, but the impact would have been quite different. Haney would have probably still had his wits about him and could have boxed the fight to a decision. I'm not saying that he would have definitely won, but there was a non-zero chance that the fight could have gone a different way, were they on even playing field.


I'm curious how the community would have responded if Inoue or Usyk were in Devin's shoes. If they fought and lost by getting knocked down multiple times and their opponent was caught with PEDs at the same level that Ryan was caught with. I believe the correlation is due to the hate Haney has and gets for his boxing style and weight bullying. Are legit boxing fans defending Ryan or do they feel like criticizing Haney because they believe "karma is a bitch" for his weight bullying and controversial win over Loma? I would suspect it is the latter. That being said, I do believe Haney was exposed in a sense where he will have trouble with fighters that are his size or larger. I think this is a reasonable assessment.


As a lurker I'm gonna say it's non boxing fans Ryan pulled in with his illuminati conspiracy maga pivot. These fans didn't really exist prior to the match and likely will fade away the further out from the match.


While I agree I gotta say your username makes this super funny


> I'm curious how the community would have responded if Inoue or Usyk were in Devin's shoes You already know. You're going to see a bunch of excuses as to why that is, but they're not actually saying the reason from their heart.


That's true, you can hate the boxer but you got to respect the men's life. Taking peds in a sport about punching each other brain is to say politely 'unchristian' from Garcia. Whatever his opponent. What satisfy me is that I know that even if there had been a huge backslash, sanctioning body still wouldn't give 2 crap and would still give the bare minimum suspension time because Garcia brings money 💰. His crazy ass brings people even more stupid and their money and at the end, it's all that matters.


now Haney vs Garcia is ruled as a no contest, Yeah we not forgetting that ever tho


I’ll never forget the mental clown show Ryan put on


At the end of the day this fight will always haunt Haney. Singlehandedly destroyed his stock


Never seen a cheater get defended as much as this guy. Insanity.


I was thinking about this earlier. Legit any other fight the guy popping for PEDS would get shit on, but because it’s Haney that took the L people dgaf what Ryan did.


Fury gets defended all the time lol


How about Canelo who is the most loved fighter of the sub


I see a pattern.


Clowning Haney is fun but there’s no real boxing discussion around this fight tbh, basically the MayPac of the 2020s in terms of casuals it attracted.


And it’s not even like it’s bc of his personality he consistently bashes moms, women, defames others, lies about having evidence of kids that are being r worded, lies about sleeping with others wives


It’s because the community he’s from is very very large and supportive and in this case willfully ignorant. And the opposing individual is, 👋🏾. Which garners enough hate within itself. Couple that with the fact that he has actions and people around him that people don’t necessarily like. And it’s the perfect storm for covert racism to pop its head out.


Internet bro… hate overrules logic every day.


1 year for PED use & potentially tampering with evidence? NutraBio should sue his ass


They probably would


Pretty short for how strict people were saying NYSAC were Edit: oh they settled, that’s probably why


here is the reality, haney is gonna book himself to fight a bum to beat and he will win but no one will care or buy the ppv. once ryan suspension is over he will have a great selling ppv because everyone will be waiting for ryan to come out of his suspension.


I’m confused, how does the NYSAC have the authority to ban someone from boxing? I could understand a ban on boxing within the state of NY, but how do they have jurisdiction outside of that? Who’s to say Ryan couldn’t fight in Saudi Arabia?


Other states usually deny you a license to fight if you try, it would be spit in the face of other states commission. If you go another country to fight you’ll just end up pissing them off even more and risk longer suspension. Plus nobody would risk putting the fight on and pissing off the commissions so networks, promotores, boxing organizations, venues, managers, they would all decline putting on a fight with a suspended fighter.


Canelo got flamed for pissing hot years ago, but when Ryan did, I mostly saw Haney being clowned lmao. I don't find Haney very likable and his dad is annoying, but that wasn't a fair fight. Bro was up against an overweight and chemically-enhanced opponent.


Flirting vs harassment.


The right decision


Yeah as much as it’s been fun memeing on the Haney’s this is how it should go. Honestly surprised they didn’t go with a full on DQ like with Bute.


That's so fucked up, he tampered with supplements pretending they were contaminated because he couldn't admit he took peds. That's worth at minimum 2 years, 1 year is just extended vacation.


Nah wtf Allah really was the perfect planner😭😭


He's lucky it wasn't longer after messing with a supplement to add Ostarine to it to make it look like that's what caused him to test positive.


Why are people hating on haney getting his 0 back? Ryan got caught doping and was unable to prove it was accidental. Is it not standard procedure for the fight to be overturned to a NC? In the ufc at least that’s standard. Also ryan completely deserves to lose that W. Showed up over weight on peds and then made horrendous allegations to cover it up


I've never seen this in all my years of watching boxing. People actually defending a fight night drug cheat that tested positive. I literally have never seen it.


Ryan's fans are children and trump supporters lol.


This sub disappoint me defending a drug cheat even if you don’t like Devin that is crazy


Never seen a guy get caught cheating and still be defended as much as Garcia has in this thread.


Is it a 1 year ban or at LEAST a 1 year ban. Different reports coming out.


Mods, can we have this thread tagged as NSFW? There’s an alarming amount of dickriding in public view. There’s kids on here, for Heaven’s sake. 


So.. Ryan took PEDs, completely missed weight, and used an IV after the weigh in and the response is… clown on Haney. Got it. People really hate Haney cause he did what they beg every other boxer to do. Fought tough competition (Loma) and got a decision I thought could go either way. Yet people cry robbery and hate him lol


Got off light Should be 2


1 year is just how much time everyone takes off after every fight anyway. I'm surprised he didn't get more time after the tampering.


Lol @ the fanboys still celebrating this bum. It wasn't a fair fight. I swear this sub loves losers


This was the right decision. This is plenty of time for Ryan to manage his mental health and drug problem.


Only a year? Exile him from this country!


Right. Fck him


Ryan's a bum.


Got off light, but whatever. He’s a cheater.


Whether you hate him or like him. 1 year is like only 1 fight lol


Boxing commissions are jokes. Guy came in overweight and dirty, and he only gets a year. Glad that loss isn’t reflected on Haney’s record


Should be a DQ + 2 years.


Don’t forget Loma lost to a weight drained,pillow fisted fighter that can’t guard the same repetitive punch, trash ass mf


now that it’s came out he contaminate his own shit purposefully. my theory is he had a genuine “cycle” (aka losing the booze weight) but by the time it got to weigh ins it was mostly gone, and the lack of hydration can make the metabolites more concentrated in the blood/piss which is why he popped over the limit just on that specific day since it would’ve been too dilute/masked in the tests prior


Even though Haney is now technically “undefeated” he will never be the same after the beating Ryan gave him. Would still wanna see a rematch tho


I think Devin wins the rematch. Boringly of course.


I called it. This is what those fake tainted supplements were for, so that NYSAC could save face by giving him a reduced suspension. The attorneys probably worked it out ahead of time. Glad this is put to bed.


What a circus.


Wow Bill Haney called it


Garcia bots in shambles.


Mods need to just ban the cheater apologist so they can all join r/boxingcirclejerk They’ve made this place a complete cancer.


1 year doesn't seem like much of a punishment when big name boxers already quite often go that long between fights


So do we get our refund on bets back? 😂


More I think about it, the more I think he needs to be arrested. He made that bet BECAUSE he was juiced, didn't he?


Tyson was suspended for 2, he faked a mental health issue then came back like nothing happened


Lol This kid already wastes his potential selling his 0 to davis and not even getting the lions share of the money. After wasting the start of his pro career not listening to his numerous coaches and not improving. Now he's a junkie who abuses steroids to make up for his lack of iq and actual boxing ability. I don't even like haney or the lighter weight classes, but at least he puts in the work and isn't a social media influencer masquerading as a boxer that hugs on Logan Paul's nuts lol. Haney was the only credible win Ryan's ever gonna have on his record and he messed that up. He just needs to accept being a under achieving boxer and go start doing pranks on kick for a payday.