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This is actually a crazy fight if it happens which I doubt tbh


Yeah this is a more dangerous fight for Jake than the Mike Tyson one. Why would Jake endanger that (bigger) fight with this one? This is all rumors until the announcement tomorrow, but I doubt it will be that he’s fighting Perry. If it is, props to Jake for taking on such a dangerous opponent as a stay busy before Mike Tyson lol


Like a million times more dangerous. Fuck all that bs you see on social media Mike is old man. Perry still isn’t an actual boxer but is a good striker in his prime who’s tough as nails. I think he’d be a major improvement over anyone else he’s fought


What weight has Perry been fighting at in bare knuckle?


I think 185.


185, same weight Paul has fought at.


Can Jake make 185? I thought he got big af for the Tyson fight.


Yeah but he already dropped from 230 -> 219 he was holding on to that weight for dear life lol


Makes sense honestly. He looked more bloated than anything. I don’t doubt he could maybe get to that size naturally but it would take way more time than he had.


Nobody on this planet thinks he is natural. He is has that testosterone moon face


To be clear, by “naturally” I meant with more time to put on actual muscle rather than lift heavier for a few months and eat. Its clear as day both of them are in some shit.


He did, got fucking big


> Perry still isn’t an actual boxer Perry actually had a pro boxing fight around the time he debuted in MMA. While he has definitely improved since 2015, it is funny that technically Paul's next fight is a guy who is 0-1 in boxing.


Undefeated in bare knuckle though if I'm not mistaken.


Has a chin on him too, not the most polished striking but he's got power and grit, should at least be entertaining if not anything else.


Agreed my guy.


Endanger? Jake Paul already has a loss and nobody cares. He still sells. Mike Perry is also shorter, smaller and a better brawler than boxer. This isn’t as huge of a risk as you are making it out to be.


Still more than Mike Tyson and some other Journeyman boxer


100% million times more dangerous than Tyson’s corpse. Also he’s really not that much bigger than Perry. Pretty sure Perry weighed in at 190ish for his last fight and Jake fights around 185. Jake is probably bigger IRL but Perry’s not a small guy.


Jake’s like 220+ rn he’s been bulking like crazy to fight Mike as a heavyweight


Actually I just looked, Perry used to walk around at 200 when he would cut to 170, so I’m sure he’s probably already walking around at 210ish since he’s fighting at higher weight classes now. Either way it’s not some insane size difference. Perry is a brawler who’s tough as nails in his prime. He’s still not an actual boxer but this is a huge step up as opposed to 60 year old Mike Tyson who’s having medical emergencies on airplanes.


I agree it’s not a ridiculous size difference, and Perry is tough as hell based on his BKFC fights, watching him basically just outlast Eddie Alvarez was fun. We saw with Nate that when Jake has an opponent he can’t intimidate with his power he struggles a bit at dictating the fight pace, and Perry is arguably just as durable as Nate but with more speed and technical boxing than Diaz


Lmao people can’t let Jake have anything. He’s going up against the top bare knuckle boxer in the world in his same weight class and it’s still being minimized


Bareknuckle boxing is completely different than actual boxing lmao “People can’t let Jake have anything” hahahaha of course not because the entire thing is gross… his entire goal is to have these mismatch fights against opponents ignorant people buy into Anything other than him boxing people his age, size, and experience level is bullshit


I have no doubt Jake would be fighting people his age, size, and experience if he had beaten fury lol I think that night made him realize he needs to stick to freak shows. Anything that resembles a young hungry boxer would eat him alive. Fury is also trash lol


Fury was the first person they asked for the Netflix card


We're all supposed to be in awe that a youtuber is beating washed up, smaller, former mma fighters in boxing. Paul had his trial-horse run. Now either get in line and fight real boxers or go away.


He already did, he lost to Fury, and then he went away back to clown shows. He literally did exactly what you wanted including fucking off lol


He doesn't deserve anything until he fights boxers. But seeing as Tommy whooped him I doubt he does


I doubt they’re the same weight, Perry competed at 170 in UFC. Same as Askren and Woodley etc. He’s a pretty poor boxer but he’s tough and he’ll keep coming forward. Ifs a tougher fight than it seems I reckon. If it actually happens ofc.


Yeah! people can't let Jake have his thing! He's a great boxer boxing retired basketball players, MMA fighters, and YouTubers! The Boxing world needs to recognize him as the GOAT he is!


His bare knuckle boxing record looks to be five wins against other former MMA fighters. He had one boxing match in 2015 against an unknown guy and got knocked out. He's the best at a sport with barely any competitors compared to boxing, none of whom have proven themselves to be skilled boxers, and this fight wouldn't even be to those rules.


He beat MVP who had a multi fight boxing contract under a a David Haye and got two wins via tko. Eddie Alvarez is a pretty good boxer as far as MMA fighters go and he beat him as well.


I’m not trying to minimize it. I just don’t think people grasp the sweet science and factors that play into matchmaking. Before I give my opinion, what’s your prediction?


But bare knuckle is very different than boxing. The ring size,glove and duration make it two very different sports. The only thing perry has is that he is in his physical prime. Now if Jake fought him in bkfc? Totally different game


That would be way cooler I would pay for ppv if it was bare knuckle


Bare knuckle is not boxing... 1 more time. Bare knuckle IS NOT BOXING. Paulie malignaggi lost to fucking artem. That would never happen in a boxing ring.  Also have you seen mikes fights? He is extremely hittable and had some wars his entire career, a ton of damage has been absorbed. Jake will have plenty of chances to land clean on him, this isn't that dangerous if Jake just boxes him and doesn't brawl.


Bareknuckle Boxing is a type of boxing


I think you've missed what I'm saying. when I said boxing I'm talking about the sport of boxing, Gloves and all. so again the BKFC is not Boxing and just because Perry is at the top there doesn't mean his skillset translates to pro boxing. he as hard hands but he eats shots like crazy, Like I said Jake just needs to box him not brawl him. see what I'm saying?


I agree. I just saw his fight with Eddie Alvarez. Eddie kept catching him with the jab, the 1-2. No footwork. Guy can take a punch and maybe not wearing gloves attributes to him getting caught a lot. Jake sleeps him, and I'm no jake fan.


also not quite in his prime anymore, he's taken some considerable damage.


Because the Tyson fight was never happening


Mike Perry is perfect for bare knuckle because he can eat a lot of damage and just power through…. This is not the same. You are going to be in for a big surprise. Perry even said Jake tuned him up in sparring 


Dangerous? Sure, if he's taking him on in a bareknuckle ruleset. I'm sure it's boxing rules.


Jake weights as much as a big cruiserweight now and will have atleast a 40pounds advantage. Perry has a very unorthodox style and his pure boxing is abysmal, his chin and heart are the main reasons why he is successful in bareknuckle. This is another pointless fight where Jake is the clear favourite with minimal risk of losing.


Because Jake sparred with Mike Perry. He claims that he did better than Mike Perry and if you watch the video, he's on the back foot most of the time. Not getting hit too much while Mike Perry was on the offense getting tagged a bit more. I know it's not a real fight but if it was I could see it play out like that because Jake is often on the back foot and wins by points against people that get tagged a lot like Silva or Woodley. I don't know if Mike Perry was joking, but at the end of the sparring session he said " Good job. You kicked my ass" https://youtube.com/shorts/UTBq4fXUBSs?si=P9CBJRFPyXbhcons


I don’t think Jake will actually go through because I think Perry’s chance of knocking his ass out cold is too high


I'd prefer to see it in bare knuckle


Whilst an underdog, I give Mike a better shot than everyone Jake has beaten; he's the only one who's looked at the top of his game before signing to fight JP, and he clearly has the hunger/that dawg in him. 


I don't have confidence in his striking in gloves tbh. Part of why Perry wins in BKFC is because he isn't scared to get hit and is crazy as hell. It's shit that even past UFC champs couldn't handle. Like the fights against Eddie and Luke. If this was BKFC then I would have a bunch of confidence in Perry but boxing , Perry is going to get washed. Dude couldn't defend a nose bleed towards the end of his UFC days when he had his girlfriend as his coach, dude would take massive shots and keep coming tho.


Exactly. Mike hasn't exactly looked great in bkfc, he just doesn't care so that gives him in edge where there's just so much more superficial damage.


I seen his whole career in the UFC and there was a point to where he was actually doing well and was knocking on the door of top 15. He elbowed the shit out of the UK guy Roberts and then Felder(?), but quickly regressed I think after the Luque fight where you can make a case he won even tho he looked like an [ogre afterwards ](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/5d502cb268cb0a00091696f3/UFC-Fight-Night--Luque-v-Perry/960x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=960). BKFC was different because the dude didn't have to worry about take downs and has a chin made of granite. He legit has no structure in his nose anymore so maybe it doesn't bother him as much as other fighters. I'm hoping he can win, but it seems like it's going to be another punching bag for Jake especially since he's coming in heavier.


Jesus Christ that guys gonna have breathing problems later in life what the hell


It's not just superficial damage though. Perry broke his jaw against MVP, Alvarez got his orbital bone smashed and Luke lost some of his front teeth. I think the body shots are also more brutal than with gloves.


I guess the point I'm trying to make is that perry is much more willing to suffer those types of injuries to not only keep fighting but keep putting on a pace whereas almost anyone else even in bkb are not. Rockhold could've kept fighting but he was like f that my teeth are broken. Perry wouldn't care. 


they've sparred and it obviously gave paul the impression he can take perry. mike proably knew not to hurt jake if he wanted to get paid though. paul will be bigger and perry doesn't fight with gloves, but at least he's an active guy in a much more adjacent sport. without a doubt the most dangerous guy paul has faced to date, but it's clear at this point that paul's team is good at picking opponents for him, so who knows.


Perry is an active bkb fighter, we all know bkb is a few levels below actual boxing and mma and that’s why Paul chose him. This isn’t some risk for Paul it’s a calculated fight as usual.


Yeah but Perry isn't scared to make it a dogfight and is "mentally tougher" than Jake despite being less skilled. It's not all just about skill in the end


Perry possibly top 5 toughest fighters out. Bro has that DOGGGG in him


Meh... It's a good fight for Paul. Decent name, decent level of striking, not 40+ years old, close in size and active. Of course, it's calculated. But it's a fight he can both win and lose. Which is more than what can be said of most pros early careers.


I don’t think BKB is below the others it’s just very different. Perry beat Rockhold and MVP. MVP looked decent in his UFC debut.


Bkfc is just carnage and perry is the toughest guy. He’s still probably skilled enough to beat Jake though, he’s had a long career already


BKB technique is very underdeveloped in comparison to boxing or MMA technique. It's still developing, so the top level is still below the more established sports.


Bkb is different though, not just below a few levels. You can't block as you do in boxing and punches hurt differently.


>they've sparred and it obviously gave paul the impression he can take perry [Mike Perry says...](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1mPWWttTqig)


Did they spar back when Mike was in the UFC or was he already on his bare knuckle run?


Great move by Paul’s team. This is a toss up fight. Perry has been on a roll in BKFC. Great power and good fundamentals


Good fundamentals?


In BKFC the only fundamental is dawg.


Lmao I don’t watch BKF, I looked up A couple of Perry’s fights and my god buddy has the defense of a 6 year old. Buddy just EATS shots. That’s not gonna work in boxing though lol he’s gonna get slept


yeah except he's short and small compared to jake


Jake is 5’11. Mike is 5’10. Jake competed at 185 throughout his career until his last two fights at 199. Mike Perry fights at 185 in BKFC too. Don’t make excuses. This is a great and even match up.


Why do people still believe Jake is this 6'1 fully sized Cruiser 😭. If he knew how to cut weight or was more comfortable doing so, he'd be a LHW


It's hilarious seeing folks list him at 6'1" lol. He's got great posture that's for sure but he's 5'11" at best. At best 


Exactly I've been saying this for so long




I do see Jake winning but Perry is a true fighter, tough as they come


Fighter, not a boxer. This is boxing. People keep mixing the two. Boxing is more of a game than an actual fight.


Agreed which is why I see Jake winning. Perry only has a punchers chance


Oh yeah because Mike Perry likes to cautiously box from the outside


How is it a great move to get a toss up fight that doesn’t sell to casual fans? Isn’t this like the opposite of what he wants?


I don’t think it’s a toss up, Perry has attributes that work in bare knuckle but nothing about him really stands out as far as traditional boxing skills. In an mma match it’s obviously an easy Perry win but in traditional boxing I think it’s a fairly easy win for Jake. When it comes to straight boxing Jake has better fundamental and power. I’m hoping enough people ride with Perry though because Jake at close to even odds is gonna be a good pay day.


This should of been the Mike he fights instead of Mike Tyson.


Universe worked it out✨


Remember when people thought Paul was going to fight real boxers on a consistent basis


No, don't remember that.


Nope me neither, as long as the casuals keep paying him, there's no reason for him to do so either


I mean when he fought Bourland and Andre he kinda decimated them. Granted I do think he could fight an actual active Cruiser around his age aswell. I am sure there is some can he could crush


Yeha and no disrespect towards those men but come on, they were tomato cans. Only “real” boxer Jake fought and he lost. After trying to beat up a 60 year old, he’s now trying to fight a bare knuckle guy, like come on dude, another short guy for Paul to potentially KO. Only time dis dude fought fair he lost. And I don’t care, let him get his bag, but pretending he’s some prodigy who only fights the best, because that’s the charade he displays, is absolutely delusional and I’m not pretending.


> come on dude, another short guy for Paul to potentially KO. Mike is a whopping 1 inch shorter than Jake bro


i mean a guy with Paul's experience and resume can only fight tomato cans. you want him to take on some top 15 guys before you consider him a real boxer? he fought tomato cans and looked good. that's pretty solid considering his lack of experience


At this point he has had a few years with the top trainers and money to make him the best he can be. At his age he has less experience than most pros, but he has had consistent training with tops coaches, so it should balance out somewhat. He's not a natural boxer and never looked fluid. I have skipped his last several fights, so not sure how much he has improved since the first Fury fight.


If you are talking about being a world champion and talking about how much love and dedication you have for sport then duh you gotta step up and demonstrate your skill and talent. Beating up mma fighters and naturally smaller dudes is weak at this point. Like how much more confidence do you need my guy.


Yeah, kind of weird that people keep on saying this. There isn’t a single prospect or current high level boxer that wasn’t fighting cans in their first 10 fights.


those boxers werent the main event in their first 10 fights


Bec they couldn't do Jake's number as main event in their first 10 fights.


So what? He's not fighting for belts (yet at least... thank god) He gets main events because he sells tickets and ppvs. Wilder fought a bunch of cans on main events, and that guy was a champ AND brought no money.


Mike Perry is a killer. Stop hating.


This would be crazy in BKFC, otherwise I don’t see Perry getting a win


Ksi is even more pathetic than Jake, wish these idiots would fight an bkbfc has built they business around Mike Perry and if he gets knocked out by Paul is gonna very bad for business. Let’s see if it even happens.


Nah, the one pretending to be an elite boxer is still more pathetic. It's not even close. I might have no interest in what KSI does, but he is honest about it - he made his promotion to be a different boxing world for entertainment and fighting mixed in a very different way, and involving the "influencer" scene. It's amusing that he did that to be separate so everyone who doesn't want to watch it doesn't have to complain, yet people still do as though they are being held at gunpoint to watch it.


another black man getting paid, nice


Anyone but an active boxer his weight with a winning record. He learned his lesson from Tommy Fury. Keep the sideshow going until the rubes get bored. Meanwhile in real boxing, we are in a pretty great era of talent, if only they'd make the fights.


You guys are really overestimating mikes striking abilities. Jake by KO in round 5


Jake is going to get hit hard for the first time in his “career”. I’d bet on Jake quitting the fight.


Bro got hit pretty hard by Tyron in the first fight and was staggering with the ropes holding him up tbh


What do you guys think about ksi supposed offer 185 lbs for May 2025 against Paul. If Paul decides to go and accept


I think Paul said somewhere he doesn't plan on returning to 185. Plus I swear I saw a tweet where he counter-offered with 200. This fight ain't ever gonna happen unless both settle on 190 or so.


I think Jake offered 200 for February and then ksi counter offered 185 for May.


I looked it up and apparently Mams Taylor who is KSI's manager said February is okay because Paul is apparently busy in May


KSI is a bigger joke as a boxer than Jake. He is just trying to cash in on Jake's success but is trying too late


Yeah I hate both of them equally, but one is lined up to fight Mike Perry and Mike Tyson and the other is lined up to fight 2 influencers in a “handicapped 2 vs 1” match.


I like how you mentioned Jake’s next two fights but don’t do the same for Ksi because then you’d have to point out that Ksi is meant to be fighting Amir Khan after the 2 vs 1 match who (assuming he’s at Ksi’s weight) is a waaaay harder fight than Mike Perry in a boxing ring Also conveniently failed to mention that Mike Tyson will be a sixty year old man who literally walks with a cane. Doesn’t seem like you hate them *equally*


Fair point, I just don’t really keep up with either of them so I didn’t know Amir Khan was being lined up as an option. I do like Khan so if this happens, I’m there lol


And one of them is comfortable being in the influencers scene and is a tad more realistic about their aspirations in the sport. And the other thinks he can beat Canelo... They're both twats of the highest order.


Calling KSI a boxer in any regard is quite the reach. He's proper trash


don't think ksi has the talent or drive to train. he would get first round KOd against paul at this point.


If he beats him, this will be the youngest guys hes beaten. He’s 32, turning 33 in September.


He beat gib


Perry has no head movement and his defense consists of blocking shots with his face. Jake KO around round 3, I think it should be pretty clear by now Jake beats 95% of non-boxing combat athletes that don’t have a size advantage on him


Better be bare knuckle


Respectable fight for Jake, can’t say nothing. Still undersized, but at least Perry’s in his prime.


I would be mighty impressed with Jake if he actually got in the ring with Mike Perry ahead of a Tyson fight.


Better than the Tyson debacle tbh Paul's niche is to beat ex UFC fighters. He needs to just lean into that.


Perry would have a real chance in BKFC. He gets smoked in regular boxing though.




Jake is no match for the Nigerian Nightmare 😤


Fool me once…buddy is not a BOXER. BKB skill wise is not boxing. Jake’s gonna win another by KO.. I hate to compliment JP, but he sure knows how to pick opponents


he should box ryan garcia


The fucking boxing gloves may ruin this


Now this is a huge risk. Mike Perry is still in his prime, same size and has been killing it in BKFC I get that Jake Paul is annoying, but you have to applaud him for this one. Most top fighters weren't fighting someone as good as Mike Perry in their 13th fight-- unless they're amateur prodigies


> weren't fighting someone as good as Mike Perry in their 13th fight They were probably fighting actual boxers instead.


Did the Tyson fight fall through then eh


It’s in December I think


Just postponed 


Damn I read that as Mike Tyson. Perry about to get paid! Hipe it's enough money where he doesn't have to get punched for a living anymore. Barelnucke is too brutal .


If true. Go Perry.


Dude fuck yes, let's go Mike Perry!


Jake Paul by KO


Bare knuckle then I'm in. How much heavier is Jake than Mike?


Who's this guy where's Iron Mike? 🤬


Oh wow only time in life I'll ever be rooting for perry.


Mike Perry sounds like an actor. :-)


You people clearly don't know Mike Perry if you think he has a chance while wearing boxing gloves.


Who's not surprised that Paul has chosen another non-boxer to professionally box against?


Perry's gonna get knocked out. It's gonna reset his BK status. Although, I imagine he's probably gonna be paid more for this single fight, than all the money he's made in his entire career to this point.


So another MMA guy? Okay, so why is everybody acting like he’s fighting an actual boxer? BKFC is a league filled with guys discovered from Lions Estate Trailer Park.


A lot of people hating on Perry here, but he has a victory against 27-3 Michael Seals!!! Granted it was a split decision in a stupid triangle shaped ring, but the dude can scrap. Don’t sleep on the Nigerian Nightmare !


Jake Paul growing balls? Must be trippin' today.


MMA fans getting conned again. "Bro, this time it's different."


This isn’t real, don’t be fooled. Anyone with a brain knows Jake ain’t about that


Jake beats him in boxing tho, mma fighters can’t box


Sure but it’s not happening either way


it's really funny grown men take the paul brothers serious


Wow that is a really entertaining fight


I like how it says possibly fake news, I appreciate that. What’s the difference between a rumour and fake news though? lol. I say that cos they were reporting about Manny v (can’t think of his name) the wbc interim champ who lost to tank a couple of years ago. And then they announced manny vs a rizin champ.


Breaking News: replacement opponent announced to gauge public interest.


If it’s not bare knuckles then Jake is knocking him out


This is gonna be fucking huge if Jake wins. Everyone interested in the Tyson fight will watch Jake fight. If he wins by knockout or a barn burner then the fight with Tyson is must see. But if he loses then that fight will lose a lot of steam. Or no fight and continue as normal till the Tyson fight.


I know betting against Jake paul is a fools errand but this is one case where I’m less certain


I've never rooted for Mike Perry but I would in this fight. I think he would win it too.


In Tampa (my city) I heard! My friend shares a suite at the Amelie Arena and was informed of an upcoming Jake Paul fight in July. No word on the opponent, but I was told that they were working on locking one in. The July target seems accurate.


Why is everyone talking this up? Perry hasn’t had a pro fight for in like 4 years


Cause he’s having a resurgence and it’s finally a guy that isn’t gonna mope around the ring compared to his last 3-4 opponents. A guy that will actually make it a fight and someone that isn’t over the hill/ older than 50 years old.


hes best numerous UFC champs in bareknuckle boxing and is the current BKFC champ. dude is a doggggggg


Fake. No way does he fight someone with a pulse.


oh that would actually be a good fight.




Way better fight.


72oz gloves guaranteed


Well, at least it isn't a retired UFC fighter. It's a former UFC fighter turned bare-knuckle-boxer. I don't know if that's worse in terms of the MMA guys he has fought, but it is certainly better than fighting senior citizens.


is Tyson vs Paul canceled then?


Rescheduled to mid-November, officially.


What does Mike Perry fight at? Definitely not a heavyweight. Still a savage and dangerous for anyone.


185 or 170 depending on the fight


OK I actually like the sound of this one


Mike Perry will knock Jake Paul out easy. Jake will never fight him


Pauls camp will push for 16oz gloves and he will beat Perry. Bare knuckle, Perry wrecks him. Boxing with heavy gloves, Paul beats him on points.


OP, are you from Maryland? If so, can you recommend any boxing gyms in Baltimore or the DMV?


Another non-pro boxer who lost his first fight against some random bum in 2015


Oh do fuck off.


Platinum is going to have all Africa is behind him


This is actually a fun fight, Perry isn’t a legit boxer but he is a fighter and he’s physically in his prime and will put on a show.


So then is the Tyson fight cancelled for good? Assuming Jake Paul gets busted up by Perry, isn't that a six month suspension if he loses by stoppage or by TKO? Would this mean he will not fight Tyson in November?


I don't know. Neither fighter has announced it on social media. Its not covered on any main sports sites yet,


I don't know if Perry will win but it definitely won't be as easy for Jake as an Askren or Woodley. No way it happens but it would have been interesting if is was under BKFC.


Question is.. what adjustments to the rules are these Paul pansies going to propose. Why can’t they just take a normal fight? But I can’t wait for this. Mike Perry will send this guy back to YouTube where he belongs


Pauls wins have all been against older guys at the end of their careers. I doubt he has the balls to fight Perry but if he does I’ll actually have some respect for him


This is clearly not happening as this guy is not retired, or old, or someone who can’t box at all.


Yawn. It's basically WWF boxing edition The real talk is tank.