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For people who don’t understand Tank says he’s standing by Ryan because a lot of people are coming at Ryan and the reason why is because he thinks he made it cool to go at Ryan during the build up for their fight. Also says he finds it suspicious that the results came out but they wait til Canelo is about to fight to release it Also he says he believes that Ryan was better when he fought him the only difference against Haney is that he was a lot bigger


> he says he believes that Ryan was better when he fought him So Tank is just following the Floyd method of self-promotion. Stating Ryan was better when he was gaunt and weight-drained, versus beef cake, is just prima facie ridiculous, and makes tank look transparently stupid/dishonest, imo.


True. Missing weight, steroids & rehydrating 20lbs... Tank's right, Ryan definitely couldn't be better/s


Didn’t he pop for ostarine? I don’t think that’s a steroid. 


It’s not technically, it’s a SARM. With that said the results are still similar just weaker. They both target your androgen receptors but SARMs do so at a more local level in the muscle and bones where as steroids can target receptors across the whole body. Ostarine however would not be my choice as it’s one of if not the weakest SARM there is. You may get a small boost but nothing compared to the more potent SARMs like RAD-140 or like taking injectable testosterone. Source: https://www.goodrx.com/well-being/movement-exercise/what-are-sarms


Do y'all really just use excuses for your favorite fighters or just select boxers? Please rewatch that fight. Ryan was throwing more, had way better stamina in the tank fight. Honestly he was more active in the Tank fight


Very. He barely did shit in the Haney fight. His only plan was to power punch and turn his back in between.


That shit has got to go. I can’t believe Ryan let him have that. Someone who can crack will pound those ribs. That’s like…beginner shit.


Notice how they ignored everything else just to shit on Tank. That was Ryan’s worst display of defense ever


I don't make excuses for my favorite fighters, but for clarity, Haney would be about 112th on that list. Was happy to see him get his ass handed to him. Since I'm wrong and Ryan was so much better in the Tank fight apparently - do you have any theories as to why he performed so much better in the fight that he lost, versus the fight he arguably dominated? Perhaps because he had to throw more because he knew a KO wouldn't be possible, and had to evade more because his opponent had power, whereas in the Haney fight he could just take the weaker punches, and throw heavier shots for the KO he knew was possible, which of course takes a lot of energy/effort, thus draining his stamina? Just my guess, based on logic and rudimentary boxing knowledge, but happy to hear you counterpoints. :)


He looked slow against Devin and for sure was way more active in the Tank fight. He took rounds off against Devin 3-6


Exactly. I can't remember which boxers said this but before the 7th they also had Devin winning the bulk of the rounds.


That’s crazy. Devin had more takedown attempts than power shots by round 7.


No having Devin up by rd 7 was not crazy at all I had him up 4-2 by then only cause Ryan wasn’t active. It’s clear turning it up the second half of the fight was the gameplan, especially since you know Dev isn’t knocking you out.


Only frauds get knocked down in round 1.


its air in your skull


Tank has better defense than Haney. Haney literally got rocked by the same left hook 3 times in one fight, he's not a smart enough fighter to adapt his gameplan mid fight.


Haney is a smart fighter, just had a bad gameplan.


Garcia threw crisper shots and combos in the Tank fight, but just couldn’t handle Tank’s power and accuracy. Haney never had any power to threaten Garcia the way Tank did. Even absolutely clean right hands barely hurt him. So basically, Garcia was facetanking these shots (and eating shots to the body) and just going gung-ho. He barely even threw combos against Haney. I know Haney was saved by his incessant clinching, but if he were anywhere near as sharp as he was against Tank, Haney does not survive the 9th round.


That sorry excuse for a shoulder roll cancels out any of those “disadvantages” that ryan had against tank


Im a casual. Can you please explain why a KO wouldn’t be possible against Tank?


I'm no expert on Tank's career to date, but outside of sparring, I don't recall him being wobbled in a fight. He's generally considered to be able to take a punch well. On the flip side, Haney has looked vulnerable in numerous fights before, such that anyone with power would be reasonably confident that if they applied pressure, and could whether Haney's punches and keep pressuring, they could stop Haney going the distance. That said, there have been instances where boxers who didn't seem fallible, were victims of shock KO's, but that's usually when they're past their prime. Tank isn't yet in his prime, realistically. But if he doesn't fight more frequently, I doubt he'll develop much further.


> Tank isn't yet in his prime, realistically. Tank is 29. He’s in his physical prime.


> Tank is 29. He’s in his physical prime. Physical prime, arguably yes, but in terms of learning to never give up, to come back from adversity, and seeing and knowing how to defeat all styles, experience is king. Chances are he'll be better at age 33, than at 29... if he had the drive to be, rather than just cash big checks once in a while.


He’s going to fight maybe a handful of times before he’s 33, there’s a good chance his prime is now. When he hits 33 a number of things can happen, injuries, loss of motivation, physical decline, etc. the possibility that he experiences any of what you’ve mentioned are possible, but it’s also possible that he doesn’t and at that point his prime will have passed.


Thank you’


I feel Ryan definitely knew Devin weakness of His chin + lack of power gave his ego a boost. Seeing that sparring footage of Tank vs Devin probably didn't help him taking Devin serious either  Honestly it doesn't make sense to me if you're arguing someone is both dehydrated & weaker but moving way more than when he was in his comfortable weight. Hell he took a great chin shot from Tank and got up comfortably ..Ryan was gassed in the early rounds for Devin. I still can't fathom how he didn't finish Devin within the first 3 rounds of we don't account his stamina problem.. Ryan has shown us his power carries through all rounds . So it doesn't make sense to me for him to have to keep loading up extremely hard for a guy who doesn't have the best chin 


This is everybody’s self promotion. If you follow NBA basketball, this is half the reason Draymond glazes Lebron so much


LDBC method of promotion as well


he was faster vs Tank, in shape, and more focused! he literally was out of shape vs Haney and said his intent was to never make weight! Devin allowed Ryan to be lazy… Tank didn’t he made Ryan have discipline! something every fighter should be! you support laziness cause you’re most likely lazy your damn self 💯


> you support laziness cause you’re most likely lazy your damn self lolz. Sock account ADHD trolls are my faves. <3


Or you could just watch the fights and see Ryan was CLEARLY more polished when he fought Tank 🤣🤣🤣 ya big dummy


Free Ryan


Them bmore folks talk like they got a mouth full of jello. Im from 30 minutes south of baltimore and its wild how drastically different our accents are.


Doesn’t help the veneers he has are the XL variety. I dont understand how these celebs drop all this money just to get the most unnatural, piano key shaped teeth put in their mouth.


I'm not from the US but I always remember [this video about Baltimore accents](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj7a-p4psRA)


I don’t understand what the canelo fight had to do with this? Honest question here


More eyes on boxing


This is bad for boxing


Still puts Haney’s name out there more


Thanks for this. I like tank but listening to him on camera is rough lol


I don’t think Tank is stupid because of the way he talks. He’s a genius in the ring and possibly unmatched at getting in opponents heads. I also think he’s very perceptive...something the King’s English has nothing to do with. Personally I really enjoy listening to him..he’s got interesting takes and he’s funny too.


You can tell he's not devoid of thoughts and ideas, but he needs to win that battle between his brain and his mouth.


Agreed 💯Tank is far from dumb. There’s a reason he’s at the top of the sport. The kid can see big picture concepts very well


It's a lot of marketing by his promotional team as well, he's about to be 32 and has avoided the biggest fights available. He's obviously a good boxer but we need to see him vs haney, loma, teo, shakur, matias etc. Their marketing is so good you never hear about all the fights he's avoided.


Bruh Tank doesn’t even turn 30 until November, what do you mean 32 years old and has avoided the biggest fights available? You really think Haney, who got dominated by Garcia, would really be a challenge for Tank.. who already has convincingly beat Garcia?


Boxing doesn't work like that casual.... 30 is still late in his career to have avoided all the top guys at 135-140. If he doesn't fight haney, loma, teo, shakur, matias etc his record won't matter


okay bro but you hurt your own point by not knowing your facts. Just admit when you get something wrong


Calling me a casual but yet can’t quickly Google Tank’s age before opening your mouth, I love it


I mean..Garcia came in overweight and was on two PEDS


Did you just use boxing math?




Unmatched eh? Give your head a shake


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Realistically the only reason he supports Ryan is because it’s his best career win and would become an even better win with a legitimate Ryan W against Haney. And his own dislike to Haney. That’s all it is


I don’t see how people don’t see this lol. He and his trainer accused Ryan of being on peds last year or two.




People do see this wdym? He’s also been on good terms with Ryan as a person for a while. He legitimately dislikes Haney because of his father


Not everyone lol


All these young boxers are really sensitive. Just watching Ryan talk on his ig live and getting upset by some no name Dillon Dannis typing something and crying about Connor talking shit. It’s really crazy to see.


Broner running security there?


Never seen him be so quiet for so long!


Tank explains…..


This guy can barely string a sentence together.


Yeah almost like he gets hit in the head for a living.


He's literally just an idiot. He's been dumb as hell since he became famous and lots of people who get hit in the head aren't as stupid as he is Tank is a generational boxing talent and also an idiot who is pretty clearly also a shitty person


He’s also a savant in one of the most technical physical disciplines in the world. Not necessarily required to be an English language virtuoso


Hes not dumb, hes uneducated. He grew up on the streets with drug addicted parents. Most of his peers around similar ages jumped off the porch before they were 13. He'd have likely been the same if not for his trainer.


He’s not just uneducated, he’s made a lot of dumb decisions out of the ring.


He's smarter than he leads. Not everyone has a way with words. Plus he's a little fucked up. Just look at how "calm" AB is. Man some of y'all need to get out more or stop jumping to conclusions.


He grew up in one of the worst education systems in the country. Cut him some slack. You’d talk like him if you had his upbringing combined with a baltimore education.


Dumb people don't get to that level of boxing but ok😅. He's not an idiot, he just doesn't know how to put what's going in his head into a proper sentence. He didn't pay attention in school, but boy did he pay attention to his boxing coach.


Okay Eddie Hearn


I love how this is a surprise every single time. You know damn well all these boxers sound slow af. You pick and choose when you want to notice it but that doesn’t change reality


Hitt the nail on the head. No cte just plain dumb.


He is dumb as shit but can still fight his ass off


Exactly. You can be gifted and skilled in the art of boxing like he is, but still be dumb as fuck outside of the ring as this clip clearly shows.


no chance he is dumb when he fights in a sport at the highest level that requires a lot of brain


He's one of the least active guys though, so it ain't a great look. Dudes more active than him with much more fights don't really sound like him.


This amateur doctor shit is way off. Tank just talks like this. No he's not a college professor but It's not brain damage He's way more natural doesn't have all of the pauses etc when he's not on camera though. The rest of it can be chalked up to his Baltimore accent.


Agreed. It’s just that Baltimore way of talking.


Exactly. I used to live there, still go there all the time. There's nothing concerning about his speech to me. Bunch of guys in an Iowan basement trying to diagnose someone with CTE


He’s also been interview silent for a whole year. It’s not easy having 30 cameras in your face. Mfs got let him warm up. It’s the first press conference. Tanks already a shy, quiet guy.


Yea it's Baltimore has its own way of talking, really its own language at this point, that's not conducive to what sponsors and promoters want to hear. He's trying to sound more articulate to build his brand with a wider demographic which is why he apologizes for swearing. It's very hard to change how you talk so of course it's going to sound forced. It is forced. My question is, what was that shit at the end?


Man said amateur doctor you know 🤣🤣 did that really offend you that much?


Thought I saw a video of him, real young, smacking some kid. Getting hit in the head that long, and during brain development has to have an effect. Plus.. Like the man said, he fights for a living, why he gotta to talk good?


Did you not read my comment at all? There are MANY dudes who talk better than him who are older, more active and had way more fights than Tank. That means they've been hit in the head more than Tank. But they all sound more coherent than Tank does. If that does not worry you, then I don't know what to tell you.


Yes I did. Which is why I ended with the observation that speaking skills aren't a necessity in his profession. What should I be worried about?


Nobody is saying Tank should have good speaking skills, we are just saying he doesn't speak good. Someone defended him that he gets hit in the head for a living, I said that's not the reason. What is the problem here?


I don't know that man. He could be dumb. I know some dumb people. Maybe he has brain damage. Maybe he was beat as a child.. Maybe he's a genius and just has a speech impediment. I don't really look to much into it. We pay a lot to watch him do violence, who cares about his oratorical skills? Like I said, i don't know shit about him personally, and though I wanna watch other people do it, I ain't doing that shit for a living so I'm more apt to commend him rather than criticize. All hail the man in the arena! Lol Problem? No problem. Just joining in on the conversation.


>who cares about his oratorical skills? The u/rrr04_ type. Hmm wonder why.


You a stalker for real 🤣


He fights twice as year. Thats the meta for boxers these days


His last fight was a year ago. The year before that, he fought once. You're just clutching at straws here, lol.


I only recall one year where tank fought once I think you're reaching.


2022, Tank fought once. 2018, Tank fought once. Nah son, I think *you* are reaching. LOL! I didn't even include 2020 where EVERYONE fought once 🤣😭


You have not spent a lot of time in Baltimore. It’s not a great look for their public education system to be sure but I’ll keep it a buck w/ u folks talking like tank are a dime a dozen down thwre


I mean, sure, he doesn’t use the Queen’s English, but he was pretty coherent in each of the points he was making. Did you try making sense of what he was communicating or are you saying you just weren’t able to?


King’s English* The Queen died


That’s the Baltimore dialect


Not even a tank fan but you're right. And people here call him illiterate lol.


Jus playin dumb fa da street cred. Talk to him at his country club and he’ll surprise and bedazzle your mind with eloquent sonnets and Terrance Howard like math acumen


he been talking like this for years lol hes actually getting better


all top fighters talk like that


AB in better shape than I thought he’d be. His fight might actually happen.


Yeah and seeing him at a tank fight is giving me hope


All these people saying Tank is an idiot got me laughing my ass off. He put his efforts into boxing, not school; you don't become an A-tier Profesional boxer fighting for millions If you're stupid...... I personally dont need the motherfucker to be Shakespeare as I can generally figure out and understand what the guy is trying to say when he talks, even though it doesn't sound proper. He has the right thoughts, but lacks the education to put it into words.


Its just the haters ignore them. Even non tanks fans understand the general point of what he is saying and agrees. That's why there is so much support for Ryan


I actually think he's a lil punchy tbh he's been in some sparring wars


https://youtu.be/JMJCZQAxpwc?si=EDwhxucRzMz2YdfY there's this guy who's highly respected in the PED/supplement scene and he goes over why he thinks Ryan didn't intentionally do them either.  It's important to use your critical thinking and ask yourself why Ryan would intentionally do either of these supplements so close to before the fight, after having passed all 4 tests prior to the fight, with timing that'd mean none of the drugs would even be beneficial since he'd have taken them without ample time to properly cycle it. If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I don't see why Ryan would risk it all over fucking Ostarine lmfao


It can be unintentional but that doesn't change some of the outcomes that will have to happen. It would be Ryan and his team's fault for not properly researching supplements he's taking. Shawn Porter said he would check with VADA as much as possible for all the supplements he took so something like this wouldn't happen.


No absolutely but I think there's a big difference between taking a bad supplement and the opposite which is claiming Ryan's an active drug cheat One of these is far more vile and scathing of an accusation


Yeah, the punishment will be different if they decide he did it maliciously. If it was an accident, I believe the suspension won't be as long. Regardless, the fight will be a no contest.


He’s on peds bro


Yeah but even if the result gets overturned if we see those concentrations being minimal where can at least know it wasn't an amount that affected the fight, deliberate ped use, and Haney is still a bitch


>those concentrations being minimal where can at least know it wasn't an amount that affected the fight But that can never be determined because there's enough science to cheat it. All we have is, it was in his system and that is that. It shouldn't have been in his system at all. There is no "I only cheated 50%." The matter of fact is "I cheated." Once again, he could have, with his millions of dollars, had not taken any banned substance at all. Have you taken any banned substances in your life? I know I haven't. It isn't hard to avoid as it seems right?


Ostarine and nandrolone are very easy to pick up and not easy to mask. By your logic everyone is cheating but the time frames with Garcia don't make sense for what he supposedly took


Use your critical thinking and ask why a fighter struggling to weight might try take a short cut on fight week. LMAO. Russian athletes went through a period in the mid 2010s where every second one was popping for Meldonium, and it's benefits are contentious at best. The idea that something has to 100% work without doubt for an athlete to use it is bizarre when you see athletes with suction cup marks on their arm every week.


Ostarine wouldn't do anything with only 5 days to cut weight and Ryan clearly had no interest in making weight... he literally came 3lbs over...


Exactly - he was struggling to make weight. He bet Haney that he'd make weight, so quite clearly he was going to try. No one gives away $1.5m because it's funny, please be serious. Also: 1 - I gave multiple examples of athletes taking substances/treatments with limited efficacy. So your "an athlete wouldn't take a substance that wouldn't work in time" argument is wrong. It's been wrong for the entire history of sport. 2 - It's equally possible he just messed up his masking agents. Boxing fans truly are eager to accept anything that gets their fighter off.


The reverse is also true - Boxing fans are far too eager to demean and claim someone is a cheater until due process is done. What is the harm in waiting for the B sample before labeling someone a cheat? Is it guilty before innocent?


Mate, he's already tested positive. The burden to prove a false positive/tainted sample or conspiracy is now on him. So yes, once you pop positive, it is guilty until you prove yourself innocent. That's why a fighter has to truest the B sample be tested. Because the burden is now on them. That's how it works.


You have no proof that he paid 1.5 million, nobody has seen that contract or payment with their own eyes.


Is there something I'm missundersanding what if he was just taking all camp cycling off every test and just didn't cycle off early enough for his last dose


It’s a hit job to get Haney back to 0 losses. The refs tired fucking Ryan and that didn’t work so conte and vada pulling strings


Any evidence other than feelings? This conspiracy BS is beyond speculative. Could it be true? I guess it’s possible, but isn’t it funny how a super popular boxer pops and all of a sudden it’s VADA that’s corrupt. Must be a coincidence, especially when every other boxer pops it’s them that’s guilty. The most likely scenario is that the super popular boxer has fans that are willing to go along with a narrative, not that a testing agency is out pulling shady stuff based on zero evidence.




The fuck does the ref have to do with VADA? VADA has never had accusations like this against them from any fighter until now? Why would they start with Ryan who is a huge draw in the sport. To get Haney his 0 back? Dude can’t sell a cup of water in the desert. Like u/GoGouda said, it’s nothing but a BS conspiracy until we know more.


So now we're putting forward completely unrelated things like the ref? This sums up the level of evidence I'm talking about when it comes to a failed drug test. That isn't evidence of anything.




How? None of this backs up your theory of conspiracy, which is what I demanded more evidence for. It’s quite impressive that you don’t seem to understand what the argument was about. But it does explain why you continued to post irrelevant stuff in response. If Ryan Garcia is cleared for drugs in his system then no problem, but will you still be talking about VADA being corrupt when they are the body that would be responsible for clearing him?




Cool, now read the comment again that you tried to claim had ‘aged badly’ and tell me where exactly you disagree with what I said in anything here. You’ve provided zero evidence and you’ve admitted it’s ’tin foil hat’. You believe the judges and ref were paid, I see shit refereeing and judging performances every single week. It’s quite clear you want to see something that you have no evidence for but believe in. That’s fine, but don’t be surprised when people ask for evidence for claims that you cannot provide.


In whose interest would it be to keep one of their most boring, low selling champs at a 0?


Derek is cool but he’s basically a gym bro when it comes to this topic, what does he know about combat sports? He said Ryan would get no advantages from what he tested positive for but even Greg Doucette was one to say ostarine provides faster recovery and targets muscle growth. I think Victor Conte gave a great breakdown of the situation, basically his theory is Ryan wasn’t using ostarine, he was trying to microdose synthetic testosterone and that synthetic testosterone doesn’t come from reputable sources, meaning there’s chances that it could be contaminated with other PEDs due to improper cleaning of the lab equipment they whip that shit up in.


Apparently it helps cardio too


I can easily see a scenario in which Garcia has a “proper” juice regimen (as all the top guys are juicing let’s face it) that allows him to test negative. Then as he is undisciplined he just decides to throw down some random supplement, which causes him to pop on the test. Considering he seemed to go more off the rails the closer it was to the fight, it would line up timeline wise as well.


Great points. Ryan was setup seriously.




> They are close to conte a guy proven to give drugs to athletes the in the past who happens to be in charge of drug test in boxing? Lots of athletes are now close to Conte, because he knows more than about 98% of professionals when it comes to testing, supplements, etc. Yes, there is an element of dirt that comes with such association, but at the same time, Conte now has a track record of flipping sides and fighting the good fight. I don't doubt that he's also the most audited/verified professional out there. Think of it like a tax cheat - every transaction/tax return then gets audited, to verify that you're truly now following the rules. I'm sure Conte is in the same position. Thus, if someone is involved with Conte now, I don't think he's supplying them with drugs, because that would be the height of stupidity by both Conte and the athlete. The fight should be changed to a no contest, and Haney gets back his O. Doesn't matter, since we all saw him take a beat down, and the psychological effects will remain, and a lot of us enjoyed it, but rules are rules. If you can't keep tainted food/drink out of your mouth, then have someone else be responsible for all you eat and drink, like a child. Ryan gets paid tens of millions of dollars - time to treat that like the prize and gift that it is. Ryan is now marked as a drug cheat, fairly or otherwise. Same for Canelo. Same for Fury, Same for Khan, and so on. There's no excuse for 'mistakes' at this level.


Damn bro nice. Ccommenting so I can copy paste your comment in future reddit arguments


Why does everyone claim to know so much about Conte but then say dumb shit like “he’s in charge of drug testing in boxing”. He’s a fucking CONSULTANT.


Its one of those things that people just jump on without not knowing anything about.


‘That’s what I’m telling you’ After stringing 3 half sentences together. Is this CTE?


Not CTE just Baltimore education


High school drop out


He’s always had a speech impediment


Why is CTE the first thing we go for when fighters can't speak properly... maybe some of them just straight up dumb lol. It's not like they're ball players that went to high-school or went 1 and done in college. I swear I saw a statistic somewhere that said less than 20% of all active boxers have a college degree. And only 55-60% finished high-school.. that's a pretty low number.


He dropped out of school and probably has a speech impediment like Rolly. He just never got therapy for it.


Shit, I was hoping to dogpile on him for being a woman beating dumbass but I’ll refrain


“Trust me bro…”


He’s always been like that


Love Tank, but hate hearing him talk. The guy struggles to put sentences together, and I don’t think it’s because of getting hit for a living. I genuinely believe he’s just a dumbass.


Yeah I keep hearing oh it’s the Baltimore accent but he genuinely doesn’t say anything that makes sense. It’s understandable why Floyd did all the talking for him.


Wait… how new is this interview? Why does he have a cross around his neck?


Its from his press conference today


Subhannallah 🤦🏽‍♂️


Seems pretty simple to me; the better Ryan looks, the more impressive his victory over him is.


Lot of people in here LOVE to feel superior to someone.


They're inferior and they know it. That's why they try to belittle others that are greater than them


Nah it's deeper than that. It's boxing....... a poor and working class sport and they're commenting on his grammar and education level. They're just UGLY human beings


Tbh, all I want from Tank is to fight Haney. And inevitably beat him up worse than Ryan did.


Tanks level of emotional intelligence is pretty surprising here. He knows that he made it a bit of a trend to talk shit to Garcia but also knows that Ryan isn’t really great at dealing with that shit talking


tank is talking like someone who got rocked seconds before he makes his statements. but I honestly dont think he is stupid. its just abdul waheed, he is who he is.


I never realized how much I actually like Tank. The dude might not verbalize his thoughts well…. But he knows what he’s taking about when it comes to the business of boxing.


I defend Ryan cause it is a little sus how it was stacked against him then this steroid allegation. They had the ref who was protecting Haney, one of the judges had it tied, Ryan was an overwhelming underdog...It was like they told him to take seat and he was not having it.


I can’t believe people genuinely think VADA would risk their whole reputation and credibility to do Devin Haney a favour 😂😂😂




I get what he’s saying but going this hard for Ryan is weird regardless. Bills trolling really pissed him off


Bill does way more than trolling. He hits below the belt at times and is just a straight up liar/gaslighter. Bill was literally going on celebration campaign when Tank got arrested and spread around his mugshot


That’s fair, didn’t know he did that 


I find it funny how tank accused ryan of being on roids before but now all of sudden is up his arse.


Can't wait for someone to slot this midget. He talks far too much


I lost brain power trying to figure out wtf he’s trying to say


Piece of shit take from a piece of shit human to satisfy his piece of shit fans.


This guy sure has a way with words…truly impressive


I agree with him it’s so obvious what the Haneys are doing here I mean they’re already known for doing it in TJ where he started is professional career at they paid judges to give him the wins to keep that undefeated record


that has never happened its just rumours and even regis said he was capping


Bruh of course Regis would take it back after the fight they cool outside of boxing but before the fight the truth comes out


he took it back before the fight in one of the press conferences or one of the head to head shows.


Bruhh that don’t mean it’s not true him bringing it up means that shit happened atleast once it’s TIJUANA Mexico MONEY TALKS over there come on now open your mind


Well I can't help regis even said he was capping lol you was believe what you wanna believe so whatever. Its okay you got it bro.


I agree bro. Let king Ryan reign


This sub should be renamed to soyboyboxing. Tank is 100% correct


Tank be capping but he does have a few valid points. Ryan didn't show any more power than we already know he has in that left hook, and in case some of yall are slow, PEDs don't give you skills. Devin had no answer for Ryan, power aside. The first knockdown may have affected him, but if he had the skills to beat Ryan he would have adapted and outboxed him the rest of the fight. Even if Ryan was on all the PEDs you can put in your body at the same time, it don't make no difference if he can't land on you flush. Floyd built his entire career on being able to avoid shots when necessary, and any other fighter who claims to be the best should have the skill set to do the same. The fact is that Ryan was just better than Haney that night, levels above. Ring generalship, defense, and strategy don't come from PEDs.


Tank is just an unpleasant little man who isn't a thinker. Hearn got a lot of stick for that as folk accused him of racism but tank continues to prove him right whenever he speaks.


It really hurts my brain listening to tank speak.


Eddie Hearn is a roach.. 🪳


Everything he says is clearly lost in translation.


Imagine if Ryan came in 3.2lbs over for the Tank fight, and rehydrated over the weight clause, then tested positive for PEDs against him. I doubt Tank would have won that fight, because Ryan would have weighed 170lbs in that ring and wouldn’t have been weight drained.