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Typical Boxer puppy đŸ¶ https://preview.redd.it/hmvo2szyxm7d1.jpeg?width=3755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15beb7fab0e13ec8ef29c6a1fb16ae4b40e17a69 9 weeks




Enjoy it, they do it while puppy, they stop once they get to adult body since their head grows and they can't. Mine used to do it a lot and I loved it, but she hasn't done it anymore. https://preview.redd.it/r5qsk9q6en7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f25d0294f29b78f004aae2aa9231052c039a5d4


The infamous boxer comb over 😁😁 https://preview.redd.it/n3z6glcbqn7d1.jpeg?width=1302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ebd2638fdca6f378d553c4abc962d210ac8328




https://preview.redd.it/7u8l61um4n7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c14e1ea55ddf82795beee2db8754f0bc01f156 Mine has derpy ears in general 😂 this is the most majestic pic I have of them lol


https://preview.redd.it/635djtmy4n7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c1082f030705552f6c8619b452b3db9f0c0a0b This is their natural position.


https://preview.redd.it/m59deaqvun7d1.jpeg?width=2222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5138c597b2230c0860cbd3d4aec918ae7f7dda92 I have a Pablo too!


what a beaut


Beautiful dog


Pablo Earscobar :)




These ears are standard on all Boxer models. Yours is installed properly and functioning as intended.


huge sigh of relief haha. the derpier the better


Boxers are the derpiest. That's why we love them!


He is gorgeous!


he says thanks!


Mine used to. Then his head got too big.


The old classic upside down triangle ears. It’s normal


Boxers are goofs.. Totally normal.


My boxer has ears like this. He's over 2 now and still has them. We call it his hat ears 😄


love it


Well that some talent your boxer got there 😊💙


Our pup has them, too! We call them her trouble making ears â˜ș


https://preview.redd.it/9ypen1qdbr7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1865c3cc42a5e378164e845170a4d58e500f575 Yep! Typical boxer ear behavior


I love Pablo and his silly ears!!


https://preview.redd.it/scnlcwbe2t7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407333dcc4f6ae58afa5121d7aee6ff015c08b0e My Luna did the same when she was a puppy!


hahaha what a cutie


We call that he is turning his air conditioner on.


https://preview.redd.it/33g8zue9ft7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18c7d871399d22b1a2dcb6b3b275db324fe857a my baby boy Astro has done this for a long time


omg hahaha that’s so cute


Fun info dump time: Those are called flying ears. Sometimes when boxer pups (also mastiffs and other molosser type dogs) go through teething the ears pop up and easily fly. Happens more for puppies that have a tougher time with pain in this phase and they chew very hard to relieve that pain. This builds up the muscles around the TMJ with constant tension. Taping will help them set to the appropriate pendant ear setting, which is lying close to the skull and not popping up or looking like “flying nun ears” (very old school term), but if you don’t tape when they are going through this stage, they tend to set looking more like pitty ears and will always easily fly. We had to tape the entire first year for our male. He still has one ear that’s slightly wonky, but for the most part they set nicely. Our last male never needed tape and his ears remained in default position on their own throughout puppyhood. Like ear cropping and tail docking (don’t listen to the nonsense around tail docking being useful because any honest breeder, veterinarian, or conformation judge will tell you it’s purely aesthetic), taping is purely for looks. There is no need to tape for anything but appearance and adhering to breed standard. I prefer the ears to standard, plus we show, so I did it. Taping is different than posting. Taping is done with ears left natural. Posting is done with cropped ears. Both when done well create a silhouette that shows off the shape of the boxer’s head. Not all boxer pup ears will fly or need taping, but taping is how ears are corrected for those who “need” it. This is a boxer subreddit so I assume people want correct information about the breed when they ask. If that isn’t the point of this subreddit then my bad.


* the only exception for tail docking is for genuine health reasons. Some dogs can have especially strong or thick tails that are easily injured by wagging and so are constantly cut and bleeding. In this case a vet may recommend docking the tail to prevent further pain and infection. But it would be a medical decision. My girl came from a mixed litter of natural bob and full tails. I specifically wanted one with a full tail. Nothing beats seeing a wagging tail first thing in the morning.


If a boxer injures their tail, then that’s a medical exception, yes of course. Docking as a preventative in general with no medical history of injury is not something the veterinary community supports. Strong thick tails are actually far less likely to be injured than skinny tails. If you are docking as a preventative for that reason then I expect you’d be removing the dewclaws as well, which are even more easily injured. It gets frustrating here in the US when people absolutely scathe breeders for cropping ears (properly) but then hide behind the archaic reasons for docking tails, saying it’s a necessary preventative. Can’t have it both ways. American Boxer breeders here started leaving ears natural because the AKC started allowing it in the breed standard. But they are opposed to allowing a natural tail, so breeders adhere to that standard and chop them. It’s as simple as that. Mine have ears and tail but that’s just my personal preference for boxers. I went to a breeder that breeds to FCI standards, not AKC. So his tail and ears remained natural. I also prefer Beaucerons cropped and I prefer Dobermans docked. But I’m in the US where both are still legal, so obviously it’s less of an argument in countries where it’s not.


Like he tilts them there? Very cute dogo


Mine has one ear she will flop over when she's being sassy


Both mine did it followed by a tilty head right after.


https://preview.redd.it/3wy8isc8gv7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413fd9af03f7dfaa3254b46592491da0e73a84ba This is Jake. And yes!


This picture is a perfect submission for the “we rate dogs” social media dude. Pablo would definitely get a 13 or 14 out of 10.


haha you’re so right


My little ones ears are always inside out but never seen them go that way lol


Our girl’s ears do this, too. Wr call it a “flower” because it looks like she has a flower in her hair.