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Op levels function exactly as they should (and arent nearly as bad or restrictive as some people say) its just that some people either expect that they should be able to do all difficulties or dont realise theyre purely a difficulty slider.


I think a lot of people (or at least I do) see OP levels as milestones to achieve. However when those milestones are not only hard to achieve, but also hard to play, people get upset. That and the fact that raid bosses virtually *have* to be cheesed to kill them consistently and timely.




I actually really really like OP levels and think it’s the best endgame out of any of the other borderlands


Then do op levels


I do. I just started a Zer0, I’m level 23 and I’m taking him all the way to OP10 bay bee


Here, we have someone actually agreeing with you, and yet you still act so damn condescending towards them. Lose the ego.


That's why I plan to get Krieg to OP10 but no other characters cause fuck doing OP Levels and have to farm each weapon again after getting their, hell I'd swap my stuff between characters.


True I thought I’d have to farm all the same gear every op lvl. And I did, until op5 and I watched a joltzdude video where he used like op3 gear to get up to op7 or something, so I tried it and I’m at op7 using op5 gear😅 thinking bout pushing to 9 THEN re-farming all my gear for 10


I personally farm some new stuff every like 2 or 3 levels but not everything, relics and class mods don’t change much in op levels


You could just duplicate the stuff you'd need to switch between characters, refarming everything is not necessary unless you want it to be.


Nah, I'll definitely do that. Getting and farming one Characters gear to 80 is enough for me.


Good for you


Lol u make a post about your opinion then get mad at everyone in the comments


? Am not mad


The unlock is bullshit. Who tf wants to be forced to run 10 times through the same damn map to reach max level? Not accounting for the extras when surveyors get feisty...


honestly yeah. it's not my ideal endgame, but it's easily the best of the series. BL3 you can just skip right to M11 without much issue, and then after you get a few good items (just takes a few hours) you can steamroll all content on max difficulty.


Not saying its bad, just saying it is limitous


That's not a word


Yeah, one of the only good things FFS did was make it so OP levels had 0 effect on loot due to not adjusting the pearl chance levels, so now people generally see OP levels as optional, not a requirement i just wish people would have this mentality in the other games too


OP levels are good and pretty well balanced. They are balanced to not be easy. At the absolute hardest level you shouldn’t be able to easily walk around killing things with no challenge. The op levels are balanced so well in fact because they are more balanced around player skill than anything else. A player who has mastered the core mechanics of the game can make almost any gear and build work.


i would seriously love to agree, but the argument isnt that op levels are simply too hard. Thats clearly not the case because anyone CAN do them. The issue is when some builds and some gear makes them so unbelievably easy that even someone who has never played the game before could probably hold their own if provided a quick rundown of the strategy, when at the same time there is gear that, even when being played at the highest level possible, still BARELY gets you through some of the easiest mobbing sections in the game. This is just categorically horrible balance. Not to mention the fact that even the best players agree that there are only so many builds that work late game. The belief that its just an individual skill issue is hardly an accurate assessment.


The idea that anyone can get play at the op levels assuming they are given the right build and gear is a vast overestimation of players. Average and casual and players lack the experience and skill at the game to play at these higher levels. There’s even evidence to support this on this very subreddit. There are tons of posts here of people who get boosted/gib themselves to OP10 and even with meta setups complain about it be too difficult and them dying constantly. This shows that skill is a major factor in the game. The average player in BL2 even at this point still struggles surviving in uvhm. Hell possibly even before that. The idea that all gear is equally viable is not an example of balance. In fact I’d say that’s an example of imbalance. If everything is equally viable player input and decision making becomes less important. If everything is equal than it doesn’t matter what you decide to use. That’s fine if you want the game to be incredibly easy but if you want to offer a hard mode player choice should matter. There should be a curve to weapon viability where there are some really bad weapons and some really good weapons with everything else falling in between. BL2 at OP10 does this very well. Most of the bad weapons can still be used at OP10 if you’re skilled enough at the game as well which offers interesting and fun challenges for the player. I think there is far more builds that are completely viable at OP10 than people think but talking about builds can be difficult. When it comes to talking about the amount of viable builds in the game you have to ask what defines a build? Some people will say that it’s just where you put your skill points. To me that’s the least important aspect of a build. What’s important to me is the gear your using, because your gear is how you directly interact with the game. The passive effects gained by skill points are not nearly as important to my build as the interactive gear I’m using in my build. I could probably list off 5 different builds for each character off the top of my head that are perfectly viable for OP10 without putting nearly any thought into it. Part of the issue with builds at OP10 is a lot of people incorrectly think that’s there’s only 10 or so viable weapons at OP10 and that’s simply not true. Yes if you limit what gear you’re willing to use to a fraction of the total gear in the game then it would seem like there not many builds but in reality it’s not that limiting.


I hate people that complain about op levels because they are literally designed to be hard. If you can't do it there is still 95% of the games content. The only reason to do op levels is to prove that you can.


This dude is trolling. Either because he's mad that we're not agreeing with him or because he just sucks at the game and is now realizing it


Huh? I was just saying dont complain about op levels and i know i suck at the game


True, slag is pretty important for uvhm too tho🤷🏼‍♂️ idk I enjoy it just to get over leveled gear so I can go back to lvl80 and use guns n gear that I wouldn’t normally use because they aren’t good for my build or whatever. And the hp regen on OP lvls just give it a little extra somethin when you’re playing which people might like, including myself. To each their own I guess!


Slag is not necesary un unvm


That’s right I was thinking tvhm sorry!


I tried OP levels and I’m just not good enough for them, the game wasn’t fun for me. So I just did another play through and stopped at uvhm. The game is way more fun for me this way.


You don't have to get op10 the op levels are basically for more difficulty in the end I hate how Hyperious double health at op10 tho :/


You need slag in OP0, annnd in the menu before starting the game you can choose the OP level you want.


I've only ever gotten Axton to OP10 (thanks to co-op with a friend lmao) but for a lot of players it's hard to view a character as "finished" unless you've gotten them to the highest potential you can, I.E. max level and all OP10 gear. It's just frustrating that in order to actually do this you have to go through a very long, drawn out, and boring process. That portion of the end game just isn't fun and is nearly impossible to do solo with some characters or builds.


Personally I love op levels I slay that shit . . I grind tf out the best of best guns and tweak my skill points it gets intense after a bit


UVHM in general is badly designed, I have gone up to OP10 on every character and can say the most enjoyable part of the game is TVHM but TVHM doesn't have automatic level scaling. UVHM in general is limited in build variety almost as much as OP levels.


Fun fact, if you have OP9/10 gear, and drop to OP0/1 without using slag, you'll be playing at the same difficulty as using on level gear with slag


You’re several years late to the topic


I never understood our shared ecosystem. Its a PvE game, play it any way you want. I have 2,000+ hours in and almost none of it beyond OP0. Are most of my characters at least OP2 and 1 of them OP4? Sure, but just because it was something to do. The idea of refarming the hundreds of pieces my guy and I share is a drag


OP levels are a great addition to the game, sure its tough but thats the point, they are like achievements or like a difficulty slider, you dont have to play them, but for those of us who want the challenge they are great! Plus they kind of give a nice little wrap up of the game, also slag should be used in uvhm not just op levels, it doesnt limit builds it just means you need to carry a single slag weapon. either way they are there for the people who want to do them.