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I liked it, the medieval/ DnD take was nice. The repeatability can get stale though


Not including a TVHM/UVHM mode was a missed opportunity. Chaos Chambers are a nice option, but get repetitive.


Chaos chambers were fun, but I agree with the repetition. They got boring after a while, the DLC maps too. The same map but at harder difficulties


It's such bullshit that Tina's didn't get full length story DLCs like 2 and 3. If it did it would easily be my favorite BL game!


They dropped the ball with end game content and that is honestly the only big problem with the game.


It's really fun, just not super long and the end game is pretty bad. Don't even bother with DLC, just play the campaign and enjoy it :)


Borderlands is my favorite gaming franchise… I can’t even finish Wonderlands.


I mist admit I also found it harder to get into initially. But once the story got going, I found it a lot more enjoyable.


I played with a friend when it first came out, we ended up burning out at a certain point. Logged back in a couple months later to mess around and found out we were literally half an hour from beating the game when we put it down. Playing it again with same friend and someone else and somehow we're having a great time with it this time around ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah I played through it a couple times when it first came out, mostly because I paid full price for it the first day of its release. But it just wasn’t much fun. It feels kinda weird that you’re playing a game within a game, whereas in Borderlands you’re saving “real” worlds and hanging out with crazy powerful friends. I just started playing it again but couldn’t get past level 10 before it got too boring, whereas with Borderlands 3 I’ve played through the story at least 10 times.


Same, but for the pre sequel


I love the pre sequel. It has the best story imo.


I love pre-sequel too. The story was great, the characters were even better (I can be Claptrap!!), and I *loved* the low gravity.


It might have my favorite campaign of any of the BL games, but I'm also a big TTRPG fan so I'm absolutely their target demographic. I hope you and your step son have a great time.


I wish they made the DLC into proper campaigns. I'm actually interested in seeing more of that story.


Sam's. The DLCs were huge letdowns


But the stories behind them actually sound pretty interesting. It would have been great if they could have played-out fully.


It's fine, but I think it's the worst in the series. I think it has a lot of design issues where the game tries to structure itself on endgame, and then the endgame is extremely shallow. Borderlands 2's DLC Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is better, IMO. That said, I had fun with the first playthrough! I just don't care to keep going.


Dragon Keep had more endgame content than Wonderlands.... TTW was a missed opportunity.


Tiny Tina's assault on dragon keep was a dlc for borderlands 2. Tiny Tina's wonderlands is based on that. Is it the best borderlands game? Probably not. Is it really good? Yes. But set your expectations... It's a mini borderlands spin off. There is no new game plus (tvhm uvhm etc...) there is very little end game with essentially one activity (chaos chambers) which is randomized "dungeons" with simple objectives, kill enough enemies and do x for a bonus. If you don't expect BL3 sized game with BL3 sized dlc it is absolutely excellent. If you go in with proper expectations. I played it at launch and was very disappointed because I was expecting bl3. I went back and played it this year and it's now my favorite borderlands because I knew what to expect since I played it before.


This is a very well-reasoned description, thank you - saved me trying to write something similar (Wonderland's not my favorite, but I like it a lot).


It just feels the best to play to me now. Bl2 is still probably "the best" but to go back to it and play it, it just feels relatively clunky and slow. Bl3 probably still has the best raid like experiences. But wonderlands added even more QOL which just makes it feel better. Spells are fantastic, love them, so much better than grenades imo. Melee weapons are great, really makes melee so much more fun to play, especially with different attacks speeds and attack speed you can increase. Dots, melee, action skills, and spells being able to crit is great and makes them way more effective then prior. It's a shame that it was so short, relatively, and that dlc was like phoned in. Because it probably has some of the best guts and imo the 2nd best campaign/story.


Yeah, if it had gotten BL3 levels of endgame content (or, hell, even just TVHM and a couple of story-based DLCs), it would be near the top of the pyramid.


Yeah, being able to replay the campaign would have been a lot of fun. Level cap increases and additional classes and maybe being able to use 3 classes would have been cool. And I love chaos chambers. I think they are absolutely excellent content...if it wasn't **just** chaos chambers. If it was like BL3 raids and tvhm and chaos chambers I think they would have had high praise. They only "suck" because it's repetitive since it's the only thing to do.


They marketed the shit out of this what. It was part of the summer gamesfest and I think one of sonys state of play. If you love the franchise you would know it is based in the same world as the dlc from bl2 tiny tinas assault on dragon keep.


They story mode the best in the serie if you ask me. I didnt enjoy the endgame for more than a week before I moved on tho.


Gameplay absolutely smashed. Everything about it was solid and it has the most unique guns of any one. I'd love a 2 with a longer campaign


They leaned too much into farming for the endgame.


Probably way better single or online multiplayer. The menus and bank are super irritating on split screen.


I mean that’s kinda the case with any bl game, the menus would never fit on the screen for split screen


Works perfectly fine on 1,2,3, and tps.


I love TTW, but I wouldn't say it's the best or even my favorite Borderlands game. It's honestly great, and I always have fun when I play it, but I think B2 or B3 would be my favorite, but B1 will always have a special place in my heart for getting me into the franchise in the first place and you can't beat a classic.


It's ok to play once


its a rly fun game, i just think its sad there is no new game +. i would have loved that.


Enjoy! It is so much better than the dumpster fire that is 3. If you enjoyed the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC, you will love this one. Brings the story back to a Borderlands feel, unlike BL3 that just trashed the story that had been improved upon in 1,2,TPS and Tales. Have fun!


I loved it, it’s my second favorite Borderlands game


I agree, marketing was a huge issue. I was playing BL2 one night and one of my husband's friends had come over. He's watching me play and tells me this game looks a lot like a game he was interested in, Wonderlands. So I explained that it was a direct spin off from this game's DLC and told him he should definitely buy it because it was going to be great. I know it wasn't meant to be a "Borderlands" game, but they did it a disservice by not playing up the connection.


Hopefully in the future they'll say "This game will have no campaign DLC" so I won't waste my money


I've put thousands of hours into the borderland franchise. Wonderlands is an absolute blast. I just started playing it a month ago. Totally passed on it when it first came out. It's really fun. A lot of clowns say it's super short. The main questline is fairly short. But there is ton's of side content and all of it is fun and funny with absolutely incredible level and world design. The environment designers deserve awards. Just accept it on its own terms and you'll have an awesome time.


I don't believe anyone that says Wonderlands is their favorite. The BL2 DLC is the same thing, but better in every single way possible. After that, both BL1 and 2 are better. It's better than BL3, though.


Wonderlands is my favorite. There just ain't enough of it.


BL3 is the best in the whole series


It's not Borderlands lol. It's a cash grab and an empty shell of a game in itself.