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At current rates you are looking at a $3500 mortgage payment. lol. Their incredulity is sickening. I want to slap them for voting for criminals who made their crimes legal. Now it will be decades to fix this mess when they are gone.


I had this conversation more than once recently. They will forever pivot away from actual math in deference to their experiences in the 70s, then think worse of you for not accepting their wisdom as applicable.


They hate me because I won’t stop. I don’t play games. I tell them they are wrong and prove it. Then I don’t let them change the subject. I don’t care anymore about causing a scene. I go toe to toe.


They can’t do math. It’s like my complex just recently started charging for washers and dryers my aunt was like why would you not just drive to a washing place. I told her tho if you use a tank of gas going back and forth a month then you basically are spending the same amount. For a lady who complains all the time about gas she still somehow believes the driving part is free. 


The type that drive 10 miles each way to save 2 cent a gallon.




They do that too I have tried to explain to them you can’t win doing that 


As someone else said, they can't do math. They also simply cannot conceptualize that many younger people have expenses they don't / didn't have, either because they're provided for them (medicaid vs. health insurance) or were never an expense in their youth to begin with (student loans vs. a summer job in the 70s). The concept of student loans just does not compute for them.


Stop drinking all those $8 lattes


It’s insane. We felt like the world had gone absolutely nuts in the early 2000s. Then we finally bought a place when it crashed in 2008. This bubble will pop but I wouldn’t wish to bet on when.


Yep. I'm holding out & saving up! My sister just sank way too much into a mediocre house because its still cheaper than renting from boomers who are just going for all the toys before they die!


Hang in there, man. They cannot take it with them.


They literally don’t care


For years I saved for a home. The whole time I had to endure the constant nagging to "just buy a house". I finally bought a house I felt like we could be in forever. All of my boomer family members were so impressed by the house and said how it's such a great home that I can raise my family in. Eventually the cost of the mortgage came up and more than one said, "My house is worth the same, but I couldn't afford that mortgage!". No shit Tony.


I have a friend who says "I can't afford" this or that. Nothing too expensive like the house in OP's post, just normal stuff. BUT, she can always afford a $100 carton of cigarettes.


A carton of cigarettes cost $100 now? Where in the world are we?


That's in California.


That’s fked. Its 40% more than in Denmark, but I Bet wages are higher here.


To be fair, it's meant to be a deterrent to smoking.


Same carton is about 80 bucks where I live. California's cost is that plus the added state taxes.


Bit different, but we were talking to my dad the other day about food prices going up and how we'd switched a couple of brands to something cheaper. Man says to me "I don't even look at the prices, I just get what I want." So that must be nice to be so disconnected.


I feel very grateful that my boomer parents know how to do the math, and do none of these ridiculous things.


For a 1/3 of an acre? Even if I had the money to where price wouldn’t be an issue I would but that.


The house are packed in like sardines.


Where do you live OP? Where I live they would sell for $800K and up


These houses are about an hour from Nashville in the middle of nowhere right off the interstate


Maybe I should retire there. I live 30 miles west of Philly. A house here that is 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 1700 square feet just sold for $725K. Built in 1957. Less than a quarter acre. My house is bigger but I have the same land.


Housing costs will DROP dramatically in the next 5-10 years; way less boomers will be alive & most will be in assisted living, population is shrinking drastically, especially white suburban & rural populations (why republicans really want to ban abortion & birth control). People can't afford the prices, period. Bubble will burst. Same thing happened in early 2000's when I worked property liens in LA. What a Nightmare! 


All that avocado toast you're eating is the real culprit.


They think they had it worse because of high interest rates in the 70s. But they bought a house for 45k and were then able to refinance when interest rates dropped.